138 research outputs found

    Organizational Dissent: The Implications of Race and Dissent Outcomes

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    Dissent, the public expression of a minority perspective, is valuable to organizations due to its connections with improving decision-making processes within teams. The current study sought to integrate what is known about diversity in thought and diversity in people and how this influences the dissent process. Specifically, I examined if positive perceptions of dissenters (i.e., worthy of respect or courageous) differ based on the race of the dissenter. Second, I examined if stories of successful articulated dissent influence subsequent willingness to dissent. In developing a scenario to manipulate dissent outcomes ranging from negative outcomes (i.e., hostility) to positive outcomes (i.e., acceptance and influence), I studied the impact of varied responses dissent of one’s one willingness to engage in dissent. The outcome of the dissent scenario did not influence one’s willingness to dissent. However, the race of the dissenter did influence perceptions of the dissenter. Specifically, the Black dissenter was viewed as more intelligent, deserving of respect, and likeable. This study has implications for how coworkers and leaders may respond differentially to a dissenter depending on their race

    The Ripened Lo of Lolita

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    The Alternate Route to Teacher Certification: Meeting the Challenges Students Face

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    This study will introduce readers to the Alternate Rqute to Teacher Certification in Washington State, also known as the fast track. Participants are able to attain teacher certification through a special curricular program design within six to twelve months. It commences with a summer academy in July and with the participants as student teachers in the classroom with a Mentor Teacher and College Supervisor by September. The student stories will focus on successes, while including information on the development of the program from the perspective of Saint Martins College, Lacey, Washington. The program\u27s purpose is to meet teacher staffing requirements in secondary schools Jot school districts in high needs areas, including Special Education, English Language Learning, Japanese, Math, several areas of Science, and Music

    50 Dollars to Kill Your Cat

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    Life After the Cinders

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    Comparing Domestic Human Trafficking Policy of States Party to the Palermo Protocol

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    Human Trafficking involves the various forms of coercion and force against millions of individuals all over the world into situations of unpaid labor, sexual exploitation, and organ sales. Attention to the phenomenon is relatively new and there is complexity both in how to address it and study it. When looking at human trafficking, issues of development, poverty, immigration, gender, international cooperation, social stigma, among others, are considered. The purpose of this research paper is to compare and analyze local law interpretations of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, or just the Palermo Protocol , in a sample of countries who have ratified the international agreement. The countries selected for analysis vary from each other in how they stand as dominant origins or destinations of human trafficking and how well they do in eradicating the problem as categorized by the United States Trafficking in Persons Report (US TIP Reports) Tier statuses. Through asking a set of questions of each law, trends are revealed. The study found that local law documents used many elements from the Palermo Protocol to frame their documents; there were fewer differences than expected. The major differences were in how laws were integrated into the existing legal framework or if a comprehensive separate act was defined. Implications and the role of morality politics and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are theorized. Many studies in this field are laden with ever changing statistics, very specific case studies, or material that speaks to how the situation is stigmatized. All contribute to deeper understanding, but by objectively looking at how the major international mechanism works at a local level we may inch towards learning more about how the issue continues to pervade globally

    Consumer-Based Strategy in Improving Business Post Covid-19

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    The business world in various sectors has experienced a decline both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Various difficulties were faced by the business world in terms of distribution, supply of raw materials, the production process of goods and services, financial and capital difficulties, sales targets that were not achieved, obstruction of business networks and inadequate mastery of technology and information. The purpose of this research is to focus on business improvement strategies both during and post-pandemic that can be implemented for entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Descriptive analysis is used with a data collection approach through literature review (library study) sourced from previous studies. The results of the study show that in several fields of business, such as marketing, human resources, finance, health, and others, they can implement sustainable business strategies by increasing the production of goods and services along with providing excellent service to consumers in an effective and efficient manner so that businesses can continue and thrive. grow. The conclusion of this study is that business actors are required to have good knowledge management and absorptive capacity to improve their business performance. Furthermore, for further research to be able to examine more sharply with wider research sources in the scope of various business fields, with a more in-depth discussion with more comprehensive analytical methods both qualitatively and quantitatively

    Development and Validation of Discriminant Analysis Models for Student Loan Defaultees and Non-Defaultees

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    Transitions in Reading Instruction: Handling Contradictions in Beliefs and Practice

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    Reconciling whole language philosophy with traditional classroom reading instruction requires redefining beliefs about reading processes that, for most of us, are deeply embedded in years of basal reading instruction. Such re defining has the potential of creating conflicts between curricular beliefs and instructional practices. Whole language and basal skills instruction, according to Goodman (1989), are contradictory and incompatible practices. In contrast, Hemysfeld (1989) suggests that it is appropriate to combine the best aspects of skills instruction and whole language into one approach. While contradictions may exist initially, perhaps such contradictions will resolve themselves as educators redefine professional beliefs
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