87 research outputs found

    Podstawa programowa jako szansa wspierania profilaktyki zachowań ryzykownych uczniów szkoły podstawowej w świetle koncepcji resilience

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    The effectiveness of addiction prevention aimed at children and adolescents currently seems to stir up a lot of emotions and calls to verify its theoretical background. The shift from defensive prevention to positive prevention is becoming successful, yet remains insufficient in education. An interesting approach to the process of preventing addiction in children and adolescents is the concept of resilience, which posits that the individual resilience of a person helps them positively adapt or persist in difficult situations, which are considered risky for their proper functioning. At the same time, the lack of awareness about addiction among children and adolescents and the rising threats posed by young people’s use of substances and adoption of addictive activities suggests that the schools should be one of the first sites of systemic solutions for support and prevention. Based on these assumptions, the author analyzed the general education core curriculum for pupils in years IV–VII of elementary school, in order to verify its goals and educational content in relation to the established indicators for building resilience in students. The results illustrate a lack of consistency or connections between the various educational goals and content, which indicates an inability of schools to consciously design educational content to strengthen pupils’ individual resources of resilience.Skuteczność profilaktyki uzależnień, kierowanej do dzieci i młodzieży, wydaje się obecnie budzić wiele emocji i prowokować do weryfikowania jej teoretycznych źródeł. Rezygnacja z profilaktyki defensywnej na rzecz profilaktyki pozytywnej wydaje się być w edukacji procesem już dokonanym, jednak niewystarczającym. Interesującym podejściem do procesu przeciwdziałania uzależnieniom dzieci i młodzieży jest koncepcja resilience. Zakłada ona indywidualną i swoistą odporność osoby, która wpływa na jej pozytywną adaptację lub trwanie w sytuacjach przeciwności i trudności, które uznane są za ryzykowane dla jej właściwego funkcjonowania. Jednocześnie niska wiedza dzieci i młodzieży na temat uzależnień, wzrost zagrożeń wynikających z zażywania przez młodych ludzi substancji i podejmowania działań uzależniających przekonują, że to właśnie szkoła powinna być jednym z pierwszych ogniw systemowych rozwiązań w zakresie wsparcia i profilaktyki. Mając to na uwadze, autorka dokonała analizy podstawy programowej kształcenia ogólnego dla uczniów klasy IV–VII szkoły podstawowej pod kątem weryfikacji celów i treści kształcenia w niej zawartych w odniesieniu do przyjętych wskaźników budowania postawy resilience u uczniów. Uzyskane wyniki obrazują brak spójności i powiązań pomiędzy poszczególnymi celami i treściami kształcenia, co wskazuje na niski potencjał szkoły w świadomym projektowaniu treści edukacyjnych wzmacniających indywidualne zasoby odpornościowe uczniów

    Diallyl trisulfide-induced prostate cancer cell death is associated with Akt/PKB dephosphorylation mediated by P-p66shc

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    PURPOSE: P66Shc, an isoform of adaptor proteins, is known to mediate various signals including those leading to apoptosis or cell proliferation. Previously, we have shown that diallyl trisulfide (DATS)-induced prostate cancer cell death was mediated by increased ROS formation. In this study, we investigated the role of p66Shc protein and its serine 36 phosphorylation in DATS induced decrease in prostate cancer cell viability (PC-3). METHODS: PC-3 prostate cancer cells were used in this study. Stable cell lines expressing p66ShcS36A or an empty vector have been obtained. Cell viability, concentration of ROS, changes in P-p66Shc and P-Akt and DNA damage were determined. RESULTS: We observed that DATS treatment increased p66Shc phosphorylation at serine 36. Importantly, the phosphorylation was abolished by JNK inhibitor SP600125. Cells expressing plasmid-encoded variant of p66ShcS36A showed much higher resistance to DATS-induced cells death. In addition to that, we observed that DATS-induced ROS formation was completely abolished in cells expressing the p66ShcS36A variant. Interestingly, SP600125 proved to prevent DATS-induced Akt inactivation. In order to confirm that the observed effect is related to phosphorylation of p66Shc, we performed experiments on a stable cell line expressing p66ShcS36A. In such cells, DATS-induced Akt dephosphorylation was significantly reduced. On the other hand, hydrogen peroxide induced Akt activation in PC-3 cells, which was abrogated in cells expressing p66ShcS36A. CONCLUSIONS: Our results uncover a novel signaling pathway with p66Shc being indispensable for DATS-induced inactivation of Akt due to hypophosphorylation

    Geldanamycin and its derivatives as Hsp90 inhibitors

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    The Hsp90 molecule, one of the most abundant heat shock proteins in mammalian cells, maintains homeostasis and prevents stress-induced cellular damage. Hsp90 is expressed under normal conditions at a level of about 1-2 Percent of total proteins, while its expression increases 2-10 fold in cancer cells. The two main constitutively expressed isoforms of Hsp90 are known as Hsp90-alpha and Hsp90-beta, and their upregulation is associated with tumor progression, invasion and formation of metastases, as well as development of drug resistance. The Hsp90 is a key target for many newly established, potent anticancer agents containing Hsp90 N-terminal ATP binding inhibitors, such as geldanamycin, and its analogues 17AAG and 17DMAG. The therapeutic usage of geldanamycin has been limited due to its poor water solubility and severe hepatotoxicity. Therefore, its analogues, including 17AAG, 17DMAG, Tanespimycin and Retaspimycin hydrochloride, with improved pharmacokinetic profiles, have been developed

    End-to-end system for monitoring the state of rivers using a drone

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    Automatic data analysis systems in the Internet of Things are a key element. One such case is the use of drones to monitor rivers, which are quite often located around built-up areas. This is an important element for the analysis of urban areas that are exposed to various environmental challenges such as pollution and animal habitats. Data analysis allows the detection of anomalies in the state of rivers, reducing the risk of ecological disasters or even floods. Additionally, constant control of areas enables analysis of the impact of urbanization on a given area as well as environmental protection. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end system, where the user performs measurements with a drone and the result is a segmentation mask from the U-Net network, but improved by image processing algorithms. The system is based on performing segmentation with a neural network, imposing the obtained mask on the image that was previously subjected to edge detection. All pixels under the mask are analyzed by the clustering method in terms of belonging to a river or bank. In addition, when there are other measurements from the same area, they are used to compare and analyze changes. The proposed system architecture is based on the automation of activities due to the combination of various graphics processing methods. Moreover, the method allows for obtaining more accurate segmentation results than classic methods. The proposition was tested on data gathered near river areas in southern Poland to show the possibilities and effectiveness of the system. Proposed methodology reached 0.8524 of Dice coefficient using VGG16 as encoder

    Geldanamycin-induced osteosarcoma cell death is associated with hyperacetylation and loss of mitochondrial pool of heat shock protein 60 (hsp60)

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    Osteosarcoma is one of the most malignant tumors of childhood and adolescence that is often resistant to standard chemo- and radio-therapy. Geldanamycin and geldanamycin analogs have been recently studied as potential anticancer agents for osteosarcoma treatment. Here, for the first time, we have presented novel anticancer mechanisms of geldanamycin biological activity. Moreover, we demonstrated an association between the effects of geldanamycin on the major heat shock proteins (HSPs) and the overall survival of highly metastatic human osteosarcoma 143B cells. We demonstrated that the treatment of 143B cells with geldanamycin caused a subsequent upregulation of cytoplasmic Hsp90 and Hsp70 whose activity is at least partly responsible for cancer development and drug resistance. On the other hand, geldanamycin induced upregulation of Hsp60 gene expression, and a simultaneous loss of hyperacetylated Hsp60 mitochondrial protein pool resulting in decreased viability and augmented cancer cell death. Hyperacetylation of Hsp60 seems to be associated with anticancer activity of geldanamycin. In light of the fact that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a critical role in the apoptotic signaling pathway, the presented data may support a hypothesis that Hsp60 can be another functional part of mitochondria-related acetylome being a potential target for developing novel anticancer strategies

    Transplantology – Education beyond Borders

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    Transplantacja jest w Polsce nadal tematem mało popularnym, choć ostatnio często wracającym w debatach publicznych. Kiedy na całym świecie rejestrujemy wzrost zainteresowania i akceptacji dla przeszczepów, polskie badania pokazują, że mimo względnie wysokiej deklaracji poparcia, liczba dawców w Polsce maleje. Na pewno ma znaczenie dla tego faktu wiele mitów na temat transplantologii, nasz lęk przed śmiercią i konfrontacją z nią. Wielokrotnie w dyskursach społecznych podkreśla się rolę edukacji w zakresie upowszechniania wiedzy na temat przeszczepów. Ma ona także znaczenie dla przełamywania społecznego tabu dotyczącego rozmów na temat transplantologii, ale i śmierci. Świadoma edukacja otwarta na etyczne dylematy, pogłębia również refleksyjność młodego człowieka. Dziecko, które posiada rzetelną wiedzę w danej dziedzinie, staje się świadomym obywatelem, który w przyszłości samodzielnie podejmuje decyzje. Tak też dzieje się w przypadku wiedzy na temat transplantologii.Transplantology is still an unpopular topic in Poland, although recently it often appears in public debates. When the increase in the interest and acceptance for transplants is noticed all over the world, the number of donors in Poland decreases. Certainly, what matters here is a big number of myths about transplantology and our fear of death and its confrontation. The role of education in the propagation of transplantology knowledge is frequently emphasised in social discourses. It is also meaningful for breaking the social taboo on talking not only about transplantology, but also about death. A child that has a thorough knowledge in a given field becomes a conscious citizen who will make independent decisions in future. This refers also to transplantology

    The influence of eliminating the social inequalities on the development of the logistics services market

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    W artykule przedstawiono istotę zagadnienia nierówności społecznych oraz przeanali-zowano wpływ ich niwelowania na rozwój rynku usług logistycznych i efektywność branży. Artykuł bazuje przede wszystkim na literaturze dotyczącej nierówności społecznych oraz na przykładach wpływu ich niwelowania na rozwój branży TSL zaczerpniętych z praktyki.The article presents the essence of the problem of the social inequalities and examines the impact of eliminating them on the development of the logistics services market and the efficiency of this sector. The article is based mainly on the literature regarding the social inequalities and the examples of the impact of eliminating them on the develop-ment of the logistics sector taken from practice

    Roman Cities in Normandy and the Transmission of New Ways of Life in the North Gaul

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    Terms related to the Romanization of Normandy at the early stages of a new provincial organizations deserve the attention and scrutiny due to the different nature of the adaptation patterns, from the capital on distant north to the area of Mediterranean Gaul. Differences were already well presented to view in Caesar’s ‘Gallic Wars’. This dissident situation in northern Gaul refers to the practical lack of communication between previous inhabitants of these lands and the Romans, which took place in the southern part of the province. Recently a number of archaeological studies has provided information on adapting structures existing in Normandy to the Roman model. The main factor for the spread of new ideas, and also for the subordination of the local population, was a high level of urbanization of the province. Roman culture and new patterns of life were disseminated mainly by towns. The process of Romanization of Normandy is a very broad question, so the author has decided to choose one site that could serve as a model of such a new city, namely Lillebonne (formerly Port of Juliobona), located just a few kilometers from the bed of the Seine in the department of Seine-Maritime. This particular city seems to be well representative case, due to the large number of Roman objects, numerous monuments of exceptional rank and a rich history of archaeological research, dating back to the first half of the nineteenth century. An important fact that should be taken into account when discussing issues of Normandy Romanization is a phenomenon that might be called ‘long origins’. While the founding of the city is associated with the rule of the Julio-Claudian dynasty and we can locate it in the forties of the first century, the main monuments typical for the Roman city appear there only by the very end of the century, i.e. c. 50 years later: this applies to the first amphitheater, since the baths appeared in Juliobona even later on, at the turn of the second century. Similarly, most of the material and historical objects comes from the end of the second and from the third century – which might mean that the role of Rome in the establishment of the cities of Normandy was to designate their location, boundaries and topography. What is more, it seems that the development and construction of prestigious buildings depended firmly on the economic success of inhabitants of these cities

    3D Double Buffering method in the process of construction of a hydrographic reporting site plane using geodata obtained by swath sounder

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    Głównym elementem mającym duży wpływ na bezpieczeństwo nawigacji jest informacja o głębokości na danym akwenie. Odpowiednie zebranie, przygotowanie oraz przedstawienie danych batymetrycznych spoczywa na hydrografie. Zadania te realizowane są w oparciu o nowoczesny sprzęt pomiarowy. W artykule wykorzystano dane batymetryczne zebrane w rejonie Portu Szczecin przy pomocy echosondy interferometrycznej GeoSwath Plus 250 kHz zainstalowanej na pływającym laboratorium pomiarowym Hydrograf XXI. Echosonda interferometryczna pozwala na zbieranie bardzo dużej liczby próbek w stosunkowo krótkim czasie. Dane zbierane podczas akwizycji poddawane są filtracji. Pomimo filtracji próbki są zbyt dużym zbiorem danych. Procedurą zmniejszenia wielkości zbioru danych w celu ich łatwiejszej oraz efektywniejszej analizy jest redukcja danych. Dane batymetryczne są przedstawiane na hydrograficznych planszetach sprawozdawczych. Istotnym zadaniem hydrografa jest przygotowanie takiego planszetu w taki sposób, aby był on czytelny oraz aby dane na nim przedstawione spełniały odpowiednie wytyczne. W artykule przeanalizowano możliwości oprogramowania Caris w zakresie redukcji opracowanych danych pomiarowych. Oprogramowanie to, w trakcie przygotowania końcowego produktu hydrograficznego, jakim jest planszet sprawozdawczy wykorzystuje metodę 3D Double Buffering. Dane wykorzystane w badaniach są zbiorem nieregularnym i obejmują 22116 próbek z określoną pozycją oraz wartością głębokości. Pierwszym etapem badań było stworzenie siatki punktów pomiarowych Grid w oprogramowaniu Caris, z których stworzono określoną siatkę TIN. Następnym krokiem było utworzenie powierzchni wynikowej, która będzie podlegała wygładzaniu z zastosowaniem metody 3D Double Buffering. Dane są redukowane w zależności od przyjętej skali planszetu sprawozdawczego. Po zastosowaniu badanej metody otrzymano cztery wygładzone powierzchnie, które następnie zostały wykorzystane do stworzenia hydrograficznych planszetów sprawozdawczych.The main element that contributes significantly to the safety of navigation is information about the depth in the given area. Appropriate collection, preparation and presentation of bathymetric data lies with the hydrograph. These tasks are executed based on modern measurement equipment. The paper uses bathymetric data collected in the vicinity of the Port of Szczecin with the use of interferometric 250 kHz sonar GeoSwath Plus installed on the floating test laboratory Hydrograf XXI. Interferometric sonar allows to collect a very large number of samples in a relatively short time. The data collected during the acquisition are subject to filtration. Despite filtration, samples constitute too large set of data. The procedure to reduce the size of the dataset is the data reduction. Bathymetric data are presented on a hydrographic reporting site plane. An important task for the hydrographer is to prepare the site plane in such a way that it is legible and the data presented therein comply with the relevant guidelines. The paper examines the capabilities of Caris software for the reduction of data. The data used in the study are an irregular set and include a set of 22116 samples with specified position and the value of depth. The first stage of the research was to create a grid of measurement points in the Caris software, from which specific TIN was created. The next step was to establish the resulting surface, which will be subject to smoothing using the 3D Double Buffering method. The data are reduced depending on the adopted scale of the reporting site plane. After applying the test method, four smooth surfaces were obtained, which were used to create a hydrographic reporting site plane

    Automatic Classification Using Machine Learning for Non-Conventional Vessels on Inland Waters

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    The prevalent methods for monitoring ships are based on automatic identification and radar systems. This applies mainly to large vessels. Additional sensors that are used include video cameras with different resolutions. Such systems feature cameras that capture images and software that analyze the selected video frames. The analysis involves the detection of a ship and the extraction of features to identify it. This article proposes a technique to detect and categorize ships through image processing methods that use convolutional neural networks. Tests to verify the proposed method were carried out on a database containing 200 images of four classes of ships. The advantages and disadvantages of implementing the proposed method are also discussed in light of the results. The system is designed to use multiple existing video streams to identify passing ships on inland waters, especially non-conventional vessels