22 research outputs found

    Mathematical modeling of the formation of sedimentary acid precipitation in the atmosphere in view of the evaporation of moisture from their surface

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    The article presents the results of numeric simulation of the formation of sedimentary acid precipitation in the atmosphere taking into account the evaporation of moisture from their surfaces. It is established that the joint condensation of vapors of sulfuric anhydride and water vapor, given the flow of solar energy and the evaporation process significantly slows the growth of drops. The possibility of achieving the underlying surface by the formed sediments is analyzed

    New insights in to the treatment of myocardial infarction

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    This study investigated the effects of the L-17 compound of the group of substituted 5R1, 6H2-1,3,4-thiadiazine-2-amines on the inflammatory cellular infiltration and myocardial remodelling which occurs after acute myocardial infarction (MI) in rats. The study is based upon recent clinical and experimental work which demonstrated the role of local and systemic inflammatory reactions in postinfarction remodelling. Acute MI in rats was induced by left coronary artery coagulation. Animals were sacrificed on day one, five and seven after MI induction. The myocardiumal samples were taken from all parts of the heart and examined by histology. This included areas of infarction, infraction and areas that were peri-infarctiom and left ventricular areas distant from the damaged tissues. Serum activity of creatine phosphokinase (CPK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), isoenzymes 1 and 2 and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH1-2) were investigated on the same three days, before and in the process of MI development was investigated (at days 1, 5 and 7). The L-17 compound to not only decreased the area of initial infarction but also changed the pattern of inflammatory reaction in the affected myocardium fundamentally. Laboratory studies of effects of L-17 compound on the development and course of experimental MI showed that administration decreased blood AST and CPK levels significantly and provided useful the data about the correlation between the activity of these enzymes and the dimensions of the significantly necrotic area. In this model of experimental MI the use of the L-17 compound induced led to the replacement of the exudative destructive inflammation that is seen under standard conditions with a more cellular "productive" pattern of inflammation, with associated reduction in initial necrosis area and the, decrease in myocardial ischaemia and reperfusion injury may account for the accelerated repair process. © 2012 The Authors. International Journal of Experimental Pathology © 2012 International Journal of Experimental Pathology

    Aspecte noi în tratamentul cancerului nazofaringian

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    Studiul a fost elaborat în scopul îmbunătăţirii rezultatelor tratamentului cancerului nazofaringian prin aplicarea chimioterapiei de inducţie şi adjuvante în asociere cu radioterapie după program radical. Rezultatele obţinute argumentează programul complex de tratament al cancerului nazofaringian


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    The motivational core of the formation of the environmental orientation of a professional is a strategic factor in the development of personal potential, determining the role in a qualified professional activity, and is the product of this activity.The aim of the work is to study the ways of formation of environmental orientation of student’s mentality during training.The methodological basis of the study was a comparative analysis, empirical methods and modeling.The authors consider the practice-oriented professional ecological education of students as one of the system methods of ecological education.The study of the ecological orientation of student’s mentality suggests that modern trends in the development of vocational education predetermine the creation of a new personality stereotype of a specialist who is able to mentally anticipate real environmental situations of a situation, analyze them and make timely, competent and professional decisions.Мотивационное ядро формирования экологической направленности профессионала является системообразующим фактором развития личностного потенциала, определяя роль в квалифицированной профессиональной деятельности, и является продуктом этой деятельности.Цель работы заключается в исследовании способов формирования экологической направленности обучающихся в процессе профессиональной подготовки.Методической основой исследования послужили сравнительный анализ, группа эмпирических методов, моделирование.Авторами рассматривается практико-ориентированное профессионально-экологическое образование студентов, как один из системных методов экологического образования.Результаты исследования сформированности экологической направленности мировоззрения обучающихся позволяет говорить о том, что современные тенденции развития профессионального образования предопределяют создание нового стереотипа личности специалиста, умеющего мысленно опережать реальные экологические ситуации, анализировать их и принимать своевременные компетентные, профессиональные зрелые решения

    Posibilităţile chimioterapiei neoadjuvante şi adjuvanteîn tratamentul complex al cancerului glandei mamare stadiul II-III

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    Studiul a fost consacrat unei probleme actuale a oncologiei – ameliorarea rezultatelor la distanţă ale tratamentului radical în cancerul glandei mamare, stadiile II-III şi se bazează pe 584 de cazuri clinice. S-a constatat supravieţuirea maximă la pacientele, care au administrat tratament complex, cu includerea: polichimioterapiei neoadjuvante, radioterapiei preoperatorii, mastectomiei radicale şi polichimioterapiei adjuvante. Rezultatele obţinute confi rmă necesitatea tratamentului complex al cancerului glandei mamare, stadiile II-III, cu includerea metodelor terapeutice sus-numite

    Posibilităţi de tratament al cancerului glandei mamare, stadiile II-III

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    Studiul a fost consacrat unei probleme actuale a oncologiei - ameliorarea rezultatelor la distanţă ale tratamentului radical în cancerul glandei mamare, stadiile II – III – şi se bazează pe 584 de cazuri clinice. S-a constatat supravieţuire maximă la pacientele care au administrat tratament cu includerea: polichimioterapiei neoadjuvante, telegamaterapiei, preoperatoriei, mastectomiei radicale şi polichimioterapiei adjuvante. Rezultatele obţinute confirmă necesitatea tratamentului complex al cancerului glandei mamare, stadiile II – III, cu includerea metodelor terapeutice sus-numite

    Polichimioterapia ca alternativă de tratament al cancerului de prostată metastatic rezistent la hormonoterapie

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    Cancerul de prostată (CP) reprezintă una din patologiile oncologice cele mai grave la bărbaţi de vârstă înaintată. Anual în lume se înregistrează până la 670000 cazuri noi de această patologie. În Republica Moldova morbiditatea prin CP constituie 12,9‰, dintre care 74,3% cu stadii iniţial avansate (III-IV). În majoritatea cazurilor CP este o tumoră hormonodependentă. Cu părere de rău hormonoterapia are o efi cacitate temporară cu durată medie nu mai mare de 1218 luni. Totodată hormonoterapia este neefectivă în 15-20% cazuri, când tumora primară este rezistentă primar faţă de hormoni. Astfel, între timp, CP devine nesensibil la hormonoterapie şi se stabileşte diagnosticul de ,,cancer de prostată hormonorezistent”. Scopul investigaţiei petrecute a fost în determinarea efi caităţii a 3 programe de polichimioterapie în tratamentul pacienţilor cu cancer de prostată metastatic hormonorezistent. Eficacitatea tratamentului a fost apreciată la 82 pacienţi cu remisiune obiectivă de 31,7% cazuri şi stabilizarea procesului la 46,3% cazuri, ce permite de a recomanda ultimul ca alternativă, de tratament în cancer de prostată metastatic hormonorezistent

    Aprecierea eficacităţii polichimioterapiei (PCT) după schemele VFP şi VAMC în plan curativ al cancerului nazofaringian

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    În articol a fost apreciată efi cacitatea polichimioterapiei după schemele VFP şi VAMC în tratamentul cancerului nazofaringian

    Posibilităţi de tratament al cancerului nazofaringian cu includerea optimă în programul de tratament a polichimioterapiei (PCT)

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    În articol au fost studiate rezultatele tratamentului cancerului nazofaringian prin aplicarea polichimioterapiei neoadjuvante şi polichimioterapiei adjivante în asociere cu radioterapia după programe radical

    Insignificance of the Performed Offense as Basis of Release from the Administrative Responsibility

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    In article insignificance of a perfect offense as the basis of release from the administrative responsibility is researched. Special attention is paid to criteria of insignificance of an administrative offense. In the conclusion the author draws a conclusion that insignificance of an offense – an estimative concept which can be differently interpreted by various officials performing production on cases of administrative offenses and judges of different courts. The criteria of insignificance of an administrative offense offered in article not unique, and the problem of their determination on it isn't exhausted