88 research outputs found

    Abitare la nuova scuola: embodied cognition e ambienti di apprendimento

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    With the help of the new technology, schools could re-examine the role of the teacher and offer experiences of individual development within shared spaces to the young generation of digital natives. By redesigning the learning environment and incorporating elements of the Embodied Cognition Design, in line with theindications of the national curriculum, students will be well prepared for the future, with capabilities and responsibilities, and will tend towards the realization of the self as active, critical and aware citizens. But, with the pressure of new technologies, a profound restructuring of learning teaching methodologies is alsorequired, incorporating new architectural arrangements and a new conception of learning spaces, in line with recent findings in neuroscience and embodiment theories that see the person as an active element in the construction of a new pedagogy of knowledge.The aim of this work was to investigate teachers’ views on the characteristics of the learning environment in the digital age and their perceptions about the relationship between the environment, the technologies and the teaching methods used.ativi digitali esperienze di crescita in spazi condivisi. Riqualificando gli ambienti dell’apprendimento e recependo le istanze dell’Embodied Cognition Design, gli studenti, con capabilities e responsabilità potranno tendere alla realizzazione del sé come cittadini attivi, critici e consapevoli. Ma, sotto la spinta delle nuove tecnologie, è richiesto un rinnovamento profondo nelle metodologie di insegnamento-apprendimento che vedano anche nuovi assetti architettonici e una nuova concezione degli spazi di apprendimento secondo le risultanze recenti delle neuroscienze e delle teorie dell’Embodied Cognition che considerano il corpo elemento attivo nella costruzione di una nuova pedagogia del sapere.L’indagine ha avuto lo scopo di indagare l’opinione degli insegnanti circa le caratteristiche dell’ambiente di apprendimento nell’era digitale e le loro percezioni circa la relazione tra l’ambiente, le tecnologie e le metodologie di insegnamento utilizzate


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    Diversi studi dimostrano come grazie al movimento si instaurino rapporti con l’ambiente e come questa relazione sia determinante nel processo di apprendimento di ogni individuo. Il corpo è il primo mezzo con cui l’individuo sperimenta l’ambiente, è il primo canale di comunicazione fra lui e gli altri e continuerà ad essere l’intermediario privilegiato nella relazione con gli altri, tra il mondo interno e quello esterno a sé (Federici, Valentini, Tonini Cardinali, 2008, p.85). Il presente articolo nasce dall’esigenza di descrivere una proposta di intervento che prevede l’integrazione del metodo Terzi con gli exergames, con lo scopo di potenziare le abilità visuo-spaziali e favorire il miglioramento delle abilità di scrittura nei bambini disgrafici. In particolare, obiettivo del lavoro è stato sperimentare la valenza di prassi didattiche incentrate su un uso consapevole e intenzionale del corpo e delle sue potenzialità motorie al fine di prospettare possibili percorsi didattici che utilizzino il movimento nei processi di apprendimento della scrittura.Various studies show how movement establishes relationships with the environment and how this relationship is decisive in the learning process of each individual. The body is the first means by which the individual experiences the environment, it is the first channel of communication between him and others and will continue to be the privileged intermediary in the relationship with others, between the inner and outer world (Federici, Valentini, Tonini Cardinali, 2008, p.85). The present article stems from the need to describe an intervention proposal that provides for the integration of the Terzi method with exergames, with the aim of enhancing visual-spatial skills and promoting the improvement of writing skills in children with dysgraphia. In particular, the aim of the work was to test the value of didactic practices centred on a conscious and intentional use of the body and its motor potential in order to propose possible didactic paths that use movement in the learning process of writing

    A survey on planning, expectations and factors influencing the stabilization process of migrating people in Palermo, Western Sicily

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    Background. Europe constitutes a major pole of attraction for the migratory fluxes. The migrating population is made up of many different individuals, carrying different projects of life and expectations. The consistence of the phenomena, in few decades, will be responsible for deep changes in the demographic structure of the European population. The purpose of this investigation was to attempt to draw an identikit of migrating people and to evaluate those factors which may be considered important to positively influence the process of stabilization. Moreover, the research tried to evaluate the differences among those migrating people who have recently arrived, still considering this country as a landing shore, and those who have definitely settled in Sicily. Methods. The research was carried out through a 42 items multiple choice answer questionnaire administered to two groups of individuals who were born in a non European Union (EU) country. Individuals, who were still trying to settle (group A), were chosen at random in the streets of the city, while individu- als with a solid and integrated family were chosen at random from the municipality of Palermo, Sicily. To compare the two different groups of individuals Student?s t and Chi square tests were used together with standard descriptive statistics and linear regression analysis. Results. Results seem to indicate that positive factors for integra- tion are years of residence in the same place, support from the family since the very beginning of the migratory project, stable interethnic social structure. What did not seem to constitute determining factors in the territory analysed are: age, gender, country of origin, religion. Higher education levels apparently play a negative role. Child bearing indexes are higher than European levels. Birth rate was use in the attempt of modelling a projection of population growth. Discussion. The collected data brings forth the snapshot of the typical immigrant as a young strong healthy individual, longing to start a family on safe values, who accepts transitory precari- ous living conditions in order to improve them. The major nega- tive factors in the migratory project are those of social nature. Governments have generally adopted a politics of control on entry and of managing the emergency. There is a need for a politics of empowerment and exploitation of the capacity of the migrants. Deep changes occurring in the demographic structure of the European population might influence the social contest. Decrease European birth rate and increasing immigration may create a melting pot, where Europeans may take a role of an endangered species

    A survey on knowledge and perceptions regarding head lice on a sample of teachers and students in primary schools of north and south of Italy

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    High rates of pediculosis are found in every part of the world. The age-range most affected is between 3 and 12 years. No-nit policies are ineffective in preventing infestations. On the other hand, misdiagnosis and overuse of pediculicides, increase resistance to treatment. Lack of information leads people to consider this kind of infestation to be associated to low social classes and immigrants. This research has been implemented to find out about the information level on pediculosis on a sample of students (722) and teachers (408) of some primary schools in northern and southern Italy, and to highlight the role of personal aspects such as age, gender, cultural level, geographical position which may influence this topic and, eventually, allow the use of the correct knowledge in developing appropriate procedures within the school district. Data was obtained through a questionnaire containing 21 multiple choice questions for the teachers and 14 for the students. Standard descriptive statistics were computed. ?2 tests were applied to highlight statistical association among observed variables; test for the difference of two proportions were applied to confirm significant differences among the observed proportions. The level of information for students seems to be, approximately, the same both for northern and southern Italy. There was a slight prevalence of correct answers from southern teachers, probably because the phenomenon of pediculosis has a positive trend of growth in the south. The number of correct answers was, for all, on average about 60.0%; a negative result in itself, considering the simplicity of the questions. Knowledge about the biology of the louse was virtually absent. The area of prevention showed lack of information and need for improvement. Most of the teachers believe that there are specific products that can prevent infestation by louse. Most of the teachers have information which does not come from scientific sources. Students receive some short and incomplete information from their parents. Deficiencies in teachers? knowledge indicate that they are inadequately equipped to manage lice infestation. Educational interventions with teachers and families and, as a consequence, with students should be taught at school to allow a correct understanding of the pediculosis, increasing the teachers? competence and, consequently, as soon as the infestation should manifest, a rapid alert of the Health Service so that proper treatment could be provided

    La cura dell’infanzia nel pensiero di Janusz KorczaK

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    This work tries to reflect on how Korczak's pedagogical vision offers interesting ideas for society to understand the centrality of early age in the growth process, entrusting childhood with the power to recognize one's needs and the right to express them. His pedagogy focused on universal values and a profound ethical sensitivity presupposes a vision of the child as a 'complete' human being, who has the ability to establish a re lationship of mutual respect with adults based on love and dialogue

    La pratica narrativa per una formazione del sé nei luoghi di lavoro

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    The aim of this work is to highlight the importance of narration for self-training in the workplace. Metacognitive narratives are some of possible approaches able to contribute to renew the pedagogy of work. They represent some of the most valuable sources of selfknowledge and contribute to redefine the concept of work considerning the importance of the develpoment of professional and personal identit


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    An investigation was carried out on a group of students, 7-10 years old, aimed to evidence the presence of same of common symptoms of depression in childhood. Results reported demonstrated that more than 50% of the sample was often sad, nervous, anxious and suffers of sleeping disorders. The need was stressed of on early and correct diagnosis of infantile depression to sustain the child’s development and to give adequate treatment

    Seroprevalence of and risk factors for Leishmania seropositivity in a sample population of Western Sicily (Italy)

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    Background: Leishmania is a vector-borne parasite responsible for significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of and risk factors for Leishmania infantum seropositivity in a sample of Sicilian population.Methods: A total of 260 subjects were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire and requested for an venous blood sample.Results: Overall, 36 subjects (13.8%) were seropositive against L. infantum with a statistically significant higher prevalence of positivity in older subjects (p=0.04). After adjustment for age, a higher risk for Leishmania seropositivity was found in subjects who had pets living outdoors and untreated with anti-pests, and in those who were current smokers (adj-OR = 2.95 and adj-OR = 3.11, respectively; p < 0.05).Conclusions: Our data confirm that Leishmania infections among Sicilian citizens can be considered relatively frequent, suggesting that a percentage of Leishmania seropositivity can be probably attributed to exposure to both old and new risk factors
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