46 research outputs found

    Penerapan Multimedia dalam Pembelajaran di Tk Ananda Bagan Batu

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    Abstrack - The interest in reading children in a conventional manner is currently less attractive to the age of kindergarten children (tk) so that technological tools are perceived visually and in motion so that children are more interested and easy in the learning process. The development of multimedia applications as a means of assisting devices helps children to be more creative and interested in learning and can stimulate the thinking of children in the field of education taught in children's garden schools. The programming language used is the VB programming language and is supported with photoshop in the design of existing images as well as sound recorders for recording sound built into the application. Keywords - multimedia, vb, t


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    In a transformation process to become a climate-neutral city campus, universities have to deal with the sustainable concept. Since “human factor” plays a significant role in the transformation process, providing easy access to environmental data to influence building occupants’ behavior is essential. By utilizing energy-related data without spatial attribute and existing building geospatial data, data visualization in a web browser can be established for both 2D and 3D platforms. Our implementation presents a visualization of indoor sensor measurement data, where the same geospatial data can be used for both 2D and 3D visualizations even though the 3D platform needs an adjustment. Our approach results in a monitoring tool prototype based on visualization of indoor sensors measurement data, which can be accessed easily in a web browser by all building occupants

    Peranan Ekolabel Dalam Niat Pembelian: Suatu Studi Empiris Pada Merek the Body Shop

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    This research aims to assess the relationship between behavioral variables on the environment: ecolabel awareness, trust, ecolabel knowledge, ecolabel availability, and environmental concerns of intention to buy. Data was collected through questionnaires with non-probability sampling method which included a total sample of 230 respondents. Hypothesis testing was conducted by applying Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results shows that there are six out of ten supported hypotheses and four unsupported hypotheses. The six hypotheses supported are (1) there is positive relationship between attitude and trust in buying environmentally friendly product, (2) there is positive relationship between ecolabel awareness and ecolabel attention, (3) there is positive relationship between ecolabel awareness and intention to buy, (4) there is positive relationship between trust in buying environmentally product and ecolabel attention, (5) there is positive relationship between trust in buying environmentally product and intention to buy, and (6) there is positive relationship between ecolabel availability and ecolabel attention. This research also contributes theoretical contributions, managerial implications, and recommendations for further researc


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    Turbin vortex adalah turbin yang memanfaatkan pusaran air sebagai penggerak sudu turbin dengan head yang rendah dan bisa digunakan pada aliran sungai.Pada penelitian ini digunakan 3 dimensi sudu yang berbeda dengan bentuk casing lingkaran dan memiliki 3 variasi saluran buang dan ketinggian poros dari dasar casing.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan pompa sebagai sirkulator air dan menggunakan talang sebagai saluran masuk rumah turbin.Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi perancangan, pembuatan turbin vortex, dan pengujian torsi turbin.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sudu 3,yaitu dengan dimensi tinggi 78,3 cm dan lebar 13,5 cm memiliki efisiensi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sudu yang lainnya dengan menggunakan diameter saluran buang 7cm

    The living landscape of Jakarta in Leonard Retel Helmrich's documentary triptych

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    Focusing on the lives of three generations of a lower-class Indonesian family, Leonard Retel Helmrich’s documentary triptych Eye of the Day (2001), Shape of the Moon (2004) and Position Among the Stars (2010) offers a unique insight into the hectic life of the slums of Jakarta, presenting its landscape as a living, breathing organism; a landscape of people. Utilizing an innovative cinematographic style referred to as ‘Single Shot Cinema’, these films give a perspective on Indonesia that is at once intimate, spectacular, personal and immersive. To the cursory eye, this project may appear to be reliving the impossible dream of Direct Cinema. Yet rather than pursuing an outdated and unattainable ideal of objective documentary, these films embrace a broader, more inclusive concept of reality, of which the intuitive, subjective perspective of the filmmaker forms as much a part as the events that are represented. These films, we argue, can therefore be seen as exemplary of a ‘subjective turn’ that is taking place in documentary filmmaking, which entails a re-evaluation and repositioning of the role of documentary subject, from passive subject or victim of social circumstance to active, empowered individual. This development furthermore encompasses a ‘metamodern’ rethinking of the purpose of documentary, beyond a postmodern disillusionment with the project of capturing ‘reality’ singular and towards the embracement of subjective, personal, and pluralistic perspectives


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    Objective: The aim of the study was to detect the differences in number and the distribution of angiotensin II type-1 receptor (AT1R) in BPH, high grade PIN, and adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Material & method: A prospective study was performed in RSHS, in collaboration with the Department of Anatomical Pathology. Prostate samples were taken by TUR of the prostate, and then divided into 5 groups. They were BPH, high grade PIN, adenocarcinoma of the prostate in 3 difference grades (well, moderate, and poorly differentiated). Kidney tissue for control. Immunohistochemical staining was done to determine the angiotensin II type-1 (AT1R) receptor distribution as primary antibody used was mouse monoclonal antibody AT1 (TONI-1): sc-57036, Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc., CA. Results: Angiotensin II type-1 receptor was found in material of BPH, high grade PIN and adenocarcinoma of the prostate. The number and distribution of the receptors were not different. Conclusion: There are no significant differences in number and distribution of angiotensin II type-1 receptor on BPH, high grade PIN, and adenocarcinoma of the prostate

    The Hong Kong Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents: Commercial Contracts: General Clauses

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