87 research outputs found

    The quality of life and well being of Icelandic parents who have children with ad(h)d

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/Open Allur texti - Full textThe quality of life and well being of parents who have 5-18 year old children with a diagnosis of attention deficit with or without hyperactivity were measured and compared to an analogous group of parents who had children without ad(h)d. A total of 281 parents participated in the study. The ADHD Association in Iceland sent out a questionnaire to parents who were registered as members. The research question was whether differences would be found in the well being and quality of life of parents of children with ad(h)d compared to other parents. The results indicate that there are differences in the amount of stress in both family and professional life experienced by parents of children with ad(h)d due to the child‘s problems. The mothers of hyperactive children were more likely to work part time because of the child‘s problems but not the fathers. The parents of children with ad(h)d experienced more stress in their family life compared to the other parents. In addition, the parents of hyperactive children did worry more about the future of their child than the other parents. They also had more negative interactions with their mates than the other parents, due to the child‘s problems and their well being was not as good as the well being of the other parents.Lífsgæði og líðan foreldra sem áttu 5-18 ára gömul börn sem greinst höfðu með athyglisbrest með eða án ofvirkni (ad(h)d), voru mæld og borin saman við sambærilegan hóp foreldra sem áttu barn án ad(h)d. Þátttakendur voru alls 281. ADHD samtökin á Íslandi sáu um að senda út spurningalista til foreldra sem skráðir eru í samtökin. Kannað var hvort munur væri á líðan og lífsgæðum foreldra barna með ad(h)d og annarra foreldra. Niðurstöðurnar studdu tilgátur rannsóknarinnar í öllum tilfellum fyrir utan eina tilgátu sem var aðeins studd að hluta. Munur var á upplifun foreldra á álagi innan fjölskyldunnar og í starfi sem tengdist vanda barns. Mæður barna með ad(h)d voru líklegri til að vinna hlutastarf vegna vanda barns, en ekki feður. Foreldrar barna með ad(h)d upplifðu meira álag í fjölskyldu sinni en aðrir foreldrar og höfðu meiri áhyggjur af barninu sínu en aðrir foreldrar. Einnig töldu foreldrar ofvirkra barna sig eiga í neikvæðari samskiptum við maka sinn vegna vanda barns og töldu andlega líðan sína vera verri

    Dependently independent: Co-existence of institutional logics in the recorded music industry

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    The concept of institutional logics, notably a choice between multiple logics, has  been offered as a foundation to theoretically explain heterogeneity of  organisation. The thesis focuses on how this heterogeneity of organisation is  possible through a study of how decision makers deal with conflicting yet co‐ existing logics in their every day work. The field chosen for the empirical study is  the recorded music industry, where two opposing logics, the artistic and the  commercial, necessarily co‐exist. Through semi‐structured interviews, decision  makers in the recorded music industry in the UK were asked about their work  processes.  Their descriptions revealed two very different ways of acting based on  either the artistic logic or the commercial logic.  The study further shows that  even if there were some attempts to take both logics into account, all the  respondents emphasised one logic over the other, but not the same logic, leading  to the established major/independent duality in the structure of the field.Begrebet institutionelle logikker er blevet brugt som et fundament til at forklare,  på en teoretisk måde, heterogenitet af organisation, gennem et valg mellem flere  logikker. Denne phd afhandling fokuserer på, hvordan denne heterogenitet af  organisation er mulig gennem en undersøgelse af, hvordan beslutningstagere  håndterer modstridende, men alligevel sam‐eksisterende logikker i deres daglige  arbejde. Feltet valgt til den empiriske undersøgelse er musikbranchen i  Storbritannien, hvor to modsatrettede logikker, den kunstneriske og  kommercielle, nødvendigvis sam‐eksisterer. Gennem semi‐strukturerede  interviews blev beslutningstagere i musikbranchen i Storbritannien adspurgt om  deres arbejdsprocesser. Baseret på deres beskrivelser blev to meget forskellige  måder at handle på opdaget, på den ene hånd med grundlag i den kunstneriske  logik og på den anden side den kommercielle logik. Endvidere argumenteres der  for, at selv om der var nogle forsøg på at tage hensyn til begge logikker  fremhævede alle de adspurgte en logik frem for den anden, men ikke den samme  logik, der fører til den etablerede major / indipendent opdeling i branchens  struktur.

    "I have never known well-being": Women’s perceptions of the consequences of repeated violence on wellbeing, physical and mental health

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnBakgrunnur rannsóknar: Rannsóknarniðurstöður benda til þess að meðferðaraðilar taki sjaldan eftir að um endurtekin áföll vegna ofbeldis er að ræða hjá konum með geðröskun. Þær fái því ekki viðeigandi meðferð, til dæmis tækifæri til tilfinningatjáningar og tilfinningaúrvinnslu, við áföllunum. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að auka þekkingu og dýpka skilning á áhrifum áfalla vegna endurtekins ofbeldis í bernsku og á fullorðinsárum á líðan, líkamsheilsu og geðheilbrigði kvenna sem greindar hafa verið með geðröskun. Aðferð: Í þessari fyrirbærafræðilegu rannsókn voru þátttakendur átta konur á aldrinum 35-55 ára. Tekin voru tvö viðtöl við allar konurnar nema eina, samtals 15 viðtöl. Allar konurnar voru greindar með þunglyndi og kvíða og sumar þeirra voru einnig með annars konar geðröskun Niðurstöður: Konurnar urðu margsinnis fyrir ofbeldi í bernsku og á unglingsaldri sem leiddi iðulega til sálrænna áfalla. Ofbeldið, sem þær urðu fyrir, var ýmist líkamlegt ofbeldi, andlegt ofbeldi, vanræksla eða kynferðislegt ofbeldi. Þær urðu einnig margoft fyrir ofbeldi á fullorðinsaldri svo að sálræn sár þeirra náðu aldrei að gróa. Það leiddi síðan til tilvistarlegrar þjáningar sem þær sögðu raunar sjaldnast frá. Tengslanet og stuðningur í uppvexti kvennanna var af skornum skammti. Þær lýstu flestar umhyggjuleysi og að þeim hefði fundist þær óvelkomnar eða þeim hafnað af fjölskyldunni í barnæsku og á fullorðinsárum. Vegna þessa umhyggju- og stuðningsleysis vantaði sálrænan höggdeyfi gegn niðurbrjótandi áhrifum ofbeldisins. Þetta leiddi til að þær brotnuðu niður og vissu ekki hvað það var að líða vel. Afleiðing þessa alls var að þær glímdu allar við geðræn vandamál, einkum þunglyndi og kvíða. Konurnar lýstu uppgjöf við að finna út úr því hvað gæti hjálpað þeim til að líða betur. Tilfinning sumra þeirra var að þær gætu varla þolað meiri tilvistarlegan sársauka. Ályktun: Rannsóknin varpar ljósi á mikilvægi þess að spyrja um áfallasögu vegna endurtekins ofbeldis hjá konum með geðröskun og veita þeim viðeigandi meðferð. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Background: Research results suggest that repeated traumas due to violence are greatly undetected in women who have been diagnosed with a mental disorder and they, therefore, do not get the appropriate treatment such as an opportunity for emotional expression and processing. The purpose of the study was to increase the knowledge and deepen the understanding of the effects of trauma because of repeated violence on the well-being, physical and mental health of women who have been diagnosed with a mental disorder. Method: In this phenomenological study, eight women in the age 35-55 participated. Two interviews were conducted with all the women, except one, at a total of 15 interviews. Results: The women experienced repeated violence in childhood – physical, psychological, sexual or neglect – which led to repeated traumas. They also experienced repeated violence in adulthood which meant that their psychological wounds never managed to heal. This led to existential suffering that was usually unexpressed. Social networks and support in their environment was scarce. Their existential pain was also connected with feeling unwanted or rejected by their family in childhood and adulthood. Since caring and support was missing from their environment they lacked the needed psychological buffer against the damaging effects of violence. This led to their breaking down and to the development of emotional problems and none of them had ever experienced well-being. The consequence of all this was that they all wrestled with mental health problems, especially depression and anxiety. The women expressed their mission to find out what might help them towards well-being. Some felt that they could not endure more existential pain. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of asking women diagnosed with a mental disorder about trauma caused by violence and provide the appropriate treatment

    “She could possibly be a Muslim”: hiring of immigrants in Icelandic companies

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    Erlendar rannsóknir benda á að innflytjendur standa oft höllum fæti á vinnumarkaði og sérfræðiþekking þeirra er oft ekki metin að verðleikum. Markmið þessarar greinar er að skoða ráðningarferlið hjá þjónustufyrirtækjum út frá viðhorfum mannauðsstjóra til erlendra umsækjenda. Rannsóknin, sem er eigindleg, byggir á svokallaðri, hugsa upphátt (e. think aloud) aðferð. Rannsakendur útbjuggu sex ferilskrár kvenkyns umsækjenda, frá jafnmörgum löndum, með umsókn um starf bókara hjá stóru þjónustufyrirtæki. Mannauðsstjórar voru beðnir um að lesa yfir starfslýsingu og hugsa svo upphátt á meðan þeir fóru yfir ferilskrárnar og mátu umsækjendur. Eftir að yfirferð yfir ferilskrár var lokið voru mannauðsstjórar spurðir nánar út í ráðningar á innflytjendum í vinnu. Helstu niðurstöður greinarinnar eru að mannauðsstjórar virðast meðvitaðir um fordóma gagnvart einstaklingum frá Austur-Evrópu og setja ekki fyrir sig að ráða konu frá Litháen eða Póllandi í starf bókara. Mikilvægt er að undirstrika kynjaðar birtingarmyndir fordóma og hvernig niðurstöður gætu hafa verið aðrar ef um karlkyns umsækjendur hefði verið að ræða. Niðurstöður greinarinnar benda jafnframt til að fordómar á íslenskum vinnumarkaði birtast helst í kringum trúarbrögð, þ.e. sem andstaða við Íslam. Viðmælendur reyndu þó að aðskilja sig frá þessum fordómum með vísun til kynjajafnréttis. Einnig bendir rannsóknin til þess að varasamt sé að draga of skörp skil á milli starfsfólks með reynslu eða menntun (skilled) og fólks sem hefur litla reynslu eða menntun (unskilled). Niðurstöðurnar benda einnig til að reynsla umsækjenda sé að miklu leyti metin eftir uppruna. Það er, að reynslan skipti mun meira máli ef hennar var aflað á íslenskum vinnumarkaði.International research has shown that immigrants are often at a disadvantage in the labor market and their expertise often underappreciated. The objective of this article is to review the recruitment process of companies in services, in regard to attitudes to foreign applicants by human resource managers. The research is based on the “thinking aloud” method, where interviewees in qualitative interviews were asked to think aloud while reviewing applicant information. The researchers fabricated six CVs for female applicants from six countries. After examination and discussion of the CVs, the human resource managers were asked further questions on the recruitment of immigrants in their company. The main findings are that human resource managers seem aware of prejudice against people from Eastern Europe, and were willing to hire a woman from Lithuania or Poland for the job. The findings further indicate that in the Icelandic labor market, prejudice centers strongly around religion, then Islam. The participants did, however, attempt to separate themselves from prejudice against Islam by referring to gender equality. The research further suggests that it might not be relevant to make a sharp distinction between skilled and unskilled workers. The findings suggest that the applicant’s experience makes a difference when the experience has been gained in Iceland, while being much less important if gained somewhere else.Peer ReviewedRitrýnt tímari

    TIME DOES NOT HEAL ALL WOUNDS: A phenomenological study on the long-term consequences of childhood sexual abuse on Icelandic women‘s health and well-being

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenErlendar rannsóknir hafa sýnt að kynferðislegt ofbeldi í bernsku getur haft mjög víðtækar og alvarlegar afleiðingar fyrir heilsufar og líðan kvenna. Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna heilsufar og líðan íslenskra kvenna sem hafa orðið fyrir sálrænum áföllum í bernsku af völdum kynferðislegrar misnotkunar. Þátttakendur voru sjö íslenskar konur með slíka sögu. Ofbeldið byrjaði hjá þeim öllum um 4–5 ára aldur svo þær muni eftir en þær voru á aldrinum 30–65 ára þegar viðtölin áttu sér stað. Þær urðu fyrir margs konar áföllum og ofbeldi alla tíð eftir þetta og hjá sumum þeirra var það jafnvel enn til staðar þegar viðtölin fóru fram. Rannsóknaraðferðin var Vancouver-skólinn í fyrirbærafræði sem ætlað er að auka þekkingu og dýpka skilning á tilteknum mannlegum fyrirbærum í þeim tilgangi að bæta mannlega þjónustu eins og heilbrigðisþjónustuna. Tekin voru tvö viðtöl við hverja konu, samtals 14 viðtöl. Tíminn milli viðtals eitt og tvö var einn til sex mánuðir. Niðurstöðum var skipt í sex meginþemu: 1) Upplifun af áfallinu. 2) Slæm líðan sem barn og unglingur. 3) Líkamleg vandamál á fullorðinsárum. 4) Geðræn vandamál á fullorðinsárum. 5) Erfiðleikar með tengslamyndun, traust og snertingu við börn og maka og með kynlíf. 6) Staðan í dag og horft til framtíðar. Meginniðurstaða rannsóknarinnar er að ‘tíminn læknar ekki öll sár’. Konurnar lýstu allar mikilli þrautagöngu sem enn sér ekki fyrir endann á. Þjáning þeirra er djúp á öllum sviðum mannlegs lífs og hefur einnig áhrif á líf ástvina þeirra þótt þær hafi allar leitað sér faglegrar aðstoðar, sumar allt frá barnæsku. Mikilvægt er fyrir heilbrigðisstarfsfólk að þekkja einkenni og afleiðingar sálrænna áfalla í bernsku af völdum kynferðislegs ofbeldis til að geta brugðist við slíkum einstaklingum með stuðningi og umhyggju. Þróa þarf skilvirkari meðferðarúrræði til að minnka þjáningu þeirra sem sætt hafa kynferðislegu ofbeldi.Research results indicate that childhood sexual abuse can have enourmous consequences for women‘s health and well-being. The purpose of this study was to examine the health and well-being of Icelandic women who have suffered psychological trauma as children caused by sexual abuse. Seven women with a history of such violence, were interviewed twice at one to six months intervals. For all the women the abuse started when they were between 4–5 years old and they were 30–65 years old at the time of the interviews. All of them were repeatedly violated against and traumatized ever since then and some were even still being victimized at the time of the interviews. The research methodology was the Vancouver School of doing phenomenology which is used when the research purpose is to increase knowledge and deepen understanding of human phenomena with the ultimate aim of improving human services such as healthcare services. The results were constructed into six main themes: 1) Experiencing the trauma. 2) Lack of well-being as a child and as a teenager. 3) Adult physical problems. 4) Adult psychological problems. 5) Difficulties with bonding, trusting, touching children and spouses, and regarding sex life. 6) The situation today and future expectations. The main finding is that, contrary to the English idiom, time does indeed not heal all wounds. All the women described great suffering in all aspects of life and the violence is still seriously affecting them and their loved ones even though they have all sought professional help, some even since childhood. It is important for health professionals to know the symptoms and consequences of such violence to be better able to respond to them in a supportive and caring way. More effective therapeutic measures have to be developed to decrease the suffering of the victims of childhood sexual abuse

    The Restorative Potential of Icelandic Nature

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    This study aimed to investigate if proposed restorative attributes according to attention restoration theory and supportive environment theory could be experienced and identified in Icelandic landscape and contribute to a restorative experience in nature sites in rural Iceland. A prospective mixed-method study was conducted over the period of one year. Seven different nature sites that were considered likely to have restorative qualities were selected for the evaluation i.e., three forest sites, three seashores, and one park in and in the vicinity of Ísafjörður, Iceland. Each site was evaluated regarding how the participants experienced its restorative qualities and how a stay therein affected their mental state. Nature visits were offered once a week, where the participants visited one of the seven locations for two hours. The findings show that the participants perceived and experienced nature sites as having the characteristics of a restorative environment and that staying at the nature sites positively affected their mental state. External conditions, like weather, which can affect nature visits, were rarely a hinderance. Thus, it can be concluded that numerous coastal areas, forests, and parks in Iceland, especially in rural areas, might possess restorative qualities as well. This result shows that wild and open nature in North West Iceland has the characteristics of a restorative environment and can be utilized for health promotion

    The restorative potential of Icelandic nature

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.This study aimed to investigate if proposed restorative attributes according to attention restoration theory and supportive environment theory could be experienced and identified in Icelandic landscape and contribute to a restorative experience in nature sites in rural Iceland. A prospective mixed-method study was conducted over the period of one year. Seven different nature sites that were considered likely to have restorative qualities were selected for the evaluation i.e., three forest sites, three seashores, and one park in and in the vicinity of Ísafjörður, Iceland. Each site was evaluated regarding how the participants experienced its restorative qualities and how a stay therein affected their mental state. Nature visits were offered once a week, where the participants visited one of the seven locations for two hours. The findings show that the participants perceived and experienced nature sites as having the characteristics of a restorative environment and that staying at the nature sites positively affected their mental state. External conditions, like weather, which can affect nature visits, were rarely a hinderance. Thus, it can be concluded that numerous coastal areas, forests, and parks in Iceland, especially in rural areas, might possess restorative qualities as well. This result shows that wild and open nature in North West Iceland has the characteristics of a restorative environment and can be utilized for health promotion.Peer reviewe

    Elites in Iceland – homogeneity and internal relationships

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    Á Íslandi hefur það gjarnan verið trú fólks að félagslegur og efnahagslegur jöfnuður einkenni þjóðina og að hvers konar elítur séu lítt áberandi. Engu að síður eru vísbendingar um að elítur séu til staðar, og ennfremur að þær séu styrkjast og ójöfnuður að aukast. Markmið greinarinnar er að greina viðskiptaog atvinnulífselítuna á Íslandi árin 2014 og 2015 út frá tengslum hennar við aðrar elítur sem og innbyrðis tengslum. Slík greining gefur vísbendingar um hversu opin elítan er, tengsl hennar við almenning, og um lýðræðislega uppbyggingu hópsins. Byggt er á tveimur gagnasöfnum; Vald og lýðræði – elíturannsókn og Kynjajafnrétti við stjórn atvinnulífsins: stefna, þróun og áhrif. Til að fá myndræna sýn á innbyrðis tengsl elítuflokka var notast við hugbúnaðarpakkann igraph fyrir R. Niðurstöðurnar sýna talsverð innbyrðis tengsl á milli einstaklinga sem mynda viðskipta- og atvinnulífselítuna. Einsleitni í búsetu, mælt í póstnúmerum er sterk, einkum meðal karla og þeirra sem eldri eru. Búsetueinsleitni þeirra sem eru í forystuhlutverki stjórnmálanna er fjórum sinnum meiri en þeirra sem ekki taka þátt í slíku starfi. Svipað mynstur sést þegar tengslin við íþróttahreyfinguna eru skoðuð; eftir því sem þátttaka einstaklings í íþróttastarfi er meiri, þeim munIceland has generally been characterized as a nation where social and economic equality are prominent, and where elite structures are relatively unimportant. There are, however, indications that elites exist, and futhermore, that they are becoming more pronounced and that inequality is on the rise. The goal of this paper is to analyze the business and commerce elite in Iceland the years 2014 and 2015, based on its relations with other elite groups and relations within the group. This allows conclusions to be drawn about the openness of the elite, its relations with the populace, and the democratic structures of the group. The analysis utilizes two data sets: Power and Democracy – A Study of Elites, and Gender Equality in Business: Evolution and Influence. Graphical analysis of elite structures was performed using R and igraph. The results indicate various internal relationship structures within the business and commerce elite. Residential homogeneity is prevalent, especially among male and older elites. A top management team member’s participation in politics or organized sports is predictive of greatly increased residential homogeneity in his or her team. The results suggest a layered elite structure and gaps in elite-populace relations. This indicates that it is important to consider the democratic structures of the Icelandic business elite and whether its homogeneity affects decision making within the elitePeer Reviewe

    Laxdæla saga og siðferðilegt uppeldi í skólum

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    Rannsóknin sem hér segir frá er hluti af stærra verkefni sem fjallar um samspil bókmenntakennslu og siðferðilegs uppeldis. Það var skipulagt með hliðsjón af rannsóknarverkefni við The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues við háskólann í Birmingham á Englandi. Í þessari grein er fjallað um tvær eftirfarandi spurningar sem báðar varða orðaforða sem notaður er til að tala um siðferði: i. Hvers vegna er mikilvægt að efla siðferðilegan orðaforða unglinga? ii. Er hægt að nota Laxdæla sögu sem námsefni til að kenna unglingum orðaforða sem þeir geta notað til að tala um siðferðilegar dygðir og lesti? Fyrri spurningunni er svarað með vísun í skrif um siðfræði og siðferðilegt uppeldi og færð rök fyrir því að vald á orðaforða til að ræða og hugsa um siðferði sé mikilvægur hluti af siðferðisþroska. Seinni spurningunni er svarað með rannsókn sem var gerð í þrem grunnskólum þar sem stytt útgáfa af Laxdæla sögu var kennd á unglingastigi. Við lögðum próf fyrir nemendur bæði áður en kennslan hófst og eftir að henni lauk. Auk megindlegra gagna sem var aflað með þessum prófum söfnuðum við eigindlegum gögnum með heimsóknum í kennslustundir, viðtölum við kennara og samræðum við rýnihópa nemenda. Greining á niðurstöðum prófanna benti til þess að kennslan hefði bætt skilning nemenda á orðaforða um siðferðilegar dygðir. Í viðtölum við kennarana kom fram að þeim þótti umfjöllunin um orðaforðann ekki taka tíma frá yfirferð sögunnar, heldur greiða fyrir henni og gera hana auðveldari. Samtöl við rýnihópa nemenda staðfestu að yfirferðin bætti við þann orðaforða sem þeir höfðu til að ræða um siðferðileg efni. Svarið við seinni spurningunni er því að vel má nota Laxdæla sögu sem námsefni til að auka siðferðilegan orðaforða.Rannsóknasjóður Íslands (163230)Ritrýnd grei

    Adaptation of the barriers to help-seeking for trauma (BHS-TR) scale : A cross-cultural cognitive interview study with female intimate partner violence survivors in Iceland

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    Funding Information: This study was supported by the Icelandic Gender Equality Fund, grants no. 190036–0551 and no. 200197–5501. The funding body had no role in the design of the study, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, nor in writing the manuscript. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Background Even though traumatization is linked to substantially reduced health-related quality of life, help-seeking and service utilization among trauma survivors are very low. To date, there has not been available in Iceland a culturally attuned, self-reported measure on help-seeking barriers after trauma. This study aimed to translate and cross-culturally adapt the English version of Barriers to Help-Seeking for Trauma (BHS-TR) scale into the Icelandic language and context. Methods The BHS-TR was culturally adapted following well-established and rigorous guidelines, including forward-backward translation, expert committee review, and pretesting through cognitive interviews. Two rounds of interviews with 17 female survivors of intimate partner violence were conducted using a think-aloud technique and verbal probing. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis, a combination of deductive and inductive approaches. Results Issues with the BHS-TR that were uncovered in the study were classified into four categories related to general design, translation, cultural aspects, and post-trauma context. The trauma-specific issues emerged as a new category identified in this study and included concepts specific to trauma experiences. Therefore, modifications were of great importance—resulting in the scale becoming more trauma-informed. Revisions made to address identified issues improved the scale, and the process led to an Icelandic version, which appears to be semantically and conceptually equivalent to the original version; additionally, the results provided evidence of content validity. Conclusions As a cognitive interview study, it adds to the growing cognitive interviewing methodology literature. Furthermore, the results provide essential insights into the self-report response process of trauma survivors, highlighting the significance of making health-related research instruments trauma-informed.Background: Even though traumatization is linked to substantially reduced health-related quality of life, help-seeking and service utilization among trauma survivors are very low. To date, there has not been available in Iceland a culturally attuned, self-reported measure on help-seeking barriers after trauma. This study aimed to translate and cross-culturally adapt the English version of Barriers to Help-Seeking for Trauma (BHS-TR) scale into the Icelandic language and context. Methods: The BHS-TR was culturally adapted following well-established and rigorous guidelines, including forward-backward translation, expert committee review, and pretesting through cognitive interviews. Two rounds of interviews with 17 female survivors of intimate partner violence were conducted using a think-aloud technique and verbal probing. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis, a combination of deductive and inductive approaches. Results: Issues with the BHS-TR that were uncovered in the study were classified into four categories related to general design, translation, cultural aspects, and post-trauma context. The trauma-specific issues emerged as a new category identified in this study and included concepts specific to trauma experiences. Therefore, modifications were of great importance—resulting in the scale becoming more trauma-informed. Revisions made to address identified issues improved the scale, and the process led to an Icelandic version, which appears to be semantically and conceptually equivalent to the original version; additionally, the results provided evidence of content validity. Conclusions: As a cognitive interview study, it adds to the growing cognitive interviewing methodology literature. Furthermore, the results provide essential insights into the self-report response process of trauma survivors, highlighting the significance of making health-related research instruments trauma-informed.Peer reviewe