30 research outputs found

    Overload pain but root differentiation discomfort in the lumbar spine

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    Lumbar pain syndromes of the spine can also be referred to as the pain of the cross. These ailments have now become epidemics of our time. In literature, these pain are referred to as localized ailments that are located in the lumbar, lumbosacral, and cross-iliac areas. Cross pains are a very general term because there are a multitude of factors that cause lumbar disc herniation. This problem poses great diagnostic difficulties. [4]. The nature of these ailments is often difficult to pinpoint by the patient, but it can be the pain that describes patients from blunt, piercing, biting, baking, to those that are termed cold feeling. Keep in mind that the location of the lumbar pain symptoms varies. Patients report pain that is located throughout the lumbar-sacral area or only on one side of the spine, or occurs only in the area of the hip joints. These complaints often radiate along the lower limb. They are often the result of a lack of proper spine prevention: they contribute to this poor body posture, improper sleep positioning, as well as lack of coping skills, as well as a bad diet. In daily life, it is important to remember to do your daily activities in the correct position as well as to use prevention to avoid pain in the lumbar area

    Botulinum toxin - introduction, indications and safety of usage

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    Introduction and purpose:   This review aims to introduct botulinum toxin as a potentially efficent and safe therapeutic option in many diseases.  Material and method:  This review was mainly based on articles collected in Pubmed in years 2012-2021. The research was done by looking through keywords as follows “botulinum toxin”, “botox”, “bruxism”, “first bite syndrome”.  Results:  The selected studies have demonstrated that botulinum toxin usage is effective, safe and should be considered as therapeutic option in many diseases.  Conclusions:  Botulinum toxin efficiency is proven in therapy of many different types of disorders. Further studies are required to reveal its full potiential, which will most likely lead to its increasing usage in treatment.&nbsp

    Dolegliwości bólowe spowodowane urazem mięśnia biodrowo-lędźwiowego. Opis przypadku

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    The injuries of iliopsoas muscle are seldom described in the medical literature. The following report presents the case of a female patient who suffered from the iliopsoas injury. During the examination it was found out that the injury had been the result of falling off a chair. The initial localization of the pain source was difficult as the attempts in moving the leg resulted in radiculalgia. Imaging examination excluded skeletal injuries and vascular anomalies. The iliopsoas injury was localized along with intramuscular hematoma, both of which were responsible for the pain. Applying complex preventive treatment resulted in improvement of the patient’s condition and stopping the pain.Uszkodzenia mięśnia biodrowo-lędźwiowego są rzadko poruszanym tematem w doniesieniach fachowej literatury medycznej. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorej, która doznała urazu mięśnia biodrowo-lędźwiowego. W wywiadzie stwierdzono, że przyczyną powstania dolegliwości był upadek z krzesła. Wstępne zlokalizowanie źródła dolegliwości bólowych było utrudnione, gdyż przy próbach ruchu kończyną dolną pojawiał się ból o torze korzeniowym. Badania obrazowe wykluczyły uszkodzenia szkieletowe oraz anomalie naczyniowe. Zlokalizowano uszkodzenie mięśnia biodrowo-lędźwiowego z towarzyszącym krwiakiem śródmięśniowym, które było odpowiedzialne za obecność opisywanych dolegliwości bólowych. Wdrożone kompleksowe leczenie zachowawcze poskutkowało poprawą stanu pacjentki i całkowitym zniesieniem dolegliwości bólowych

    Pain Caused by the Iliopsoas Muscle Injury. Case Study

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    The injuries of iliopsoas muscle are seldom described in the medical literature. The following report presents the case of a female patient who suffered from the iliopsoas injury. During the examination it was found out that the injury had been the result of falling off a chair. The initial localization of the pain source was difficult as the attempts in moving the leg resulted in radiculalgia. Imaging examination excluded skeletal injuries and vascular anomalies. The iliopsoas injury was localized along with intramuscular hematoma, both of which were responsible for the pain. Applying complex preventive treatment resulted in improvement of the patient’s condition and stopping the pain.Uszkodzenia mięśnia biodrowo-lędźwiowego są rzadko poruszanym tematem w doniesieniach fachowej literatury medycznej. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorej, która doznała urazu mięśnia biodrowo-lędźwiowego. W wywiadzie stwierdzono, że przyczyną powstania dolegliwości był upadek z krzesła. Wstępne zlokalizowanie źródła dolegliwości bólowych było utrudnione, gdyż przy próbach ruchu kończyną dolną pojawiał się ból o torze korzeniowym. Badania obrazowe wykluczyły uszkodzenia szkieletowe oraz anomalie naczyniowe. Zlokalizowano uszkodzenie mięśnia biodrowo-lędźwiowego z towarzyszącym krwiakiem śródmięśniowym, które było odpowiedzialne za obecność opisywanych dolegliwości bólowych. Wdrożone kompleksowe leczenie zachowawcze poskutkowało poprawą stanu pacjentki i całkowitym zniesieniem dolegliwości bólowych

    Insulinoma - review of characteristics, diagnosis and treatment

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    Introduction and purpose: Insulinoma is one of a group of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs). This tumor has its origin in the β cells of the pancreatic islets, which are responsible for the production of insulin. Excessive amounts of this hormone in the body manifest hypoglycemic neuroglycopenic and sympathetic-overstimulation symptoms. The purpose of this review is to analyze information on the characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of patients with insulinoma.  Material and methods: This review was based on available data collected in the PubMed database and published between 2017 and 2022. The study was conducted by reviewing keywords as follows: "insulinoma," "NEN," "diagnosis," and "treatment." Results: The diagnosis of insulinoma consists of a typical clinical presentation, biochemical test results indicating hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, and presence of a tumor. The treatment targets solutions leading to a complete recovery, usually performing open surgery involving enucleation of the tumor. Conclusions: Despite the characteristic clinical picture, insulinoma is still often a diagnostic problem. It is necessary to work towards improving diagnostic methods and conduct further research into the most effective methods of treating insulinoma

    Osgood-Schlatter disease and potential treatment

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    Background: Aseptic necrosis of the tibial tuberosity, also known as Osgood-Schlatter disease, is one of the more common causes of pain in the tibia area in children and adolescents. The pathology is much more common in boys than in girls. Young athletes, including training footballers, basketball players and volleyball players, as well as children who actively spend their free time are particularly exposed to the development of the disease.  Material and methods: This paper was based on medical articles collected in PubMed , medical websites and books. The research has been done by looking through key words such as:’’ Osgood-Schlatter disease”,’’Osgood-Schlatter treatment”  Results: Osgood-Schlatter disease is usually self-limiting. In the absence of symptom relief, there are operational methods, which, however, are ambiguous.  Conclusions: Treatment of OSD patients and a challenge for healthcare professionals.&nbsp

    Osteogenesis imperfecta and potential therapies

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    Background: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetically determined disorder of connective tissue. In this article we reviewed epidemiology, types of OI, pathophysiology, symptoms and potential therapies.Material and methods: This paper was based on medical articles collected in PubMed from 2006 to 2022, medical websites and books. The research has been done by looking through key words such as: „osteogenesis imperfecta”, „osteogenesis imperfecta treatment”, „bisphosphonate”, „sillence classification”.Results: The pathophysiology of osteogenesis imperfecta is well understood. Treatment and symptoms of the disease depend on the type of osteogenesis imperfecta.Conclusions: Treatment of the patients with OI is challenging for health care professionals. Medical care for majority of patients with OI extends their life and improves its quality. Despite advances in science, causal treatment still does not exist

    The art of cheating medical staff- Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

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    Background: Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a behavioral disorder in adults, that affects children. This phenomenon is also called a Medical Child Abuse or Caregiver-fabricated illness. Child becomes a victim of many unnecessary medical procedures without a commensurate disease. A mild form of this disorder is falsification of medical records and fabrication of medical evidences. Adults can also exaggerate existing symptoms of illness. The most harmful behavior is an intentional child abusing in order to cause symptoms of a disease. There are many difficulties in diagnosing this disorder and the following consequences for victims are devastating. For that reason MSBP is becoming a very dangerous medical problem. Material and methods: The analysis concerned publications in English and Polish language published in years 2013-2018, which were collected in the PubMed, Google Scholar and Medycyna Praktyczna. Particular attention was paid to articles presenting the problem of MSBP and to the role of medical staff in diagnosing this disorder. Results: Available data suggests that caregiver with MSBP is usually victim’s mother. Most commonly these women have others mental disorders. MSBP is very dangerous form of violence and it is proven that the mortality associated with this disorder reaches about 6-33%. It should be noted, that in addition to the obvious child’s physical injuries, abnormal relationships with caregiver cause long-term developmental damages. Conclusion: The role of medical staff in diagnosing MSBP is difficult, but also very important. Caregivers with MSBP seem to be solicitous and responsible. Their attitude can mislead the doctor. Pediatricians, while trying to diagnose a child, order many diagnostic tests. It may increase caregiver’s pathological behavior. Due to this fact, medical staff can unconsciously expose child to unnecessary medical procedures. Effective communication between health sectors and staff education can be a crucial element in MSBP diagnosing

    Hallux valgus treatment and new methods

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    Introduction: Hallux valgus is a common disease more common in women In this article, we reviewed the epidemiology, symptoms, and various surgical techniques for the treatment of hallux valgusMaterial and methods: The work was based on medical articles collected in PubMed, websites and medical books. The research was conducted by looking at keywords such as: "hallux treatment", "hallux disease"Results: There are many methods of treating hallux valgus, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical treatment.Conclusions: The interdisciplinary approach to the patient and innovative surgical techniques can provide us with many new solutions in the treatment of the disease.Doctors have to adjust treatment to provide the best therapeutic effects