112 research outputs found

    Lo stato di conservazione dei Sassi di Matera: correlazione tra il degrado e le condizioni ambientali attraverso tecniche di analisi spaziale

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    In questo contributo è descritto un metodo per la valutazione dello stato di conservazione dei Sassi di Matera, sito iscritto nella lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell'UNESCO dal 1993 (i Sassi e il Parco delle Chiese Rupestri di Matera) e recentemente elett

    Approcci low-cost al monitoraggio microclimatico di ambienti confinati: il caso della Cripta di S.Francesco in Irsina (Matera)

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    Il monitoraggio ambientale è uno dei principali strumenti di valutazione e diagnosi utilizzato per appropriate strategie finalizzate alla salvaguardia del Patrimonio Culturale. Il sistema di monitoraggio è solo apparentemente uno strumento di facile utilizzo e gestione, in realtà esso nasconde diversi inconvenienti tra cui, ad esempio, i costi elevati di acquisto e manutenzione oltre ai costi legati alla gestione ed elaborazione dei dati. Ciò implica ch

    Basili Castle: the digital Atlas of Castles in Basilicata (Southern Italy)

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    The Institute for Archaeological and Monumental Heritage of the National Research Council, in cooperation with the Italian Institute of Castles - section of Basilicata, has designed and developed the digital Atlas of Castles of Basilicata. This Atlas, named BasiliCastle, aims at being a concrete contribution to the knowledge, fruition and promotion of the fortified architectural heritage of Basilicata. It includes a WebGIS and an App. The WebGIS is based on free geographical data and it is shared and supported by OpenStreetMap platform. The App provides users with a detailed geographical data, the historical and architectural description, pictures and 3D models of the castles. BasiliCastle has been developed using an Open Source environment and allows to share all the data which are fully available to users

    New stratigraphic and structural evidence for Late Pleistocene surface faulting along the Monte Olimpino Backthrust (Lombardia, N Italy)

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    We summarize some preliminary results achieved during the investigations conducted for the CARG Project, geological sheet n. 75 “Como”, i.e. the analysis of the Quaternary evolution of the “Monte Olimpino Backthrust” and the evaluation of its seismogenic activity. Cross-border field mapping between Ticino (CH) and Lombardia (IT) resulted in the finding of new outcrops (Borgo Vico site, in the north-western sector of the urban area of Como) located along the front of the Monte Olimpino Backthrust, that allowed to recognize evidence for Late Pleistocene reverse surface faulting along this structure. At Borgo Vico, a clastic Tertiary unit, the Villa Olmo Conglomerate, intercalated in the Chiasso Fm. of Early Oligocene age, is thrust over a Late Pleistocene fluvioglacial and glacio-lacustrine sequence (Comerci et alii, 2007). Until now, the Monte Olimpino Backthrust was supposed by most authors to have been active until Tortonian times. Sileo et alii (2007) inferred a Pliocene activity and proposed, based on geomorphic evidence, that fault displacement was still taking place during Pleistocene. However, this is the first time that Pleistocene activity along the Monte Olimpino Backthrust has been documented by unequivocal tectonic offset of late Pleistocene deposits. Paleoseismological analyses are in progress in order to distinguish potential coseismic movement from fault creep during the observed recent displacement

    Inhibition of MMP-2 and MMP-9 by Dietary Antioxidants in THP-1 Macrophages and Sera from Patients with Breast Cancer

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    Polyphenols, the main antioxidants of diet, have shown anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticarcinogenic activities. Here, we compared the effects of four polyphenolic compounds on ROS production and on the levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and -9, which represent important pathogenetic factors of breast cancer. THP-1 differentiated macrophages were activated by LPS and simultaneously treated with different doses of a green tea extract (GTE), resveratrol (RSV), curcumin (CRC) and an olive fruit extract (oliplus). By using the 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay, we found that all of the tested compounds showed antioxidant activity in vitro. In addition, GTE, RSV and CRC were able to counteract ROS production induced by H2O2 in THP-1 cells. As assessed by a zymographic analysis of THP-1 supernatants and by an “in-gel zymography” of a pool of sera from patients with breast cancer, the antioxidant compounds used in this study inhibited both the activity and expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 through different mechanisms related to their structures and to their ability to scavenge ROS. The results of this study suggest that the used antioxidants could be promising agents for the prevention and complementary treatment of breast cancer and other diseases in which MMPs play a pivotal role

    A fully integrated GaAs-based three-axis Hall magnetic sensor exploiting self-positioned strain released structures

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    In this work, we demonstrate a fully integrated three-axis Hall magnetic sensor by exploiting microfabrication technologies applied to a GaAs-based heterostructure. This allows us to obtain, by the same process, three mutually orthogonal sensors: an in-plane Hall sensor and two out-of-plane Hall sensors. The micromachined devices consist of a two-dimensional electron gas AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs multilayer which represents the sensing structure, grown on the top of an InGaAs/GaAs strained bilayer. After the release from the substrate, the strained bilayer acts as a hinge for the multilayered structure allowing the out-of-plane self-positioning of devices. Both the in-plane and out-of-plane Hall sensors show a linear response versus the magnetic field with a sensitivity for current-biased devices higher than 1000 V A−1 T−1, corresponding to an absolute sensitivity more than 0.05 V T−1 at 50 µA. Moreover, Hall voltage measurements, as a function of the mechanical angle for both in-plane and out-of-plane sensors, demonstrate the potential of such a device for measurements of the three vector components of a magnetic field

    GPR activities in Italy: a review

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    Ground-penetrating radar has been increasingly played an important role over the last 15 years in Italy due to its high reliability in assisting the assessment of the built environment for civil engineering purposes, and in being used for geophysical investigations within many other fields of application. In line with this, original works involving fundamental aspects of this technique and implementing its use more practically in a number of interesting projects have been developed over years, both under a research and an enterprise point of view. This paper will endeavour to review the current status of ground-penetrating radar activities in Italy. Efforts have been devoted to single out the most interesting national research projects, both recent and ongoing, involving ground-penetrating radar in Italy, such as the ARCHEO project in the 90s, funded by the Italian Ministry for Universities, wherein a stepped frequency ultra-wide band radar suited for archaeological surveys was manufactured. In this framework, it is worth citing another important and more recent project, European Community funded, namely, ORFEUS, which started in the late 2006 with the overall aim of providing the capability to locate buried infrastructure accurately and reliably by means of a bore-head ground-penetrating radar for horizontal directional drilling. A review on the main use of this non-destructive technique in management activities of national resources and infrastructures has been also performed, ranging from the applications made by Anas S.p.A., i.e. the main management authority for the Italian road and motorway network, up to private enterprises specialized in both services providing and ground-penetrating radar manufacturing such as, to cite a few, Sineco S.p.A. and IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A., respectively. Current national guidelines, rules or protocols to be followed during radar surveys have been also reviewed. Unlike well-established international standards such as the ASTM D 4748-98 and the ASTM D 6432-99 dealing with, respectively, thicknesses evaluation of bound layers in road pavements, and equipment, field procedures and data-interpretation for the electromagnetic evaluation of subsurface materials, it has to be noted that the Italian body of laws and rules tackles the ground-penetrating radar applications under an indirect and partial approach. Despite of such situation, national guidelines concerning utilities-detection activities as well as other theoretical and practical guidelines established by the major Italian private enterprises on this field can be also considered highly relevant. Moreover, a further focus on the activities and main devices of the major Italian ground-penetrating radar manufacturers have been thoroughly described. Under a research and innovation perspective, the most important test sites, such as the site of the University of Salento to reconstruct archaeological and urban subsurface scenarios have been listed along with the main advances reached in integrating ground-penetrating radar with other non-destructive techniques, to inform and potentially improve the possibility of new developments and collaborations

    GPR and IRT Tests in two Historical Buildings in Gravina in Puglia

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    This paper describes a noninvasive investigation conducted in two important churches, namely the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and the church Santa Croce, both placed in Gravina in Puglia (close to Bari, southern Italy). The church of Santa Croce, now deconsecrated, lies below the Cathedral. Therefore, indeed the two churches constitute a unique building body. Moreover, below the church of Santa Croce there are several crypts, only partially known. The prospecting was performed both with a pulsed commercial GPR system and with a prototypal reconfigurable stepped frequency system. The aim was twofold, namely to achieve some information about the monument and to test the prototypal system. The GPR measurements have been also integrated with an IRT investigation performed on part of the vaulted ceiling of the church of Santa Croce, in order to confirm or deny a possible interpretation of some GPR results

    Quaternary capable folds and seismic hazard in Lombardia (Northern Italy): the Castenedolo structure near Brescia.

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    We identify evidence of late Quaternary compressive tectonics in the Northern sector of the Central Po Plain through a systematic revision of the literature, new field mapping, and a new study of seismic reflection data obtained by ENI E&P. In particular, the reinterpretation of ca. 18.000 km of seismic profiles clearly shows a belt of segmented, 10 to 20 km long, fault propagation folds, controlled by the Plio-Quaternary growth of several out-of-sequence thrusts. As an example of this active structural style, in this paper we focus on a buried fold located just south of the Castenedolo Hill, a few km SE of Brescia. Although the Castenedolo anticline has long ago been described as a young compressional structure (e.g., DESIO, 1965), no detailed structural analysis of this feature has been performed until now. We calculated the uplift rates of this fold through the analysis of its syntectonic sedimentary record as imaged by the extremely high quality ENI E&P subsurface data available in the area. The evolution of this anticline was a discontinuous process characterized by several tectonic uplift pulses (with rates of ca. 0.1 mm/yr) of different duration, separated by periods of variable extent in which no fold growth occurred. The Quaternary growth history of this anticline and the presence of faulted and folded late Pleistocene to Holocene deposits at nearby sites (Ciliverghe and Monte Netto) demonstrate that the significant seismicity of this area (e.g., the December 25, 1222, Io = IX MCS Brescia earthquake, MAGRI & MOLIN, 1986; GUIDOBONI, 1986) must be related to active compressional structures within the Brescia piedmont belt. Our regional investigations show that the structural and paleoseismic setting illustrated near Castenedolo is typical of the whole Lombardia domain of the Southern Alps. This implies that the currently accepted seismotectonic model for this region, and related seismic hazard assessment, should be thoroughly and carefully re-evaluated