131 research outputs found

    Ornament sznurowy na ceramice ludności kultury amfor kulistych z Poznania-Nowego Miasta (stan. 314)

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    The article discusses a corded decoration on pottery from the Amphorae Globular Culture seasonal camp. Analysis of impressions on the pot outer surfaces revealed that this characteristic motif was produced by a simple textile template. Fragments of a five-stranded cord (S/3S/2Z) - certainly not a two-stranded one - were sewn on a net 'band' (item of a sprang type). This technique guaranteed a precise layout and space between particular impressions (ca. 2 mm each) on a soft amphorae (?) surface irrespective of an angle of ornament placements and decorative element joints.The article discusses a corded decoration on pottery from the Amphorae Globular Culture seasonal camp. Analysis of impressions on the pot outer surfaces revealed that this characteristic motif was produced by a simple textile template. Fragments of a five-stranded cord (S/3S/2Z) - certainly not a two-stranded one - were sewn on a net 'band' (item of a sprang type). This technique guaranteed a precise layout and space between particular impressions (ca. 2 mm each) on a soft amphorae (?) surface irrespective of an angle of ornament placements and decorative element joints

    An analysis of fabrics impressions on pottery from the 9™ to 11™ century from Góra, Site 1, Pobiedziska commune, Wielkopolska voivodeship

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    Results of the analysis of fabrics impressions on pottery brings about a valuable information about materials used in potter’s workshops. It seems that old rags were most commonly used there. Craftsmen employed them for the following purposes: (a) to get a molded vessel unstuck from pad and/or wheel (the rag was put under the bottom - possibly instead of filling); (b) to smooth vessel’s surface (after it has been formed); (c) to carry finished, albeit still soft pot; (d) to put a drying vessel on the fabric. A study of “pottery” fabrics, often completely ignored by scholars, is not of trivial importance for the reconstruction of textile products, not only in the Middle Ages.Results of the analysis of fabrics impressions on pottery brings about a valuable information about materials used in potter’s workshops. It seems that old rags were most commonly used there. Craftsmen employed them for the following purposes: (a) to get a molded vessel unstuck from pad and/or wheel (the rag was put under the bottom - possibly instead of filling); (b) to smooth vessel’s surface (after it has been formed); (c) to carry finished, albeit still soft pot; (d) to put a drying vessel on the fabric. A study of “pottery” fabrics, often completely ignored by scholars, is not of trivial importance for the reconstruction of textile products, not only in the Middle Ages

    Simulation of diffusion in a crowded environment

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    We performed extensive and systematic simulation studies of two-dimensional fluid motion in a complex crowded environment. In contrast to other studies we focused on cooperative phenomena that occurred if the motion of particles takes place in a dense crowded system, which can be considered as a crude model of a cellular membrane. Our main goal was to answer the following question: how do the fluid molecules move in an environment with a complex structure, taking into account the fact that motions of fluid molecules are highly correlated. The dynamic lattice liquid (DLL) model, which can work at the highest fluid density, was employed. Within the frame of the DLL model we considered cooperative motion of fluid particles in an environment that contained static obstacles. The dynamic properties of the system as a function of the concentration of obstacles were studied. The subdiffusive motion of particles was found in the crowded system. The influence of hydrodynamics on the motion was investigated via analysis of the displacement in closed cooperative loops. The simulation and the analysis emphasize the influence of the movement correlation between moving particles and obstacles

    The Open-Access Journal for the Basic Principles of Diffusion Theory, Experiment and Application Simulation of diffusion in a crowded environment: The application of the Dynamic Lattice Liquid Model (DLL)

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    Extensive and systematic simulation studies of two-dimensional fluid motion in a complex crowded environment were performed. In contrast to other works we focused on cooperative phenomena that occurred where the motion of particles takes place in a dense crowded system. Our main goal was to answer the question how do fluid molecules move in an environment which has a complex structure and taking into consideration the fact that motion of fluid molecules is highly correlated. The Dynamic Lattice Liquid (DLL) model, which can work at the highest fluid density, was employed. It became the basis for a parallel algorithm, which took into account coincidences of attempts of elementary molecular motion resulting in local cooperative structural transformations. Within the frame of the DLL model we considered cooperative motions of fluid particles in an environment that contained static obstacles. We studied the dynamic properties of the system, like the mean square displacement and the relaxation time of the position as a function of the concentration of obstacles. The changes of hydrodynamic interactions were also investigated by studies of the distribution of cooperative loop length. The subdiffusive motion of particles was found in the crowded system. It was also shown that the percolation threshold determined from the dynamic behavior of the mobile particles was considerably lower than that determined from the cluster analysis. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from NCN grant nr 2011/01/B/ST5/06319

    Ceramika grafitowa z Ostrowa Tumskiego w Poznaniu

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    The article’s objective is to present the first graphite goods found at the princely part of the Poznań stronghold. Pottery fragments, a disc with a hole made of graphite sherd, and spindle whorl have been discovered at the foundations of the Mieszko I palatium, next to the remains of a goldsmith’s workshop. Relatively straightforward stratigraphy, despite later destruction caused by numerous construction phases of the Sacred Mary Church, along with accompanied artifacts from the layers, make possible to date these finds to the period stretching from the 10 -1 1th to the 12th 13th centuries and regard them as ‘imports’ from the south. Besides the 12th century settlement at Szeląg, this is the second site in Poznań where this characteristic type of pottery has been found.The article’s objective is to present the first graphite goods found at the princely part of the Poznań stronghold. Pottery fragments, a disc with a hole made of graphite sherd, and spindle whorl have been discovered at the foundations of the Mieszko I palatium, next to the remains of a goldsmith’s workshop. Relatively straightforward stratigraphy, despite later destruction caused by numerous construction phases of the Sacred Mary Church, along with accompanied artifacts from the layers, make possible to date these finds to the period stretching from the 10 -1 1th to the 12th 13th centuries and regard them as ‘imports’ from the south. Besides the 12th century settlement at Szeląg, this is the second site in Poznań where this characteristic type of pottery has been found

    O rzekomej fundacji biskupstwa w Miśni 2 stycznia 968 roku

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    Über die angebliche Stiftung des Bistums Meißen am 2. Januar 968ZusammenfassungDer Verfasser des vorliegenden Aufsatzes polemisiert gegen den Versuch von Wojciech Jasiński, die Echtheit des von Johannes XIII. am 2. Januar 968 zugunsten des Abtes und Bischofs von Meißen Burkhard ausgestellten Privilegs zu erweisen. Detailliert wurden sowohl die älteren, aus der Literatur bekannten als auch die neuen, von W. Jasiński vorgestellten Argumente, die angeblich für die Echtheit der Urkunde sprechen, diskutiert. Denn alle Beweisführungen erweisen sich als nicht überzeugend oder gar falsch. Weder die diplomatische Analyse noch die von W. Jasiński vermuteten historischen Umstände oder die Hinzuziehung des kanonisches Rechts halten der Kritik stand. W. Jasiński konnte vor allem nicht überzeugend darlegen, warum das Privileg Johannes’ XIII. teilweise Textpassagen beinhaltet, die in späteren ottonischen Urkunden wiederkehren, ohne auf die vermeintliche Vorlage zu verweisen. In diesem Aufsatz wird daher aufgezeigt, daß die Meißner Urkunde – die vom Verfasser gänzlich für eine Fälschung gehalten wird – in einen breiteren historischen Kontext gestellt werden kann, vor allem in den Zusammenhang mit den in der ersten Hälfte des 12. Jahrhunderts zugunsten des Bistums Meißen ausgefertigten Fälschungen. Die Meißner Urkunde ist daher für die Kirchengeschichte Polens von keinerlei Bedeutung. On the supposed foundation of a bishopric in Meissen on 2 January 968AbstractThe paper is a polemic with Wojciech Jasiński’s attempt to prove the authenticity of the document issued by John XIII on 2 January 968 for Burkhard, abbot of the monastery and bishop of Meissen. Both old arguments known from the literature and the new ones put forward by Wojciech Jasiński, which are supposed to speak for the authenticity of the document, are discussed in great detail. All of them turn out to be either unconvincing or wrong. Neither diplomatic analysis, nor the historical and legal circumstances assumed by Jasiński stand up to scrutiny. First of all, Jasiński does not explain why the document of John XIII contains in part a text which later appears in Ottonian documents without references to it. The article shows that the Meissen document – which the author considers to be a forgery in it entirety – may be placed within a wider historical context, especially that of other forgeries for the benefit of the bishopric of Meissen, produced in the first half of the 12th century. Thus the Meissen document is of no value for Church history in Poland.Über die angebliche Stiftung des Bistums Meißen am 2. Januar 968ZusammenfassungDer Verfasser des vorliegenden Aufsatzes polemisiert gegen den Versuch von Wojciech Jasiński, die Echtheit des von Johannes XIII. am 2. Januar 968 zugunsten des Abtes und Bischofs von Meißen Burkhard ausgestellten Privilegs zu erweisen. Detailliert wurden sowohl die älteren, aus der Literatur bekannten als auch die neuen, von W. Jasiński vorgestellten Argumente, die angeblich für die Echtheit der Urkunde sprechen, diskutiert. Denn alle Beweisführungen erweisen sich als nicht überzeugend oder gar falsch. Weder die diplomatische Analyse noch die von W. Jasiński vermuteten historischen Umstände oder die Hinzuziehung des kanonisches Rechts halten der Kritik stand. W. Jasiński konnte vor allem nicht überzeugend darlegen, warum das Privileg Johannes’ XIII. teilweise Textpassagen beinhaltet, die in späteren ottonischen Urkunden wiederkehren, ohne auf die vermeintliche Vorlage zu verweisen. In diesem Aufsatz wird daher aufgezeigt, daß die Meißner Urkunde – die vom Verfasser gänzlich für eine Fälschung gehalten wird – in einen breiteren historischen Kontext gestellt werden kann, vor allem in den Zusammenhang mit den in der ersten Hälfte des 12. Jahrhunderts zugunsten des Bistums Meißen ausgefertigten Fälschungen. Die Meißner Urkunde ist daher für die Kirchengeschichte Polens von keinerlei Bedeutung. On the supposed foundation of a bishopric in Meissen on 2 January 968AbstractThe paper is a polemic with Wojciech Jasiński’s attempt to prove the authenticity of the document issued by John XIII on 2 January 968 for Burkhard, abbot of the monastery and bishop of Meissen. Both old arguments known from the literature and the new ones put forward by Wojciech Jasiński, which are supposed to speak for the authenticity of the document, are discussed in great detail. All of them turn out to be either unconvincing or wrong. Neither diplomatic analysis, nor the historical and legal circumstances assumed by Jasiński stand up to scrutiny. First of all, Jasiński does not explain why the document of John XIII contains in part a text which later appears in Ottonian documents without references to it. The article shows that the Meissen document – which the author considers to be a forgery in it entirety – may be placed within a wider historical context, especially that of other forgeries for the benefit of the bishopric of Meissen, produced in the first half of the 12th century. Thus the Meissen document is of no value for Church history in Poland

    A “new” late medieval stronghold in the region of the Bnin lakes (Błażejewo, Kórnik commune, Wielkopolska voivodeship)

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    The document from 1422, published in Codex Diplomatics Maioris Poloniae (volume VIII, 1989, No. 935), refers to a fortified mansion from Błażejewo at the Bnin Lake, located about 25 km SE from Poznań. The article presents results of archaeological and geological search of this construction that was undertaken in the year 2000. It was further confronted with other written sources referring to medieval history of two Wielkopolska magnate’s houses: Grzymała and Łodzia-Bniński. The article is an important contribution to the recognition of the late medieval fortified architecture in the Wielkopolska region.The document from 1422, published in Codex Diplomatics Maioris Poloniae (volume VIII, 1989, No. 935), refers to a fortified mansion from Błażejewo at the Bnin Lake, located about 25 km SE from Poznań. The article presents results of archaeological and geological search of this construction that was undertaken in the year 2000. It was further confronted with other written sources referring to medieval history of two Wielkopolska magnate’s houses: Grzymała and Łodzia-Bniński. The article is an important contribution to the recognition of the late medieval fortified architecture in the Wielkopolska region

    Unaprijeđeni algoritmi za izravno upravljanje momentom

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    In the paper a new way of DTC control method analysis to explain flux and current distortion at a low speed of motor operation is discussed. As a result, a new DTC-_ algorithm is proposed. It is important that the DTC-_algorithm uses the same switching table as the DTC method. The modified DTC algorithms are free from the disadvantages of the conventional DTC method i.e. hexagonal flux and strongly deformed current at a low speed range. The dynamical properties of the new algorithms are similar to the conventional DTC method. The correctness of the proposed methods has been confirmed by laboratory investigations.Ovaj se rad bavi novim načinom analize izravnog upravljanja momentom (DTC) radi objašnjenja distorzije toka i struje na malim brzinama vrtnje motora. Kao rezultat, predložen je novi DTC-_ algoritam. Pritom je značajno da novi DTC-_ algoritam koristi istu tablicu prekapčanja kao i DTC metoda. Modificirani DTC algoritmi su bez nedostataka karakterističnih za konvencionalne DTC metode, poput heksagonalnog toka i izrazito izobličene struje pri niskim brzinama. Dinamička svojstva novih algoritama su slična konvencionalnoj DTC metodi. Predložene metode su potvr.ene laboratorijskim ispitivanjima