432 research outputs found

    The constancy of gene conservation across divergent bacterial orders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Orthologous genes are frequently presumed to perform similar functions. However, outside of model organisms, this is rarely tested. One means of inferring changes in function is if there are changes in the level of gene conservation and selective constraint. Here we compare levels of gene conservation across three bacterial groups to test for changes in gene functionality.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The level of gene conservation for different orthologous genes is highly correlated across clades, even for highly divergent groups of bacteria. These correlations do not arise from broad differences in gene functionality (e.g. informational genes vs. metabolic genes), but instead seem to result from very specific differences in gene function. Furthermore, these functional differences appear to be maintained over very long periods of time.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that even over broad time scales, most bacterial genes are under a nearly constant level of purifying selection, and that bacterial evolution is thus dominated by selective and functional stasis.</p

    Ethical issues and GenomEUtwin

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    The post-genomic era is witnessing a proliferation of large-scale and population based genetic and genomic research projects. Many countries have or are establishing research biobanks and, as with GenomEUtwin, there is great interest in building multinational projects that link genotypic and phenotypic information from different centers. Clearly, the conduct of these projects raises multiple ethical issues, and the knowledge generated will continually recast the ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of such research. Maximising the scientific profit from this work while minimizing the risks to the participants requires full integration of ethics components into the structure and functioning of these projects. GenomEUtwin is organized around five intellectual cores, including an Ethics Core which operates across the entire project. This paper describes the role of the Ethics Core and presents an overview of the guidelines on which the principles followed in GenomEUtwin are based. We outline the major ethical concerns of our project and highlight complexities arising from diverse national legislations. Finally, the role of empirically based ethics research is discussed for understanding the ethical, legal, social and economic implications of human genetics and genomics research

    Sub-Doppler optical-optical double-resonance spectroscopy using a cavity-enhanced frequency comb probe

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    Accurate parameters of molecular hot-band transitions, i.e., those starting from vibrationally excited levels, are needed to accurately model high-temperature spectra in astrophysics and combustion, yet laboratory spectra measured at high temperatures are often unresolved and difficult to assign. Optical-optical double-resonance (OODR) spectroscopy allows the measurement and assignment of individual hot-band transitions from selectively pumped energy levels without the need to heat the sample. However, previous demonstrations lacked either sufficient resolution, spectral coverage, absorption sensitivity, or frequency accuracy. Here we demonstrate OODR spectroscopy using a cavity-enhanced frequency comb probe that combines all these advantages. We detect and assign sub-Doppler transitions in the 3ν{\nu}3{_3}{\leftarrow}ν{\nu}3{_3} spectral range of methane with frequency accuracy and sensitivity more than an order of magnitude better than before. This technique will provide high-accuracy data about excited states of a wide range of molecules that is urgently needed for theoretical modeling of high-temperature data and cannot be obtained using other methods

    Whole-genome sequencing of Theileria parva strains provides insight into parasite migration and diversification in the african continent

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    The disease caused by the apicomplexan protozoan parasite Theileria parva, known as East Coast fever or Corridor disease, is one of the most serious cattle diseases in Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa. We performed whole-genome sequencing of nine T. parva strains, including one of the vaccine strains (Kiambu 5), field isolates from Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania, or Rwanda, and two buffalo-derived strains. Comparison with the reference Muguga genome sequence revealed 34 814–121 545 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were more abundant in buffalo-derived strains. High-resolution phylogenetic trees were constructed with selected informative SNPs that allowed the investigation of possible complex recombination events among ancestors of the extant strains. We further analysed the dN/dS ratio (non-synonymous substitutions per non-synonymous site divided by synonymous substitutions per synonymous site) for 4011 coding genes to estimate potential selective pressure. Genes under possible positive selection were identified that may, in turn, assist in the identification of immunogenic proteins or vaccine candidates. This study elucidated the phylogeny of T. parva strains based on genome-wide SNPs analysis with prediction of possible past recombination events, providing insight into the migration, diversification, and evolution of this parasite species in the African continent

    Managing Dynamic User Communities in a Grid of Autonomous Resources

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    One of the fundamental concepts in Grid computing is the creation of Virtual Organizations (VO's): a set of resource consumers and providers that join forces to solve a common problem. Typical examples of Virtual Organizations include collaborations formed around the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments. To date, Grid computing has been applied on a relatively small scale, linking dozens of users to a dozen resources, and management of these VO's was a largely manual operation. With the advance of large collaboration, linking more than 10000 users with a 1000 sites in 150 counties, a comprehensive, automated management system is required. It should be simple enough not to deter users, while at the same time ensuring local site autonomy. The VO Management Service (VOMS), developed by the EU DataGrid and DataTAG projects[1, 2], is a secured system for managing authorization for users and resources in virtual organizations. It extends the existing Grid Security Infrastructure[3] architecture with embedded VO affiliation assertions that can be independently verified by all VO members and resource providers. Within the EU DataGrid project, Grid services for job submission, file- and database access are being equipped with fine- grained authorization systems that take VO membership into account. These also give resource owners the ability to ensure site security and enforce local access policies. This paper will describe the EU DataGrid security architecture, the VO membership service and the local site enforcement mechanisms Local Centre Authorization Service (LCAS), Local Credential Mapping Service(LCMAPS) and the Java Trust and Authorization Manager.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 7 pages, LaTeX, 5 eps figures. PSN TUBT00

    Optical frequency comb Fourier transform spectroscopy of formaldehyde in the 1250 to 1390 cm−1 range: Experimental line list and improved MARVEL analysis

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    We use optical frequency comb Fourier transform spectroscopy to record high-resolution, low-pressure, room-temperature spectra of formaldehyde (H212C16O) in the range of 1250 to 1390 cm−1. Through line-by-line fitting, we retrieve line positions and intensities of 747 rovibrational transitions: 558 from the ν6 band, 129 from the ν4 band, and 14 from the ν3 band, as well as 46 from four different hot bands. We incorporate the accurate and precise line positions (0.4 MHz median uncertainty) into the MARVEL (measured active vibration-rotation energy levels) analysis of the H2CO spectrum. This increases the number of MARVEL-predicted energy levels by 82 and of rovibrational transitions by 5382, and substantially reduces uncertainties of MARVEL-derived H2CO energy levels over a large range: from pure rotational levels below 200 cm−1 up to multiply excited vibrational levels at 6000 cm−1. This work is an important step toward filling the gaps in formaldehyde data in the HITRAN database

    A Genome-Wide Analysis of Promoter-Mediated Phenotypic Noise in Escherichia coli

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    Gene expression is subject to random perturbations that lead to fluctuations in the rate of protein production. As a consequence, for any given protein, genetically identical organisms living in a constant environment will contain different amounts of that particular protein, resulting in different phenotypes. This phenomenon is known as “phenotypic noise.” In bacterial systems, previous studies have shown that, for specific genes, both transcriptional and translational processes affect phenotypic noise. Here, we focus on how the promoter regions of genes affect noise and ask whether levels of promoter-mediated noise are correlated with genes' functional attributes, using data for over 60% of all promoters in Escherichia coli. We find that essential genes and genes with a high degree of evolutionary conservation have promoters that confer low levels of noise. We also find that the level of noise cannot be attributed to the evolutionary time that different genes have spent in the genome of E. coli. In contrast to previous results in eukaryotes, we find no association between promoter-mediated noise and gene expression plasticity. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that, in bacteria, natural selection can act to reduce gene expression noise and that some of this noise is controlled through the sequence of the promoter region alon

    Update of the Minimum Information About BIobank Data Sharing (MIABIS) Core Terminology to the 3<sup>rd</sup> Version

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    Introduction: The Minimum Information About BIobank Data Sharing (MIABIS) is a biobank-specific terminology enabling the sharing of biobank-related data for different purposes across a wide range of database implementations. After 4 years in use and with the first version of the individual-level MIABIS component Sample, Sample donor, and Event, it was necessary to revise the terminology, especially to include biobanks that work more in the data domain than with samples.Materials &amp; Methods: Nine use-cases representing different types of biobanks, studies, and networks participated in the development work. They represent types of data, specific sample types, or levels of organization that were not included earlier in MIABIS. To support our revision of the Biobank entity, we conducted a survey of European biobanks to chart the services they provide. An important stakeholder group for biobanks include researchers as the main users of biobanks. To be able to render MIABIS more researcher-friendly, we collected different sample/data requests to analyze the terminology adjustment needs in detail. During the update process, the Core terminology was iteratively reviewed by a large group of experts until a consensus was reached.Results: With this update, MIABIS was adjusted to encompass data-driven biobanks and to include data collections, while also describing the services and capabilities biobanks offer to their users, besides the retrospective samples. The terminology was also extended to accommodate sample and data collections of nonhuman origin. Additionally, a set of organizational attributes was compiled to describe networks.Discussion: The usability of MIABIS Core v3 was increased by extending it to cover more topics of the biobanking domain. Additionally, the focus was on a more general terminology and harmonization of attributes with the individual-level entities Sample, Sample donor, and Event to keep the overall terminology minimal. With this work, the internal semantics of the MIABIS terminology was improved

    Association analyses of the MAS-QTL data set using grammar, principal components and Bayesian network methodologies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been shown that if genetic relationships among individuals are not taken into account for genome wide association studies, this may lead to false positives. To address this problem, we used Genome-wide Rapid Association using Mixed Model and Regression and principal component stratification analyses. To account for linkage disequilibrium among the significant markers, principal components loadings obtained from top markers can be included as covariates. Estimation of Bayesian networks may also be useful to investigate linkage disequilibrium among SNPs and their relation with environmental variables.</p> <p>For the quantitative trait we first estimated residuals while taking polygenic effects into account. We then used a single SNP approach to detect the most significant SNPs based on the residuals and applied principal component regression to take linkage disequilibrium among these SNPs into account. For the categorical trait we used principal component stratification methodology to account for background effects. For correction of linkage disequilibrium we used principal component logit regression. Bayesian networks were estimated to investigate relationship among SNPs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using the Genome-wide Rapid Association using Mixed Model and Regression and principal component stratification approach we detected around 100 significant SNPs for the quantitative trait (p<0.05 with 1000 permutations) and 109 significant (p<0.0006 with local FDR correction) SNPs for the categorical trait. With additional principal component regression we reduced the list to 16 and 50 SNPs for the quantitative and categorical trait, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>GRAMMAR could efficiently incorporate the information regarding random genetic effects. Principal component stratification should be cautiously used with stringent multiple hypothesis testing correction to correct for ancestral stratification and association analyses for binary traits when there are systematic genetic effects such as half sib family structures. Bayesian networks are useful to investigate relationships among SNPs and environmental variables.</p