330 research outputs found

    Universal Minimax Discrete Denoising under Channel Uncertainty

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    The goal of a denoising algorithm is to recover a signal from its noise-corrupted observations. Perfect recovery is seldom possible and performance is measured under a given single-letter fidelity criterion. For discrete signals corrupted by a known discrete memoryless channel, the DUDE was recently shown to perform this task asymptotically optimally, without knowledge of the statistical properties of the source. In the present work we address the scenario where, in addition to the lack of knowledge of the source statistics, there is also uncertainty in the channel characteristics. We propose a family of discrete denoisers and establish their asymptotic optimality under a minimax performance criterion which we argue is appropriate for this setting. As we show elsewhere, the proposed schemes can also be implemented computationally efficiently.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions of Information Theor

    Icelandic Cultural Policy

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    In Mars 2013 the Icelandic Parliament decided upon the first formal “Icelandic Cultural Policy”. In this article that document is examined in light of debates concerning the concept of deliberate cultural policy making. Two main themes stand out as central in the new policy: participation/access on the one hand, and the importance of rules and procedures on the other. It is also noteworthy that there is less emphasis on national identity and Icelandic cultural heritage than perhaps was suspected. Even if there is no one definition that can be con-sidered the right one for “cultural policy” (O. Bennett 2004; T. Bennett 2007; Frenander 2008; Gray 2010), it is important to understand and make clear those interpretations that may be dominant at a particular moment in time. For more in depth insight this study compares a few recent reviews and studies of cul-tural policies (Gestur Guðmundsson 2003; Haukur F. Hannessonar 2009; Bjarki Valtýsson 2011; Ágúst Einarsson 2012) and all these threads spin the narrative of contemporary debates on cultural policy in Iceland.Peer reviewe

    Synthesis of saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated methoxylated ether lipids

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    Methoxylated ether lipids (MELs) are a subset of 1-O-alkyl-sn-glycerols that are found ubiquitously in nature in very low concentrations. The MELs occur in significantly higher amounts in the liver oil of shark and related cartilaginous fish species. These compounds have not been explored in a meaningful capacity and their function and physiological effects are therefore completely unknown. They can be described as a glycerol molecule ether-linked with a fatty hydrocarbon tail which can be saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated, possessing the methoxyl group. A remarkable omega-3 polyunsaturated DHA-like MEL derivative had been discovered in shark liver oil, and the main focus in the work described in this thesis was on its highly successful asymmetric synthesis. This synthetic task may be divided into two challenging parts. Firstly, the design and synthesis of a double-chiral synthon, regarded as the “head piece” of the MEL structure, and the control of its diastereomeric purity. Secondly the synthesis of the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty chain regarded as the “tail” of the MEL structure and the considerable effort that went in to synthesizing and purifying compounds with up to six all-cis skipped double bond structures. The methodology developed in this work was used to synthesize the total of ten saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated MEL derivatives of which six are present in shark liver oil. A literature survey on the nature of skipped poly-yne/ene synthesis is contemplated in much detail in this thesis, both from the historical and experimental point of view. Some preliminary studies done mostly in the 1970’s showed interesting biological effects, such as anti-tumour, anti-bacterial and immune stimulating properties. These studies were all conducted with isolated mixtures of compounds or synthesized compounds with a mixture of diastereomers. Their low concentration in nature makes them difficult and arduous to isolate and study. This thesis describes a new synthetic strategy which allows access to any imaginable individual MEL compound in high diastereomeric purity which can hopefully rekindle interest in these mysterious compounds.Metoxýleruð eter lípíð (MEL) tilheyra undirflokki 1-O-alkýl-sn-glýseróla og finnast hvarvetna í náttúrunni í afar lágu magni, en koma fyrir í mun ríkari mæli í lifrarlýsi hákarla og annarra brjóskfiska. Þessi efni eru ekki mikið rannsökuð og virkni þeirra og tilgangur algerlega óþekktur. Þau hafa til að bera mettaðar eða ómettaðar kolvetniskeðjur (fituhalinn) settar metoxyl-hópnum, og eru þær tengdar sem eter inn á glýseról hluta sameindarinar (hausinn). Mjög áhugaverð MEL afleiða hefur fundist og verið greind í hákarlalýsi og hefur hún sömu kolefniskeðju og hin mikilvæga ómega-3 fjölómettaða fitusýra DHA. Megináhersla þessarar ritgerðar og rannsóknanna að baki henni fól í sér efnasmíðina á þessari heillandi ómega-3 fjölómettuðu MEL afleiðu og tókst hún með miklum ágætum. Henni má skipta í tvo meginþætti. Annars vegar efnasmíðin á svokölluðum haus-hluta þessara MEL efna með tvö hendin kolefni og rúmefnafræðilegur hreinleika hans; hins vegar efnasmíði fjölómettuðu kolvetniskeðjunnar með sex tvítengi og stjórnun á cis-skipaðri rúmefnafræði þeirra. Aðferðafræðinni var beitt til efnasmíða á samtals tíu MEL afleiðum, mettuðum, einómettuðum og fjölómettuðum og hafa sex þeirra fundist í hákarlalýsi. Í ritgerðinni eru efnasmíðar á fjölómettuðum alkýn og alken keðjum skoðaðar og tilraunum til smíða á slíkum efnum lýst í sögulegu samhengi. Nokkrar rannsóknir gerðar á MEL efnablöndum framkvæmdar á áttunda áratuginum sýndu fram á margvíslega lífvirkni, á borð við krabbameinsdrepandi, bakteríudrepandi og ónæmisvekjandi áhrif. Hinn lági styrkur þessara efna í náttúrunni gerir það að verkum að erfitt er að nálgast þau á hreinu formi til að rannsaka nánar. Þessi ritgerð lýsir nýrri synþetískri nálgun sem gerir efnasmíðar á þessum efnum mögulegar í háum efna- og rúmefnafræðilegum hreinleika. Þetta hefur vonandi það í för með sér að aukinn áhugi vakni aftur á þessum athyglisverðu efnum og þau þá rannsökuð meira og ýtarlegar.The Icelandic Center for Research (Rannís) grant number 17439

    Icon in the Galapagos

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