16 research outputs found
Cervical epithelial changes in a tertiary hospital in northern Nigeria
Introduction: Cervical cancer is the commonest gynaecological malignancy in Nigeria, accounting for most deaths from cancers in women. Screening remains one of the best ways to prevent this catastrophe.Methodology: This was a cross sectional study conducted among patients that presented for cervical cancer screening at the Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Plateau State, North Central Nigeria over a Five-year period (1st August, 2006-31st July, 2011). Data was analyzed for frequencies using EPI Info 3.5.1, CDC, Atlanta, USA.Results: During the period of study (74.5%) of the 7863 women screened were normal. Inflammatory changes, LSIL and HSIL, were the commonest abnormalities. Eight point four percent (8.4.%) were either ASC-US or ASC-H, 35 (0.4%) were AGUS or AGUS-N. LSIL and HSIL were 547 (7.0%) and 193 (2.4%) respectively. One thousand, six hundred and seventy two (21.2%) were inflammation changes, bacterial infection, or trichomoniasis. Thirty two (0.4%) cases of suspected invasive carcinoma were seen.Conclusion: The abnormal cytological abnormality rate was high. More effort needs to be put in place to ensure that women have access to screening to reduce the burden of cervical cancer in this environment.Keywords: Paps smear, intraepithelial changes, cervical cancer, Jos University Teaching HospitalTrop J Obstet Gynaecol, 30 (1), April 201
Traumatismo torácico: estudo retrospectivo de 168 casos
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o atendimento ao paciente portador de traumatismo torácico. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo de 168 casos de trauma do tórax, com ênfase na abordagem inicial, conduta operatória e cuidados pós-operatórios. RESULTADOS: Dos 168 pacientes, 120 eram do sexo masculino e a média de idade encontrada foi de 35,5 anos. Dez pacientes foram toracotomizados de urgência, quatro por ferimento cardíaco, quatro devido à lesão de vasos pulmonares, um por lesão do saco pericárdico e outro do pedículo pulmonar. Os demais tiveram suas condições clínicas corrigidas através de simples drenagem torácica do hemitórax atingido. Ocorreram dois óbitos não cirúrgicos e um devido à insuficiência respiratória. CONCLUSÕES: O traumatismo torácico, além de ser muito freqüente, é na maioria das vezes, de fácil resolução. Podem ocorrer, no entanto, lesões torácicas graves envolvendo órgãos vitais que merecem intervenção mais agressiva e perícia técnica, com suporte hospitalar de alto nível