1,955 research outputs found

    Accurate Pulmonary Nodule Detection in Computed Tomography Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Early detection of pulmonary cancer is the most promising way to enhance a patient's chance for survival. Accurate pulmonary nodule detection in computed tomography (CT) images is a crucial step in diagnosing pulmonary cancer. In this paper, inspired by the successful use of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) in natural image recognition, we propose a novel pulmonary nodule detection approach based on DCNNs. We first introduce a deconvolutional structure to Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (Faster R-CNN) for candidate detection on axial slices. Then, a three-dimensional DCNN is presented for the subsequent false positive reduction. Experimental results of the LUng Nodule Analysis 2016 (LUNA16) Challenge demonstrate the superior detection performance of the proposed approach on nodule detection(average FROC-score of 0.891, ranking the 1st place over all submitted results).Comment: MICCAI 2017 accepte

    Entrepreneurship: an assessment

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    This article reviews evidence of the impact of entrepreneurship on job creation, gender and race discrimination, university spin-offs, growth, economic geography, finance and the public sector. It defines entrepreneurship, corrects some conventional wisdoms about it and discusses policy implications of the evidence on its determinants and effects. The article suggests that the distinctive nature of entrepreneurship raises theoretical, empirical and policy issues that the existing literature has not even begun to address to date

    A Double Sigma Model for Double Field Theory

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    We define a sigma model with doubled target space and calculate its background field equations. These coincide with generalised metric equation of motion of double field theory, thus the double field theory is the effective field theory for the sigma model.Comment: 26 pages, v1: 37 pages, v2: references added, v3: updated to match published version - background and detail of calculations substantially condensed, motivation expanded, refs added, results unchange

    On the Riemann Tensor in Double Field Theory

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    Double field theory provides T-duality covariant generalized tensors that are natural extensions of the scalar and Ricci curvatures of Riemannian geometry. We search for a similar extension of the Riemann curvature tensor by developing a geometry based on the generalized metric and the dilaton. We find a duality covariant Riemann tensor whose contractions give the Ricci and scalar curvatures, but that is not fully determined in terms of the physical fields. This suggests that \alpha' corrections to the effective action require \alpha' corrections to T-duality transformations and/or generalized diffeomorphisms. Further evidence to this effect is found by an additional computation that shows that there is no T-duality invariant four-derivative object built from the generalized metric and the dilaton that reduces to the square of the Riemann tensor.Comment: 36 pages, v2: minor changes, ref. added, v3: appendix on frame formalism added, version to appear in JHE

    Differential geometry with a projection: Application to double field theory

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    In recent development of double field theory, as for the description of the massless sector of closed strings, the spacetime dimension is formally doubled, i.e. from D to D+D, and the T-duality is realized manifestly as a global O(D,D) rotation. In this paper, we conceive a differential geometry characterized by a O(D,D) symmetric projection, as the underlying mathematical structure of double field theory. We introduce a differential operator compatible with the projection, which, contracted with the projection, can be covariantized and may replace the ordinary derivatives in the generalized Lie derivative that generates the gauge symmetry of double field theory. We construct various gauge covariant tensors which include a scalar and a tensor carrying two O(D,D) vector indices.Comment: 1+22 pages, No figure; a previous result on 4-index tensor removed, presentation improve

    Massive Type II in Double Field Theory

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    We provide an extension of the recently constructed double field theory formulation of the low-energy limits of type II strings, in which the RR fields can depend simultaneously on the 10-dimensional space-time coordinates and linearly on the dual winding coordinates. For the special case that only the RR one-form of type IIA carries such a dependence, we obtain the massive deformation of type IIA supergravity due to Romans. For T-dual configurations we obtain a `massive' but non-covariant formulation of type IIB, in which the 10-dimensional diffeomorphism symmetry is deformed by the mass parameter.Comment: 21 page

    Ramond-Ramond Cohomology and O(D,D) T-duality

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    In the name of supersymmetric double field theory, superstring effective actions can be reformulated into simple forms. They feature a pair of vielbeins corresponding to the same spacetime metric, and hence enjoy double local Lorentz symmetries. In a manifestly covariant manner --with regard to O(D,D) T-duality, diffeomorphism, B-field gauge symmetry and the pair of local Lorentz symmetries-- we incorporate R-R potentials into double field theory. We take them as a single object which is in a bi-fundamental spinorial representation of the double Lorentz groups. We identify cohomological structure relevant to the field strength. A priori, the R-R sector as well as all the fermions are O(D,D) singlet. Yet, gauge fixing the two vielbeins equal to each other modifies the O(D,D) transformation rule to call for a compensating local Lorentz rotation, such that the R-R potential may turn into an O(D,D) spinor and T-duality can flip the chirality exchanging type IIA and IIB supergravities.Comment: 1+37 pages, no figure; Structure reorganized, References added, To appear in JHEP. cf. Gong Show of Strings 2012 (http://wwwth.mpp.mpg.de/members/strings/strings2012/strings_files/program/Talks/Thursday/Gongshow/Lee.pdf

    The local symmetries of M-theory and their formulation in generalised geometry

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    In the doubled field theory approach to string theory, the T-duality group is promoted to a manifest symmetry at the expense of replacing ordinary Riemannian geometry with generalised geometry on a doubled space. The local symmetries are then given by a generalised Lie derivative and its associated algebra. This paper constructs an analogous structure for M-theory. A crucial by-product of this is the derivation of the physical section condition for M-theory formulated in an extended space.Comment: 20 pages, v2: Author Name corrected, v3: typos correcte

    Generalised geometry, eleven dimensions and E11

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    We construct the non-linear realisation of E11 and its first fundamental representation in eleven dimensions at low levels. The fields depend on the usual coordinates of space-time as well as two form and five form coordinates. We derive the terms in the dynamics that contain the three form and six form fields and show that when we restricted their field dependence to be only on the usual space-time we recover the correct self-duality relation. Should this result generalise to the gravity fields then the non-linear realisation is an extension of the maximal supergravity theory, as previously conjectured. We also comment on the connections between the different approaches to generalised geometry.Comment: 17 pages, Trivial typos corrected in version one and a substantial note added which gives the equation of motion relating the gravity field to its dua
