1,047 research outputs found

    Mini gastric bypass with 4k technology as treatment of morbid obesity in patient with ventriculoperitoneal shunt

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    Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt placement is used to treat idiopathic intracranial pressure. Obesity is a risk factor related to shunt migration, dislodgement, and subsequent failure due to increased intraabdominal pressure. Minigastric bypass consists in both restrictive and malabsorbative mechanisms, and indications to this procedure as an efficient primary and redo procedure are increasing lately. Technology can always improve the surgical act, and 4K vision is spreading in many operating rooms. Laparoscopic approach is subject to continuous change. Ultrahigh definition is the next development in video technology, it delivers fourfold more detail than full high definition resulting in improved fine detail, increased texture, and an almost photographic emulsion of smoothness of the image. New 4K ultrahigh-definition technology might remove the current need for the use of polarised glasses. We present the laparoscopic one anastomosis gastric bypass, done with the new 4K technology, as primary bariatric procedure for morbid obese patient with VP shunt

    Splenic and concomitant liver abscess after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

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    Introduction: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is a safe and effective procedure for losing weight and gaining control of obesity-related comorbidities. However, it is associated with postoperative complications such as bleeding, leak, and midgastric stenosis. Splenic and hepatic abscesses have been reported as unusual and rare complications after primary LSG. We report a case of splenic and concomitant hepatic abscesses after primary LSG, successful minimally invasive management, and midterm follow-up. Case Description: We report a complex case of splenic abscess with satellite hepatic abscess plus splenic thrombosis (0.1%) diagnosed 67 days after LSG. This unusual complication was managed by a minimally invasive approach (spleen sparing) with complete resolution after 35 days. After 18 months of follow-up, the patient showed complete resolution of the splenic and liver abscesses and progressive loss of excess weight. Conclusion: In high-volume centers, rare and life-threatening complications such as splenic and hepatic abscesses may be observed. The minimally invasive approach could represent an effective option of avoiding splenectomy in selected case

    On Doing Justice and Walking Humbly with God: Catholic Social Thought on Law as a Tool for Building Justice

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    This speech is the text of the 1996 Mirror of Justice Lecture delivered at The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law on November 18, 1996 at the invitation of the law school\u27s Guild of Catholic Lawyers

    Property and Moral Responsibilities: Some Reflections on Modern Catholic Social Theory

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    Professor Eric Claeys’s forthcoming book, Natural Property Rights, offers a deep perspective on property rights principles. However, while the law tends to focus—as I believe it must—on property rights, rights are inextricably intertwined with duties or responsibilities. The natural rights framework for property is, as Claeys says, “good enough for government work.” It reflects a principled way for the government to allocate property rights and use the law to protect them. However, it is necessary to look beyond what is desirable for government to protect through law. Other sources propose parameters for reasoned use of property with an emphasis on duties. The Catholic social tradition offers a perspective on the moral duties and responsibilities that accompany property rights. This is not a substitute for natural property rights and their robust legal protection. Rather, it is a way to supplement legally defined rights with a moral perspective stressing the correlative duties and responsibilities that come with those rights. This paper argues that the more focus there is on a rights-based view of property from a legal perspective, the more important it is to look at moral frameworks to promote a healthy and holistic vision of property. Modern Catholic social theory offers just such a framework

    Faith in the Public Square: Some Reflections on Its Role and Limitations From the Perspective of Catholic Social Teaching

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    In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the proper role of religion in the public square. This paper offers brief reflections on the role for religious entities to play in the process of law-making and the development of public policy. It addresses this question NOT from the perspective of the government looking at religion to see what role it should play. Rather, it examines this question from the perspective of a religious group assessing what its proper role and moral obligations might be in the public square. Much of this discussion is taken, specifically, from principles of Catholic social thought. It begins by discussing three valuable contributions that religious groups might make and then addresses a number of limitations on this role - not from the perspective of Constitutional law, but from the perspective of religious groups who should themselves understand the prudent limitations on their influence in shaping law

    Judicial Review of CERCLA Cleanup Procedures: Striking a Balance to Prevent Irreparable Harm

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    When Congress passed the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (“CERCLA”) in 1980 in response to the problems of toxic waste and hazardous substances, the central goals of the Act were clear. CERCLA was intended to provide an effective mechanism for cleaning up such dangers as quickly as possible, with as little expense as feasible, and with as much of that expense as possible borne by the responsible parties, rather than by the taxpayers. Accordingly, CERCLA included provisions for establishing liability for the costs of cleaning up hazardous waste sites. Congress also created the Superfund to pay for those cleanups for which no solvent responsible parties could be found.The Article examines the timing of judicial review of CERCLA cleanup programs and the delicate balance needed to create an equitable rule. It begins with an overview of the legislation as it is currently written: the general ban on judicial review, its limited exceptions, and the legislative history justifying it. The Article then explores the ways in which courts prior to the landmark United States v. Princeton Gamma-Tech have addressed this issue and worked within the parameters of the legislation. Next, the Article discusses the Gamma-Tech decision, the logic behind the court’s creation of an exception not found on the face of the Acts, and the effect of the court’s ruling on subsequent cases. The Article posits that the rule of Gamma-Tech provides an effective way to foster the remedial goals of CERCLA. Thus, the Article presents a model for a legislative solution to the problem based on the reasoning of the Gamma-Tech case. The Article concludes by critiquing some of the relevant proposals before Congress that address the jurisdictional bar and explains how the Gamma-Tech approach is superior.Although 15 years have passed from the publication of this article, the conflicting public policy issues it tackled continue to challenge environmental policy makers to this day

    Reflections on the Future of Social Justice

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    This Address contains remarks made on October 18, 1999 as part of the Dedication Celebration for the Seattle University School of Law

    Catholic Social Teaching and Its Impact on American Law: Observations on the Past and Reflections on the Future

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    In recent years, greater attention has been paid to the influence of Catholic social teaching as a contributor to legal debates in American society. As it has developed, Catholic social teaching clearly envisions a role for the Church to play in shaping society. The interplay between Catholic social teaching and American law is a fascinating, complex, and, at times, tense relationship. That relationship is the subject of these observations and reflections. The first part of this discussion explores how leading Church documents define the proper scope of influence for Catholic social teaching. After this brief background, the discussion will turn to reflection on the impact that Catholic social teaching has had on American law and politics. It will then explore in more depth three obstacles that have been barriers to a greater role for Catholic social thought in American legal and political discourse
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