25 research outputs found

    The Role of Magmatism in Hydrocarbon Generation in Sedimented Rifts: a Nd Isotope Perspective from Mid-Cretaceous Methane-Seep Deposits of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Spain

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    Studies on the involvement of intrusive magmatism in hydrocarbon generation within sedimentary basins have gained momentum owing to increasing appraisal of the role that such processes may play in controlling global carbon cycle perturbations, and the exploration potential of the volcanic sedimentary basins. Nevertheless, for many areas the causal link between the intrusions and surrounding hydrocarbon systems remains disputed, encouraging a search for methods that could aid in identifying different hydrocarbon sources. Here, we have performed a multi-proxy geochemical study of the middle Cretaceous methane-seep deposits of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, an early-stage, peri-cratonic rift marking the Mesozoic opening of the Bay of Biscay. Infilled by a thick sedimentary succession intruded by shallow-level igneous bodies, the basin shares analogies with modern young, sedimented rifts that sustain hydrocarbon seepage. We have applied a novel approach that uses the Nd isotope composition of the seep deposits to constrain the relationship between hydrocarbon seepage and igneous activity, and to explore the general potential of Nd isotopes to trace magmatic-influenced fluids in volcanic sedimentary basins. The Nd isotope data have been combined with rare earth element analyses and carbon and oxygen isotope measurements, providing broad insight into the former composition of the seeping fluids. For three out of four investigated seeps, the Nd isotope ratios observed in authigenic seep carbonates include signatures markedly more radiogenic than that reconstructed for background seawater-derived pore waters. The level of this Nd-143-enrichment varies both between and within individual deposits, reflecting spatial and temporal differences in fluid composition typical of seep-related environments. The radiogenic Nd isotope signals provide evidence of subseafloor interactions between the seeping fluids and mafic igneous materials, supporting the model of an igneous control on the mid-Cretaceous methane expulsion in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. The thermogenic origin of the methane is in accord with the moderately negative delta C-13 values and paragenetic successions observed in the studied seep carbonates. For a single deposit, its relatively unradiogenic Nd isotope composition can be attributed to the smallest size and shallowest emplacement depth of the underlying intrusion, likely resulting in a short-lived character and limited hydrocarbon-generation potential of the associated contact metamorphism. The study demonstrates that Nd isotope analyses of seep carbonates offer a tool in disentangling methane fluxes from different organic matter alteration pathways for the numerous, both fossil and modern sedimented rifts for which the involvement of various methane sources remains insufficiently understood.This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland (grant No. 2016/23/D/ST10/00444; to MJ) , and the Eusko Jaurlaritza (Ikerketa Taldeak IT930-16) and the Spanish State Research Agency (project PID2019-105670GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; both to LMA

    Longitudinal Influences of Maternal Sensitivity on Infant Temperamental Reactivity and Emotion Regulation

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    Parenting has been identified as a key influence on children's temperament in the first years of life. This study examined the extent to which maternal sensitivity predicted infants' subsequent temperamental reactivity and adaptive emotion regulation and moderated the relationship between infants' early mother-oriented emotion regulation behavior and later adaptive emotion regulation. Mothers brought their infants to the laboratory when their infants were 6 and 16 months old to participate in 2 videotaped procedures at each time point which were designed to elicit negative emotions from infants (i.e., anger and fear). Mothers reported infant temperament at both time points. Researchers coded maternal behavior during periods of infant distress, infant negative reactivity and two types of adaptive emotion regulation behavior (i.e., mother-oriented and independent). There was modest stability in infant negative reactivity from 6 to 16 months but no evidence that maternal sensitivity to distress moderates this stability. Maternal sensitivity to distress moderated the relationship between reactivity at 6 months and the use of mother-oriented emotion regulation behavior at 16 months; however, there was no direct influence of maternal sensitivity on either type of adaptive emotion regulation behavior. Mother-initiated look-at-mother predicted the use of independent emotion regulation, but this association was not moderated by maternal sensitivity. In conclusion, different types of adaptive emotion regulation behavior appear to be influenced by different constellations of maternal and infant behavior

    Occurrence and contents of arsenic, antimony and selenium in waters and other elements of the environment

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    Arsen, antymon i selen nale偶膮 do pierwiastk贸w 艣ladowych wyst臋puj膮cych w 艣rodowisku. Ich wszechobecne mikrozwi膮zki o z艂o偶onych w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach chemicznych wzbudzaj膮 ogromne zainteresowanie w艣r贸d wielu naukowc贸w staj膮c si臋 przedmiotem bada艅 naukowych. Przyczyn膮 nowego spojrzenia na obecno艣膰 i rol臋 mikrozwi膮zk贸w w 艣rodowisku jest ci膮g艂y rozw贸j metod analitycznych, toksykologii, biochemii, chemii 艣rodowiska i ochrony 艣rodowiska. Wraz z rozwojem tych dziedzin naukowych mamy coraz wi臋cej informacji odno艣nie wyst臋powania i roli arsenu, antymonu i selenu we wszystkich ekosystemach. Rozpatruj膮c wyst臋powanie, w艂a艣ciwo艣ci chemiczne w tym i ekotoksyczno艣膰 nie spos贸b rozpatrywa膰 艣rodowiska wodnego w oderwaniu od innych jego element贸w. Traktuj膮c ekosystem jako integraln膮 ca艂o艣膰, kt贸rej elementy po艂膮czone s膮 wzajemnymi zale偶no艣ciami i wp艂ywami, om贸wiono rol臋 arsenu, antymonu i selenu w r贸偶nych elementach 艣rodowiska naturalnego, pocz膮wszy od atmosfery, przez litosfer臋 do hydrosfery, om贸wiono r贸wnie偶 rol臋 fizjologiczn膮 (w tym toksykologi臋) i zawarto艣ci w tkankach organizm贸w ro艣linnych i zwierz臋cych. Wyst臋powanie arsenu w 艣rodowisku, jest pierwiastkiem nale偶膮cym do grupy Va uk艂adu okresowego i przejawia w艂a艣ciwo艣ci amfoteryczne. W zale偶no艣ci od warunk贸w oksydacyjno-redukcyjnych 艣rodowiska wyst臋puje na czterech stopniach utlenienia (As3-, As0, As3+, As5+). Najcz臋艣ciej wyst臋puje As (V) w postaci anionu H2AsO4- oraz As (III) jako H3AsO3, kt贸ry dominuje w warunkach redukcyjnych o niskim pH. W stanie wolnym wyst臋puje w odmianach alotropowych i, 脽 i i. Tworzy szereg anion贸w kompleksowych, AsO43- zachowuje si臋 jak fosforany i wanadany, a tak偶e wyst臋puje 艂膮cznie z metalami Cu, Pb, Zn, Co, Ni, Fe, Ag i Au. Mo偶e wyst臋powa膰 w postaci nieorganicznej i organicznej 1梅6 . Za naturaln膮 zawarto艣膰 arsenu w powietrzu, gdzie ulega on 艂atwemu rozprzestrzenianiu pod wp艂ywem wiej膮cych wiatr贸w przyjmuje si臋 zakres od 0,01 do 1 ng/m3. Do 藕r贸de艂 naturalnych arsenu w atmosferze zaliczamy: wybuchy wulkan贸w, falowanie powierzchni m贸rz, procesy mikrobiologiczne itp., natomiast 藕r贸d艂a antropogeniczne to: spalanie w臋gla, wydobycie surowc贸w mineralnych, produkcja akumulator贸w, nawo偶enie gleb, przemys艂 hutniczy i metalurgiczny. Najwi臋ksze st臋偶enia arsenu w powietrzu odnotowywane s膮 na terenach miejskich od kilku ng do kilkudziesi臋ciu 啪g w m3 i uprzemys艂owionych, gdzie mo偶e przekracza膰 1 啪g/m3. W powietrzu atmosferycznym wyst臋puje g艂贸wnie arsen nieorganiczny. Zwi膮zki arsenu, antymonu i selenu s膮 艣ladowymi sk艂adnikami chemicznymi ekosystem贸w (w tym oczywi艣cie ekosystem贸w wodnych) coraz cz臋艣ciej monitorowanymi w 艣rodowisku. Zainteresowanie oznaczeniami tych pierwiastk贸w wynika z kilku przyczyn. Pierwiastki te rzadko osi膮gaj膮 w (nawet zanieczyszczonym) 艣rodowisku st臋偶enia toksyczne, jednak偶e niewielka rozpi臋to艣膰 dawki przyjmowanej przez organizmy (cz臋sto koniecznej dla ich prawid艂owego funkcjonowania) i dawki toksycznej przy powszechno艣ci ich wyst臋powania wymaga kontroli. Zawarto艣膰 zwi膮zk贸w arsenu, antymonu i selenu w 艣rodowisku mo偶e stanowi膰 element monitoringu rozprzestrzeniania si臋 zanieczyszcze艅, informowa膰 o nasileniu proces贸w antropopresyjnych. Wreszcie istotnym staje si臋 okre艣lanie poziomu naturalnego - t艂a hydrogeochemicznego, b膮d藕 przy niemo偶no艣ci wykluczenia zmian antropopresyjnych, poziomu odniesienia dla czasu wykonania analizy. Istotno艣ci nabiera tu rozr贸偶nienie form wyst臋powania pierwiastk贸w w 艣rodowisku - analiza specjacyjna [60]. Oznaczenia takie rozszerzaj膮c wiedz臋 o 艣rodowisku naturalnym stanowi膮 cz臋sto punkt odniesienia przy okre艣laniu tendencji zachodz膮cych w ekosystemach i ich dynamiki, co za tym idzie stanowi膮c podstaw臋 do dalszych dzia艂a艅 w zakresie czy ochrony 艣rodowiska czy in偶ynierii ekologicznej.Arsenic, antimony and selenium are trace elements occurring in the environment. Their ubiquitous microcompounds of complex chemical properties arouse immense interest among many scientists, becoming the subject of scientific research. Continuous development of analytical methods, toxicology, biochemistry, environmental chemistry and environmental protection is a cause of a new look on presence and role of microcompounds in the environment. Along with development of these scientific disciplines we have more and more information regarding the occurrence and the role of arsenic, antimony and selenium in all ecosystems. Considering the occurrence, chemical properties (including ecotoxicity) it is not possible to consider water environment in isolation from other elements. Treating ecosystem as an integrity, which elements are connected with mutual relationships and influences, the role of arsenic, antimony and selenium in different elements of the natural environment (starting from atmosphere, through lithosphere to hydrosphere) is discussed. Also physiological role (including toxicology) of As, Sb and Se as well as content of these elements in tissues of plant and animal organisms is discussed. As, Sb and Se compounds are trace chemical components of ecosystems (including of course water systems) often monitored in the environment. Interest of determination of these elements results from several reasons. As, Sb and Se elements seldom reach toxical concentrations, but small difference between dose accepted by organisms (often necessary for their correct functioning) and toxical dose, their concentration requires control. Content of As, Sb and Se compounds in the environment may be a component of pollution spread monitoring. Finally it becomes necessary to determine natural level - hydrogeochemical background, or when it is not possible to exclude anthropopression changes, reference level for analysis time. It also becomes essential to differentiate forms of compound occurrence in the environment - speciation analysis. Such analysis extending knowledge of natural environment is often point of reference when tendencies and their dynamics occurring in ecosystems are determined. This means that they may become base for further activities in the scope of environment protection and ecological engineering

    Speciation Analysis in the Study of the Environment

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    The review article contains basic definitions of speciation and speciation analysis in various aspects of human activity. It also features new approaches in fractionation analysis, problems related to reference materials and the most frequently used methods

    The effect of the fluorine level on the state of leaves and needles of trees in Pozna艅 city and its vicinities

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    Fluor jest pierwiastkiem szeroko rozpowszechnionym i zajmuje 13 miejsce pod wzgl臋dem wyst臋powania w przyrodzie. W postaci fluork贸w wyst臋puje we wszystkich komponentach 艣rodowiska: wodzie, glebie, powietrzu oraz organizmach 偶ywych. Naturalnym 藕r贸d艂em zwi膮zk贸w fluoru s膮 z艂o偶a mineralne. Do w贸d przenika w wyniku proces贸w wietrzenia ska艂 i 艂ugowania, a tak偶e w opadach atmosferycznych. Zar贸wno w powietrzu, w wodzie jak i w glebie fluorki mog膮 wyst臋powa膰 w szerokim przedziale st臋偶e艅. Problem zanieczyszczenia 艣rodowiska fluorem zrodzi艂 si臋 dopiero we wsp贸艂czesnym 艣wiecie, w zwi膮zku z dzia艂alno艣ci膮 przemys艂ow膮 cz艂owieka, co doprowadzi艂o do nagromadzenia toksycznych zwi膮zk贸w fluoru w powietrzu, wodzie i glebie. Najwi臋cej, bo a偶 56,6% globalnej emisji pochodzi z hut aluminium, kolejne 藕r贸d艂a to fabryki nawoz贸w fosforowych i kwas贸w fosforowych - 17,1% oraz huty 偶elaza i stali z udzia艂em 15,5% [16]. W mniejszym stopniu sw贸j udzia艂 maj膮 emaliernie, huty szk艂a, cegielnie i zak艂ady ceramiczne u偶ywaj膮ce zanieczyszczonej fluorem gliny i w臋gla. Do tego doliczy膰 nale偶y energetyk臋 ciepln膮 opart膮 na w臋glach. Z danych opublikowanych wcze艣niej [41] dotycz膮cych zawarto艣ci fluoru w ro艣linach w okolicach Lubonia wynika, 偶e ska偶enie 艣rodowiska tym pierwiastkiem by艂o znaczne i utrzymywa艂o si臋 na poziomie kilkuset mg/kg w materiale ro艣linnym. Uzyskane podczas przeprowadzonych bada艅 wyniki sugeruj膮 spadek emisji zwi膮zk贸w fluoru do atmosfery, a zarazem imisji. Obni偶enie emisji fluoru by艂o wynikiem dzia艂a艅 podj臋tych przez Zak艂ad, a mianowicie: zaniechano produkcji fluorku glinowego; ograniczono znacznie produkcj臋 superfosfatu pylistego i kwasu fluorowodorowego; uruchomiono dwie linie produkcyjne nawoz贸w mineralnych, granulowanych metod膮 beztermiczn膮 eliminuj膮c szkodliwe wyziewy obecne przy metodzie termicznej; star膮 80-letni膮 kot艂owni臋 w臋glow膮 zast膮piono kot艂owni膮 gazow膮; dzi臋ki wykorzystaniu 艂ug贸w pokrystalicznych w budownictwie wyeliminowano problem sk艂adowania tych odpad贸w na terenie Zak艂adu lub na wysypisku. Ponadto udoskonalono systemy absorpcyjne, co r贸wnie偶 spowodowa艂o dalsze zmniejszenie emisji fluoru do atmosfery. Wyniki bada艅 otrzymane w niniejszej pracy por贸wnano z rezultatami bada艅 przeprowadzonymi w S艂owacji [40] w 1995 r. dla czterech punkt贸w pobierania pr贸bek; w terenie od praktycznie wolnego od wp艂ywu toksycznych gazowych zanieczyszcze艅 emitowanych przez hut臋 alumunium (殴iar nad Hronom) (punkt 1) do silnie ska偶onego przez t臋 emisj臋 (punkt 4). Zawarto艣膰 fluoru w dwuletnich ig艂ach 艣wierka pospolitego wynosi艂a odpowiednio 10 mg/kg (punkt 1), 34 mg/kg (punkt 2), 92 mg/kg (punkt 3) i 301 mg/kg (punkt 4) w roku 1970. W 1990 r. warto艣ci te wynosi艂y : punkt 1 - brak danych, punkt 2 - 102 mg/kg, punkt 3 - 170 mg/kg i punkt 4 - 310 mg/kg. W tym kontek艣cie zawarto艣ci fluoru w ig艂ach 艣wierka w Obornikach i Czapurach s膮 znacznie mniejsze ni偶 zawarto艣ci fluoru stwierdzane w terenach silnie ska偶onych i wynosz膮 dla fluoru uwalnianego kwasami 107 mg/kg (Oborniki), 126 mg/kg (Czapury). Warto艣ci fluoru w ig艂ach sosny wahaj膮 si臋 od 250 mg/kg do 310 mg/kg i s膮 por贸wnywalne z uzyskanymi przez Ma艌kovsk膮 i Steinnes - 310 mg/kg, a 艢wieboda [37] u tego samego gatunku podaje warto艣膰 462 mg/kg dla teren贸w silnie ska偶onych. Analizuj膮c otrzymane wyniki pod k膮tem okre艣lenia udzia艂u formy fluoru rozpuszczalnego w wodzie w stosunku do fluoru ca艂kowitego (uwalnianego kwasami) nie stwierdzono 偶adnej korelacji. Zawarto艣膰 tego pierwszego waha si臋 w granicach 20梅60% [11]. Wp艂ywaj膮 na to nie tylko indywidualne cechy ro艣lin, ale tak偶e w du偶ym stopniu warunki meteorologiczne.Fluorine is widespread in nature and in the form of fluorides occurs in all elements of the natural environment: water, soil, air and living organisms. In all these elements fluorine can occur in a wide range of concentrations. The question of environmental pollution with fluorine appeared relatively recently as a result of the industrial development. The disturbance of ecological equilibrium by excessive amounts of fluorine poses threats to the functioning of living organisms. In the natural conditions plants contain insignificant amounts of fluorine taken from the soil, where fluorine is usually present as species non-available for them. In special conditions or under soil pollution, it can be taken in by plants in excessive amounts. The most characteristic symptom of fluorine poisoning of plants are necroses appearing when the concentration of this element exceeds a certain critical point, characteristic of a plant species. The process of necrosis begins at the leaf margin and develops towards its base. The leaves undergo discoloration, whose actual shade depends on the plant species. Accumulation of fluorine is also a function of its concentration in the air, time of exposure and a number of environmental factors and plant characteristics. The study was performed for plants of different sensitivity to fluorine compounds, growing on non-polluted areas or in direct vicinity of fluorine emission sources. The isolation of fluorine from biological material was performed by the distillation method according to Hall, preceded by dry mineralisation. After the isolation, fluorides were determined by the potentiometric method with an ion-selective electrode. Two fractions of fluorine were determined: the water-soluble one and the acid-released one. For the samples coming from the Wielkopolski National Park area, assumed as non-polluted the results of the fluorine determinations were: the fluorine released by acids determined in leaves of beech tree was 1.95 mg/kg, oak tree - up to 8.05 mg/kg and in needles of the coniferous trees it varied from 2.5 mg/kg to 10.8 mg/kg, the water-soluble fluorine determined in leaves of deciduous trees varied from 0.85 mg/kg (beech, oak) to 2.23 mg/kg (oak); and in coniferous trees from 1.12 mg/kg to 2.93 mg/kg. The values obtained for the samples collected from all sites chosen are within the limits of the natural fluorine concentrations. Fluorine was also determined in samples from the areas subjected to anthropopressure. In the samples collected from the city of Poznan, the natural level of fluorine concentration was exceeded only at two sites, while the level of fluorine in the samples from Oborniki, Czapury and Lubon indicated considerable pollution of the areas with this element. The fraction of the water-soluble fluorine made from 10.8 to 53.9% of that released by acids

    Pollution of middle and lower section of Odra river with selected heavy metals on the base of results of geochemical monitoring of bottom sediments in the years 1991梅2005

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    Odra jest jedn膮 z najwa偶niejszych rzek Polski, jej dolina jest wa偶nym korytarzem ekologicznym, niezwykle cennym przyrodniczo. Rzeka jest odbiornikiem 艣ciek贸w zar贸wno oczyszczonych, jak i nieoczyszczonych, pochodz膮cych cz臋sto ze 藕r贸de艂 niekontrolowanych. Zanieczyszczenie w贸d i osad贸w dennych rzeki uniemo偶liwia rekreacyjne wykorzystanie rzeki i zagra偶a 艣rodowisku - miedzy innymi doskonale zachowanym, unikatowym dzi艣 w Europie, bezcennym wr臋cz lasom nadrzecznym: gr膮dom i 艂臋gom. Po艣redni wp艂yw na jako艣膰 w贸d Odry ma stan gospodarki wodno - 艣ciekowej na obszarze ca艂ej zlewni - poprzez jako艣膰 w贸d jej g艂贸wnych dop艂yw贸w. Stan czysto艣ci Odry w jej 艣rodkowym i dolnym biegu uzale偶niony jest w znacznej mierze od wp艂ywu zanieczyszcze艅 ze 藕r贸de艂 zlokalizowanych na G贸rnym i Dolnym 艢l膮sku; przyjmuje r贸wnie偶 zanieczyszczenia z terenu Niemiec i Czech. Osady denne odgrywaj膮 wa偶n膮 rol臋 w systemach wodnych, zar贸wno jako zbiorniki, gdzie zanieczyszczenia mog膮 by膰 przechowywane, jak i 藕r贸d艂a tych zanieczyszcze艅 dla organizm贸w wodnych. Z powodu ich zdolno艣ci do zatrzymywania metali, osady denne s膮 dobrym wska藕nikiem jako艣ci wody i zapisem skutk贸w dzia艂alno艣ci antropogenicznej. St膮d te偶 s膮 szeroko stosowane w badaniach 艣rodowiskowych. Znajomo艣膰 sk艂adu chemicznego osad贸w jest w wielu przypadkach lepszym wska藕nikiem zanieczyszczenia 艣rodowiska, ni偶 znajomo艣膰 sk艂adu chemicznego wody, bardziej zmiennego w czasie. Problem zanieczyszczenia osad贸w dennych jest coraz bardziej doceniany. Ocena zanieczyszcze艅 osad贸w, obok oceny jako艣ci w贸d, s艂u偶y ocenie jako艣ci ekosystem贸w wodnych, tym bardziej, 偶e zanieczyszczenia osad贸w dennych stanowi膮 zagro偶enie dla s膮siaduj膮cych z nimi ekosystem贸w l膮dowych. Celem pracy by艂o por贸wnanie zanieczyszczenia osad贸w dennych 艣rodkowej i dolnej Odry na odcinku Nowa S贸l - Police w latach 1991梅2005 w uj臋ciu przestrzennym i czasowym.The estimation of pollution degree of Odra River bottom sediments (middle and lower section) by selected heavy metals has been carried out on the basis of monitoring data recorded in the years 1991梅2005. Classification of sediments proposed by Polish Geological Institute (PIG) was applied. Also trends of changes of heavy metals concentrations in the Odra River bottom sediments in this period of time and changes of heavy metals concentrations in 1991, 1996, 1997 i 2005 years have been presented. In the period of time 1991梅2005 the reduction of metal concentrations in sediments of middle and lower Odra River in Nowa S贸l-Police section has been particularly noticeable since mid 90-ies in the last century. Within the analysed section of the middle Odra River very polluted sediments of IV class occur (mainly because of mercury concentrations). However in the lower Odra River sediment serious metalic pollutions are not noticed - these sediments most often were non-polluted by PIG classification. In 1991, 1996, 1997 i 2005 years concentrations of some heavy metals in sediments of the analysed section of middle and lower Odra River both within the space and time approach, achieved the lowest values - of I and II class. Observable a slope trend of metals concentrations in the Odra River bottom sediments is caused by decreased inflow of pollutants. The quality of bottom sediments in the analysed section of the middle Odra river reflected influence of pollutants carried by the river from industrial areas laid in its upper section. Along with the river run, due to progressive sedimentation of suspensions improvement of the quality of river's bottom sediments is observed. Also spatial differentiation of heavy metals content in sediments is levelling from year to year - in 2004 only sediments in highest located Nowa S贸l were still polluted, mainly with mercury and zinc, sediments in the lower section were already of satisfactory quality. In the years 2004梅2005 on the whole analysed section of middle and lower Odra river sediments were not polluted or at most moderately polluted. Clear downward trend of heavy metals content in bottom sediments of the Odra river is a result of reduced inflow of pollutants into the river in form of wastewater, superficial inflow and precipitations, as a result of, among others, the growing quantity of wastewater treatment plants, pro-ecological agriculture and decrease of pollutants emission to the atmospher