9,504 research outputs found


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    This study aims at determine the influence of the most dominant factor OF learning difficulties of the students in Grade XI Subject Areas Building Drawing Building SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, learning difficulties were factors include: (1) Internal factors consist of: (a) Physical factors, (b) Factors Psychology, and (2) External factors consist of: (a) Family environmental factors, (b) and School of Environmental Factors (c) Environmental factors Society. The research was conducted at SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. The sample of this research is the Department of Building class XI student of 85 students drawn from a population of 113 students who are of 4 classes namely GB1, GB2, GB3, and KK. The sampling technique using a proportional sampling. Techniques of data retrieval is done by distributing questionnaires and documentation. Validation test by consulting with the lecturers and experts to test the validity items using application programs excel 2007, while the reliability of the instrument using Cronbach Alpha coefficient. Data analysis techniques performed descriptively by finding the mean (M) score of learning difficulties experienced by students to draw a building subjects. The results of this study indicate that a class XI student of building expertise SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta to draw a building subjects have difficulty learning from a selected number of samples, the results obtained (1) learning difficulties physical factor 8.23%, (2) learning difficulty factor Psychology of 21.18%, (3) difficulty learning environment factors family 15.29%, (4) difficulty learning school environment factors 11.76%, (5) difficulty learning community environment factors 12.94%. So the class XI students building area of expertise to learn the dominant factor is the difficulty factor of Psychology. Key words: Learning Difficulties, Drawing Buildings, SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakart

    Common Sense Outlook on Local Wisdom and Identity: A Contemporary Javanese Native’s Experience*

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    This paper explores local wisdom and identity as experienced by the writer as a Javanese through his common sense. The writer is interested on this topic since he is seeing the fact of the ‘lost generation’ in the society he is living in: Yogyakarta. This fact is seen in many aspects of life: be it media, language, food, medicine, and many other cultural artifacts. Therefore, the writer finds it significant to identify and redefine our identity by employing our local wisdom to cope with the challenging global influence and to give contribution to the world. Key words: local wisdom, Javanese culture, identity, global culture

    Cardiac Cavity Segmentation in Echocardiography Using Triangle Equation

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    In this paper, cardiac cavity segmentation in echocardiography is proposed. The method uses triangle equation algorithms to detect and reconstruct the border. Prior to the application of both algorithms, some preprocessings have to be carried out. The first step is high boost filter to enhance high frequency component while still keeping the low frequency component. The second step is applying morphological and thresholding operations to eliminate noise and convert the image into binary image. The third step is negative laplacian filter to apply edge detector. The fourth step is region filter to eliminate small region. The last step is using triangle equation to detect and reconstruct the imprecise border. This technique is able to perform segmentation and detect border of cardiac cavity from echocardiographics sequences. Keywords: cardiac cavity, high boost filter, morphology, negative laplacian, region filter, and triangle equation


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis Macromedia Flash Profesional 8, (2) mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran interaktif teori mesin bubut berbasis Macromedia Flash Professional 8. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan gabungan antara metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pengembangan media ini terdiri dari enam tahap, yaitu: concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, dan distribution. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner/ angket. Responden adalah siswa kelas XI Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Pemesinan, SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul. Proses pembuatan media pembelajaran ini adalah: Studi Lapangan dan Literatur, Identifikasi Kebutuhan, Perumusan Tujuan, Perancangan Produk, Validasi Ahli Materi dan Media, Revisi 1, Tanggapan Terbatas, Revisi II, Tanggapan Luas, Revisi III. Hasilnya berupa media pembelajaran dengan enam (6) menu utama, yaitu: Pendahuluan, Cekam dan Alat Bantu, Hitung Teknis, Fungsi Mesin Bubut, Latihan Soal, dan Tentang Kami. Media dipublikasikan dalam CD dengan file sebesar 210 MB dan dikemas dalam hard case yang bertuliskan Nama Media, Sasaran Pengguna, Isi Media, System Requirements dan Petunjuk Instalasi. Hasil penilaian kelayakan media pembelajaran berdasarkan skor penilaian kualitas produk ditinjau dari aspek pembelajaran termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rerata 3,35; aspek substansi materi termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rerata 3,49; aspek tampilan termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rerata 3,28, aspek pemrograman dan komunikasi visual termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rerata 3,30; Motivasi belajar termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rerata 3,45. Secara keseluruhan prosentase penilaian kelayakan media tanggapan luas dibandingkan dengan skor ideal adalah 84,36% dan termasuk termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu kamus bahasa Indonesia-Jawa berbasis web yang memberikan informasi mengenai terjemahan kata bahasa Indonesia-Jawa, terjemahan kata bahasa Jawa-Indonesia, penulisan aksara Jawa dan unggah-ungguhing basa Jawa. Selain itu juga untuk mengembangkan keluaran antar muka yang mudah dimengerti oleh pengguna dan untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan kamus bahasa Indonesia-Jawa bagi masyarakat. Kamus bahasa Indonesia-Jawa berbasis web telah dikembangkan dengan menggunakan PHP dan MySQL dengan prosedur yang dilakukan adalah identifikasi kebutuhan, analisis kebutuhan, desain dan pengujian terhadap program kamus. Antarmuka untuk setiap kategori dibedakan menjadi menu administrator dan menu pengguna umum. Pengujian kamus bahasa Indonesia-Jawa berbasis web ini dilakukan dengan tahapan alpha dan beta dengan sampel diambil menggunakan sampling kuota sebanyak 30 orang dan sampling purposive sebanyak 2 orang yaitu ahli materi dan ahli media. Pengujian instrumen menggunakan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian menggunakan metode wawancara dan angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif karena variabel yang digunakan bersifat kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kamus bahasa Indonesia-Jawa sudah dapat berfungsi sesuai dengan rancangan desain dalam memberikan informasi berupa terjemahan kata bahasa Indonesia-Jawa, Jawa-Indonesia, aksara Jawa dan Unggah-ungguhing basa Jawa. Kata yang tersimpan dalam sistem berjumlah total 999 kata. Berdasarkan penilaian ahli media dan ahli materi terhadap tingkat kelayakan kamus bahasa Indonesia-Jawa dilihat dari segi correctness, integrity dan usability adalah layak, sedangkan dari segi reliability adalah sangat layak. Penilaian pengguna terhadap tingkat kelayakan kamus bahasa Indonesia-Jawa dilihat dari segi correctness, reliability, integrity dan usability sebagian besar menjawab layak


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar CNC Dasar pada siswa antara kelompok eksperimen yang menggunakan media Simulator CNC 2 Axis dan kelompok kontrol yang tidak menggunakan media pembelajaran di SMK Islam Yogyakarta, dan (2) mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media Simulator CNC 2 Axis pada siswa terhadap hasil belajar CNC Dasar di SMK Islam Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan quasi eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest, non-equivalent control group design. Tempat penelitian dilakukan di SMK Islam Yogyakarta. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI Jurusan Teknik Pemesinan (XI TP) yang terdiri dari 2 (dua) kelas, kelas eksperimen (XI TPA) dan kelas kontrol (XI TPB). Perlakuan diberikan pada kelas eksperimen dengan memberikan pembelajaran dengan media Simulator CNC 2 Axis, sedangkan pada kelas kontrol pembelajaran dilakukan dengan metode konvensional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan instrumen berupa tes program CNC 2 Axis yang diberikan sebelum pembelajaran/pretest dan sesudah/posttest. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu teknik analisis deskriptif yang meliputi: modus, median, mean, varians, dan standar deviasi serta uji analisis hipotesis dengan korelasi Product Moment dan persamaan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa SMK Islam Yogyakarta pada pelajaran CNC Dasar setelah mendapatkan pembelajaran menggunakan media Simulator CNC 2 Axis nilai rata-ratanya 78,28 sedangkan yang diajarkan secara konvensional nilai rata-ratanya 74,78. Dari hasil analisis regresi diperoleh persamaan regresi Y’ = 16,24 – 0,61X serta dari pengujian hipotesis menggunakan korelasi Product Moment dengan taraf signifikansi 5%; rhitung > rtabel (0,64 > 0,468). Koefisien determinan (r2) sebesar 0,4096 ini memberikan pengaruh media Simulator CNC 2 Axis terhadap hasil belajar CNC Dasar sebesar 40,96% sisanya sebesar 59,04% dipengaruhi faktor lain, seperti: sarana dan prasarana, kondisi siswa, dan proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa pengaruh penggunaan media Simulator CNC 2 Axis dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar CNC Dasar pada siswa


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    Sigit Wahyu Tri Utomo, Nim : 201710010311106. Analysis of Adolescents' Interest in Participating in Religious Activities at Jami' Babussalam Mosque, Lawang District, Malang Regency. Supervisor (1) (2). Keywords: Adolescents, Mosque, Religious Interest This research aims to analyze adolescents' interest in participating in religious activities at Jami' Babussalam Mosque in Lawang, Malang Regency. The background of the problem indicates a lack of interest in religious participation among adolescents, including those involved in the mosque's management. The research questions formulated in this study are (1) What factors underlie adolescents' interest in participating in religious activities at Jami' Babussalam Mosque, Lawang? and (2) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors in increasing adolescents' awareness in participating in religious activities at Jami' Babussalam Mosque, Lawang? The research method employed is qualitative with a case study design. Data collection is conducted through interviews, documentation, and observations. The collected data are analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and data verification/conclusion steps. The research findings indicate that factors influencing adolescents' interest in participating in religious activities at the mosque include religious education and understanding, social influence, and spiritual motivation. These factors interact and influence each other in shaping adolescents' interest in religious activities at the mosque. Furthermore, significant supporting factors include a religious family environment and an active religious community with engaging and beneficial activities, which motivate adolescents to actively participate in religious activities at the mosque. However, there are also inhibiting factors such as social pressure, lack of free time, and technological distractions like gadgets and social media. This research provides a deeper understanding of adolescents' interest in participating in religious activities at Jami' Babussalam Mosque, Lawang. The research findings are expected to offer recommendations to relevant parties in enhancing adolescents' participation and interest in religious activities at the mosque, as well as strengthening their religious awareness

    Interpreting Poetry through Music: An Attempt to Redefine Poetry Teaching

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    Based on the decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts of Yogyakarta State University about the appointment of the skripsi consultant of the English Language and Literature Study Program on March 30, 2009, there were 60 students writing proposals for their final projects. Among those, there were only 14 students who choose literature or only 24% and, unfortunately, in this percentage no one analyzes poetry as the subject of their research. This empirical data show that there are imbalances among concentrations in this study program. In the long run, this situation is problematic since it influences the development of a particular science, which is literature especially poetry, compared to linguistics and translation. That problem evidently involves the students, the teachers, and teaching-learning process. However, it appears that the last two aspects contribute more to that problem. Most students still think that poetry is ‘scaring’ because of its unfamiliar words, uncommon use of language, imaginative writings, connotative words, sophisticated use of words, etc. In turn, this will result in their poor comprehension and interpretation of poetry. For them, poetry is imaginative and its meaning is beyond their reach. This usually ends in the failure to realize those meanings in their own life or to experience those life values shared in poetry, which is in truth the essence of poetry interpretation. In fact, this is actually not the students’ failure but the teacher’s and the fruitlessness of the teaching leaning process. Considering those complicated problems above, this paper offers an attempt to redefine the ‘ordinary’ teaching of poetry generally conducted hitherto. It will explore the possibilities of teaching ‘fun’ poetry through music, without losing its essence. Music, especially the everlasting one, is closely related to poetry and is very useful in helping students understand and interpret poetry. They will find it enjoyable at their first encounter and eventually be able to share the values of life offered by the poet, and realize those values into their own life. Truly, this approach is worth applying to have a fruitful teaching and learning process. Key words: poetry interpretation, music, teaching and learning proces

    Experiencing Multiculturalism through Literature: The Fruitfulness of the Student-Centered Approach of Teaching Literature

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    Extremism occurring in this world and, specifically, in Indonesia recently is one form of the failure of education which does not accommodate multiculturalism. Terrorism is obviously the result of the distorted education which only focuses on mono-cultural values. Later, this will develop exclusivism in which there is no room for pluralism. This one-sided way of communication is dangerous for multiculturalism, which is, in fact, basic for human being. Therefore, the paper will explore how literature is fruitful for the students to experience multiculturalism and freely communicating its values. Literature is one of the best ways to lead the students to experience multiculturalism. This is supported by the fact that it is multi-interpretable. Even literature itself has so many definitions though it means nothing without appropriate appreciation. When asked to read and interpret particular literary text there will be so many ideas different one another. This is in point of fact the real representation of multiculturalism in its specific and particular definition. In addition, these colorful interpretations come about as a consequence of the different milieu of the author, the work it self and the reader: be it social, cultural, and religious background. The communication of the readers’ and authors’ values through literature is what most matters in teaching literature. Additionally, the teaching-learning process must emphasize more to embed, grow, and develop the affective side of the students than the cognitive one. And since the students as the readers are from different backgrounds, those differences must be highly appreciated and it will enrich the teaching-learning process. This is possible if the student-centered approach is employed consistently and should be explicitly stated in the course syllabus and also lesson plan. To conclude, it is evident that the communication of the different and various values of life becomes the key of teaching literature in multicultural context. If this kind of teaching-learning process works well, one-sided way of communicating values, which is obviously dangerous, will no longer have a place to grow up, for the affective mission of literature is to be sensitive and to understand others. The students will be more open-minded and will not be trapped in the destructive extremism as differences are basic for human being. They will see life in this world not as black and white but as the rainbow, which is always beautiful through times. Key words: experiencing multiculturalism, student-centered approach, teaching literature, communication of value

    Poetry, Gender and Teaching: Building Students’ Character through Multicultural Literature

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    This paper is aimed to explore the concern of gender in teaching poetry as an effort to build student’s character through multicultural literature. The students’ success in life is based on 80% of their soft skill. This is in line with the objective of teaching literature that focuses on developing the affective side of the students. Gender problem is one of the crucial and complicated issues in contemporary multicultural society. Gender issues cover various disciplines; literature and education are among them. These multicultural circumstances, including gender, are portrayed in poetry of multicultural poet’s background. This can be used as rich and inspiring resources for teaching poetry and is valuable for developing students’ character that gets weak from time to time. This weakening condition is caused by the teaching method focusing on developing more and more the cognitive side of the students. Poetry and literature in general, bears human soul that touches four elements of human being: intellectual, sense, imagination and emotion. Thus, teaching poetry can develop gender awareness of the students to prepare themselves be persons with strong character to live in contemporary life which are full of gender problems
