15 research outputs found

    L’appendagite aiguĂ« : une Ă©tiologie rare Ă  ne pas mĂ©connaĂźtre dans les douleurs abdominales: Acute appendagitis: a rare etiology not to be overlooked in abdominal pain

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    Acute appendagitis is a rare cause of abdominal pain. Its diagnosis is based on medical imaging and its treatment is medical. We report a case of acute appendagitis diagnosed on the abdominal CT scan in the context of epigastralgia. L’appendagite aiguĂ« est une cause rare de douleurs abdominales. Son diagnostic repose sur l’imagerie mĂ©dicale et son traitement est mĂ©dical. Nous rapportons un cas d’appendagite aiguĂ« diagnostiquĂ©e au scanner abdominal au dĂ©cours d’une mise au point d’épigastralgies

    COP27 Climate Change Conference: Urgent action needed for Africa and the world

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    Wealthy nations must step up support for Africa and vulnerable countries in addressing past, present and future impacts of climate change.The 2022 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) paints a dark picture of the future of life on earth, characterised by ecosystem collapse, species extinction, and climate hazards such as heatwaves and floods. These are all linked to physical and mental health problems, with direct and indirect consequences of increased morbidity and mortality. To avoid these catastrophic health effects across all regions of the globe, there is broad agreement—as 231 health journals argued together in 2021—that the rise in global temperature must be limited to less than 1.5oC compared with pre-industrial levels. While the Paris Agreement of 2015 outlines a global action framework that incorporates providing climate finance to developing countries, this support has yet to materialise. COP27 is the fifth Conference of the Parties (COP) to be organised in Africa since its inception in 1995. Ahead of this meeting, we—as health journal editors from across the continent—call for urgent action to ensure it is the COP that finally delivers climate justice for Africa and vulnerable countries. This is essential not just for the health of those countries, but for the health of the whole world

    Leprosy persistence in the health district of Kenieba despite its elimination as a public health problem at the national level in Mali

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    WHO defined leprosy elimination as reaching a prevalence < 1 case of leprosy per 10,000 inhabitants. Mali eliminated the disease since 2001 but in 2011, it recorded 226 new cases. This has a serious involvement in term of disease spreading. Therefore, we undertook a cross sectional study in Kenieba health district, still above the WHO recommended elimination threshold to better understand the disease epidemiology and its associated potential factors. The study took place from October 2013 to September 2014. All consenting villagers, living in one of the selected villages were included and clinically examined for leprosy signs