2,190 research outputs found

    Preliminary Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of Baxter, Fulton, Izard and Sharp Counties, Arkansas

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    One hundred and seventy-seven drillers\u27 well reports were used to investigate the groundwater resources of Baxter, Fulton, Izard, and Sharp counties. The most widely utilized aquifer zone is composed of the Cotter and Jefferson City dolomites. The well depths range from 30 to 740 ft. with a mean and median of 264 and 225 ft., respectively. The drillers\u27 yield estimates range from 1 to 50 gpm with a mean of 12.0 gpm and a median of 10 gpm. The piezometric surface has an average hydraulic gradient of 9 ft./mile with groundwater discharge occurring along the Spring and White Rivers. Overlying the Cotter-Jefferson City aquifer is the Powell Dolomite aquifer. Well depths range from 43 to 275 ft. with a mean and median of 137 and 114 ft., respectively. Driller estimated yields range from 7 to 40 gpm with a mean and median of 18 and 15 gpm, respectively. The Everton Aquifer is composed of a complex series of interfingering sandstones and carbonate layers that may act collectively or Individually as aquifers. Well depths in this aquifer range from 8 to 812 ft. with a mean of 338 ft. and a median of 500 ft. Yields range from 1 to 40 gpm with a mean and median of 11 and 7 gpm, respectively. The least productive and least utilized, but shallowest aquifer is the St. Peter Sandstone aquifer which has a depth range of 55 to 113 ft. with a mean and median of 80 and 85 ft., respectively. The yield ranges from 1 to 20 gpm with a mean and median of 9 and 5 gpm, respectively. The Spearman Rank Correlation procedure was used to compare well yields (gpm), well depth, regolith thickness, depth to water, and piezometric surface elevation of the Cotter-Jefferson City aquifer. At ∝ = 0.1, the following relationships were established: 1) greater yield at shallow well depths, 2) greater yield where the water table is closer to the surface, 3) thicker regolith in deeper wells, and thicker regolith with increased depth to water. These correlations indicate the strong control on water movement by fractures in the aquifer, and closing off of fractures at depth, and the control of regolith thickness by depth to water rather than fracture proximity

    Ultrasound tiga - dimensi

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    Latarbelakang : Laporan projek ini dibuat bagi menilai kemampuan aplikasi ultrasonografi tiga dimensi (3-D) di dalam pemaparan visual fetus pada trimester ketiga di Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia Kubang Kerian. Percubaan awal telah dilakukan secara in-vitro ke atas fantom ultrasaun setaraan tisu, bagi mendapatkan imej-imej satahan yang berserenjang, imej arbitrari dan pembinaan semula imej berpeleraian tinggi serta imej render isipadu secara interaktif. Peleraian mesin-mesin ultrasaun juga dibincangkan. Kaedah : Imej-imej in-vitro dan in-vivo 3-D dijana menerusi penggunaan sistem pengimejan ultrasaun yang berlainan, dengan masingmasing berada di Jabatan Radiologi dan Jabatan Obstetrik dan Ginekologi. Sistemsistem tersebut ialah : Sistem Pengimejan Ultrasaun Sonoline Siemens Elegra yang dilengkapi dengan transduser tatasusunan linear dan sektor pada pelbagai julat frekuensi dan Sistem Pengimejan Ultrasaun ATL HDI Phillips. Pemerolehan imej dilakukan melalui kaedah pengimbasan linear dan ayunan. Keputusan : Melalui dua sistem pengimejan yang digunakan, struktur-struktur dua dimensi (2-D) dan 3-D fetus dan fantom daripada pelbagai perspektif dan orientasi dapat dilihat menerusi paparan empat sukuan secara serentak. Tentukuran ketepatan kaliper dan peleraian di antara kedua-dua sistem memberikan keputusan yang pelbagai bergantung kepada jenis transduser dan frekuensi yang digunakan. Kesimpulan : Ultra sonografi secara 3-D memberikan satu dimensi baru di dalam pemaparan visual struktur-struktur anatomi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan ultrasonografi 3-D bermaya menjadi pelengkap kepada ultrasonografi 2-D dan ianya sangat berguna di dalam menilai keadaan fetus dalam kandungan kehamilan. Penggunaan peralatan pengimbasan mekanikal bermotor dan alat pengesan kedudukan pengimbas tangan bebas juga telah dicadangkan

    Species Composition and Diversity of Hawk Populations in Northeastern Arkansas

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    Species composition and diversity of hawk populations were analyzed for northeastern Arkansas by the use of roadside censuses conducted in September through April from 1974- 1977. Data from 10 years of Jonesboro Christmas Bird Counts were also analyzed. During the roadside survey 20,174 miles were driven and 1819 raptors were counted. Ten species were observed with the Red-tailed Hawk being most abundant followed by the Marsh Hawk and the American Kestrel. Eight species were recorded from the 10 years of Christmas Bird Counts. Annual breeding bird surveys and spot records turned up three additional species making a total of 14 species in 15 years of study. Although hawk populations fluctuate from year to year, the data do not reveal any downward trend in numbers in northeastern Arkansas. Large concentrations of hawks do not appear in this region of the state until after mid-September. Populations reach a peak in December after which they decline in January. A second peak is reached in February followed by a gradual decline such that in April the American Kestrel is the only species consistently seen from the roadside. After April only a few hawks remain to nest. Both Krider\u27s and melanistic Red-tails occur here but from a total of 864 Red-tailed Hawks observed only 26 Krider\u27s and 31 melanistic or Buteo iamaicensis harlanii were recorded

    An ultrasonic system for profiling bubblers in water

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    Multi-phase flow occurs as two or more discrete phases flow in a closed pipe or a vessel. Examples of phases include gas, liquid or solid and also different immiscible liquids or solids[1]. Two phase flow of fluids (e.g. gas/liquid, liquid/liquid, etc.) is an important phenomenon in which two immiscible phases coexist in a thermodynamic equilibrium. As a two phase flow regime, bubbly flow column are intensively used as multiphase contactors and reactors in chemical, biochemical and petrochemical industries. Investigation of design parameters characterizing the operation and transport phenomena of bubble columns have led to better understanding of the hydrodynamic properties, heat and mass transfer mechanisms and flow regime characteristics ongoing during the operation[2, 3]. Due to the stringent regulations on precise flow control especially in the case of two phase fluid flow,, there has always been a necessity for developing an easier to use, yet more precise approaches or instrumentation. Accordingly, tomographic measurement is more significant and attractable especially in today's industrial process .

    Preliminary Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of Northern Searcy County, Arkansas

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    Two aquifers are extensively used by residents of small communities and rural areas in northern Searcy County, Arkansas. The Mississippian Boone-St. Joe aquifer is generally the less productive and the shallower of the two. Ground-water yields for the Boone-St. Joe range from 0.5 to 75 gpm with a median yield of 5 and a mean of 9.8 gpm. Well depths range from 100 to 754 feet with a median depth of 350 feet and a mean of 360 feet. Confined conditions are indicated by the greater depths, whereas the Boone-St. Joe aquifer is unconfined when exposed at the surface. Underlying the Boone-St. Joe aquifer is an aquifer zone composed of sands, sandy limestones, and/or dolomitic limestones below the Chattanooga Shale and above and including the Everton Formation. This aquifer can be composed of one or more of the following units: upper Everton, St. Peter, Clifty, Sylamore, Lafferty, St. Clair and/or Plattin. The range in yields for this aquifer is 1 to 80 gpm with a median yield of 9 and a mean of 17 gpm. Well depths range from 200 to 875 feet with a median and mean depth of 570 feet. A statistical correlation was found among well yields (gpm), regolith thickness, depth of well, and cave intersection by the well. The results indicate that greater yields can be obtained in areas of thicker regolith. Cave presence was also found to enhance yields. A strong relationship between cave presence and deeper regolith was observed. These three relationships demonstrate increased weathering, and thus water flow along fractures. The effect of joints closing off at depth produced a strong relationship between shallower wells and greater yields within the Boone-St. Joe aquifer

    Self-serving biases: Evidence from a simulated labor relationship

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    Previous studies have found evidence of a self-serving bias in bargaining and dispute resolution. We use experimental data to test for this effect in a simulated labor relatonship. We find a consistent discrepancy between employer beliefs and employee actions that can only be attributed to self-serving biases. This discrepancy is evident through stated beliefs, revealed satisfaction, and actual actions. We present evidence and discuss implications.Experiment, fairness, labor relations, self-serving bias, Leex

    Supermassive Black Hole Mass Regulated by Host Galaxy Morphology

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    We investigated the relationship between supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass and host starburst luminosity in Seyfert galaxies and Palomar-Green QSOs, focusing on the host galaxy morphology. Host starburst luminosity was derived from the 11.3 micron polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon luminosity. We found that the SMBH masses of elliptical-dominated host galaxies are more massive than those of disk-dominated host galaxies statistically. We also found that the SMBH masses of disk-dominated host galaxies seem to be suppressed even under increasing starburst luminosity. These findings imply that final SMBH mass is strongly regulated by host galaxy morphology. This can be understood by considering the radiation drag model as the SMBH growth mechanism, taking into account the radiation efficiency of the host galaxy.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure; accepted for publication in MNRA

    The contribution of faint AGN to the hard X-ray background

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    Hard X-ray selection is the most efficient way to discriminate between accretion-powered sources, such as AGN, from sources dominated by starlight. Hard X-rays are also less affected than other bands by obscuration. We have then carried out the BeppoSAX High Energy Large Area Survey (HELLAS) in the largely unexplored 5-10 keV band, finding 180 sources in ~50 deg^2 of sky with flux >5E-14 erg cm-2 s-1. After correction for the non uniform sky coverage this corresponds to resolving about 30 % of the hard Cosmic X-ray Background (XRB). Here we report on a first optical spectroscopic identification campaign, finding 12 AGN out of 14 X-ray error-boxes studied. Seven AGN show evidence for obscuration in X-ray and optical bands, a fraction higher than in previous ROSAT or ASCA-ROSAT surveys (at a 95-99 % and 90 % confidence level respectively), thus supporting the scenario in which a significant fraction of the XRB is made by obscured AGN.Comment: MNRAS, revised version after minor referee comment

    Are Remakes Doing as Well as Originals? A note.

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    This paper compares originals and remakes from the standpoint of artistic quality and financial return. It appears that on average remakes are of lower quality and have smaller financial returns than originals.
