133 research outputs found

    Incorporation of particulates into accreted ice above subglacial Vostok lake, Antarctica

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    The nature of microscopic particulates in meteoric and accreted ice from the Vostok (Antarctica) ice core is assessed in conjunction with existing ice-core data to investigate the mechanism by which particulates are incorporated into refrozen lake water. Melted ice samples from a range of icecore depths were filtered through 0.2 μm polycarbonate membranes, and secondary electron images were collected at ×500 magnification using a scanning electron microscope. Image analysis software was used to characterize the size and shape of particulates. Similar distributions of major-axis lengths, surface areas and shape factors (aspect ratio and compactness) for particulates in all accreted ice samples suggest that a single process may be responsible for incorporating the vast majority of particulates for all depths. Calculation of Stokes settling velocities for particulates of various sizes implies that 98% of particulates observed could 'float' to the ice water interface with upward water velocities of 0.0003 m s-1 where they could be incorporated by growing ice crystals, or by rising frazil ice crystals. The presence of particulates that are expected to sink in the water column (2%) and the uneven distribution of particulates in the ice core further implies that periodic perturbations to the lake's circulation, involving increased velocities, may have occurred in the past

    A Precambrian odyssey in East Antarctica: more pieces, more tectonic stages and less puzzle?

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    East Antarctica is the least understood piece of continental crust on Earth. With an extension comparable to the conterminous United States of America, it contains cryptic clues into the origin, evolution and demise of three supercontinents, and it forms the lithospheric cradle for the largest ice sheet remaining on our planet. While rock exposures and provenance studies provide glimpses into up to 3 billion years of its geological history, extensive ice sheet cover and the lack of drilling, restricts our knowledge of Precambrian geology and crustal architecture in its interior. Consequently, many different aspects regarding the geodynamic processes that were responsible for the growth and amalgamation of East Antarctica during the Precambrian still remain elusive and controversial. This adds uncertainty to our knowledge of how East Antarctica linked up with major Precambrian domains of Australia, India, Africa and Laurentia, further hampering our ability to unravel Earth\u2019s early supercontinental cycle, in particular from the assembly and demise of the Nuna supercontinent to its successor Rodinia. To enhance our understanding of parts of the Precambrian evolution of East Antarctica, we present new interpretations derived from the recent ADMAP 2.0 magnetic compilation and satellite magnetic views, combined with the AntGG gravity compilation, and the latest satellite gravity gradient GOCE datasets; we also include selected insights from new aerogeophysical imaging over the Recovery and South Pole regions. We then combine Antarctic geophysical and geological data with global magnetic, gravity and geological, geochronological and paleomagnetic datasets in a plate tectonic reconstruction framework. Our main goal is to develop new interpretations and reconstructions that re-address the key stages of East Antarctic tectonic evolution between ca 1800 and ca 1300 Ma, in particular as part of long-lived and predominantly accretionary phases in Nuna\u2019s supercontinental history. We show that our interpretations provide new views into several key crustal elements in interior East Antarctica, including a proposed Archean ribbon microcontinent, an inverted Paleoproterozoic rift system, and a Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic continental margin arc, and two inferred Mesoproterozoic intra-oceanic accretionary belts. We suggest that these proposed crustal elements were affected by four major Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic tectonic stages, which we link with key tectonic and magmatic events recognised in the Gawler Craton, the Mt Isa Province, and the Coompana Block and Madura Province in Australia. Our geophysical reconstructions of East Antarctica and Laurentia also enable tantalising new perspectives into the so called proto-SWEAT hypothesis, which links these two key components of Nuna in Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic times

    Major ice‐sheet change in the Weddell Sector of West Antarctica over the last 5000 years

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    Until recently, little was known about the Weddell Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. In the last 10 years, a variety of expeditions and numerical modelling experiments have improved knowledge of its glaciology, glacial geology, and tectonic setting. Two of the sector's largest ice streams rest on a steep reverse‐sloping bed yet, despite being vulnerable to change, satellite observations show contemporary stability. There is clear evidence for major ice‐sheet reconfiguration in the last few thousand years, however. Knowing precisely how the ice sheet has changed in the past, and when, would allow us to better understand whether it is now at risk. Two competing hypotheses have been established for this glacial history. In one, the ice sheet retreated and thinned progressively from its Last Glacial Maximum position. Retreat stopped at, or very near, the present position in the Late Holocene. Alternatively, in the Late Holocene the ice sheet retreated significantly upstream of the present grounding line, and then advanced to the present location due to glacial isostatic adjustment, and ice‐shelf and ice rise buttressing. Both hypotheses point to data and theory in their support, yet neither has been unequivocally tested or falsified. Here, we review geophysical evidence to determine how each hypothesis has been formed, where there are inconsistencies in the respective glacial histories, how they may be tested or reconciled, and what new evidence is required to reach a common model for the Late Holocene ice sheet history of the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctica

    Clean subglacial access:Prospects for future deep hot-water drilling

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    Accessing and sampling subglacial environments deep beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet presents several challenges to existing drilling technologies. With over half of the ice sheet believed to be resting on a wet bed, drilling down to this environment must conform to international agreements on environmental stewardship and protection, making clean hot-water drilling the most viable option. Such a drill, and its water recovery system, must be capable of accessing significantly greater ice depths than previous hot-water drills, and remain fully operational after connecting with the basal hydrological system. The Subglacial Lake Ellsworth (SLE) project developed a comprehensive plan for deep (greater than 3000 m) subglacial lake research, involving the design and development of a clean deep-ice hot-water drill. However, during fieldwork in December 2012 drilling was halted after a succession of equipment issues culminated in a failure to link with a subsurface cavity and abandonment of the access holes. The lessons learned from this experience are presented here. Combining knowledge gained from these lessons with experience from other hot-water drilling programmes, and recent field testing, we describe the most viable technical options and operational procedures for future clean entry into SLE and other deep subglacial access targets.</p

    Five decades of radioglaciology

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    Radar sounding is a powerful geophysical approach for characterizing the subsurface conditions of terrestrial and planetary ice masses at local to global scales. As a result, a wide array of orbital, airborne, ground-based, and in situ instruments, platforms and data analysis approaches for radioglaciology have been developed, applied or proposed. Terrestrially, airborne radar sounding has been used in glaciology to observe ice thickness, basal topography and englacial layers for five decades. More recently, radar sounding data have also been exploited to estimate the extent and configuration of subglacial water, the geometry of subglacial bedforms and the subglacial and englacial thermal states of ice sheets. Planetary radar sounders have observed, or are planned to observe, the subsurfaces and near-surfaces of Mars, Earth's Moon, comets and the icy moons of Jupiter. In this review paper, and the thematic issue of the Annals of Glaciology on ‘Five decades of radioglaciology’ to which it belongs, we present recent advances in the fields of radar systems, missions, signal processing, data analysis, modeling and scientific interpretation. Our review presents progress in these fields since the last radio-glaciological Annals of Glaciology issue of 2014, the context of their history and future prospects

    Multidecadal observations of the Antarctic ice sheet from restored analog radar records.

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    Airborne radar sounding can measure conditions within and beneath polar ice sheets. In Antarctica, most digital radar-sounding data have been collected in the last 2 decades, limiting our ability to understand processes that govern longer-term ice-sheet behavior. Here, we demonstrate how analog radar data collected over 40 y ago in Antarctica can be combined with modern records to quantify multidecadal changes. Specifically, we digitize over 400,000 line kilometers of exploratory Antarctic radar data originally recorded on 35-mm optical film between 1971 and 1979. We leverage the increased geometric and radiometric resolution of our digitization process to show how these data can be used to identify and investigate hydrologic, geologic, and topographic features beneath and within the ice sheet. To highlight their scientific potential, we compare the digitized data with contemporary radar measurements to reveal that the remnant eastern ice shelf of Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica had thinned between 10 and 33% between 1978 and 2009. We also release the collection of scanned radargrams in their entirety in a persistent public archive along with updated geolocation data for a subset of the data that reduces the mean positioning error from 5 to 2.5 km. Together, these data represent a unique and renewed extensive, multidecadal historical baseline, critical for observing and modeling ice-sheet change on societally relevant timescales

    Airborne radar evidence for tributary flow switching in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica: implications for ice sheet configuration and dynamics

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    Despite the importance of ice streaming to the evaluation of West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) stability we know little about mid- to long-term dynamic changes within the Institute Ice Stream (IIS) catchment. Here, we use airborne radio-echo sounding to investigate the subglacial topography, internal stratigraphy and Holocene flow regime of the upper IIS catchment near the Ellsworth Mountains. Internal layer buckling within three discrete, topographically-confined tributaries, through Ellsworth, Independence and Horseshoe Valley troughs provides evidence for former enhanced ice-sheet flow. We suggest that enhanced ice flow through Independence and Ellsworth troughs, during the mid- to late-Holocene was the source of ice streaming over the region now occupied by the slow-flowing Bungenstock Ice Rise. Although buckled layers also exist within the slow-flowing ice of Horseshoe Valley Trough, a thicker sequence of surface-conformable layers in the upper ice column suggests slowdown more than ~4000 years ago, so we do not attribute enhanced flow switch-off here, to the late-Holocene ice flow reorganization. Intensely buckled englacial layers within Horseshoe Valley and Independence troughs cannot be accounted for under present day flow speeds. The dynamic nature of ice flow in IIS and its tributaries suggests that recent ice-stream switching and mass changes in the Siple Coast and Amundsen Sea Sectors are not unique to these sectors and that they may have been regular during the Holocene and may characterize the decline of the WAIS

    Radar‐detected englacial debris in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet

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    Structural glaci‐geological processes can entrain basal sediment into ice, leading to its transportation and deposition downstream. Sediments potentially rich in essential nutrients, like silica and iron, can thus be transferred from continental sources to the ocean, where deposition could enhance marine primary productivity. However, a lack of data has limited our knowledge of sediment entrainment, transfer and distribution in Antarctica, until now. We use ice‐penetrating radar to examine englacial sediments in the Weddell Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Radargrams reveal englacial reflectors on the lee side of nunataks and subglacial highlands, where Mie scattering analysis of the reflectors suggests particle sizes consistent with surface moraine sediments. We hypothesize that these sediments aare entrained at the thermal boundary between cold and warm‐based ice. Conservative estimates of >130 x109 kg of englacial sediment in Horseshoe Valley alone suggest that the ice sheet has significant entrainment potential unappreciated previously