1,427 research outputs found

    Possible pairing symmetries in SrPtAs with a local lack of inversion center

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    We discuss possible pairing symmetries in the hexagonal pnictide superconductor SrPtAs. The local lack of inversion symmetry of the two distinct conducting layers in the unit cell results in a special spin-orbit coupling with a staggered structure. We classify the pairing symmetry by the global crystal point group D_3d, and suggest some candidates for the stable state using a tight-binding model with an in-plane, density-density type pairing interaction. We may have some unconventional states like s+f-wave and a mixture of chiral d-wave and chiral p-wave. The spin orbit coupling is larger than the interlayer hopping, and the mixing between spin-singlet and triplet states can be seen in spite of the fact that the system has a global inversion center.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Dimensional crossover in Sr2_2RuO4_4 within slave-boson mean-field theory

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    Motivated by the anomalous temperature dependence of the c-axis resistivity of Sr2_2RuO4_4, the dimensional crossover from a network of perpendicular one-dimensional chains to a two-dimensional system due to a weak hybridization between the perpendicular chains is studied. The corresponding two-orbital Hubbard model is treated within a slave-boson mean-field theory (SBMFT) to take correlation effects into account such as the spin-charge separation on the one-dimensional chains. Using an RPA-like formulation for the Green's function of collective spinon-holon excitations the emergence of quasiparticles at low-temperatures is examined. The results are used to discuss the evolution of the spectral density and the c-axis transport within a tunneling approach. For the latter a regime change between low- and high-temperature regime is found in qualitative accordance with experimental data

    Phase transition in the 3 Kelvin phase in the eutectic Sr2RuO4-Ru

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    The inhomogeneous 3-Kelvin (3K) phase of the eutectic Sr2RuO4 with Ru inclusions nucleates superconductivity at the interface between Ru and Sr2RuO4. The structure of the interface state and its physical properties are examined here. Two superconducting phases are identified between the transitions to the bulk phase at 1.5K and to the 3K phase. The nucleation of the 3K phase results in a state conserving time reversal symmetry, which generates an intrinsically frustrated superconducting network in samples with many Ru inclusions. At a lower temperature (>1.5K), a discontinuous (first order) transition to an interface state breaking time reversal symmetry is found leading to an unfrustrated network phase. It is shown that this phase transition located at a temperature between 1.5 and 3K would yield the anomalous property that the critical current in such a network depends on the sign of the current, reproducing recent experimental observations.Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. 5 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetic response of nonmagnetic impurities in cuprates

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    A theory of the local magnetic response of a nonmagnetic impurity in a doped antiferromagnet, as relevant to the normal state in cuprates, is presented. It is based on the assumption of the overdamped collective mode in the bulk system and on the evidence, that equal-time spin correlations are only weakly renormalized in the vicinity of the impurity. The theory relates the Kondo-like behavior of the local susceptibility to the anomalous temperature dependence of the bulk magnetic susceptibility, where the observed increase of the Kondo temperature with doping reflects the crossover to the Fermi liquid regime and the spatial distribution of the magnetization is given by bulk antiferromagnetic correlations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Mid-infrared laser spectroscopic determination of isotope ratios of N2O at trace levels using wavelength modulation and balanced path length detection

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    We present a new mid-infrared laser spectrometer for high-precision measurements of isotopic ratios of molecules at ppm concentrations. Results are discussed for nitrous oxide (N2O), where a precision of 3‰ for a single measurement and a reproducibility of 6‰ have been achieved for a concentration of 825ppm. The room-temperature laser source employed is based on difference-frequency generation delivering a continuous-wave power up to 23μW at wavelengths between 4.3μm and 4.7μm and a line width of 1MHz. Two different measurement methods are compared; wavelength modulation with first-harmonic detection and direct absorption spectroscopy by recording the spectrum with a data-acquisition card. Two different detection schemes were employed; either all isotopomers were measured using the long path (36m) of the multipass cell or a balanced path length detection scheme was used, where the main isotope was measured with a beam along a shorter path (40cm) in the multipass cell. A single-pass reference cell was designed, offering two different path lengths for balanced path length detection. All combinations of measurement methods and detection schemes were tested regarding precision of a single measurement and long-term stability. The advantages and disadvantages of various measurement approaches are discusse

    Superconductivity without Local Inversion Symmetry; Multi-layer Systems

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    While multi-layer systems can possess global inversion centers, they can have regions with locally broken inversion symmetry. This can modify the superconducting properties of such a system. Here we analyze two dimensional multi-layer systems yielding spatially modulated antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling (ASOC) and discuss superconductivity with mixed parity order parameters. In particular, the influence of ASOC on the spin susceptibility is investigated at zero temperature. For weak inter-layer coupling we find an enhanced spin susceptibility induced by ASOC, which hints the potential importance of this aspect for superconducting phase in specially structured superlattices.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26

    Magnetic domain formation in itinerant metamagnets

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    We examine the effects of long-range dipolar forces on metamagnetic transitions and generalize the theory of Condon domains to the case of an itinerant electron system undergoing a first-order metamagnetic transition. We demonstrate that within a finite range of the applied field, dipolar interactions induce a spatial modulation of the magnetization in the form of stripes or bubbles. Our findings are consistent with recent observations in the bilayer ruthenate Sr3_3Ru2_2O7_7.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minor changes, references adde
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