6 research outputs found

    Informal settlement segmentation using VHR RGB and height information from UAV imagery: a case study of Nepal

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesInformal settlement in developing countries are complex. They are contextually and radiometrically very similar to formal settlement. Resolution offered by Remote sensing is not sufficient to capture high variations and feature size in informal settlements in these situations. UAV imageries offers solution with higher resolution. Incorporating UAV image and normalized DSM obtained from UAV provides an opportunity of including information on 3D space. This can be a crucial factor for informal settlement extraction in countries like Nepal. While formal and informal settlements have similar texture, they differ significantly in height. In this regard, we propose segmentation of informal settlement of Nepal using UAV and normalized DSM, against traditional approach of orthophoto only or orthophoto and DSM. Absolute height, normalized DSM(nDSM) and vegetation index from visual band added to 8 bit RGB channels are used to locate informal settlements. Segmentation including nDSM resulted in 6 % increment in Intersection over Union for informal settlements. IoU of 85% for informal settlement is obtained using nDSM trained end to end on Resnet18 based Unet. Use of threshold value had same effect as using absolute height, meaning use of threshold does not alter result from using absolute nDSM. Integration of height as additional band showed better performance over model that trained height separately. Interestingly, benefits of vegetation index is limited to settlements with small huts partly covered with vegetation, which has no or negative effect elsewhere

    Dental caries, tobacco usage and associated risk factor of dental caries in patients visiting a government hospital in Western, Nepal

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    Abstract Background This study was conducted to assess the prevalence of dental caries, tobacco usage, and associated risk factors for dental caries in patients who visited a government hospital in Western, Nepal. Methods This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted from January to April 2022. Patients above 18 years visiting the dental OPD of a government hospital, and who had provided informed consent were enrolled in the study using a convenience sampling technique. As the study also involved an illiterate population, in that case, informed consent was obtained from their respective legal guardian as well. A pretested standardized, close-ended questionnaire was administered by researchers to gather information regarding the associated risk factors and oral hygiene practices. Clinical examination was done for dental caries according to the criteria by the World Health Organization (WHO) using the “DMFT” index (WHO modification 1987). Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression was done and the odds ratio and p-value was calculated. For all tests, statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results A total of 219 participants completed the study with a mean age of 31.73 ± 12.46. The prevalence of dental caries and tobacco was found to be 80.36% and 5.02% respectively. Participants without health insurance had 2.35 times higher odds of dental caries (95% CI: 1.03–5.36). Not rinsing the mouth after eating sweets was associated with 3.07 times higher odds of dental caries (95% CI: 1.31–7.18). Those who hadn’t visited a dentist in the past 12 months had lower odds (0.42; 95% CI: 0.18–0.94). Eating fresh fruit daily showed statistically higher odds (2.70; 95% CI: 1.04–6.99) of dental caries. Non-tobacco users had higher odds (14.19; 2.55–78.99) of dental caries. Conclusion Dental caries is highly prevalent, while tobacco usage is relatively low. Factors associated with dental caries included lack of health insurance coverage, consumption of fruits once daily, recent dental visits within the past year, not rinsing the mouth with water after consuming sweets, and non-tobacco users

    Carbon Dots: A Future Blood–Brain Barrier Penetrating Nanomedicine and Drug Nanocarrier

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    Drug delivery across the blood–brain barrier (BBB) is one of the biggest challenges in modern medicine due to the BBB’s highly semipermeable property that limits most therapeutic agents of brain diseases to enter the central nervous system (CNS). In recent years, nanoparticles, especially carbon dots (CDs), exhibit many unprecedented applications for drug delivery. Several types of CDs and CD-ligand conjugates have been reported successfully penetrating the BBB, which shows a promising progress in the application of CD-based drug delivery system (DDS) for the treatment of CNS diseases. In this review, our discussion of CDs includes their classification, preparations, structures, properties, and applications for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and brain tumor. Moreover, abundant functional groups on the surface, especially amine and carboxyl groups, allow CDs to conjugate with diverse drugs as versatile drug nanocarriers. In addition, structure of the BBB is briefly described, and mechanisms for transporting various molecules across the BBB and other biological barriers are elucidated. Most importantly, recent developments in drug delivery with CDs as BBB-penetrating nanodrugs and drug nanocarriers to target CNS diseases especially Alzheimer’s disease and brain tumor are summarized. Eventually, future prospects of the CD-based DDS are discussed in combination with the development of artificial intelligence and nanorobots