40 research outputs found

    Residuos de pesticidas organoclorados en cerebro e hígado de truchas (Salmo Trutta Fario, L.)

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    [ES] Residuos de pesticidas organoclorados en cerebro e hígado de truchas (Salmo Trutta Fario, L.

    Qualidade do sono e marcadores endócrinos e bioquímicos

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    O sono e o repouso constituem o ritmo biológico base da espécie humana e são fundamentais para uma boa saúde e qualidade de vida, com especial significado em crianças e jovens (DGS, 2015). Dormir bem é fundamental para a recuperação física e psíquica do indivíduo, indispensável para sermos saudáveis e essencial para nos mantermos ativos, concentrados e bem-dispostos. O sono é um equilibrador do humor e das emoções, recupera o corpo e a memória, estimula a criatividade e aumenta e consolida a capacidade de aprendizagem (Paiva & Penzel, 2011; SPN, 2015). Há cada vez mais evidências de que o sono tem influencia sobre os hábitos alimentares e consequentemente sobre o balanço energético e a regulação do peso corporal, estando também associado a outros fatores de risco metabólico na adolescência (Quist, Sjödin, Chaput & Hjorth, 2016). A má qualidade do sono tem um impacto negativo na qualidade de vida, verificando-se que a privação do sono é um fator de risco relevante para a saúde e segurança, aumentando o risco de doenças cardiovasculares, hipertensão, obesidade, diabetes, depressão, ansiedade e outros distúrbios de humor. A intervenção é fundamental, promovendo bons hábitos de sono desde a infância (Rebelo-Pinto, Pinto, Rebelo-Pinto & Paiva, 2014).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sleep quality and food intake of high school students

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    Poor sleep quality is associated with increased food intake and poor diet quality [1]. People with lack of sleep show a positive correlation. between free time and food intake and also experience hormonal and brain changes that drive the intake of food with high calorific value [1-3]. In addition, scientific research has shown a healthy and balanced diet to positively influence the quality of sleep [1]. Objective The present study was set out to assess the sleep quality of high school students in Bragança county, and its association with food intake. Methods The study used non-experimental, analytical and transversal methodology, of epidemiological character and with a quantitative approach. It was intended to carry out the study in a population of 862 high school students. However, due to consent being required from both legal guardians and students, a smaller sample of 345 students was obtained. The data was collected in May 2017 through a questionnaire that included the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), validated for the Portuguese population. Results Throughout the study and following PSQI analysis, it was concluded that 39.71% (n = 137) of participants showed poor quality of sleep (PSQI > 5 points). The correlation between sleep quality and food intake was assessed and a statistically significant association was found between the quality of sleep and the intake of snacks (X2 = 17.144; p = 0.000), sugary products (X2 = 18.603; p= 0 .000), fast-food (X2 = 12.353; p = 0.002) and ready meals (X2 = 14.852; p = 0.000). The risk of suffering from poor sleep quality is higher in young populations who frequently eat snacks ([OR]: 2.811; 99%), sugary products ([OR]: 1.901; 95%), fast-food ([OR]: 4.000; 99%) and ready meals ([OR]: 5.621; 95%) in comparison with young populations who rarely eat this sort of food. The sleep quality is also significantly related with the number of meals young people have in a day (X2 = 7.580; p = 0.023). The risk of having poor quality sleep is 2.240 times higher in young people who rarely eat 4-6 meals a day. Conclusions A correlation between sleep quality and food intake in the sampled students was seen. The risk of having poor quality of sleep is higher in students who frequently eat a high calorie diet and also in students who rarely have 4-6 meals a day. There are several connections between sleep quality and eating habits. Sleep promotion and its connection with standard diets should be included as an essential part of community empowerment for health-promoting lifestyles [1,4,5].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The online sale of antibiotics for veterinary use

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    [EN] Antibiotics are essential medicines against infectious diseases in both humans and animals. An inappropriate use of antibiotics can impair animal health and enhance the risk of bacterial resistance, as well as its transfer from animals to humans. The objective of this study was to assess the possibility of purchasing antibiotics for veterinary use on the internet, to evaluate if a prescription is required, and to determine the availability of drugs classified as the highest priority critically important antimicrobials (HP-CIA). The Google and Bing search engines and both simple and complex search strings in Spanish and in English were used. The simple search string was “buy veterinary antibiotics”. Complex searches used wildcards and specific syntax. The searches carried out in Spanish revealed that 50% of websites operated in South America, and 65% of websites did not require a valid prescription. Fluoroquinolones were offered in 84% of these websites (45% without prescription), macrolides were offered in 63% of these websites (43% without prescription), and 3rd– and 4th–generation cephalosporins in 54% of these websites (38% without prescription). For the searches in English, 57% of these websites operated in the United States of America (USA), and 55% of them did not require a prescription. Fluoroquinolones were offered in 79% of these websites (49% without prescription), macrolides were offered in 72% of these websites (45% without prescription), and 3rd– and 4th–generation cephalosporins were offered in 49% of these websites (27% without prescription). Therefore, it is easy to illegally access antibiotics via the internet.SIThis research received no external funding

    Sleep and diet quality in adolescents

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    Background: Inability to sleep increases the vulnerability of overeating in particular high calorie density foods considering the current obesogenic environment. In addition, scientific research has shown that a healthy and balanced diet positively influences sleep quality. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the quality of sleep of adolescents in the county of Bragança and its association with diet quality. Methods: It was carry out the study in a population of 345 high school students. The data was collected in May 2017 through a questionnaire that included the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), by Ramalho (2008). Results: Throughout the study and following PSQI analysis, it was concluded that 39.71% (n=137) of participants showed poor quality of sleep (PSQI >5 points). The correlation between sleep quality and diet quality was assessed and a statistically significant association was found between the quality of sleep and the intake of snacks (X2=17.144; p≤0.001), sugary products (X2=18.603; p=0.000), fast-food (X2=12.353; p=0.002) and ready meals (X2=14.852; p≤0.001). The risk of suffering from poor sleep quality is higher in young populations who frequently eat snacks ([OR]: 2.811; 99%), sugary products ([OR]: 1.901; 95%), fast-food ([OR]: 4.000; 99%) and ready meals ([OR]: 5.621; 95%) in comparison with young populations who rarely eat this sort of food. The sleep quality is also significantly related to the number of correct eating habits (test t = 4.857, p≤0.001). Adolescents with good sleep quality presented a greater number of correct eating habits (mean: 7.85) compared to students with poor sleep quality (mean: 6.55). Conclusions: Through the analysis of the results, the correlation between sleep quality and dietary quality is evident. The risk of having poor quality of sleep is higher in students who frequently eat a high calorie diet and also in students who have fewer healthy eating habits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of the antioxidant/hypolipidemic relationship of sideritis hyssopifolia in an experimental animal model

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    [EN] Many publications have described the potential cardioprotective action of different medicinal plants, relating this effect with blood lipid levels. However, these publications do not justify the right amount of plant administered, which can vary greatly. Sideritis hyssopifolia is a little woody plant endemic to western and southwestern Europe. We have quantified its antioxidant activity, which can be used as an indicator of its cardioprotective action. This study evaluates the antioxidant capacity of Sideritis hyssopifolia to design a feed whose hypolipidemic effects are proven in cholesterol-fed New Zealand rabbits. Antioxidant action was assessed in infusions, which were prepared with 1 or 3 g of plant in 200 mL of water by using an ABTS assay and expressed as Ascorbic acid Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (AEAC). Aqueous infusions with infusion times of 10 min and prepared with 3 g plant exhibited the strongest antioxidant activity. Sideritis hyssopifolia showed an intermediate antioxidant capacity for the concentrations and times of the infusion tested. According to our results, we suggest incorporating 2.36 g of S. hyssopifolia every 150 g of rabbit feeding stuff (15.73 g/kg). This chow decreased cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides levels in cholesterol-fed rabbits, as well as the atherogenic index. This reduction was similar to that obtained with simvastatin.S

    Availability of antibiotics for veterinary use on the internet: a cross-sectional study

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    [EN] The misuse or overuse of antibiotics can favor the emergence of antimicrobial resistance, with a direct impact on human and animal health as well as on ecosystems. In this work, we have analyzed the web pages in which antibiotics for veterinary use can be purchased online. By using a specifically developed software, we carried out a detailed search to know if each individual antibiotic and the families included in the OIE list of antimicrobial agents of veterinary importance (in English and in Spanish) were sold, reviewing the offers according to the administration route and the species for which the antibiotics were intended. The greatest offer of antibiotics was for those compounds considered critically important by OIE. In the search in English, penicillins were available on 55.8% of the sites, tetracyclines on 55.0%, and fluoroquinolones on 52.7%. In Spanish, the families with the greatest presence were fluoroquinolones (67.9% of the sites), tetracyclines (67.9% of the sites), and penicillins (65.4% of the sites). Regarding individual antibiotics, the most offered in both searches were amoxicillin (49.6% of the sites in English and 57.7% in Spanish) and doxycycline (46.5% of the sites in English and 53.8% in Spanish). Most offers were for oral and parenteral administration and intended for cats and dogs and for bovines.S

    Qualidade do sono e marcadores endócrinos e bioquímicos

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    O sono e o repouso constituem o ritmo biológico base da espécie humana e são fundamentais para uma boa saúde e qualidade de vida, com especial significado em crianças e jovens. Procedemos à revisão da literatura utilizando os motores de busca PubMed, ScienceDirect, B-on, Scielo, no espaço cronológico 2006 a 2016, objetivando-se relacionar a qualidade do sono com os marcadores endócrinos e bioquímicos. Revisão: Há cada vez mais evidências de que o sono tem influência sobre os hábitos alimentares e consequentemente sobre o balanço energético e a regulação do peso corporal, estando também associado a outros fatores de risco metabólico na adolescência. A redução das horas de sono e os distúrbios do sono estão associadas ao aumento da ingestão de alimentos, a dietas de má qualidade e excesso de peso. Por outro lado uma dieta saudável pode promover o sono e a sua qualidade, dado o seu impacto na síntese de serotonina e melatonina. A má qualidade do sono tem um impacto negativo na qualidade de vida, verificando-se que a privação do sono é um fator de risco relevante para a saúde e segurança, aumentando o risco cardiovascular e metabólico. Discussão: Os diferentes estudos demonstram a relação da qualidade do sono com as hormonas e proteínas essenciais ao desenvolvimento físico, cognitivo e emocional. Conclusão: A investigação na área do sono é fundamental para aumentar o conhecimento sobre a correlação do sono com as diferentes variáveis e consequentemente desenvolver programas de promoção efetivos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Calidad del sueño y consumición de sustancias psicoatctivas en alumnos de la enseñanza secundaria del municipio de Bragança

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    O sono dos adolescentes tem características próprias e é influenciado pelos hábitos da sociedade moderna, que frequentemente perturbam um ritmo saudável de sono e vigília. A presente investigação avaliou a qualidade de sono de alunos do ensino secundário do concelho de Bragança e a sua relação com o consumo de substâncias psicoativas, estudando-se uma amostra de 345 alunos. Os dados foram recolhidos em maio de 2017, através de um questionário que incluía o Índice de Qualidade do sono de Pittsburgh (IQSP) e questões sobre o consumo de substâncias psicoativas. Constatou-se que a maioria dos adolescentes em estudo consome bebidas alcoólicas (73.6%), café (66.4%) e outras bebidas com cafeína ou derivados (87.8%) e que 10.4% são fumadores. Concluiuse que o risco de má qualidade do sono é superior nos adolescentes fumadores, que consomem bebidas alcoólicas e que consomem diariamente bebidas com cafeína ou derivados. Verificou-se ainda que a qualidade do sono também se relaciona com o consumo de tabaco e bebidas com cafeína e derivados nas três horas antes de dormir, sendo o risco de má qualidade de sono superior nos adolescentes que frequentemente consomem bebidas com cafeína e nos que frequentemente fumam nesse período específico. As relações verificadas remetem-nos para a importância de intervir na educação e promoção da qualidade de sono dos adolescentes, associando o estilo de vida e o consumo de substâncias psicoativas. Este estudo pode ser uma importante ferramenta para educadores, decisores políticos e comunitários, no sentido de definirem planos de intervenção concretos em contexto escolar na área do sono, consumo de substâncias psicoativas, e no estabelecimento de rotinas promotoras da saúde.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relation of sports with sleep quality and anthropometric measures at secondary schools

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    El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la relación de la práctica deportiva con la calidad del sueño y los hábitos nutricionales de los adolescentes y su implicación en el peso y forma corporal. Se llevó a cabo el estudio en una población de 345 estudiantes de la enseñanza Secundaria del Ayuntamiento de Bragança, Portugal. Los datos se recopilaron en mayo de 2017 a través de un cuestionario que incluía el Índice de Calidad del sueño de Pittsburgh (PSQI) y un cuestionario auto informado sobre los hábitos nutricionales y la práctica de actividad física extra-curricular, su tipología, su frecuencia y duración en adolescentes. La evaluación antropométrica y la composición se realizaron con una báscula de escala electrónica, con métodos de bioimpedancia eléctrica bipolar. Se procedió a la validación del percentil/ IMC (WHO, 2007). Se verificó que el 58% de los adolescentes en estudio practicaba deporte fuera de la actividad escolar. La mayoría de los adolescentes, el 75,1%, presentaban percentil normoponderado, el 14,5% pre-obesidad y el 5,5% obesidad, siendo que el 36,0% presentaba grasa corporal por encima de lo sano. En cuanto a la evaluación de la calidad del sueño, se llegó a la conclusión de que el 39,71% de los participantes mostró pobre calidad de sueño (PSQI > 5 puntos). Se constató que el percentil de IMC y el porcentaje de grasa corporal estaban significativamente asociados al hecho de que los adolescentes practican deporte y la calidad del sueño, verificándose que la práctica deportiva y la buena calidad del sueño son factores positivos en la obtención del percentil y de la masa grasa normoponderales. Se observó también que el número de hábitos diarios correctos es superior en los alumnos que practican actividad deportiva extra-curricular, en los alumnos con percentil sano y/o grasa corporal adecuada. Estos resultados muestran la importancia de fomentar la actividad física, las opciones nutricionales saludables y también la calidad del sueño en la niñez y adolescencia, con el objetivo de maximizar un ambiente promotor de salud y mejorar el nivel de salud actual y en la edad adulta.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio