86 research outputs found

    Investigating the Effect of Emoji in Opinion Classification of Uzbek Movie Review Comments

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    Opinion mining on social media posts has become more and more popular. Users often express their opinion on a topic not only with words but they also use image symbols such as emoticons and emoji. In this paper, we investigate the effect of emoji-based features in opinion classification of Uzbek texts, and more specifically movie review comments from YouTube. Several classification algorithms are tested, and feature ranking is performed to evaluate the discriminative ability of the emoji-based features.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Identification and Functional Analysis of Antifungal Immune Response Genes in Drosophila

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    Essential aspects of the innate immune response to microbial infection appear to be conserved between insects and mammals. Although signaling pathways that activate NF-κB during innate immune responses to various microorganisms have been studied in detail, regulatory mechanisms that control other immune responses to fungal infection require further investigation. To identify new Drosophila genes involved in antifungal immune responses, we selected genes known to be differentially regulated in SL2 cells by microbial cell wall components and tested their roles in antifungal defense using mutant flies. From 130 mutant lines, sixteen mutants exhibited increased sensitivity to fungal infection. Examination of their effects on defense against various types of bacteria and fungi revealed nine genes that are involved specifically in defense against fungal infection. All of these mutants displayed defects in phagocytosis or activation of antimicrobial peptide genes following infection. In some mutants, these immune deficiencies were attributed to defects in hemocyte development and differentiation, while other mutants showed specific defects in immune signaling required for humoral or cellular immune responses. Our results identify a new class of genes involved in antifungal immune responses in Drosophila

    Medical expulsion therapy of ureteral stones

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    In prospective, non-placebo controlled, non randomized investigation were included 98 patients with single stone of ureter. All patients were divided in two groups. The first one underwent standard therapy plus “Prolit Super Septo” (2 capsules 3 times a day), and the second one (n=65) – only standard therapy (drotaverin 40 mg 3 times a day). The total stone expulsions were statistically higher in mane group (85 % vs 66%, р=0.02). The mane trend of stone migration from proximal to distal part of ureter were higher too in first group (52% vs 32 %. р = 0,17). The possibility of stone expulsion ratio in two groups were 4,1:1,0.Цель исследования: оценка эффективности применения медикаментозной экспульсивной терапии у пациентов с камнями мочеточника. Материалы и методы. Проведено открытое сравнительное плацебо-неконтролируемое исследование, включавшее 98 пациентов с единичными конкрементами различных отделов мочеточника. Всем пациентам, после купирования болевого синдрома, проводилась консервативная терапия, направленная на самостоятельное отхождение конкрементов. Применялись две схемы лечения: основная и контрольная. Основная схема включала назначение спазмолитиков (дротаверин, 40 мг, 3 р/сут.) и препарата «Пролит Супер Септо» (2 капсулы, 3 р/сут.). Контрольная схема (n=65) включала назначение только спазмолитиков в той же дозировке. Максимальная длительность консервативного лечения составляла 28 суток) или до отхождения конкремента). Осуществлялся еженедельный ультразвуковой мониторинг. Результаты исследования. Общая вероятность отхождения конкрементов, локализованных в дистальной части мочеточника, была достоверно выше в группе пациентов, получавших основную схему лечения, по сравнению с группой пациентов, получавших только стандартную терапию (85 % vs 66%, соответственно; р=0.02). Основная схема лечения позволяла лучше контролировать болевую симптоматику во все периоды наблюдения. Общая вероятность миграции конкрементов из проксимального отдела в дистальный отдел мочеточника составила 52% в основной группе лечения и 32 % - в контрольной (р = 0,17). Обсуждение результатов исследования. Однофакторный и многофакторный анализы модели пропорциональных рисков продемонстрировали, что в группе пациентов, получавших комбинированное медикаментозное лечение, вероятность отхождения конкрементов из дистального отдела мочеточника была достоверно выше. Характер применяемой терапии напрямую влиял на вероятность более раннего отхождения конкрементов. Выводы. Включение в схему лечению препарата «Пролит Супер Септо» повышало вероятность отхождения конкремента в 4,1 раза

    Potent Antioxidant and Genoprotective Effects of Boeravinone G, a Rotenoid Isolated from Boerhaavia diffusa

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    Background and Aims: Free radicals are implicated in the aetiology of some gastrointestinal disorders such as gastric ulcer, colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. In the present study we investigated the antioxidant and genoprotective activity of some rotenoids (i.e. boeravinones) isolated from the roots of Boerhaavia diffusa, a plant used in the Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Methods/Principal Findings: Antioxidant activity has been evaluated using both chemical (Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy, ESR) and Caco-2 cells-based (TBARS and ROS) assays. DNA damage was evaluated by Comet assay, while pERK 1/2 and phospho-NF-kB p65 levels were estimated by western blot. Boeravinones G, D and H significantly reduced the signal intensity of ESR induced by hydroxyl radicals, suggesting a scavenging activity. Among rotenoids tested, boeravinone G exerted the most potent effect. Boeravinone G inhibited both TBARS and ROS formation induced by Fenton's reagent, increased SOD activity and reduced H 2O 2-induced DNA damage. Finally, boeravinone G reduced the levels of pERK 1 and phospho-NF-kB p65 (but not of pERK 2) increased by Fenton's reagent. Conclusions: It is concluded that boeravinone G exhibits an extraordinary potent antioxidant activity (significant effect in the nanomolar range). The MAP kinase and NF-kB pathways seem to be involved in the antioxidant effect of boeravinone G. Boeravinone G might be considered as lead compound for the development of drugs potentially useful against those pathologies whose aetiology is related to ROS-mediated injuries

    Pharmacological treatment options for mast cell activation disease

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    Participatory varietal selection: an approach used for the selection of lowland NERICA varieties in Niger

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    A process of diffusion of new rice varieties called participatory varietal selection (PVS) through participatory varietal testing was adopted in this study. The objective of this study was to introduce a participatory approach in using new rice varieties including NERICA to improve the productivity of rice in Niger. Six intra and inter specific varieties of rice and a local control (IR1529) were evaluated on the agronomic, socio-economic and technological traits. The tested varieties were WAS 4-B-B-9-1-4-TGR 48, NERICA-L-16, WAS 114-B-IDSA-B-WAS-1-1-TGR 144, WAS 173-B-B-13 - 7-TGR21, NERICA-L-39, NERICA-L-49. The tests were conducted on irrigated perimeters of Karma, Diambala and Sébéry during the dry and rainy seasons of 2006. The results of individual assessments highlighted two NERICA varieties: NERICA-L-49 and NERICA-L-39 and one intra-specific, WAS 4-BB-9-1-4-TGR 48. These varieties were selected for their high production potential (6 to 7 T/ha in rural areas) and quality (good taste, good ability for processing, etc.). These varieties were approved in 2007. These new varieties were registered in national catalogue of plant species and varieties in 2012. Currently these varieties are disseminated on all irrigation schemes of Niger. This new strategy of introduction and diffusion of new technologies involving all the stakeholders in the sector in the process of evaluating new technologies helped accelerating the adoption of new rice technologies in Niger.Keywords: Rice, NERICA, yield, PVS, Nige

    Functional characterisation of decoy receptor 3 in Crohn's disease

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    AIMS: Both epithelial barrier dysfunction and apoptosis resistance of immune cells contribute to the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease. The soluble decoy receptor 3 (DcR3) acts in an anti-apoptotic manner by neutralising the death ligand CD95L. Here, we investigated the possible involvement of DcR3 in Crohn's disease. METHODS: The epithelial fraction of human small intestinal mucosa samples was obtained by laser microdissection. Expression of DcR3 was examined by global gene expression profiling, quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, immunoblot analysis, and immunohistochemistry. DcR3 concentrations in the serum of patients with Crohn's disease were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Apoptosis assays were performed to study the effects of DcR3 in intestinal epithelial cells and lamina propria T cells. RESULTS: DcR3 is over-expressed in the epithelial layer of ileum specimens in patients with Crohn's disease, both at actively inflamed and non-active sites. DcR3 serum levels are significantly elevated in patients with active and non-active Crohn's disease as compared to healthy controls. The expression of DcR3 in intestinal epithelial cells is induced by tumour necrosis factor alpha. Increased DcR3 expression is associated with activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) and results in protection of intestinal epithelial cells and lamina propria T cells from CD95L-induced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: DcR3 may promote inflammation in Crohn's disease by inhibiting CD95L-induced apoptosis of epithelial and immune cells as well as by inducing NF-kappaB activation

    Existence of Several Pathotypes among Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) Isolates Collected in Niger Republic

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    This study has been conducted in screen house with an aim to asses the Rice yellow mottle virus pathogenic diversity and the level of resistance of released varieties in Niger republic. Sixty RYMV isolates from 23 Niger rice perimeters were inoculated mechanically to nine rice cultivars. The disease symptoms were scored at 42 days after inoculation. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Additive Main effect and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) analysis were performed on the percentage of severity. The reaction of the rice cultivars to the virus isolates was significantly different. The interaction between isolates and rice cultivars was also significant. AMMI cluster analysis revealed the existence of four major pathotypes (Path 1 to 4) of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) in Niger republic. Path 4 pathotype included 12 resistance breaking isolates (20%). Path 3 and Path 2 pathotypes consist of 15 and 26 isolates respectively and were typical of wild type isolates with moderate level of pathogeny, including none aggressive (path 3 = MP) and aggressive isolates (Path 2 = MPA). The fourth pathotype Path 1 was made of 7 isolates and typical of particular isolates which have a moderate pathogenic level (FP). Resistance Breaking (RB) isolates occupied 30% of Niger rice ecologies in variable proportion. The rice varieties (Bassiroumo, IR15-29-690-3-1 and Kassoumo) released in Niger were highly susceptible to RYMV and therefore constituted a favorable condition for the rice yellow mottle disease propagation. This information is useful in rice breeding programs in the development and deployment of RYMV resistant cultivars to different rice perimeters in Niger Republic

    Expression of osteopontin (Eta-1) in Crohn disease of the terminal ileum

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    Background: The causes of Crohn disease (CD) are still regarded as unknown, but impaired mucosal immunoregulation with activation of T-helper-1 (Th-1) cytokine responses is probably involved and may contribute to the morphological changes. We investigated a possible role of osteopontin (Opn) in the pathogenesis of CD. This glycoprotein has been suggested to be involved in the generation of Th-1-type immune responses; moreover, it carries anti-inflammatory activities. Methods: Ileal samples from CD patients-both actively inflamed and inactive areas as well as unaffected intestinal specimens from controls (normal ileum)-were investigated by Western blot analysis, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Results: In normal gut, Opn was found to be regularly expressed by plasma cells (CD 38) and a subset of lamina propria mononuclear cells (MNC) as well as by intestinal epithelial cells (IEC). In active CD, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization analysis revealed a loss of Opn expression by IEC adjacent to ulcerative lesions, whereas especially plasma cells (CD 38) in the vicinity of such lesions were found to express the molecule. In addition, a slight overexpression of Opn protein was found in metaplastic crypts. However, quantitative analysis of total Opn protein in the ileal mucosa of CD patients did not reveal any difference vis-A-vis control tissues. Conclusions: The constitutive expression of Opn in normal gut indicates that it is involved in intestinal immune homeostasis. Downregulation of Opn expression in IEC might favour the disintegration of the epithelial barrier. The expression of Opn in lamina propria plasma cells could contribute to disease chronification, probably by affecting cell survival