6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Current Ratio dan Net Working Capital terhadap Return On Equity pada perusahaan yang terdaftar di Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI) : Studi di PT.Elnusa Tbk periode 2011-2020

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi rasio likuiditas dan modal kerja bersih. berpengaruh terhadap Return On Equity (ROE) di PT. Elnusa Tbk. Periode 20112020.Hal tersebut semakin diperkuat dengan melihat data rasio keuangan PT. Elnusa Tbk. Selama periode 2011-2020 akan selalu berfluktuasi antara rasio likuiditas dan modal kerja bersih. Hal ini diikuti dengan perubahan nilai Return on Equity (ROE). Jadi peneliti melakukan survei untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh yang mereka miliki Current Ratio (CR) dan Net Working Captal (NWC) berpengaruh terhadap Return On Equity (ROE) di PT. Elnusa Tbk. Periode 2011-2020. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui current ratio (CR) secara parsial terhadap Return On Equity (ROE), Net Working Captal (NWC) secara parsial terhadap Return On Equity (ROE), dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Current Ratio (CR) dan Net Working Captal (NWC) secara simultan terhadap Return On Equity (ROE) PT Elnusa Tbk periode 2011-2020. Kerangka teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merujuk pada teori yang mengatakan bahwa semakin tinggi Current ratio dan semakin tinggi Net working capital,maka akan semakin tinggi Return on equity.adapun variabelvariabel yang digunakan adalah Current ratio dan Net working capital sebagai variabel independen dan Return on equity sebagai variabel dependen Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif verifikatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data yang dipakai adalah data sekunder yang berupa laporan keuangan PT.Elnusa Tbk,yang berasal dari halaman website resmi.analisis data yang digunakan antara lain Analisis Uji Asumsi Klasik,Analisis Regresi Linier Sederhana,Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda,Analisis Korelasi Pearson Product Moment,Koefisien Determinasi, dan Analisis Hipotesis Uji T dan Uji F. Adapun pengelolahan data menggunakan manual dan SPSS for windows v.20. Melalui penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa : 1) Current Ratio secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Return On Equity perhitungan koefisen determinasi sebesar 44,2%. 2) Net working capital secara parsial tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Return On Equity perhitungan koefisen determinasi sebesar 1,3%. 3) Current Ratio dan Net Working Capital secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Return On Equity perhitungan koefisen determinasi sebesar 66,1%. Di PT Elnusa Tb

    Improved plasma stability and sustained release profile of gemcitabine via polypeptide conjugation

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    To enhance the stability of the anticancer drug gemcitabine (2′-deoxy-2′,2′-difluorocytidine), it was conjugated to poly-l-glutamic acid (PG-H) via a carbodiimide reaction. The synthesised poly-l-glutamic acid-gemcitabine (PG-G) was purified and characterised by using SDS-PAGE to estimate its molecular weight, HPLC to determine its purity and degree of drug loading, and NMR to elucidate the structure. In vitro aqueous hydrolytic studies showed that the gemcitabine release from the polymeric drug conjugate was pH dependent, and that the conjugation to PG-H improved its stability in human plasma. The release of the bound gemcitabine from PG-G in plasma was mediated by a hydrolytic process. It began with a lag phase, followed by linear release between 12 and 48 h, and reached equilibrium at 72 h with 51% of the gemcitabine released. In vitro cytotoxicity studies using MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 human mammary cancer cells, as well as human dermal fibroblasts (HDF), showed that PG-G displayed a lower dose dependent cytotoxic effect with respect to the parent drug gemcitabine. On the other hand, in 4T1 mouse mammary tumour cells, PG-G and gemcitabine showed similar toxicities. Gemcitabine was more than likely released hydrolytically from PG-G and taken up by MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 and HDF, whereas both released gemcitabine and PG-G were taken up by 4T1 to mediate the observed cytotoxicities. The improved stability and extended sustained release profile may render PG-G a potential anticancer prodrug

    Diversidad de las violencias. Equidades y jerarquías entre jóvenes “en conflicto con la ley”

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    En este artículo me propongo reflexionar sobre el carácter diverso y complejo de los vínculos que se tejen cotidianamente en los institutos correccionales, en donde las dicotomías violento-no violento deben ser matizadas para dar paso a las ambigüedades que articulan dichas relaciones. Se analiza así, el modo en que los jóvenes construyen lazos sociales y clasifican a las personas que las rodean en relación a criterios de equidad y jerarquía, que revelan diversos significados de las violencias.In this article I propose to think on the diverse and complex carácter of the links that are woven daily in the correctional institutes, where the dichotomies violent-not violent must be tinted to give step to the ambiguities that articulate the above mentioned relations. It is analyzed this way, the way in which the young men contruct social bows and classify the persons who surround them in relation to creiteria of equito and hierarchy, which reveal the diverse meaning of violences.Fil: Tedesco, Graciela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Museo de Antropología. Núcleo de Estudios de Violencia; Argentin

    Experimental larval infestation of Zebu cattle and its crosses: Effect of anti-histamine alone or in combined with Dexame-Thasone treatment on the engorgement and Oviposition, and on tick feeding lesion

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    Four calves from each group of purebred Kedah kelantan (KK), halfbred KK X Friesian, and quarterbred KK X Friesian were experimentally infested with Boopilillls ",icropills larvae. Two calves from each genotype were injected, intramuscularly with antihistamine while the remaining two animals in each genotype received the same dose of antihistamine and dexamethasone. Dexamethasonecombined anti-h.istamine treatment suppress tick resistance as manifested by the production of higher number of engorged female ticks, higher mean weight of replete ticks, mean weight of eggs and mean number of larvae hatched from 1 g of eggs. In anti-histamine treated animals there was no reduction of resistant in all animals as manifested by a few ticks were able to feed successfully. At 1, 2, and 3 hours post-larval attachment in anti-histamine and dexamethasone treated cattle there was complete ablation of the cellular infiltration in the dermis beneath the tick mouthparts, especially eosinophil and basophils. There was liNle destruction of tissue. However, in anti-histamine t reated cattle there were more cellular infiltration and degranulation in the dermis. The cells infiltrating the dermis were mainlyeosinophils followed by neutrophs, mast cells and basophils and some of these cells showed sign of degranulation. At 24 hours postlarval attachment, animals lTeated with anti-histamine and dexamethasone showed reduction of, cellular infiltration, degranulation, size of the epidermal lesion and tissue damage. The neutrophils were the predominant cells within the epidermal lesions. However, animals in anti-histamine treatment showed edema, more cellular infiltration and degranulation, and destruction of tissues as compared to antihistamine and dexamethasone treated animals. In anti-histamine treated cattle the epidermal lesions were obviously larger and the percentage of eosinoph.i1s and basophils were higher than those of antihistamine and dexamethasone treated animals

    Comparison of prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in school children in Kuala Lumpur

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    A comparative study was carried out to identify the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infestation among students in 3 different types of primary school1ocaled in Ampang area, Kuala Lumpur. A survey of infection rate was done from April 10 June 2001. Stool samples were randomly collected from one'hundred and eleven schoolchildren aged 9-12 years were examined for intestinal parasites, using a light microscope (or direct smear and after concentration for formol.-either method. It was found that an overall prevalence of intestinal parasite infection of schoolchildren was 51%. The infection rate of males and females was (60.3''1) and (29.20/0) respectively. Prevalence seems to be higher in the younger age groups. Also, the usual intestinal parasites were found more commonly in local and foreign schools than international schooL The local school had the highest prevalence (62%1), followed by the foreign school (52%) and international school (38.90/0). The prevalence in the international school was much lower compared to the local and foreign schools