1,261 research outputs found

    Monopoles and fractional vortices in chiral superconductors

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    We discuss two exotic objects, which must be experimentally identified in chiral superfluids and superconductors. These are (i) the vortex with fractional quantum number (N=1/2 in chiral superfluids, and N=1/2 and N=1/4 in chiral superconductors), which plays the part ofthe Alice string in relativistic theories; and (ii) the hedgehog in the l-field, which is the counterpart of the Dirac magnetic monopole. These objects of different dimensions are topologically connected. They form the combined object which is called nexus in relativistic theories. In chiral superconductors the nexus has magnetic charge emanating radially from the hedgehog, while the half-quantum vortices play the part of the Dirac string. Each of them supplies the fractional magnetic flux to the hedgehog, representing 1/4 of the "conventional" Dirac string. We discuss the topological interaction of the superconductor's nexus with the `t Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole, which can exist in GUT. The `t Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole and the hedgehog with the same magnetic charge are topologically confined by a piece of the Abrikosov vortex. Other properties of half-quantum vortices and monopoles are discussed as well, including fermion zero modes.Comment: RevTex file, 8 pages, 6 Figures, prepared for Proc. Nat. Ac. Sc. US, typos corrected, one Figure added (the loop trapping fractional flux in chiral superconductors

    Fractional vortices on grain boundaries --- the case for broken time reversal symmetry in high temperature superconductors

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    We discuss the problem of broken time reversal symmetry near grain boundaries in a d-wave superconductor based on a Ginzburg-Landau theory. It is shown that such a state can lead to fractional vortices on the grain boundary. Both analytical and numerical results show the structure of this type of state.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 5 postscript figures include

    On the Bloch Theorem Concerning Spontaneous Electric Current

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    We study the Bloch theorem which states absence of the spontaneous current in interacting electron systems. This theorem is shown to be still applicable to the system with the magnetic field induced by the electric current. Application to the spontaneous surface current is also examined in detail. Our result excludes the possibility of the recently proposed dd-wave superconductivity having the surface flow and finite total current.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 3 Postscript figure

    Spontaneous Hall effect in chiral p-wave superconductor

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    In a chiral superconductor with broken time-reversal symmetry a ``spontaneous Hall effect'' may be observed. We analyze this phenomenon by taking into account the surface properties of a chiral superconductor. We identify two main contributions to the spontaneous Hall effect. One contribution originates from the Bernoulli (or Lorentz) force from spontaneous currents running along the surfaces of the superconductor. The other contribution has a topological origin and is related to the intrinsic angular momentum of Cooper pairs. The latter can be described in terms of a Chern-Simons-like term in the low-energy field theory of the superconductor and has some similarities with the quantum Hall effect. The spontaneous Hall effect in a chiral superconductor is, however, non-universal. Our analysis is based on three approaches to the problem: a self-consistent solution of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation, a generalized Ginzburg-Landau theory, and a hydrodynamic formulation. All three methods consistently lead to the same conclusion that the spontaneous Hall resistance of a two-dimensional superconducting Hall bar is of order h/(e k_F\lambda)^2, where k_F is the Fermi wave vector and \lambda is the London penetration depth; the Hall resistance is substantially suppressed from a quantum unit of resistance. Experimental issues in measuring this effect are briefly discussed.Comment: 22 pages including 12 figure

    Collective modes and sound propagation in a p-wave superconductor: Sr2_2RuO4_4

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    There are five distinct collective modes in the recently discovered p-wave superconductor Sr2_2RuO4_4; phase and amplitude modes of the order parameter, clapping mode (real and imaginary), and spin wave. The first two modes also exist in the ordinary s-wave superconductors, while the clapping mode with the energy 2Δ(T)\sqrt{2} \Delta(T) is unique to Sr2_2RuO4_4 and couples to the sound wave. Here we report a theoretical study of the sound propagation in a two dimensional p-wave superconductor. We identified the clapping mode and study its effects on the longitudinal and transverse sound velocities in the superconducting state. In contrast to the case of 3^3He, there is no resonance absorption associated with the collective mode, since in metals ω/(vFq)1\omega/(v_F |{\bf q}|) \ll 1, where vFv_F is the Fermi velocity, {\bf q} is the wave vector, and ω\omega is the frequency of the sound wave. However, the velocity change in the collisionless limit gets modified by the contribution from the coupling to the clapping mode. We compute this contribution and comment on the visibility of the effect. In the diffusive limit, the contribution from the collective mode turns out to be negligible. The behaviors of the sound velocity change and the attenuation coefficient near TcT_c in the diffusive limit are calculated and compared with the existing experimental data wherever it is possible. We also present the results for the attenuation coefficients in both of the collisionless and diffusive limits at finite temperatures.Comment: RevTex, 12 pages, 2 figures, Replaced by the published versio

    Plaquette bond order wave in the quarter-filled extended Hubbard model on the checkerboard lattice

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    An extended Hubbard model (including nearest-neighbor repulsion and antiferromagnetic spin exchange) is investigated on the frustrated checkerboard lattice, a two-dimensional analog of the pyrochlore lattice. Combining Gutzwiller renormalized mean-field (MF) calculations, exact diagonalization (ED) techniques, and a weak-coupling renormalization group (RG) analysis we provide strong evidence for a crystalline valence bond plaquette phase at quarter-filling. The ground state is twofold degenerate and breaks translation symmetry. The bond energies show a staggering while the charge distribution remains uniform.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, published versio

    Phenomenological theory of the 3 Kelvin phase in Sr2RuO4

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    We model the 3K-phase of Sr2RuO4 with Ru-metal inclusion as interface state with locally enhanced transition temperatures. The resulting 3K-phase must have a different pairing symmetry than the bulk phase of Sr2RuO4, because the symmetry at the interface is lower than in the bulk. It is invariant under time reversal and a second transition, in general, above the onset of bulk superconductivity is expected where time reversal symmetry is broken. The nucleation of the 3K-phase exhibits a ``capillary effect'' which can lead to frustration phenomena for the superconducting states on different Ru-inclusions. Furthermore, the phase structure of the pair wave function gives rise to zero-energy quasiparticle states which would be visible in quasiparticle tunneling spectra. Additional characteristic properties are associated with the upper critical field Hc2. The 3K-phase has a weaker anisotropy of Hc2 between the inplane and z-axis orientation than the bulk superconducting phase. This is connected with the more isotropic nature Ru-metal which yields a stronger orbital depairing effect for the inplane magnetic field than in the strongly layered Sr$_2RuO4. An anomalous temperature dependence for the z-axis critical field is found due to the coupling of the magnetic field to the order parameter texture at the interface. Various other experiments are discussed and new measurements are suggested.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Jahn-Teller effect versus Hund's rule coupling in C60N-

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    We propose variational states for the ground state and the low-energy collective rotator excitations in negatively charged C60N- ions (N=1...5). The approach includes the linear electron-phonon coupling and the Coulomb interaction on the same level. The electron-phonon coupling is treated within the effective mode approximation (EMA) which yields the linear t_{1u} x H_g Jahn-Teller problem whereas the Coulomb interaction gives rise to Hund's rule coupling for N=2,3,4. The Hamiltonian has accidental SO(3) symmetry which allows an elegant formulation in terms of angular momenta. Trial states are constructed from coherent states and using projection operators onto angular momentum subspaces which results in good variational states for the complete parameter range. The evaluation of the corresponding energies is to a large extent analytical. We use the approach for a detailed analysis of the competition between Jahn-Teller effect and Hund's rule coupling, which determines the spin state for N=2,3,4. We calculate the low-spin/high-spin gap for N=2,3,4 as a function of the Hund's rule coupling constant J. We find that the experimentally measured gaps suggest a coupling constant in the range J=60-80meV. Using a finite value for J, we recalculate the ground state energies of the C60N- ions and find that the Jahn-Teller energy gain is partly counterbalanced by the Hund's rule coupling. In particular, the ground state energies for N=2,3,4 are almost equal