9 research outputs found

    High-temperature Thin-layer Drying Kinetic of Cultivated and Wild Algerian Olive Leaves: Modeling and Effect on Oleuropein and Chlorophyll Contents

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    Olive leaves (OLs) are well known for being rich in oleuropein, their main bioactive molecule which has recently been attracting great interest from the scientific community due to its antiviral properties, including Covid-19 disease. Furthermore, the high-temperature/short-time drying process has found applications for various plants and food processing, which might be also implemented for the drying of OLs. This study focuses on: 1. the mathematical modeling of thin-layer high-temperature-drying (HTD) kinetic of olive (var. Chemlal and Oleaster) leaves, and 2. the determination of HTD effect on some physicochemical properties (oleuropein, chlorophylls, and CIELab color parameters) of the dried olive leaves (DOLs). For this, four drying temperatures (100, 120, 140, and 160 °C) were applied. For comparison purposes, low-temperature DOL samples were also prepared. The obtained data have shown that among the tens tested mathematical models, the Midilli et al. model describes more correctly experimental data for all drying temperatures and for both olive leaf varieties (R2 = 0.9960, SEE = 0.0085, RMSE = 0.0165 and χ2 = 0.0006). Moreover, the results show that the HTD at 120 and 160 °C does not differ from freeze-drying in terms of oleuropein retention (p < 0.05), highlighting the technological interest in the high-temperature/short-time drying process. Considering the biological value of oleuropein, in particular its antiviral activity, the study deserves further investigation in order to elucidate certain questions such as the storability of DOLs, and their valorization as fortification ingredient in food and pharmaceutical formulations, evaluation in vitro of their biological activities, etc

    La neurobrucellose: une cause curable de surdité neurosensorielle à ne pas méconnaitre

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    La brucellose est une zoonose ubiquitaire touchant en particulier les pays méditerranéens et le Moyen-Orient. Les manifestations neurologiques sont assez diverses. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient âgé de 45 ans, agriculteur, ayant consulté pour une surdité profonde bilatérale depuis 2 mois associée à des céphalées, des épisodes d'hémiparésie à bascule, de trouble de langage, spontanément résolutifs en quelques minutes et des sensations vertigineuses intermittentes depuis 09 mois. Les résultats de la ponction lombaire, de l'imagerie par résonnance magnétique et surtout la sérologie ont permis de conclure à une neurobrucellose. L'évolution sous bi-antibiothérapie a été favorable, avec régression des signes neurologiques, normalisation du LCR et amélioration de la surdité. La neurobrucellose est une affection grave dont le pronostic dépend de la précocité du diagnostic et du traitement. Nous pensons qu'un tableau clinique associant une surdité neurosensorielle et une symptomatologie neurologique progressive doit évoquer en premier une neurobrucellose, d'autant plus que le patient est à risque et dans les pays où cette maladie est endémique.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    High-temperature Thin-layer Drying Kinetic of Cultivated and Wild Algerian Olive Leaves: Modeling and Effect on Oleuropein and Chlorophyll Contents

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    15 Páginas.-- 6 Figuras.-- 11 TablasOlive leaves (OLs) are well known for being rich in oleuropein, their main bioactive molecule which has recently been attracting great interest from the scientific community due to its antiviral properties, including Covid-19 disease. Furthermore, the high-temperature/short-time drying process has found applications for various plants and food processing, which might be also implemented for the drying of OLs. This study focuses on: 1. the mathematical modeling of thin-layer high-temperature-drying (HTD) kinetic of olive (var. Chemlal and Oleaster) leaves, and 2. the determination of HTD effect on some physicochemical properties (oleuropein, chlorophylls, and CIELab color parameters) of the dried olive leaves (DOLs). For this, four drying temperatures (100, 120, 140, and 160 °C) were applied. For comparison purposes, low-temperature DOL samples were also prepared. The obtained data have shown that among the tens tested mathematical models, the Midilli et al. model describes more correctly experimental data for all drying temperatures and for both olive leaf varieties (R2 = 0.9960, SEE = 0.0085, RMSE = 0.0165 and χ2 = 0.0006). Moreover, the results show that the HTD at 120 and 160 °C does not differ from freeze-drying in terms of oleuropein retention (p < 0.05), highlighting the technological interest in the high-temperature/short-time drying process. Considering the biological value of oleuropein, in particular its antiviral activity, the study deserves further investigation in order to elucidate certain questions such as the storability of DOLs, and their valorization as fortification ingredient in food and pharmaceutical formulations, evaluation in vitro of their biological activities, etc.The authors would like to thank the following for their contributions to this work: Ait-Atmane Mouhoub for the language verification of the manuscript; Dr. Haderbache Latifa and Benantar Salah-Eddine for their helping in uncertainty analysis.Peer reviewe

    L’encéphalopathie de Gayet Wernicke: aspects cliniques et anomalies radiologiques

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    L´encéphalopathie de Gayet Wernicke (EGW) estune urgence neurologique secondaire à une carenceen thiamine (vitamine B1) le plus souventsecondaire à l´alcoolisme chronique. L´objectif de cetravail est de rappeler certaines situations cliniquesévocatrices d´EGW autre que l´éthylisme et lesdifférentes anomalies en IRM autour de 4observations. L´âge moyen des patients était de 40ans (2 femmes et 2 hommes). Le tableauneurologique comportait des troubles de lavigilance chez tous les patients, des troublesoculomoteurs dans 2 cas, et une ataxie cérébelleusechez un seul patient. La notion de vomissementschroniques était notée dans 2 cas, un jeûneprolongé dans un cas et l´alcoolisme pour le dernier. ArticleSiham Bouchal et al. PAMJ - 36(259). 10 Aug 2020. - Page numbers not for citation purposes. 2L´IRM cérébrale avait révélé des anomaliesévocatrices d´EGW chez tous les patients avec uneprise de contraste pour un cas. Le déficit enthiamine était confirmé chez 2 patients. Dans notrecontexte l´EGW semble être plus fréquente dansd´autres circonstances pathologiques autres quel´alcoolisme chronique (vomissements chroniques,dénutrition sévère, un jeûne pathologique, etchimiothérapie...). Le contexte clinique peut fairesuspecter d´autres pathologies comme lathrombose veineuse cérébrale, l´accident vasculairecérébral, ou un autre trouble métabolique maisl´IRM a permis de les écarter et de poser lediagnostic d´EGW. L´IRM cérébrale présente unintérêt primordial dans le diagnostic de l´EGW.L´absence ou le retard de la mise en route dutraitement influence le pronostic

    Méningo-vascularite bactérienne révélant un adénome hypophysaire Case report Open Access

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    Abstract Un macroadénome à prolactine se présente généralement par un syndrome hormonal associé à un syndrome tumoral. Une méningite bactérienne compliquant un macroprolactinome en dehors de toute thérapie médicale ou chirurgicale est rarement rapporté dans la littérature. Mme R

    Ocular motor impairment in early-stage multiple sclerosis: a video-oculography assessment

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    Abstract Background Eye movement disorders in multiple sclerosis (MS) are frequently misdiagnosed and frequently overlooked during clinical examinations. Even at a preclinical state, these defects frequently cause impairment and weariness. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional observational study including 20 individuals with a confirmed MS diagnosis. The inclusion criteria were an EDSS score of 4 or less and a 6-month interval between the last relapse and enrolment. As part of the MS assessment, a routine ORL, neurology exam, eye exam, assessment of eye movement using Ulmer’s videonystagmography battery tests, and routine brain MRI were performed on the patient. Results A total of 75% of the patients in our series are female, with a mean age of 39 years and a range of 24 to 59 years. The average age of MS onset is 32 years. The relapsing-remitting type of multiple sclerosis (RRMS) accounts for 95% of all cases. There is only a single case of secondary progressive disease course (SPMS). Principal VNG manifestations are related to subclinical eye movements abnormalities. Rotatory vertigo caused by vestibular dysfunction was less prevalent than other balance disorders. There were found to be two types of nystagmus: pendular and central positional nystagmus. Discussion and conclusion VNG is sensitive for detecting vestibular system dysfunction in MS patients. It is also beneficial for diagnosing subtle eye movement abnormalities that are usually overlooked