6 research outputs found

    Den ideelle videnskab. Aristoteles' herodoteiske platonisme

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    An exploration of Aristotle's ideal of science between the philosophy of Plato and the "historical" research best exemplified by Herodotus.Peer ReviewedRitrýnt tímari

    Søvnens filosofi. Platon i dialog med livet og døden

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    In this paper Plato's ideas of sleep are analysed and the role of sleep in his philosophical reflections, in particular the ideas expressed in the Republic about preparing for sleep in order to free the soul in sleep.Peer ReviewedRitrýnt tímari

    Better Societal Impact Evaluation of Research. ENRESSH Brief: Societal Impact

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    Societal impact has not often been systematically included in research evaluation procedures. Where societal impact is included in research evaluation, it is often defined in a restrictive way relating exclusively to directly measurable economic returns. This limitation is especially important for research, which does not aim to generate direct profits but interacts with, adds value to, and makes sense of, society. This policy brief presents ten recommendations for the evaluation of societal impact with a special focus on how its evaluation can better facilitate research. These recommendations are based on the findings of a long-term multi-country project examining the interactions and roles of research and society across Europe with a special focus on the social sciences and humanities (SSH). Country case studies, conceptual analyses, and policy perspectives are presented in the edited volume “Accountability in Academic Life: European Perspectives on Societal Impact Evaluation” (Edward Elgar, 2023)

    Historical and philosophical knowledge: Two kinds of research on human nature

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    Í þessari grein er fyrsta saga sagnfræði og heimspeki sögð í gegnum notkun orðanna historía og filosofiía frá upphafi í Forngrikklandi til fjórðu aldar f.o.t. Þá höfðu orðin öðlast sess sem nöfn á tveimur aðskildum – en umdeildum – fræðigreinum. Sérstök áhersla er lögð á hvernig orðin voru notuð gagnkvæmt til að skilgreina merkingu og áhrifasvæði hvors annars. Í gegnum túlkun texta eftir frumherja heimspekinnar, sófista, sagnaritara, lækna, heimspekinga og fleiri er gerð grein fyrir því hvernig saga og heimspeki eru í eðli sínu nátengd.The paper explores the use of the vocabulary of historia and philosophia from the beginning in Ancient Greece to the fourth century BCE, when the terms gained status as names of two distinct- though highly debated – disciplines. It focuses in particular on how the terms were used reciprocally to define their respective meanings and to delineate their spheres of operation. By interpreting texts by the Presocratics, Sophists, historians, physicians, philosophers and others it tells the story of how history and philosophy are essentially connected.Launasjóður sjálstætt starfandi fræðimanna (styrkur nr. 15499)Peer ReviewedRitrýnt tímari

    Manifesto for a better societal impact evaluation

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    In this chapter, ENRESSH collaborators write a “Manifesto for a Better Societal Impact” Evaluation. In this, authors have extracted key principles based on some conclusions from the individual country reports which are broken down and/or extrapolated into generalisable findings drawing from the cross-national comparison. In doing so, this manifesto explores what scholars and policymakers from other European countries, and indeed from far wider international backgrounds, can learn from those countries’ experiences and the cross-national comparison. The chapter also goes beyond analysis, in providing a series of condensed recommendations for the evaluation of societal impact in the SSH with a special focus on how the evaluation can impact the work of academics in a positive way. In this collaborative task, we have sought to simultaneously respect disciplinary differences in knowledge production practices as well as in societal functions of research, while making this process as visible as possible