485 research outputs found

    Are Organic Consumers Healthier than Others?

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    Recent research results indicate that organic consumers have a healthier diet than other consumers. This suggests that there might be a positive relationship between organic consumption and a healthy lifestyle. One aim of an ongoing research project is to analyse whether consumers with a high organic consumption have a higher interest in nutrition and a healthy living than other consumers. In order to test whether such a causal relationship exists, purchase data from Danish households are combined with information on these households’ perception of organic food and their health concerns

    Starting from the Middle—Handshaking in Hökarängen: Art Projects as Working Methods for Producing the City Differently

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    This text analyses the project Home Works, an art program that took place in 2015–17 in Konsthall C, a contemporary art center in the Stockholm suburb of Hökarängen. The argument of the article is that Home Works can be seen as a socio-material practice of producing the city differently. I thus propose that Home Works provides an example of how art projects hold a potential as methodologies for enacting versions of the city that connect to contemporary social struggles as well as to the right to the city. The text applies a pragmatist, new materialist methodology and proposes that urban realities are enacted through practices and co-shaped by the spatial and architectural environment. Thereby I seek to discuss with an art discourse that has been preoccupied with defining socially engaged art as communicative (as a layer of reality that can be added or removed) and with a trend in urban studies which views temporary art projects as subservient to urban restructurings driven by gentrification.&nbsp

    Starting from the Middle—Handshaking in Hökarängen: Art Projects as Working Methods for Producing the City Differently

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    This text analyses the project Home Works, an art program that took place in 2015–17 in Konsthall C, a contemporary art center in the Stockholm suburb of Hökarängen. The argument of the article is that Home Works can be seen as a socio-material practice of producing the city differently. I thus propose that Home Works provides an example of how art projects hold a potential as methodologies for enacting versions of the city that connect to contemporary social struggles as well as to the right to the city. The text applies a pragmatist, new materialist methodology and proposes that urban realities are enacted through practices and co-shaped by the spatial and architectural environment. Thereby I seek to discuss with an art discourse that has been preoccupied with defining socially engaged art as communicative (as a layer of reality that can be added or removed) and with a trend in urban studies which views temporary art projects as subservient to urban restructurings driven by gentrification.&nbsp

    Får økologiske forbrugere oftere 6 om dagen?

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    Får økologiske forbrugere oftere 6 om dagen? Ja! Analysen af nye forbrugsdata fra GfK ConsumerScan indikerer, at husholdninger med et højt økologiforbrug spiser relativt meget frugt og grønt, men lidt kød. Selvom der ofte betales en merpris for økologiske varianter, viser undersøgelsen samtidig, at den økologiske forbruger ikke bruger flere penge på mad end andre. For alle forbrugergrupper står supermarkederne for det største salg af økologiske varer, men derudover adskiller den økologiske forbruger sig ved at købe flere varer over internettet og i specialbutikker. Husholdninger med høje økologiforbrug er typisk små – oftest kvinder – har høje uddannelser og er bosiddende i København. Samtidig er den økologiske forbruger en omskiftelig person, som sagtens kan hhv. øge og mindske den økologiske budgetandel over tid – dog med en tendens til, at de forbrugere, der køber mest økologi, har det mest stabile forbrug

    The disulfide oxidative pathway in\ua0Chlamydia trachomatis

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    Delinger og Magt - En diskussion af det sociales status i kunsthistorien

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    Det sociale er et omdiskuteret begreb i kunstfeltet for øjeblikket. Det gælder i både kunstpraksisser og kuratering, hvor idéer om det sociale er underliggende, når man taler om modeller for kollektiv handling i aktuelle diskussioner om commons, kollektivt intellekt, såvel som idéer om deltagelse og kollektiv vidensproduktion.I disse diskurser italesættes det sociale som et potentiale til demokratisering, mobilisering af kollektive erfaringsrum, selvbestemmelse og kritik af magtforhold. At insistere på det sociale som et udgangspunkt for kunstproduktion i dag fremstår ofte som en grundlagsproblematik og et udtryk for en kunstposition, der vedkender sig, at gensidig social afhængighed er såvel et grundvilkår som et kritisk udgangspunkt for kunstnerisk handlin
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