20 research outputs found

    Introgressive Hybridization and Hypoxia Adaptation in High-Altitude Vertebrates

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    In natural populations of animals, a growing body of evidence suggests that introgressive hybridization may often serve as an important source of adaptive genetic variation. Population genomic studies of high-altitude vertebrates have provided strong evidence of positive selection on introgressed allelic variants, typically involving a long-term highland species as the donor and a more recently arrived colonizing species as the recipient. In high-altitude humans and canids from the Tibetan Plateau, case studies of adaptive introgression involving the HIF transcription factor, EPAS1, have provided insights into complex histories of ancient introgression, including examples of admixture from now-extinct source populations. In Tibetan canids and Andean waterfowl, directed mutagenesis experiments involving introgressed hemoglobin variants successfully identified causative amino acid mutations and characterized their phenotypic effects, thereby providing insights into the functional properties of selectively introgressed alleles. We review case studies of adaptive introgression in high-altitude vertebrates and we highlight findings that may be of general significance for understanding mechanisms of environmental adaptation involving different sources of genetic variation

    Molecular basis of a novel adaptation to hypoxic-hypercapnia in a strictly fossorial mole

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Elevated blood O<sub>2 </sub>affinity enhances survival at low O<sub>2 </sub>pressures, and is perhaps the best known and most broadly accepted evolutionary adjustment of terrestrial vertebrates to environmental hypoxia. This phenotype arises by increasing the intrinsic O<sub>2 </sub>affinity of the hemoglobin (Hb) molecule, by decreasing the intracellular concentration of allosteric effectors (e.g., 2,3-diphosphoglycerate; DPG), or by suppressing the sensitivity of Hb to these physiological cofactors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report that strictly fossorial eastern moles (<it>Scalopus aquaticus</it>) have evolved a low O<sub>2 </sub>affinity, DPG-insensitive Hb - contrary to expectations for a mammalian species that is adapted to the chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia of subterranean burrow systems. Molecular modelling indicates that this functional shift is principally attributable to a single charge altering amino acid substitution in the β-type δ-globin chain (δ136Gly→Glu) of this species that perturbs electrostatic interactions between the dimer subunits via formation of an intra-chain salt-bridge with δ82Lys. However, this replacement also abolishes key binding sites for the red blood cell effectors Cl<sup>-</sup>, lactate and DPG (the latter of which is virtually absent from the red cells of this species) at δ82Lys, thereby markedly reducing competition for carbamate formation (CO<sub>2 </sub>binding) at the δ-chain N-termini.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We propose this Hb phenotype illustrates a novel mechanism for adaptively elevating the CO<sub>2 </sub>carrying capacity of eastern mole blood during burst tunnelling activities associated with subterranean habitation.</p

    Molecular basis of a novel adaptation to hypoxic-hypercapnia in a strictly fossorial mole

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    Background: Elevated blood O2 affinity enhances survival at low O2 pressures, and is perhaps the best known and most broadly accepted evolutionary adjustment of terrestrial vertebrates to environmental hypoxia. This phenotype arises by increasing the intrinsic O2 affinity of the hemoglobin (Hb) molecule, by decreasing the intracellular concentration of allosteric effectors (e.g., 2,3-diphosphoglycerate; DPG), or by suppressing the sensitivity of Hb to these physiological cofactors. Results: Here we report that strictly fossorial eastern moles (Scalopus aquaticus) have evolved a low O2 affinity, DPG-insensitive Hb - contrary to expectations for a mammalian species that is adapted to the chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia of subterranean burrow systems. Molecular modelling indicates that this functional shift is principally attributable to a single charge altering amino acid substitution in the β-type δ-globin chain (δ136Gly→Glu) of this species that perturbs electrostatic interactions between the dimer subunits via formation of an intra-chain salt-bridge with δ82Lys. However, this replacement also abolishes key binding sites for the red blood cell effectors Cl-, lactate and DPG (the latter of which is virtually absent from the red cells of this species) at δ82Lys, thereby markedly reducing competition for carbamate formation (CO2 binding) at the δ-chain N-termini. Conclusions: We propose this Hb phenotype illustrates a novel mechanism for adaptively elevating the CO2 carrying capacity of eastern mole blood during burst tunnelling activities associated with subterranean habitation

    Origin of Complexity in Hemoglobin Evolution

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    Most proteins associate into multimeric complexes with specific architectures, which often have functional properties such as cooperative ligand binding or allosteric regulation. No detailed knowledge is available about how any multimer and its functions arose during evolution. Here we use ancestral protein reconstruction and biophysical assays to elucidate the origins of vertebrate hemoglobin, a heterotetramer of paralogous α- and β-subunits that mediates respiratory oxygen transport and exchange by cooperatively binding oxygen with moderate affinity. We show that modern hemoglobin evolved from an ancient monomer and characterize the historical “missing link” through which the modern tetramer evolved—a noncooperative homodimer with high oxygen affinity that existed before the gene duplication that generated distinct α- and β-subunits. Reintroducing just two post-duplication historical substitutions into the ancestral protein is sufficient to cause strong tetramerization by creating favorable contacts with more ancient residues on the opposing subunit. These surface substitutions markedly reduce oxygen affinity and even confer cooperativity because an ancient linkage between the oxygen binding site and the multimerization interface was already an intrinsic feature of the protein’s structure. Our findings establish that evolution can produce new complex molecular structures and functions via simple genetic mechanisms that recruit existing biophysical features into higher-level architectures. The interfaces that hold molecular complexes together typically involve sterically tight, electrostatically complementary interactions among many amino acids. Similarly, allostery and cooperativity usually depend on numerous residues that connect surfaces to active sites. The acquisition of such complicated machinery would seem to require elaborate evolutionary pathways. The classical explanation of this process, by analogy to the evolution of morphological complexity, is that multimerization conferred or enhanced beneficial functions, allowing selection to drive the many substitutions required to build and optimize new interfaces. Whether this account accurately describes the evolution of any natural molecular complex requires a detailed reconstruction of the historical steps by which it evolved. Hemoglobin (Hb) is a useful model for this purpose, because the structural mechanisms that mediate its multimeric assembly, cooperative oxygen binding, and allosteric regulation are well established. Moreover, its subunits descend by duplication and divergence from the same ancestral proteins, so their history can be reconstructed in a single analysis. Despite considerable speculation, virtually nothing is known about the evolutionary origin of Hb’s heterotetrameric architecture and the functions that depend on it

    A Re-Evaluation of African Swine Fever Genotypes Based on p72 Sequences Reveals the Existence of Only Six Distinct p72 Groups

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    The African swine fever virus (ASFV) is currently causing a world-wide pandemic of a highly lethal disease in domestic swine and wild boar. Currently, recombinant ASF live-attenuated vaccines based on a genotype II virus strain are commercially available in Vietnam. With 25 reported ASFV genotypes in the literature, it is important to understand the molecular basis and usefulness of ASFV genotyping, as well as the true significance of genotypes in the epidemiology, transmission, evolution, control, and prevention of ASFV. Historically, genotyping of ASFV was used for the epidemiological tracking of the disease and was based on the analysis of small fragments that represent less than 1% of the viral genome. The predominant method for genotyping ASFV relies on the sequencing of a fragment within the gene encoding the structural p72 protein. Genotype assignment has been accomplished through automated phylogenetic trees or by comparing the target sequence to the most closely related genotyped p72 gene. To evaluate its appropriateness for the classification of genotypes by p72, we reanalyzed all available genomic data for ASFV. We conclude that the majority of p72-based genotypes, when initially created, were neither identified under any specific methodological criteria nor correctly compared with the already existing ASFV genotypes. Based on our analysis of the p72 protein sequences, we propose that the current twenty-five genotypes, created exclusively based on the p72 sequence, should be reduced to only six genotypes. To help differentiate between the new and old genotype classification systems, we propose that Arabic numerals (1, 2, 8, 9, 15, and 23) be used instead of the previously used Roman numerals. Furthermore, we discuss the usefulness of genotyping ASFV isolates based only on the p72 gene sequence

    Evolution and molecular basis of a novel allosteric property of crocodilian hemoglobin

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    The extraordinary breath-hold diving capacity of crocodilians has been ascribed to a unique mode of allosterically regulating hemoglobin (Hb)-oxygenation in circulating red blood cells. We investigated the origin and mechanistic basis of this novel biochemical phenomenon by performing directed mutagenesis experiments on resurrected ancestral Hbs. Comparisons of Hb function between the common ancestor of archosaurs (the group that includes crocodilians and birds) and the last common ancestor of modern crocodilians revealed that regulation of Hb-O2 affinity via allosteric binding of bicarbonate ions represents a croc-specific innovation that evolved in combination with the loss of allosteric regulation by ATP binding. Mutagenesis experiments revealed that evolution of the novel allosteric function in crocodilians and the concomitant loss of ancestral function were not mechanistically coupled and were caused by different sets of substitutions. The gain of bicarbonate sensitivity in crocodilian Hb involved the direct effect of few amino acid substitutions at key sites in combination with indirect effects of numerous other substitutions at structurally disparate sites. Such indirect interaction effects suggest that evolution of the novel protein function was conditional on neutral mutations that produced no adaptive benefit when they first arose but that contributed to a permissive background for subsequent function-altering mutations at other sites. Due to the context dependence of causative substitutions, the unique allosteric properties of crocodilian Hb cannot be easily transplanted into divergent homologs of other species

    Outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Seals, St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec, Canada

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    We describe an unusual mortality event caused by a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) virus clade involving harbor (Phoca vitulina) and gray (Halichoerus grypus) seals in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec, Canada, in 2022. Fifteen (56%) of the seals submitted for necropsy were considered to be fatally infected by HPAI H5N1 containing fully Eurasian or Eurasian/North American genome constellations. Concurrently, presence of large numbers of bird carcasses infected with HPAI H5N1 at seal haul-out sites most likely contributed to the spillover of infection to the seals. Histologic changes included meningoencephalitis (100%), fibrinosuppurative alveolitis, and multiorgan acute necrotizing inflammation. This report of fatal HPAI H5N1 infection in pinnipeds in Canada raises concerns about the expanding host of this virus, the potential for the establishment of a marine mammal reservoir, and the public health risks associated with spillover to mammals. Nous décrivons un événement de mortalité inhabituelle causé par un virus de l’influenza aviaire hautement pathogène A(H5N1) clade chez des phoques communs (Phoca vitulina) et gris (Halichoerus grypus) dans l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent au Québec, Canada, en 2022. Quinze (56%) des phoques soumis pour nécropsie ont été considérés comme étant fatalement infectés par le virus H5N1 de lignées eurasiennes ou de réassortiment eurasiennes/nord-américaines. Un grand nombre simultané de carcasses d’oiseaux infectés par le H5N1 sur les sites d’échouement a probablement contribué à la contamination de ces phoques. Les changements histologiques associés à cette infection incluaient : méningo-encéphalite (100%), alvéolite fibrinosuppurée et inflammation nécrosante aiguë multi-organique. Cette documentation soulève des préoccupations quant à l’émergence de virus mortels, à la possibilité d’établissement de réservoirs chez les mammifères marins, et aux risques pour la santé publique associés aux propagations du virus chez les mammifères

    Interordinal Gene Capture, the Phylogenetic Position of Steller\u27s Sea Cow Based on Molecular and Morphological Data, and the Macroevolutionary History of Sirenia

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    The recently extinct (ca. 1768) Steller\u27s sea cow (. Hydrodamalis gigas) was a large, edentulous North Pacific sirenian. The phylogenetic affinities of this taxon to other members of this clade, living and extinct, are uncertain based on previous morphological and molecular studies. We employed hybridization capture methods and second generation sequencing technology to obtain \u3e30. kb of exon sequences from 26 nuclear genes for both H. gigas and Dugong dugon. We also obtained complete coding sequences for the tooth-related enamelin (. ENAM) gene. Hybridization probes designed using dugong and manatee sequences were both highly effective in retrieving sequences from H. gigas (mean. =. 98.8% coverage), as were more divergent probes for regions of ENAM (99.0% coverage) that were designed exclusively from a proboscidean (African elephant) and a hyracoid (Cape hyrax). New sequences were combined with available sequences for representatives of all other afrotherian orders. We also expanded a previously published morphological matrix for living and fossil Sirenia by adding both new taxa and nine new postcranial characters. Maximum likelihood and parsimony analyses of the molecular data provide robust support for an association of H. gigas and D. dugon to the exclusion of living trichechids (manatees). Parsimony analyses of the morphological data also support the inclusion of H. gigas in Dugongidae with D. dugon and fossil dugongids. Timetree analyses based on calibration density approaches with hard- and soft-bounded constraints suggest that H. gigas and D. dugon diverged in the Oligocene and that crown sirenians last shared a common ancestor in the Eocene. The coding sequence for the ENAM gene in H. gigas does not contain frameshift mutations or stop codons, but there is a transversion mutation (. AG to CG) in the acceptor splice site of intron 2. This disruption in the edentulous Steller\u27s sea cow is consistent with previous studies that have documented inactivating mutations in tooth-specific loci of a variety of edentulous and enamelless vertebrates including birds, turtles, aardvarks, pangolins, xenarthrans, and baleen whales. Further, branch-site dN/dS analyses provide evidence for positive selection in ENAM on the stem dugongid branch where extensive tooth reduction occurred, followed by neutral evolution on the Hydrodamalis branch. Finally, we present a synthetic evolutionary tree for living and fossil sirenians showing several key innovations in the history of this clade including character state changes that parallel those that occurred in the evolutionary history of cetaceans