13 research outputs found


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    Background: Methods of repair for iatrogenic extrahepatic bile ducts injuries are still under discussion. Aim: To improve surgical outcomes in patients with diseases and iatrogenic injuries of extrahepatic bile ducts. Materials and methods: The new surgical method for treatment of the diseases and traumatic injuries of extrahepatic bile ducts improves immediate and long-term outcomes in patients with iatrogenic injuries and diseases of bile ducts. The method provides a direct endoscopic access allowing for minimally invasive biliodigestive anastomosis interventions (balloon dilation, endoprothesis positioning and change, etc.) under direct vision. Results:  The new method is associated with less surgical trauma, reduced intra-/postoperative complications, better quality of life and no impact on patients’ life-style. Conclusion:  In our study, endoscopic repair of biliodigestive anastomoses through persistent gastroenteroanastomosis was a simple, available and safe method. The procedure may be performed by surgeon-endoscopist under local anesthesia. If needed, multiple procedures are possible.Актуальность.  До настоящего времени вопрос выбора способа коррекции ятрогенных повреждений внепеченочных желчных протоков (ВЖП) остается предметом оживленных дискуссий. Цель исследования – улучшение результатов хирургического лечения больных с заболеваниями и ятрогенными повреждениями ВЖП. Материал и методы. Представлен новый метод лечения заболеваний и  травматических повреждений ВЖП, позволяющий улучшить непосредственные и отдаленные результаты лечения больных с ятрогенными повреждениями и заболеваниями желчных протоков. Способ дает возможность осуществлять в  послеоперационном периоде прямой эндоскопический доступ к  зоне билиодигестивного анастомоза и  под визуальным контролем выполнять малоинвазивные манипуляции: баллонную дилатацию, установку и смену эндопротезов и др. Результаты. Предлагаемый метод значительно снижает травматичность операции, уменьшает риск интра- и постоперационных осложнений, улучшает качество жизни больных, позволяя им вести привычный образ жизни. Заключение. Эндоскопическая коррекция билиодигестивных анастомозов через сформированный гастроэнтероанастомоз – простой, доступный и безопасный метод. Манипуляции могут проводиться хирургом-эндоскопистом под местной анестезией. При необходимости возможны их многократные повторения

    Conditions of formation and forecast of natural reservoirs in clinoform complex of the Lower Cretaceous of the Barents-Kara shelf

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    Unique Leningradsky and Rusanovsky gascondensate fields in the Barrem-Cenomanian layer are discovered in the Kara Sea. Non-industrial accumulations of oil and gas have been discovered in the Lower Cretaceous sediments of the western part of the Barents Sea shelf. However, the structure and oil and gas potential of the Lower Cretaceous sediments of the Barents-Kara shelf remain unexplored. Based on the seismic-stratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic analysis, a regional geological model of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Barents-Kara shelf was created, the distribution area and the main stages of the accumulation of clinoforms were identified. As a result of a detailed analysis of the morphology of clinoform bodies, paleogeographic conditions were restored in the Early Cretaceous and a forecast of the distribution of sandy reservoirs was give

    Трансплантация печени в Московской области: региональный проект и реализация

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    Rationale: Liver transplantation is the only curative treatment for diffuse end-stage liver disease and some liver neoplasms. The amount of these interventions in the Moscow Region is very low.Aim: To analyze the results of the first series of liver transplantations done in the Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI), to compare it with those done currently in Russia and worldwide, and to establish the optimal volume and trend of development for this new regional center.Materials and methods: More than 200 patients with liver cirrhosis, polycystosis and alveococcus invasion have been examined from May 2016 to August 2018; 70 of them were eligible for liver transplantation and were put on the waiting list. From October 2016 to July 2018, 29  liver transplantations from deceased donors (including 2  retransplantations) and one living related transplantation of the right lobe have been performed. Among the indications to the transplantation, the leading one was viral (HCV or HBV-related) cirrhosis. Four patients were diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma.Results: The waitlist mortality was 19%. Median waiting time was 5.5 [3; 9] (0 to 27) months. Until now, the results were followed till 22 months, with median follow-up of 7  [2; 13] months. The survival rate of the recipients was 96.4%, of the grafts 93.3%. In-patient mortality was 3.6%. Early allograft dysfunction was seen in 33%  of cases. Median length of the in-hospital stay was 22 [19; 25] days.Conclusion: The successful implementation of the liver transplant program at its initial stage demonstrates the results that meet current efficacy criteria. Achieved level of organ procurement from deceased donors in the Moscow Region could ensure at least 30  liver transplantations annually, with current facilities and a potential for further growth. An increase in the transplantation number would depend on the improvement of transplantation service facilities in MONIKI and on the stable financial support of the program. Finally, it would promote increased availability of this transplantation technology in the region, lower waitlist mortality and shorter waiting times.Актуальность. Трансплантация печени – единственный радикальный метод лечения многочисленных диффузных заболеваний печени в терминальной стадии и некоторых опухолей печени. Жителям Московской области этот вид помощи оказывается в крайне недостаточном объеме.Цель  – провести анализ результатов первой серии операций трансплантации печени, проведенных в  ГБУЗ МО МОНИКИ им.  М.Ф.  Владимирского (МОНИКИ), оценить их в сравнении с современными показателями мировой и отечественной практики, дать обоснование оптимальной мощности и тренда развития нового регионального центра.Материал и методы. В период с мая 2016 по август 2018 г. обследованы более 200  пациентов с  циррозом печени, поликистозом и альвеококкозом, у 70 установлены показания к трансплантации печени, они включены в лист ожидания. С октября 2016 по июль 2018 г. выполнены 29 трансплантаций печени от доноров с  диагнозом смерти мозга 27 реципиентам, включая 2 ретрансплантации, и  1  трансплантация правой доли печени от живого родственного донора. В структуре показаний к трансплантации на первом месте по частоте находился цирроз печени вирусной (HCV, HВV) этиологии. У  4  больных имелся гепатоцеллюлярный рак.Результаты. Смертность в листе ожидания составила 19%. Медиана длительности ожидания трансплантации – 5,5 месяца, 25-й и 75-й процентили – [3; 9], минимальное и  максимальное значения  – (0–27). Отдаленные результаты прослежены до 22  месяцев, медиана сроков наблюдения составила 7 [2; 13] месяцев. Выживаемость реципиентов  – 96,4%, трансплантатов  – 93,3%, госпитальная летальность – 3,6%. Ранняя дисфункция трансплантата отмечена в 33% случаев. Медиана длительности пребывания в стационаре – 22 [19; 25] дня.Заключение. Успешная реализация программы трансплантации печени на начальном этапе демонстрирует результаты, соответствующие современным критериям эффективности. Достигнутый уровень посмертного органного донорства в Московской области уже сегодня может обеспечить выполнение не менее 30 операций в год при сохраняющихся резервах и обладает потенциалом для дальнейшего роста. Увеличение объема операций будет определяться совершенствованием инфраструктуры службы трансплантации МОНИКИ и  устойчивым финансированием программы, способствуя в  конечном итоге повышению доступности этой трансплантационной технологии в  региональном масштабе, снижению смертности в  листе ожидания и  сокращению срока ожидания

    A saturated map of common genetic variants associated with human height.

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    Common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are predicted to collectively explain 40–50% of phenotypic variation in human height, but identifying the specific variants and associated regions requires huge sample sizes1. Here, using data from a genome-wide association study of 5.4 million individuals of diverse ancestries, we show that 12,111 independent SNPs that are significantly associated with height account for nearly all of the common SNP-based heritability. These SNPs are clustered within 7,209 non-overlapping genomic segments with a mean size of around 90 kb, covering about 21% of the genome. The density of independent associations varies across the genome and the regions of increased density are enriched for biologically relevant genes. In out-of-sample estimation and prediction, the 12,111 SNPs (or all SNPs in the HapMap 3 panel2) account for 40% (45%) of phenotypic variance in populations of European ancestry but only around 10–20% (14–24%) in populations of other ancestries. Effect sizes, associated regions and gene prioritization are similar across ancestries, indicating that reduced prediction accuracy is likely to be explained by linkage disequilibrium and differences in allele frequency within associated regions. Finally, we show that the relevant biological pathways are detectable with smaller sample sizes than are needed to implicate causal genes and variants. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive map of specific genomic regions that contain the vast majority of common height-associated variants. Although this map is saturated for populations of European ancestry, further research is needed to achieve equivalent saturation in other ancestries

    A saturated map of common genetic variants associated with human height

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    Common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are predicted to collectively explain 40-50% of phenotypic variation in human height, but identifying the specific variants and associated regions requires huge sample sizes(1). Here, using data from a genome-wide association study of 5.4 million individuals of diverse ancestries, we show that 12,111 independent SNPs that are significantly associated with height account for nearly all of the common SNP-based heritability. These SNPs are clustered within 7,209 non-overlapping genomic segments with a mean size of around 90 kb, covering about 21% of the genome. The density of independent associations varies across the genome and the regions of increased density are enriched for biologically relevant genes. In out-of-sample estimation and prediction, the 12,111 SNPs (or all SNPs in the HapMap 3 panel(2)) account for 40% (45%) of phenotypic variance in populations of European ancestry but only around 10-20% (14-24%) in populations of other ancestries. Effect sizes, associated regions and gene prioritization are similar across ancestries, indicating that reduced prediction accuracy is likely to be explained by linkage disequilibrium and differences in allele frequency within associated regions. Finally, we show that the relevant biological pathways are detectable with smaller sample sizes than are needed to implicate causal genes and variants. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive map of specific genomic regions that contain the vast majority of common height-associated variants. Although this map is saturated for populations of European ancestry, further research is needed to achieve equivalent saturation in other ancestries

    A saturated map of common genetic variants associated with human height

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    Common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are predicted to collectively explain 40-50% of phenotypic variation in human height, but identifying the specific variants and associated regions requires huge sample sizes1. Here, using data from a genome-wide association study of 5.4 million individuals of diverse ancestries, we show that 12,111 independent SNPs that are significantly associated with height account for nearly all of the common SNP-based heritability. These SNPs are clustered within 7,209 non-overlapping genomic segments with a mean size of around 90 kb, covering about 21% of the genome. The density of independent associations varies across the genome and the regions of increased density are enriched for biologically relevant genes. In out-of-sample estimation and prediction, the 12,111 SNPs (or all SNPs in the HapMap 3 panel2) account for 40% (45%) of phenotypic variance in populations of European ancestry but only around 10-20% (14-24%) in populations of other ancestries. Effect sizes, associated regions and gene prioritization are similar across ancestries, indicating that reduced prediction accuracy is likely to be explained by linkage disequilibrium and differences in allele frequency within associated regions. Finally, we show that the relevant biological pathways are detectable with smaller sample sizes than are needed to implicate causal genes and variants. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive map of specific genomic regions that contain the vast majority of common height-associated variants. Although this map is saturated for populations of European ancestry, further research is needed to achieve equivalent saturation in other ancestries.Public Health and primary carePrevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD

    A saturated map of common genetic variants associated with human height

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    Common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are predicted to collectively explain 40-50% of phenotypic variation in human height, but identifying the specific variants and associated regions requires huge sample sizes1. Here, using data from a genome-wide association study of 5.4 million individuals of diverse ancestries, we show that 12,111 independent SNPs that are significantly associated with height account for nearly all of the common SNP-based heritability. These SNPs are clustered within 7,209 non-overlapping genomic segments with a mean size of around 90 kb, covering about 21% of the genome. The density of independent associations varies across the genome and the regions of increased density are enriched for biologically relevant genes. In out-of-sample estimation and prediction, the 12,111 SNPs (or all SNPs in the HapMap 3 panel2) account for 40% (45%) of phenotypic variance in populations of European ancestry but only around 10-20% (14-24%) in populations of other ancestries. Effect sizes, associated regions and gene prioritization are similar across ancestries, indicating that reduced prediction accuracy is likely to be explained by linkage disequilibrium and differences in allele frequency within associated regions. Finally, we show that the relevant biological pathways are detectable with smaller sample sizes than are needed to implicate causal genes and variants. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive map of specific genomic regions that contain the vast majority of common height-associated variants. Although this map is saturated for populations of European ancestry, further research is needed to achieve equivalent saturation in other ancestries.</p