306 research outputs found

    Aggregation of ecological indicators for mapping aquatic nature quality : overview of existing methods and case studies

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    Indicators for aquatic nature quality are calculated using ecological monitoring data from individual sampling stations. For reporting purposes, these results need to be aggregated and scaled up to higher levels (catchment area, country). This report provides an overview of different existing spatial aggregation methods for this purpose, including an evaluation of their suitability for aquatic ecological indicators. So-called „model-based„ methods, consisting of some sort of „kriging¿ step followed by calculation of the arithmetic mean, appeared to be the most appropriate. Application of these methods to multimetric indicators of aquatic macroinvertebrates in two Dutch subcatchment areas confirmed their suitability. However, the methods that were used were based on aggregation (using kriging) over Euclidian (straight), distances. It is recommended to conduct further research on the suitability of interpolation through stream networks, i.e., through the waterways themselves

    Cell-penetrating peptides as a promising tool for delivery of various molecules into the cells

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    Many biologically active compounds, including macromolecules that are used as various kinds of drugs, must be delivered to the interior of cell or organelles such as mitochondria or nuclei to achieve a therapeutic effect. However, very often, lipophilic cell membrane is impermeable for these molecules. A new method in the transport of macromolecules through the cell membrane is the one based on utilizing cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs). Invented 25 years ago, CPPs are currently the subject of intensive research in many laboratories all over the world. CPPs are short compounds comprising up to 30 amino acid residues, which penetrate the cell membrane but do not cause cell damage. Additionally, CPPs can transfer hydrophilic molecules (peptides, proteins, nucleic acids) which exceed their mass, and for which the cell membrane is generally impermeable. In this review, we concentrate on the cellular uptake mechanism of CPPs and a method of conjunction of CPPs to the transported molecules. We also highlight the potential of CPPs in delivering various kinds of macromolecules into cells, including compounds of therapeutic interest

    Impact of Combined Clenbuterol and Metoprolol Therapy on Reverse Remodelling during Mechanical Unloading

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    Clenbuterol (Cl), a β2 agonist, is associated with enhanced myocardial recovery during left ventricular assist device (LVAD) support, and exerts beneficial remodelling effects during mechanical unloading (MU) in rodent heart failure (HF). However, the specific effects of combined Cl+β1 blockade during MU are unknown.We studied the chronic effects (4 weeks) of β2-adrenoceptor (AR) stimulation via Cl (2 mg/kg/day) alone, and in combination with β1-AR blockade using metoprolol ((Met), 250 mg/kg/day), on whole heart/cell structure, function and excitation-contraction (EC) coupling in failing (induced by left coronary artery (LCA) ligation), and unloaded (induced by heterotopic abdominal heart transplantation (HATx)) failing rat hearts. Combined Cl+Met therapy displayed favourable effects in HF: Met enhanced Cl's improvement in ejection fraction (EF) whilst preventing Cl-induced hypertrophy and tachycardia. During MU combined therapy was less beneficial than either mono-therapy. Met, not Cl, prevented MU-induced myocardial atrophy, with increased atrophy occurring during combined therapy. MU-induced recovery of Ca2+ transient amplitude, speed of Ca2+ release and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ content was enhanced equally by Cl or Met mono-therapy, but these benefits, together with Cl's enhancement of sarcomeric contraction speed, and MU-induced recovery of Ca2+ spark frequency, disappeared during combined therapy.Combined Cl+Met therapy shows superior functional effects to mono-therapy in rodent HF, but appears inferior to either mono-therapy in enhancing MU-induced recovery of EC coupling. These results suggest that combined β2-AR simulation +β1-AR blockade therapy is likely to be a safe and beneficial therapeutic HF strategy, but is not as effective as mono-therapy in enhancing myocardial recovery during LVAD support

    Cardiomyocyte Ca2+ handling and structure is regulated by degree and duration of mechanical load variation

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    Cardiac transverse (t)-tubules are altered during disease and may be regulated by stretch-sensitive molecules. The relationship between variations in the degree and duration of load and t-tubule structure remains unknown, as well as its implications for local Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR). Rat hearts were studied after 4 or 8 weeks of moderate mechanical unloading [using heterotopic abdominal heart–lung trans-plantation (HAHLT)] and 6 or 10 weeks of pressure overloading using thoracic aortic constriction. CICR, cell and t-tubule structure were assessed using confocal-microscopy, patch-clamping and scanning ion conductance microscopy. Moderate unloading was compared with severe unloading [using heart-only transplantation (HAHT)]. Mechanical unloading reduced cardiomyocyte volume in a time-dependent manner. Ca2+ release synchronicity was reduced at 8 weeks moderate unloading only. Ca2+ sparks increased in frequency and duration at 8 weeks of moderate unloading, which also induced t-tubule disorganization. Overloading increased cardiomyocyte volume and disrupted t-tubule mor-phology at 10 weeks but not 6 weeks. Moderate mechanical unloading for 4 weeks had milder effects compared with severe mechanical unloading (37 % reduction in cell volume at 4 weeks compared to 56 % reduction after severe mechanical unloading) and did not cause depres-sion and delay of the Ca2+ transient, increased Ca2+ spark frequency or impaired t-tubule and cell surface structure. These data suggest that variations in chronic mechanical load influence local CICR and t-tubule structure in a time- and degree-dependent manner, and that physiologi-cal states of increased and reduced cell size, without pathological changes are possible

    Protein and siRNA delivery by transportan and transportan 10 into colorectal cancer cell lines

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    Introduction. Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) have the ability to translocate through cell membranes with high efficiency and therefore can introduce biological agents with pharmaceutical properties into the cell. Transportan (TP) and its shorter analog transportan 10 (TP10) are among the best studied CPPs, however, their effects on viability of and cargo introduction into colorectal cancer (CRC) cells have yet not been investigated. The aim of our study was to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of TP and TP10 on representative CRC lines and the efficiency of protein (streptavidin) and siRNA cargo delivery by TP-biotinylated derivatives (TP-biot). Material and methods. HT29 (early stage CRC model) and HCT116 (metastatic CRC model) cell lines were incubated with TP, TP10, TP-biot1, TP-biot13 and TP10-biot1. The effects of studied CPPs on cell viability and cell cycle were assessed by MTT and annexin V assays. The uptake of streptavidin-FITC complex into cells was determined by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy, with the inhibition of cellular vesicle trafficking by brefeldin A. The efficiency of siRNA for SASH1 gene delivery was measured by quantitative PCR (qPCR). Results. Since up to 10 µM concentrations of each CPP showed no significant cytotoxic effect, the concentrations of 0.5–5 µM were used for further analyses. Within this concentration range none of the studied CPPs affected cell viability and cell cycle. The efficient and endocytosis-independent introduction of streptavidin-FITC complex into cells was observed for TP10-biot1 and TP-biot1 with the cytoplasmic location of the fluorescent cargo; decreased SASH1 mRNA level was noticed with the use of siRNA and analyzed CPPs. Conclusions. We conclude that TP, TP10 and their biotinylated derivatives can be used as efficient delivery vehicles of small and large cargoes into CRC cells

    Molecular Mechanisms Leading from Periodontal Disease to Cancer

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    Periodontitis is prevalent in half of the adult population and raises critical health concerns as it has been recently associated with an increased risk of cancer. While information about the topic remains somewhat scarce, a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanistic pathways promoting neoplasia in periodontitis patients is of fundamental importance. This manuscript presents the literature as well as a panel of tables and figures on the molecular mechanisms of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum, two main oral pathogens in periodontitis pathology, involved in instigating tumorigenesis. We also present evidence for potential links between the RANKL–RANK signaling axis as well as circulating cytokines/leukocytes and carcinogenesis. Due to the nonconclusive data associating periodontitis and cancer reported in the case and cohort studies, we examine clinical trials relevant to the topic and summarize their outcome

    Reduced Na+ and higher K+ channel expression and function contribute to right ventricular origin of arrhythmias in Scn5a+/− mice

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    Brugada syndrome (BrS) is associated with ventricular tachycardia originating particularly in the right ventricle (RV). We explore electrophysiological features predisposing to such arrhythmic tendency and their possible RV localization in a heterozygotic Scn5a+/− murine model. Nav1.5 mRNA and protein expression were lower in Scn5a+/− than wild-type (WT), with a further reduction in the RV compared with the left ventricle (LV). RVs showed higher expression levels of Kv4.2, Kv4.3 and KChIP2 in both Scn5a+/− and WT. Action potential upstroke velocity and maximum Na+ current (INa) density were correspondingly decreased in Scn5a+/−, with a further reduction in the RV. The voltage dependence of inactivation was shifted to more negative values in Scn5a+/−. These findings are predictive of a localized depolarization abnormality leading to slowed conduction. Persistent Na+ current (IpNa) density was decreased in a similar pattern to INa. RV transient outward current (Ito) density was greater than LV in both WT and Scn5a+/−, and had larger time constants of inactivation. These findings were also consistent with the observation that AP durations were smallest in the RV of Scn5a+/−, fulfilling predictions of an increased heterogeneity of repolarization as an additional possible electrophysiological mechanism for arrhythmogenesis in BrS
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