14 research outputs found

    Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Hipertensi Pada Penduduk Indonesia Yang Menderita Diabetes Melitus (Data Riskesdas 2013)

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    Prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension is increasing worldwide due to lifestyle changes. Both of them increase the risk of cardiovascular and renal diseases. This study aimed to assess the association of several factors with hypertension among DM people based on Basic Health Research 2013 data. DM respondents was selected based on having been diagnosed as DM by medical doctors or was taking DM medication, or blood glucose examination confirmed DM according to Perkeni consensus 2011. Hypertension was defined based on having diagnosed by health providers or was taking antihypertension medication or blood pressure examination showing systolic pressure of ≥140 mmHg, and/or diastolic pressure of ≥90 mmHg. There were 5253 respondents with DM, consisted of 1966 males (37.4%), and 3287 females (62.6%). The proportion of hypertension was 51.8% (95%CI: 49.4-54.2), 45.8% males, and 55.4% females with p≥0.05. The risk of hypertension increased among respondents aged 45 years and over by 2.63 times, mental emotional disorders (2.19 times), central obesity (1.75 times), hypercholesterolemia (1.68 times), general obesity (1.57 times), unemployed (1.39 times), low education (1.30 times) with p<0.05. Several of those factors were preventable and controllable. Hence, health promotion and disease prevention should be encouraged

    Ketersediaan Hayati (Bioavailability) Gula Putih dan Gula Aren sebagai Sumber Enerji pada Tikus Wistar

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    Sixty male rats with the age of two months, weight 160-170 g were divided into three groups i.e A, B and C each of 20 animals. Each rat was located in one cage. Group A was given stock-diet, group B and group C were given either stock-diet 44 % plus 56 % cane sugar or stock-diet 44 % plus 56 % brown sugar. Diet and drinking water were given daily ad libitum. The experiment lasted for three months. Body weights and blood glucose of all animals were examined at the end of experiment.Results showed that the average body weights of the three groups did not differ significantly (p > 0.05). Blood glucose of stock-diet group differ significantly with that of brown sugar group (p < 0.01) however blood glucose of brown sugar and cane sugar did not differ significantly. Food consumption of the three groups was found significantly different. The highest was found in brown sugar group followed by cane sugar group and stock-diet group, however, the correlation between food consumption and blood glucose level was not positive. It is concluded that the bioavailability of cane and brown sugar was almost similar

    Status Gizi dan Fungsi Hati Mencit ( Galur Cbs-Swiss) dan Tikus Putih (Galur Wistar) di Laboratorium Hewan Percobaan Puslitbang Biomedis dan Farmasi

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    Mice (CBS-Swiss strain) and albino rats (Wistar strain) are experimental animals bred and kept in Centre for Biomedical and Pharmaceuticals Research and Development, National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) Jakarta. The objective of this study is to elucidate the health profile of these animals and to assess their suitability as experimental animals. Parameters being measured include body weight gain, histopathology of the liver, blood test (SGPT, SCOT, billirubin scale) and internal organ weights (liver, kidney, lungs and lymph nodes). In this study, particularly forthe body weight, used 180 mice and 180 rats, divided into 3 age groups 1, 2 and 3 months old. Each age groups consisted of 60 animals (30 male and 30 female). For the measurement of blood test, weight of internal organs and histopathologic of the liver examination used 60 mice and 60 rats from these animals. Which are divided into 3 groups 1, 2 and 3 months old, each groups were composed of 20 (10 male and 10 female animals). Mice and rats are taken at random sampling. Data analysis were conducted by ANOVA one-way test, except for organ weight (liver and lungs for mice and liver foralbino rats) where data were analysed using a non-parametric test. Linear regression test was conducted for measurement of body weight gain in each age group. The result of the study suggested that the weight gain in mice and albino rats correlate with increasing of age. Histopathological assessment of liver did not show any cell damage or degeneration of parenchyma cells in both species.The blood test also showed normal values, and in general the organ weights (liver, kidney, lungs and lymph nodes) showed an increase that correlated with age. The study conclude that in general the conditions of these animals and their physiological state are good, and they are fit to be used as experimental animals

    Determinan Persalinan Seksio Sesarea Pasien Kelas Tiga Di Dua Rumah Sakit Di Jakarta Tahun 2011

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    Latar belakang: Angka kejadian persalinan seksio sesarea di banyak negara terus meningkat begitu juga di Indonesia, baik di rumah sakit pemerintah maupun rumah sakit swasta. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan persalinan seksio sesarea pasien kelas tiga di dua rumah sakit di Jakarta tahun 2011. Metode: Metode penelitian adalah cross sectional. Data merupakan bagian dari Penelitian Studi Indikasi Sectio Caesarea di dua Rumah Sakit di Jakarta”. Data didapatkan dari rekam medik pasien yang melahirkan pada periode 1 Januari sampai 31 Desember 2011. Hasil: Jumlah seluruh persalinan di dua rumah sakit tersebut 4190, dan yang memenuhi kriteria untuk di analisis sebanyak 4152 persalinan. Dari 4152 persalinan, ada 3154 persalinan (76,0%) di rawat inap di kelas tiga. Proporsi persalinan seksio sesarea pada pasien kelas tiga sebesar 57,3%. Determinan persalinan seksio sesarea adalah pendidikan tinggi (OR=1,80; 95%CI 1,46-2,14), menggunakan asuransi (OR=1,70; 95%CI 1,43-2,04), dan hipertensi (OR=1,30; 95%CI 1,03-1,62). Kesimpulan: Proporsi persalinan seksio sesarea pasien rawat inap di kelas tiga relatif tinggi (57,3%), dan indikasi medis pada seksio sesarea adalah hipertensi. Perlu dilakukan intervensi pada perempuan hamil agar rutin melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilannya dan keseriusan pemerintah pada penegakan pedoman praktek

    Gambaran Sosiodemografi Perokok Pasif Dengan Ispa Dan Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Ispa Pada Balita Di Indonesia (Analisis Data Riskesdas 2013)

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    Passive smokers are more at risk of disease than active smokers. One of the diseases is Acute Respiratory Illness (ARI). The aim of this study was to obtain the sociodemographic profile of passive smokers with ARI in Indonesia and associated factors with ARI among children under-five based on Riskesdas 2013 data. The method of this study was cross-sectional, data taken from 497 districs/cities consisted of 33 provinces. Sample was respondent who has been exposed to cigarette smoke from one or more household members who smoked in the house. The results showed that prevalence of passive smokers in Indonesia was 58,9%, and 13,8% of it was suffering ARI. While, the prevalence of passive smokers on children under-five was 56,0%, and 25,7% of it was suffering AN. Factors associated with the occurrence of ARI among children were male (OR 1,06; 95%CI 1,00-1,32), younger than 24 months (OR 1,08; 95%CI 1,02-1,15), and having low maternal education (OR 1,12; 95% CI 1,03 — 1,21). It can be concluded that the prevalence of passive smokers with AN in Indonesia is still relatively high, especially among children under-five (25,7%). This study denotes the smoking habits at home are still quite high especially in families with children under-five

    Faktor Risiko Sindrom Metabolik pada Orang Dewasa di Kota Bogor

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    Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a group of disorders metabolism that are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The aims of this study was to determined risk factors of MS among adults in Bogor.Baseline data of Cohort Study on Non Communicable Disease in Bogor during the year 2011 to 2012 was used for data analysis. Of the total 5290 records, 4644 participants aged 25-65 year matched the inclusion criteria for analysis. Demographic and lifestyle data were collected using structured questionair. Physical examination (included weight, height, waist circumference, and blood pressure) and laboratory indicators (fasting glucose, HDL cholesterol, and triglyserides) were performed. Diagnosis of MS based of the criteria of The National Cholesterol Education Programme Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) for Asian population. Resultsshowed overall proportion of MS was 18.2 per cent (14.2% in men, and 20.2% in women). Participants in aged group of 35 to 44 years had risk 1.84 time (CI 1.37-2.50, p= 0.000) for MS compared to participants in aged group of 25 to 34 years. Participants in the older aged groups (45-54 y and 55-65 y) had risk 3,34 and 4 times respectively. Participants with obese got risk 7.5 times compared with non obes. Participants who took fried meals was risk 1.21 times. The proportion of components of MS more higher among women than men and the proportion of component of central obesity is dominant. The determinant factors were aged, obese andconsumed fried meals. The risk for MS increased with the aged of the participants