55 research outputs found

    Analisis Substitusi Pada Rubrik Motivasi Dalam Majalah Hadila

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) mendeskripsikan jenis substitusi pada rubrik motivasi dalam majalah Hadila edisi April, Mei, dan Juni 2013, (2) mengidentifikasi ketepatan penggunaan substitusi pada rubrik motivasi dalam majalah Hadila edisi April, Mei, dan Juni 2013. Objek penelitian ini adalah jenis substitusi dan ketepatan penggunaan substitusi pada rubrik motivasi dalam majalah Hadila edisi April, Mei, dan Juni 2013. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah wacana dan kalimat yang mengandung substitusi pada rubrik motivasi dalam majalah Hadila edisi April, Mei, dan Juni 2013. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah rubrik motivasi dalam majalah Hadila edisi April, Mei, dan Juni 2013. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu teknik dasar dan teknik lanjutan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, jenis substitusi pada rubrik motivasi dalam majalah Hadila yaitu substitusi verbal, substitusi nominal, substitusi frasa, dan substitusi klausal. Penggunaan substitusi pada rubrik motivasi dalam majalah Hadila yang mencakup substitusi verbal, substitusi nominal, substitusi frasa, dan substitusi klausal sudah tepat. Ketepatan tersebut dapat dilihat pada data (1) hingga data (13). Kata Kunci: substitusi, rubrik, motivas

    Assessment of the dynamics of atrial signals and local atrial period series during atrial fibrillation: effects of isoproterenol administration

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    BACKGROUND: The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays an important role in the genesis and maintenance of atrial fibrillation (AF), but quantification of its electrophysiologic effects is extremely complex and difficult. Aim of the study was to evaluate the capability of linear and non-linear indexes to capture the fine changing dynamics of atrial signals and local atrial period (LAP) series during adrenergic activation induced by isoproterenol (a sympathomimetic drug) infusion. METHODS: Nine patients with paroxysmal or persistent AF (aged 60 ± 6) underwent electrophysiological study in which isoproterenol was administered to patients. Atrial electrograms were acquired during i) sinus rhythm (SR); ii) sinus rhythm during isoproterenol (SRISO) administration; iii) atrial fibrillation (AF) and iv) atrial fibrillation during isoproterenol (AFISO) administration. The level of organization between two electrograms was assessed by the synchronization index (S), whereas the degree of recurrence of a pattern in a signal was defined by the regularity index (R). In addition, the level of predictability (LP) and regularity of LAP series were computed. RESULTS: LAP series analysis shows a reduction of both LP and R index during isoproterenol infusion in SR and AF (R(SR )= 0.75 ± 0.07 R(SRISO )= 0.69 ± 0.10, p < 0.0001; R(AF )= 0.31 ± 0.08 R(AFISO )= 0.26 ± 0.09, p < 0.0001; LP(SR )= 99.99 ± 0.001 LP(SRISO )= 99.97 ± 0.03, p < 0.0001; LP(AF )= 69.46 ± 21.55 LP(AFISO )= 55 ± 24.75; p < 0.0001). Electrograms analysis shows R index reductions both in SR (R(SR )= 0.49 ± 0.08 R(SRISO )= 0.46 ± 0.09 p < 0.0001) and in AF (R(AF )= 0.29 ± 0.09 R(AFISO )= 0.28 ± 0.08 n.s.). CONCLUSIONS: The proposed parameters succeeded in discriminating the subtle changes due to isoproterenol infusion during both the rhythms especially when considering LAP series analysis. The reduced value of analyzed parameters after isoproterenol administration could reflect an important pro-arrhythmic influence of adrenergic activation on favoring maintenance of AF

    Observation of the inverse spin Hall effect in silicon

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    The spin–orbit interaction in a solid couples the spin of an electron to its momentum. This coupling gives rise to mutual conversion between spin and charge currents: the direct and inverse spin Hall effects. The spin Hall effects have been observed in metals and semiconductors. However, the spin/charge conversion has not been realized in one of the most fundamental semiconductors, silicon, where accessing the spin Hall effects has been believed to be difficult because of its very weak spin–orbit interaction. Here we report observation of the inverse spin Hall effect in silicon at room temperature. The spin/charge current conversion efficiency, the spin Hall angle, is obtained as 0.0001 for a p-type silicon film. In spite of the small spin Hall angle, we found a clear electric voltage due to the inverse spin Hall effect in the p-Si film, demonstrating that silicon can be used as a spin-current detector

    Alternative phenotypes of male mating behaviour in the two-spotted spider mite

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    Severe intraspecific competition for mates selects for aggressive individuals but may also lead to the evolution of alternative phenotypes that do not act aggressively, yet manage to acquire matings. The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, shows male mate-guarding behaviour and male–male combat for available females. This may provide opportunity for weaker males to avoid fighting by adopting alternative mating behaviour such as sneaker or satellite tactics as observed in other animals. We investigated male precopulatory behaviour in the two-spotted spider mite by means of video-techniques and found three types of male mating behaviour: territorial, sneaker and opportunistic. Territorial and sneaker males associate with female teleiochrysales and spend much time guarding them. Territorial males are easily disturbed by rival males and engage themselves in fights with them. However, sneaker males are not at all disturbed by rival males, never engage in fights and, strikingly, never face attack by territorial males. Opportunistic males wander around in search of females that are in the teleiochrysalis stage but very close to or at emergence. To quickly classify any given mate-guarding male as territorial or sneaker we developed a method based on the instantaneous response of males to disturbance by a live male mounted on top of a brush. We tested this method against the response of the same males to natural disturbance by two or three other males. Because this method proved to be successful, we used it to collect territorial and sneaker males, and subjected them to morphological analysis to assess whether the various behavioural phenotypes are associated with different morphological characters. However, we found no statistical differences between territorial and sneaker males, concerning the length of the first legs, the stylets, the pedipalps or the body. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10493-013-9673-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Current opinion on the role of testosterone in the development of prostate cancer: a dynamic model

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    Background: Since the landmark study conducted by Huggins and Hodges in 1941, a failure to distinguish between the role of testosterone in prostate cancer development and progression has led to the prevailing opinion that high levels of testosterone increase the risk of prostate cancer. To date, this claim remains unproven. Presentation of the Hypothesis: We present a novel dynamic mode of the relationship between testosterone and prostate cancer by hypothesizing that the magnitude of age-related declines in testosterone, rather than a static level of testosterone measured at a single point, may trigger and promote the development of prostate cancer. Testing of the Hypothesis: Although not easily testable currently, prospective cohort studies with population-representative samples and repeated measurements of testosterone or retrospective cohorts with stored blood samples from different ages are warranted in future to test the hypothesis. Implications of the Hypothesis: Our dynamic model can satisfactorily explain the observed age patterns of prostate cancer incidence, the apparent conflicts in epidemiological findings on testosterone and risk of prostate cancer, racial disparities in prostate cancer incidence, risk factors associated with prostate cancer, and the role of testosterone in prostate cancer progression. Our dynamic model may also have implications for testosterone replacement therapy

    Personality psychology: Lexical approaches, assessment methods, and trait concepts reveal only half of the story—Why it is time for a paradigm shift

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    This article develops a comprehensive philosophy-of-science for personality psychology that goes far beyond the scope of the lexical approaches, assessment methods, and trait concepts that currently prevail. One of the field’s most important guiding scientific assumptions, the lexical hypothesis, is analysed from meta-theoretical viewpoints to reveal that it explicitly describes two sets of phenomena that must be clearly differentiated: 1) lexical repertoires and the representations that they encode and 2) the kinds of phenomena that are represented. Thus far, personality psychologists largely explored only the former, but have seriously neglected studying the latter. Meta-theoretical analyses of these different kinds of phenomena and their distinct natures, commonalities, differences, and interrelations reveal that personality psychology’s focus on lexical approaches, assessment methods, and trait concepts entails a) erroneous meta-theoretical assumptions about what the phenomena being studied actually are, and thus how they can be analysed and interpreted, b) that contemporary personality psychology is largely based on everyday psychological knowledge, and c) a fundamental circularity in the scientific explanations used in trait psychology. These findings seriously challenge the widespread assumptions about the causal and universal status of the phenomena described by prominent personality models. The current state of knowledge about the lexical hypothesis is reviewed, and implications for personality psychology are discussed. Ten desiderata for future research are outlined to overcome the current paradigmatic fixations that are substantially hampering intellectual innovation and progress in the field

    Catheter ablation of long-lasting persistent atrial fibrillation: critical structures for termination

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    The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.comBackground: The relative contributions of different atrial regions to the maintenance of persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) are not known. Methods: Sixty patients (53 ± 9 years) undergoing catheter ablation of persistent AF (17 ± 27 months) were studied. Ablation was performed in a randomized sequence at different left atrial (LA) regions and comprised isolation of the pulmonary veins (PV), isolation of other thoracic veins, and atrial tissue ablation targeting all regions with rapid or heterogeneous activation or guided by activation mapping. Finally, linear ablation at the roof and mitral isthmus was performed if sinus rhythm was not restored after addressing the above-mentioned areas. The impact of ablation was evaluated by the effect on the fibrillatory cycle length in the coronary sinus and appendages at each step. Activation mapping and entrainment maneuvers were used to define the mechanisms and locations of intermediate focal or macroreentrant atrial tachycardias. Results: AF terminated in 52 patients (87%), directly to sinus rhythm in 7 or via the ablation of 1–6 intermediate atrial tachycardias (total 87) in 45 patients. This conversion was preceded by prolongation of fibrillatory cycle length by 39 ± 9 msec, with the greatest magnitude occurring during ablation at the anterior LA, coronary sinus and PV-LA junction. Thirty-eight atrial tachycardias were focal (originating dominantly from these same sites), while 49 were macroreentrant (involving the mitral or cavotricuspid isthmus or LA roof). Patients without AF termination displayed shorter fibrillatory cycles at baseline: 130 ± 14 vs 156 ± 23 msec; P = 0.002. Conclusion: Termination of persistent AF can be achieved in 87% of patients by catheter ablation. Ablation of the structures annexed to the left atrium—the left atrial appendage, coronary sinus, and PVs—have the greatest impact on the prolongation of AF cycle length, the conversion of AF to atrial tachycardia, and the termination of focal atrial tachycardias.Michel Haïssaguerre, Prashanthan Sanders, Mélèze Hocini, Yoshihide Takahashi, Martin Rotter, Frederic Sacher, Thomas Rostock, Li-Fern Hsu, Pierre Bordachar, Sylvain Reuter, Raymond Roudaut, Jacques Clémenty, Pierre Jaï
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