773 research outputs found

    Postpandemiczne refleksje na temat przygotowania studentów pedagogiki do pracy z dziećmi w wieku szkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym

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    The article presents the results of preliminary research connected with the students’ experience of high education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this paper is to introduce the meaning of this experience for the students’ future professional activities with early years education pupils. The quantitative online survey was conducted with 110 participants: pedagogy master degree students. The original online questionnaire was sent individually to each participant. The survey was based on a sample of university students who were fairly homogeneous in socio-demographic determinants, e.g. sex and age, thus, the advanced statistical analyzes could not be done. According to the data collected from closed questions, the results were presented in a form of tables. The data from the open-ended questions were subjected to a comprehensive qualitative analysis, as a result, the specific categories of answers were identified. The conclusions show clearly that the participants divide their study experience during the COVID-19 pandemic into positive and negative. There is a slight predominance of the negative experience. What is crucial, the participants consider these experiences as significant for their future profession and the process of working with a child and its family. The conducted research shows that further analysis of this experience, both by students and academic staff is essential for the study of the teachers’ socio-emotional competences. There can be no doubt about the value of such competences in supporting a child in its development.W artykule omówiono wyniki pilotażowych badań dotyczących studiowania w okresie pandemii COVID-19. W badaniu wzięło udział 110 studentów pedagogiki drugiego stopnia przygotowujących się do pracy z dzieckiem na wczesnych etapach jego edukacji. W projekcie tym wykorzystano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety online, który został przesłany w formie linku indywidualnie do każdego uczestnika badania. Grupa studentów uczestniczących w badaniu była homogeniczna pod względem cech społeczno-demograficznych, dlatego zaawansowane analizy statystyczne nie mogły być wykonane. Na podstawie zebranych danych z pytań zamkniętych utworzono rozkłady liczebności przedstawione w formie tabel. Dane uzyskane z pytań otwartych zostały poddane analizie jakościowej, w wyniku której wyodrębniono konkretne kategorie odpowiedzi. Wnioski wskazują jednoznacznie, że uczestnicy dzielą swoje doświadczenia związane ze studiowaniem w okresie pandemii COVID-19 na pozytywne i negatywne, z nieznaczną przewagą tych drugich. Jednocześnie interpretują te doświadczenia jako ważne z perspektywy przyszłego zawodu oraz pracy z dzieckiem i jego rodziną. Przeprowadzone badania pozwalają wnioskować, że dalsza analiza tych doświadczeń – zarówno przez studentów, jak i przez kadrę akademicką – może stać się punktem wyjścia do dyskusji o rozwoju kompetencji społecznych przyszłych pedagogów, wspierających ucznia w realizacji kluczowych zadań rozwojowych na etapie dzieciństwa

    New media in the education of children with and without disabilities from the perspective of the knowledge and actions of their parents

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    The aim of the text is to draw attention to the need to undertake planned and targeted preventive actions in the family environment as well as to domesticate effectively the so-called new technologies that are already present in our social reality, in the process of the education of pupils, with special attention paid to children with disability degree certificates. The article also presents the results of a study conducted on parents of children aged 7–12. The respondents were divided into two groups, parents of children with special educational needs due to various mental disorders, and parents of those with no such certificate. The two groups of interlocutors differed in terms of the extent to which they perceived Internet threats. A larger picture of this phenomenon emerges from the narrative of adults raising children with disability degree certificates, which points to the need to equalize opportunities and to keep pace with able peers, but creates many difficulties, including the already difficult process of educating children with developmental disorders

    Comparison of perioperative complications following staged versus one-day anterior and posterior cervical decompression and fusion crossing the cervico-thoracic junction

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    Introduction Multilevel cervical pathology may be treated via combined anterior cervical decompression and fusion (ACDF) followed by posterior spinal instrumented fusion (PSIF) crossing the cervico-thoracic junction. The purpose of the study was to compare perioperative complication rates following staged versus same day ACDF combined with PSIF crossing the cervico-thoracic junction. Material and methods A retrospective review of consecutive patients undergoing ACDF followed by PSIF crossing the cervico-thoracic junction at a single institution was performed. Patients underwent either same day (group A) or staged with one week interval surgeries (group B). The minimum follow-up was 12 months. Results Thirty-five patients (14 females and 21 males) were analyzed. The average age was 60 years (37–82 years). There were 12 patients in group A and 23 in group B. Twenty-eight complications noted in 14 patients (40%) included: dysphagia in 13 (37%), dysphonia in 6 (17%), post-operative reintubation in 4 (11%), vocal cords paralysis, delirium, superficial incisional infection and cerebrospinal fluid leakage each in one case. Significant differences comparing group A vs. B were found in: the number of levels fused posteriorly (5 vs. 7; p=0.002), total amount of intravenous fluids (3233ml vs. 4683ml; p=0.03), length of hospital stay (10 vs. 18 days; p=0.03) and transfusion of blood products (0 vs. 9 patients). Smoking and cervical myelopathy were the most important risk factors for perioperative complications regardless of the group. Conclusions Staging anterior cervical decompression and fusion with posterior cervical instrumented fusion 1 week apart does not decrease the incidence of perioperative complications

    Działania podejmowane w procesie resocjalizacji dziewcząt niedostosowanych społecznie w ocenie ich rodziców

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    This is a report on the research which was undertaken in a corrective institution for socially maladjusted girls. A total of 45 parents of socially maladjusted girls took part in this study. The main research problem was the question: What kind of changes in the socially maladjusted girls’ behavior are their parents able to recognize? The starting point is one thesis: the cooperation with the family is essential to change the pupils behavior. Very often family is considered to be the basic and the most primary educational environment due to its significant impact on the development of a child. At times, parents cannot fulfill their fundamental duties and the child is sent to the Juvenile Education Centre by Court. The family is considered as an active participant in the process of social rehabilitation. This process is effective when all its participants cooperate to meet individual and collective needs. The institution tries to create the strong bonds between all the participants of social rehabilitation process: juveniles, their parents and the staff. The parents feel the effects of the social rehabilitation process influence the child. It is extremely important for them to discuss about that matter with the teachers and instructors working in the centre. The process of exchanging information and reacting to changes is very important and essential. This article includes the proposal of research which can be done by any institution to increase the level of effectiveness.Prezentowany artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie zmiany w funkcjonowaniu wychowanek instytucji resocjalizacyjnej z perspektywy ich rodziców. Punktem wyjścia do prezentowanych rozważań jest ujęcie procesu resocjalizacji jako aktywnej współpracy instytucji ze środowiskiem rodzinnym podopiecznych. Jest to kluczowe założenie w kontekście analizy poziomu efektywności działań wychowawczych planowanych i organizowanych w tego typu instytucjach. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badania przeprowadzonego na grupie 45 rodziców, w którym zastosowano ankietę jako metodę zbierania danych ilościowych. Główny problem badawczy, złożony z sześciu pytań, zmierzał do wyjaśnienia: jakie zmiany w zachowaniu swoich córek są w stanie rozpoznać rodzice, jak je nazywają i co najważniejsze czy dają informację zwrotną swoim dzieciom na ten temat. Żadnych wątpliwości nie budzi stwierdzenie, że jest to ważne dla rozwoju adolescenta, dla procesu kształtowania się jego osobowości. Badani wskazywali jak wiele informacji otrzymują ze strony kadry pedagogicznej, a rozmowy z wychowawcami, psychologiem i dyrektorem, głównie telefoniczne, pomagają im zrozumieć zachowania ich córek, a co najważniejsze odpowiednio na nie zareagować. Uzyskane wyniki dają podstawy, aby stwierdzić, że rodzice wychowanek przebywających w Młodzieżowym Centrum Edukacji i Readaptacji Społecznej w Goniądzu pozytywnie oceniają funkcjonowanie tej instytucji, jak również identyfikują prospołeczne zmiany w zachowaniu swoich córek, a co najważniejsze chcą współpracować i angażować się w ten proces, tym samym wyrażając gotowość na określone zmiany także po swojej stronie

    Indywidualny program wsparcia psychologicznego kadry pedagogicznej Młodzieżowych Ośrodków Wychowawczych

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    Introduction: Teachers who work in the Youth Educational Centres often come across difficult and demanding situations, which makes them adapt to changing circumstances in internal and external reality, i.e. social and cultural environment. The staff have to become adjusted to these challenges and build their self-efficiency at the same time. It is closely related to the process of improving their convictions that they have appropriate skills in coping with daily difficulties. The teachers also perceive those as challenges not as threats. In order to prevent the teachers’ mental overload while upbringing youths with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, the long-term, systematic programs are essential. One of the examples may be the program under discussion.Research Aim: Description of the individual supporting program for Youth Educational Centres staff and presentation of the preliminary program with six participants from different institutions.Evidence-based Facts: Although the results of research conducted with the professional burnout phenomenon are known and described widely, there is relatively little information about the specific prevention tasks, especially in the group of teachers working with troubled youths.Summary: The teaching staff from Youth Educational Centres have participated in various forms of professional development, e.g. workshops, courses, lectures. They make teachers more effective in their efforts. At present, there is a strong need to take care of the employees’ mental health in these institutions. This problem has been particularly visible during the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences and now it is time to introduce individual standard support procedures in educational work in Youth Educational Centres.Wprowadzenie: Kadra pedagogiczna Młodzieżowych Ośrodków Wychowawczych bardzo często doświadcza sytuacji, które wymagają od niej umiejętności dostosowywania się do zmieniającej się rzeczywistości: wewnętrznej, czyli instytucjonalnej, oraz zewnętrznej – społecznej. Wychowawcy stają przed koniecznością systematycznej adaptacji do nowych wyzwań, budując jednocześnie poczucie własnej skuteczności. Wiąże się to z procesem kształtowania przekonań co do posiadanych umiejętności w rozwiązywaniu trudności oraz ujmowania ich bardziej jako wyzwania niż zagrożenia. Aby skutecznie zapobiegać konsekwencjom przeciążenia psychicznego, które pojawia się, w różnym nasileniu, w pracy wychowawczej z nieletnimi, konieczne są długofalowe i systematyczne działania. Jednym z nich może być prezentowany w artykule program.Cel badań: Prezentacja indywidualnego programu wsparcia kadry pedagogicznej Młodzieżowych Ośrodków Wychowawczych oraz opis przeprowadzonego pilotażu, w którym wzięło udział sześć osób z różnych instytucji.Stan wiedzy: W literaturze przedmiotu dominują opisy zjawiska wypalenia zawodowego w grupie nauczycieli oraz jego konsekwencji. Stosunkowo niewiele jest informacji na temat konkretnych działań profilaktycznych, poza jednoznacznym wskazaniem konieczności podejmowania tego typu starań.Podsumowanie: Kadra pedagogiczna Młodzieżowych Ośrodków Wychowawczych od wielu lat systematycznie uczestniczy w różnych formach doskonalenia zawodowego: kursach, warsztatach, na których poszerza swoją wiedzę i różne umiejętności przydatne w planowaniu oraz organizacji zajęć z wychowankami. Aktualnie pojawia się wyraźna potrzeba troski i dbałości o kondycję psychiczną pracowników tych instytucji, o połączenie rozwoju osobistego z zawodowym, z przewagą pierwszego z nich. Pandemia COVID-19 i związane z nią konsekwencje, których doświadczyli wychowawcy i nauczyciele Młodzieżowych Ośrodków Wychowawczych uwypukliła ten problem jeszcze bardziej, nie pozostawiając wątpliwości co do konieczności realizacji tego typu działań i programów. Obecnie takie działania stają się standardem w pracy wychowawczej

    Transplant Biology at a Crossroads: Surgeons can now give patients a new hand or even a new face, but they still can't provide any guarantees that the benefits are worth the risks.

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    Despite major advances in transplantation biology, allowing transplants not just of critical organs like heart and kidney but also of limbs and faces, researchers are still struggling to minimize the risks from achieving the level of immunosuppression needed to make the body accept foreign tissues

    Chimerism-Based Experimental Models for Tolerance Induction in Vascularized Composite Allografts: Cleveland Clinic Research Experience

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    The preclinical experimental models of vascularized composite allografts (VCAs) have been rapidly developed for the assessment of immunomodulatory protocols for clinical application. Recently, researchers have focused on immunomodulatory protocols which overcome the immunologic barrier between the allogeneic donor and recipient and may lead to tolerance induction. In order to test the feasibility of chimerism induction, experimental VCAs have been performed in different models including rodents, large animals, and nonhuman primates. These models differ in the complexity of transplanted tissue and in their responses to immunomodulatory protocols. In most applications, VCA contains multiple-tissue components; however, each individual component of CTA possesses unique immunologic characteristics that ultimately contribute to the chimerism induction and successful outcome of the VCA. Heterogenic character and complexity of tissue components in different VCA models determine the quality and robustness of donor-specific chimerism. As introduced in experimental studies, variable immunomodulatory options have been studied to achieve tolerance to VCA in rodents and large animal models allowing for widespread application in clinic. In this paper, based on our own experience, we have analyzed the current knowledge of tolerance-inducing strategies via chimerism induction in VCA experimental models in the context of immunomodulatory protocols and VCA complexity and their relevance and applicability to clinical practice

    T10B9 monoclonal antibody: A short-acting nonstimulating monoclonal antibody that spares γδ T-cells and treats and prevents cellular rejection

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    T10B9.1A-31/MEDI-500 is a nonmitogenic immunoglobulin M kappa murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed against the alpha-beta (αβ) heterodimer of the T-lymphocyte receptor complex. The hybridoma was first produced by fusing spleen cells from BALB/C mice immunized with human peripheral blood T-lymphocytes with SP2/O-Ag14 mutant myeloma cells. The mAb is produced and purified using multistep ion exchange and molecular sieve chromatography protocols. T10B9 has been used successfully to treat acute cellular rejection in renal transplantation and as an immunosuppression induction agent in heart and simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantation. Because T10B9 is nonmitogenic and causes minimal cytokine release, both treatment of rejection and induction of immunosuppression were accomplished with significantly fewer and milder untoward effects (cytokine release syndrome) than its comparator OKT3. Since T10B9 is directed against the αβ heterodimer of the CD3 epitope, it spares the gamma delta (γδ) region. These gamma delta (γδ) T cells have a unique role in the immune response controlling many serious human diseases and perhaps facilitating the development of immunologic tolerance. T10B9 has a relatively short duration of action, depleting T cells for only 10 to 14 days, unlike the protracted depletion seen with thymoglobulin and Campath-1H. There is no B-lymphocyte depletion with T10B9 as there is with both of the aforementioned reagents. The lack of prolonged lymphocyte depletion may account for less infection observed with T10B9 treatment

    Chimerism-Based Experimental Models for Tolerance Induction in Vascularized Composite Allografts: Cleveland Clinic Research Experience

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    The preclinical experimental models of vascularized composite allografts (VCAs) have been rapidly developed for the assessment of immunomodulatory protocols for clinical application. Recently, researchers have focused on immunomodulatory protocols which overcome the immunologic barrier between the allogeneic donor and recipient and may lead to tolerance induction. In order to test the feasibility of chimerism induction, experimental VCAs have been performed in different models including rodents, large animals, and nonhuman primates. These models differ in the complexity of transplanted tissue and in their responses to immunomodulatory protocols. In most applications, VCA contains multiple-tissue components; however, each individual component of CTA possesses unique immunologic characteristics that ultimately contribute to the chimerism induction and successful outcome of the VCA. Heterogenic character and complexity of tissue components in different VCA models determine the quality and robustness of donor-specific chimerism. As introduced in experimental studies, variable immunomodulatory options have been studied to achieve tolerance to VCA in rodents and large animal models allowing for widespread application in clinic. In this paper, based on our own experience, we have analyzed the current knowledge of tolerance-inducing strategies via chimerism induction in VCA experimental models in the context of immunomodulatory protocols and VCA complexity and their relevance and applicability to clinical practice

    Intra-arterial adenoviral mediated tumor transfection in a novel model of cancer gene therapy

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to develop and characterize a novel in vivo cancer gene therapy model in which intra-arterial adenoviral gene delivery can be characterized. In this model, the rat cremaster muscle serves as the site for tumor growth and provides convenient and isolated access to the tumor parenchyma with discrete control of arterial and venous access for delivery of agents. RESULTS: Utilizing adenovirus encoding the green fluorescent protein we demonstrated broad tumor transfection. We also observed a dose dependant increment in luciferase activity at the tumor site using an adenovirus encoding the luciferase reporter gene. Finally, we tested the intra-arterial adenovirus dwelling time required to achieve optimal tumor transfection and observed a minimum time of 30 minutes. CONCLUSION: We conclude that adenovirus mediated tumor transfection grown in the cremaster muscle of athymic nude rats via an intra-arterial route could be achieved. This model allows definition of the variables that affect intra-arterial tumor transfection. This particular study suggests that allowing a defined intra-tumor dwelling time by controlling the blood flow of the affected organ during vector infusion can optimize intra-arterial adenoviral delivery