13 research outputs found

    Fréquence et Facteurs Associés au Paludisme chez les Femmes Enceintes dans les Maternités Périphériques Publiques de Parakou (Bénin) en 2018

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    Introduction : Le paludisme est l’une des affections endĂ©mo-Ă©pidĂ©miques les plus rĂ©pandues dans le monde et pose un vĂ©ritable problĂšme de santĂ© publique. Objectif : Etudier la frĂ©quence et les facteurs associĂ©s au paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans les maternitĂ©s pĂ©riphĂ©riques publiques de Parakou en 2018. MĂ©thodes : Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale Ă  visĂ©e analytique. Elle a consistĂ© Ă  recueillir les donnĂ©es Ă  travers un entretien structurĂ© en mode face Ă  face. La Goutte Epaisse/DensitĂ© Parasitaire Ă©tait systĂ©matiquement rĂ©alisĂ© pour la confirmation du paludisme. RĂ©sultats : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©tait de 32,62% (IC95%= [27,94 ; 37,66]). La densitĂ© parasitaire moyenne Ă©tait de 2056 parasites ÎŒl−1 et variait de 102 et 33627. Les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©taient l’ñge de moins de 20 ans, la primigestitĂ©,  la primiparitĂ© (p=0,0001), la situation matrimoniale (p=0,0199), le faible niveau d’instruction (p=0,0004), la profession mĂ©nagĂšre (p<0,0001), l’absence d’une autonomisation (p=0,0001), l’inexistence  des sĂ©ances d’IEC aux gestantes (p=0,0008), la prise non supervisĂ©e  de la SP (0,0294), l’utilisation correcte des moustiquaires (p=0,0001), la qualitĂ© de la moustiquaire (p=0,0001), l’utilisation d’insecticide (p=0,0211), le placement des grillages aux portes et fenĂȘtres (p=0,0032), le respect du nombre de CPN (p=0,0048), le respect du nombre de dose de SP (p<0,0001), l’habitude de suivre la tĂ©lĂ©vision tardivement les nuits (p=0,0384), la protection des puisards (p=0,0001). Conclusion : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans la commune de Parakou est importante et les facteurs associĂ©s connus.   Introduction: Malaria is one of the most widespread endemic and epidemic diseases in the world and a major public health problem.. Objective: To study the frequency and factors associated with malaria among pregnant women in Parakou public peripheral maternity in 2018. Methods: This was a cross-sectional and analytical study. It consisted of collecting data of pregnant women, facilities through a structured face-to-face interview. Thick Drop/Parasite Density was systematically performed for malaria confirmation. Results: the frequency of malaria in pregnant women was 32.62% (95% CI = [27.94, 37.66]). The mean parasite density was 2056 ÎŒl-1 and ranged from 102 to 33627. Factors associated with malaria incidence in pregnant women were age less than 20 years(p = 0.0001), first gestationality (p = 0.0001) ),first  parity (p = 0.0001), marital status (p = 0.0199), low level of education (p = 0.0004), household occupation (p <0.0001), empowerment ( p = 0.0001), provision of IEC sessions for pregnant women (p = 0.0008), taking SP (0,0294), correct use of mosquito nets (p = 0.0001), quality of mosquito net (p = 0.0001), use of insecticide (p = 0.0211), placement of screens at doors and windows (p = 0.0032), adherence to number of ANCs (p = 0.0048 ), adherence to the SP dose number (p <0.0001), the habit of following television late nights (p = 0.0384), the protection of sumps (p = 0.0001. Conclusion:  the incidence of malaria among pregnant women in Parakou commune is significant and the associated factors are known

    Fréquence et Facteurs Associés au Paludisme chez les Femmes Enceintes dans les Maternités Périphériques Publiques de Parakou (Bénin) en 2018

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    Introduction : Le paludisme est l’une des affections endĂ©mo-Ă©pidĂ©miques les plus rĂ©pandues dans le monde et pose un vĂ©ritable problĂšme de santĂ© publique. Objectif : Etudier la frĂ©quence et les facteurs associĂ©s au paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans les maternitĂ©s pĂ©riphĂ©riques publiques de Parakou en 2018. MĂ©thodes : Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale Ă  visĂ©e analytique. Elle a consistĂ© Ă  recueillir les donnĂ©es Ă  travers un entretien structurĂ© en mode face Ă  face. La Goutte Epaisse/DensitĂ© Parasitaire Ă©tait systĂ©matiquement rĂ©alisĂ© pour la confirmation du paludisme. RĂ©sultats : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©tait de 32,62% (IC95%= [27,94 ; 37,66]). La densitĂ© parasitaire moyenne Ă©tait de 2056 parasites ÎŒl−1 et variait de 102 et 33627. Les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©taient l’ñge de moins de 20 ans, la primigestitĂ©,  la primiparitĂ© (p=0,0001), la situation matrimoniale (p=0,0199), le faible niveau d’instruction (p=0,0004), la profession mĂ©nagĂšre (p<0,0001), l’absence d’une autonomisation (p=0,0001), l’inexistence  des sĂ©ances d’IEC aux gestantes (p=0,0008), la prise non supervisĂ©e  de la SP (0,0294), l’utilisation correcte des moustiquaires (p=0,0001), la qualitĂ© de la moustiquaire (p=0,0001), l’utilisation d’insecticide (p=0,0211), le placement des grillages aux portes et fenĂȘtres (p=0,0032), le respect du nombre de CPN (p=0,0048), le respect du nombre de dose de SP (p<0,0001), l’habitude de suivre la tĂ©lĂ©vision tardivement les nuits (p=0,0384), la protection des puisards (p=0,0001). Conclusion : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans la commune de Parakou est importante et les facteurs associĂ©s connus.   Introduction: Malaria is one of the most widespread endemic and epidemic diseases in the world and a major public health problem.. Objective: To study the frequency and factors associated with malaria among pregnant women in Parakou public peripheral maternity in 2018. Methods: This was a cross-sectional and analytical study. It consisted of collecting data of pregnant women, facilities through a structured face-to-face interview. Thick Drop/Parasite Density was systematically performed for malaria confirmation. Results: the frequency of malaria in pregnant women was 32.62% (95% CI = [27.94, 37.66]). The mean parasite density was 2056 ÎŒl-1 and ranged from 102 to 33627. Factors associated with malaria incidence in pregnant women were age less than 20 years(p = 0.0001), first gestationality (p = 0.0001) ),first  parity (p = 0.0001), marital status (p = 0.0199), low level of education (p = 0.0004), household occupation (p <0.0001), empowerment ( p = 0.0001), provision of IEC sessions for pregnant women (p = 0.0008), taking SP (0,0294), correct use of mosquito nets (p = 0.0001), quality of mosquito net (p = 0.0001), use of insecticide (p = 0.0211), placement of screens at doors and windows (p = 0.0032), adherence to number of ANCs (p = 0.0048 ), adherence to the SP dose number (p <0.0001), the habit of following television late nights (p = 0.0384), the protection of sumps (p = 0.0001. Conclusion:  the incidence of malaria among pregnant women in Parakou commune is significant and the associated factors are known


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    Objective: To describe the epidemiological, therapeutic and prognostic of uterine rupture in a second-level referral hospital in Parakou in Benin. Patients and methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study from a comprehensive sampling. It covered a period of 14 years (1 January 2001 to 31 December 2014) and involved 203 patients. Results: The frequency of uterine rupture in service was 0.7%, a uterine rupture for 135 deliveries. These were the patients referred in 77.3% of cases. The average age of these patients was 28 ± 5.4 years, ranging from 13 to 44 years. The etiologic factors were often associated. It was basically multiparity (42.4%), obstructed labor (32%) and uterine scars (26.1%). Treatment was conservative in 85.7%. The average time of surgical management was 01h38min ± 42min. In 69.8% of cases, patients were transfused and 72, 3% of the patients had received intravenous fluids. The prognosis is characterized by high perinatal mortality (80.2%) and maternal morbidity is dominated by anemia (79.7%) and abscesses (9.7%) and fistulas (2.4%). Conclusion: The epidemiological aspects of uterine ruptures in the gynecology and obstetrics department of CHD B encourage us to family planning, screening of dystocia and management deliveries on uterus scar

    Violence Obstetricale dans la Ville de Tanguieta au Benin en 2019

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    Introduction: La violence obstĂ©tricale est une expĂ©rience dont la reconnaissance varie d’une personne Ă  l’autre, d’un contexte Ă  l’autre. Les femmes qui accouchent dans les maternitĂ©s de TanguiĂ©ta subissent-elles des violences ? Objectif : Etudier les violences obstĂ©tricales dans la ville de Tanguieta. MĂ©thode d’étude : Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale Ă  visĂ©e descriptive allant du 21 octobre au 21 dĂ©cembre 2020. L’étude avait portĂ© sur 374 femmes ayant accouchĂ© au moins une fois dans les maternitĂ©s de la ville de TanguiĂ©ta. RĂ©sultats : La moyenne d’ñge des femmes enquĂȘtĂ©es Ă©tait de 24,63 ans. Elles Ă©taient mĂ©nagĂšres dans 43,35%, non scolarisĂ©es dans 65,32%, chrĂ©tiennes dans 63,01% et mariĂ©es dans 80,92%. Au terme de l’étude, 46,26% des femmes reconnaissaient avoir subies au moins une fois une violence obstĂ©tricale. Les violences verbales et corporelles ont Ă©tĂ© citĂ©es respectivement dans 94,80% et 88,84%. L’accouchement Ă©tait le moment oĂč les femmes ont subi le plus de violence obstĂ©tricale (71,10%). Les auteurs des violences Ă©taient en majoritĂ© les sages-femmes dans 56,07%. La plupart des femmes violentĂ©es, ont dĂ©criĂ© la violence obstĂ©tricale dans 77,46% mais n’en ont parlĂ© Ă  personne dans 60,12%. Elles Ă©taient conscientes que les violences obstĂ©tricales peuvent faire l’objet de dĂ©nonciation (81,50%). Mais aucun auteur d’acte de violence n’a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©noncĂ© car pour elles le plus important Ă©tait que leur bĂ©bĂ© soit en parfaite santĂ© (87,86%). Conclusion : Les maternitĂ©s de la ville de TanguiĂ©ta ne sont pas en marge des violences obstĂ©tricales.   Introduction: Obstetric violence is an experience whose recognition varies from person to person, from context to context. Do women who give birth in TanguiĂ©ta maternity hospitals suffer from violence? Objective: To study obstetric violence in the city of Tanguieta. Study method: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study from October 21 to December 21, 2020. The study involved 374 women who gave birth at least once in maternity hospitals in the city of TanguiĂ©ta. Results: The average age of the women surveyed was 24.63 years. They were housewives in 43.35%, out of school in 65.32%, Christian in 63.01% and married in 80.92%. At the end of the study, 46.26% of women admitted to having suffered obstetric violence at least once. Verbal and physical violence were cited in 94.80% and 88.84% respectively. Childbirth was the time when women experienced the most obstetric violence (71.10%). The perpetrators of violence were mostly midwives in 56.07%. Most of the abused women decried obstetric violence in 77.46% but did not tell anyone about it in 60.12%. They were aware that obstetric violence can be denounced (81.50%). but no perpetrator of acts of violence has been denounced because for them the most important thing was that their baby be perfectly healthy (87, 86%). Conclusion: Maternities in the city of TanguiĂ©ta are not immune to obstetric violence

    Fréquence et Facteurs Associés au Paludisme chez les Femmes Enceintes dans les Maternités Périphériques Publiques de Parakou (Bénin) en 2018

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    Introduction : Le paludisme est l’une des affections endĂ©mo-Ă©pidĂ©miques les plus rĂ©pandues dans le monde et pose un vĂ©ritable problĂšme de santĂ© publique. Objectif : DĂ©terminer la frĂ©quence et les facteurs associĂ©s au paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans les maternitĂ©s pĂ©riphĂ©riques publiques de Parakou en 2018. MĂ©thodes : Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale Ă  visĂ©e analytique. Elle a consistĂ© Ă  recueillir les donnĂ©es Ă  travers un entretien structurĂ©. La goutte Ă©paiss avec frottis mince Ă©tait systĂ©matiquement rĂ©alisĂ©e pour la confirmation du paludisme. RĂ©sultats : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©tait de 32,62% (IC95%= [27,94 ; 37,66]). La densitĂ© parasitaire moyenne Ă©tait de 2056 parasites ÎŒl−1 avec des extrĂȘmes de 102 et 33627. Les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©taient l’ñge de moins de 20 ans, la primigestitĂ©,  la nulliparitĂ© (p=0,0001), la situation matrimoniale cĂ©libataire  (p=0,0199), le faible niveau d’instruction (p=0,0004), l’occupation mĂ©nagĂšre (p<0,0001), l’absence d’une autonomisation (p=0,0001), l’inexistence  des sĂ©ances d’information Ă©ducation communication (IEC) aux gestantes (p=0,0008), la prise non supervisĂ©e  de la SP (0,0294), l’utilisation incorrecte des moustiquaires (p═0,0001), la mauvaise qualitĂ© de la moustiquaire (p═0,0001), la non utilisation d’insecticide (p=0,0211), l’absence de placement des grillages aux portes et fenĂȘtres (p=0,0032), le non-respect du nombre de CPNR (p=0,0048), le non-respect du nombre de dose de SP (p<0,0001), l’habitude de suivre la tĂ©lĂ©vision tardivement les nuits (p=0,0384), la non-protection des puisards (p=0,0001). Conclusion : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans la commune de Parakou est importante et les facteurs associĂ©s connus.   Introduction: Malaria is one of the most widespread endemic and epidemic diseases in the world and a major public health problem. Objective: To study the frequency and factors associated with malaria among pregnant women in Parakou public peripheral maternity in 2018. Methods: This was a cross-sectional and analytical study. It consisted of collecting data on pregnant women, and facilities through a structured face-to-face interview. Thick Drop/Parasite Density was systematically performed for malaria confirmation. Results: the frequency of malaria in pregnant women was 32.62% (95% CI = [27.94, 37.66]). The mean parasite density was 2056 ÎŒl-1 and ranged from 102 to 33627. Factors associated with malaria incidence in pregnant women were age less than 20 years(p = 0.0001), primigravida (p = 0.0001) ), nulliparity (p = 0.0001), single marital status (p = 0.0199), low level of education (p = 0.0004), household occupation (p <0.0001), empowerment ( p = 0.0001), the non-existence of educational communication (IEC) information sessions for pregnant woman (p =0.0008), unsupervised use of sulfadoxine pyrimethamine (SP) (0,0294), no correct use of mosquito nets (p = 0.0001), poor quality of mosquito net (p = 0.0001), no use of insecticide (p = 0.0211), no placement of screens at doors and windows (p = 0.0032), no adherence to number of ANCs (p = 0.0048 ), no adherence to the SP dose number (p <0.0001), the habit of following television late nights (p = 0.0384), no protection of sumps (p = 0.0001. The incidence of malaria among pregnant women in Parakou commune is significant, and the associated factors are known

    VĂ©cu Psychologique De La Parturiente En Salle D’accouchement À La MaternitĂ© Du Centre Hospitalier DĂ©partemental Et Universitaire Du Borgou À Parakou (BENIN)

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    Objective: To study parturient women’s psychological real-life experience in the delivery room of CHUD-B maternity hospital. Patients and Methods: This study shows a descriptive cross-sectional study with an analytical aim and a prospective data collection. It involves 100 parturient women who had a vaginal delivery at the gynecology and obstetrics department of Departmental University Teaching Hospital of Borgou. It covered the period from June 11 th to August 11 th 2014. Results: The average age of the parturient women was 27 years old ± 5.55. The parturient women were predominantly Muslims (58%), married (48%), and out-of-school (36%). They had a monogamous relationship (77%) with their husbands (66%). Also, they had conflict with the people around them (22%). They were anxious (58%), distressed (27%), and timorous and restless (57%). The main reasons for stress noticed among these parturient women were related to the fear of stillbirth (82%), a malformed child (76%), an infected newborn baby (76%), obstetrical trauma in the newborn baby (58%), and the newborn baby’s sex (26%). Subsequently, the fears of the parturient women were: the cesarean section (64%), maternal death (58%), the pain of childbirth (48%), traumatic maternal injury (47%), post-partum hemorrhage (45%), and the inability to face childbirth (31%). The parturient women before getting into the delivery room confided in traditional religious authorities (36%) who were either healers or marabous, witch doctors, spiritual advisors, or Christian priests. Conclusion: Delivery causes anxiety among parturient women whose apprehensions were about the pain of childbirth, the unborn baby, and their own mental ability to overcome the trial

    Aspects Epidemiologique, Diagnostique, Therapeutique et Pronostique de la Mole Hydatiforme au CHUD/B Parakou

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    Objective: To study epidemiologic, diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic aspects of hydatidiform mole (HM) at CHUD/B. Material and methods: It was about a retrospective descriptive study which covered a 10- year period from 1 st January 2007 to 31st December 2016. It was performed in the gynecological department of the University Teaching Hospital of Borgou/ Alibori. Results: Ninety-one cases of HM meeting inclusion criteria were collected. The incidence of HM was 1 mole in 246 pregnancies. The 20- 29 age group was the most affected (46.2%). Most of the patients were not attending school (50.5%) and they were housewives predominantly (52.7%). Metrorrhagia represented the most frequent circumstance of discovery (81.3%). It was noticed excessive fundal height in 79.1% of cases. ÎČ-HCG proportioning was carried out in 13 patients out of 91 (14.3%). The anatomopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of HM in 2 of 9 cases. The treatment was a uterine evacuation by intrauterine manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) in 76.9% of cases. After 12 months, almost all of our patients were lost to follow-up, the cure rate was 9.9%. Conclusion: HM is relatively frequent at the maternity hospital of CHUD/B and its management is hampered by a lack of monitoring which must be reviewed in order to improve prognosis.Objectif : Etudier les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologique, diagnostique, thĂ©rapeutique et pronostique de la mĂŽle hydatiforme (MH) au CHUD/B. MatĂ©riel et MĂ©thodes : Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective de type descriptif s’étendant sur une pĂ©riode de 10 ans allant du 1 er Janvier 2007 au 31 DĂ©cembre 2016. Elle a eu pour cadre, le service de gynĂ©cologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire du Borgou/ Alibori. RĂ©sultats : Quatre-vingt-onze cas de MH remplissant les critĂšres d’inclusion ont Ă©tĂ© colligĂ©s. La frĂ©quence de la MH Ă©tait de 1 e mĂŽle pour 246 grossesses. La tranche d’ñge de 20 Ă  29 ans Ă©tait la plus concernĂ©e (46,2%). Les patientes Ă©taient en majoritĂ© non scolarisĂ©es (50,5%) et Ă©taient Ă  prĂ©dominance des femmes au foyer (52,7%). Les mĂ©trorragies reprĂ©sentaient la circonstance de dĂ©couverte la plus frĂ©quente (81,3%). La hauteur utĂ©rine excessive avait Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©e dans 79,1% des cas. L’échographie pelvienne avait rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des images typiques en grappe de raisin dans 96,4% des cas. Le dosage des ÎČ-hCG avait Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© chez 13 patientes sur 91 (14,3%). L’examen anatomopathologique avait permis de confirmer le diagnostic de MH dans 2 cas sur 9. Le traitement Ă©tait une Ă©vacuation utĂ©rine par aspiration manuelle intra-utĂ©rine dans 76,9% des cas. Au bout de 12 mois, presque toutes nos patientes Ă©taient perdues de vue, le taux de guĂ©rison Ă©tant de 9,9%. Conclusion : La MH est relativement frĂ©quente Ă  la maternitĂ© du CHUD/B et sa prise en charge souffre d’une insuffisance de surveillance qui doit ĂȘtre revue afin d’amĂ©liorer le pronostic

    Influence Du Poids Maternel Sur L’evolution De La Grossesse Chez Les Gestantes Dans La Ville De Parakou En 2015 Au Benin

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    Introduction:The World Health Organization considers for many years obesity as a pandemic which affects as well the developed countries as the developing ones.The consequences of the overweight on the medical, gynaeco-obstetrical, and surgical plan are no longer demonstrating. Objective:The current paper aims to study the influence of the weight of the mother on the evolution of the pregnancy with the pregnant women in the town of Parakou. Material and methodologicalapproaches: It was about a descriptive transversal study for an analytical purpose with forecast data collection. It has been conducted on a period of six (06) months going from 23rd of February to 31st of August 2015 and had covered 272 pregnant women in the town of Parakou.The sampling probabilistic method has been used according to the survey technique. Results:The average age of the surveyed women was about 26, 1± 5, 8 years old with the extremes of 14 and 51 years old. The predominance of the overweight and the obesity with the pregnant women in Parakou was respectively about 34, 9% and 15, 8%. The diabetes pregnant woman, the exceeding of term and the macrosomy were statistically associated with obesity. The diabetes pregnant women, the exceeding of term, the resuscitation at birth were statistically associated with overweight. Conclusion: The fight against overweight is one of the great challenges of this century. It has some consequences on obstetrical plan. A planning of pregnancies with the patients of overweight would then permit a clear improvement of the undertaking of their social securitywithin the maternities and an improvement of the maternal, perinatal and neonatal indicators

    Prognosis of Pregnancy in Epileptics in Benin: A Case–Control Study

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    International audienceObjective  The main purpose of this article is to define prognosis of pregnancies in epileptic women in Benin.Methods  This was a case–control study that included 54 epileptic women who had at least one pregnancy matched to 162 controls on age, pregnancy term, and monitoring center. Information about epilepsy, treatment, pregnancy, and childbirth were collected. A logistic regression with odds ratio (OR) calculation was used to study the association.Results  During pregnancy 22.22% of epileptic women experienced an increase in seizure frequency. Epileptics had more frequent miscarriages (OR: 1.84 [1.01–3.51]), more incidents during pregnancy (OR: 4.03 [1.04–15.60]), and were more often hospitalized (OR: 3.35 [1.46–7.69]) than women without epilepsy. They, more often, had premature children before 37 weeks of amenorrhea (OR: 2.10 [1.12–3.91]) and gave birth to low-birth-weight children (OR = 2.17 [1.00–4.76]).Conclusion  Occurrence of a pregnancy in an epileptic woman in Benin is at risk and requires multidisciplinary monitoring by both neurologist and obstetrician to reduce complications

    Facteurs Associes Aux Deces Maternels A L’hîpital De Zone Saint Jean De Dieu De Tanguieta De 2015 A 2019

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    Introduction: La mortalitĂ© maternelle est un problĂšme de santĂ© publique au BĂ©nin ; Elle est estimĂ©e Ă  397 pour 100 000 Naissances Vivantes (NV) en 2017. Dans les pays Ă  faible revenu le ratio de mortalitĂ© maternelle est de 239 pour 100 000 Naissances Vivantes (NV). Objectifs: Identifier les facteurs associĂ©s aux dĂ©cĂšs maternels Ă  l’HĂŽpital de Zone Saint Jean de Dieu de TanguiĂ©ta de 2015 Ă  2019. MĂ©thode d’étude: Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective Ă  visĂ©e descriptive et analytique. Les dossiers des femmes ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©pouillĂ©s pour collecter les informations relatives aux variables de l’étude. RĂ©sultat: Durant la pĂ©riode d’étude, nous avons recensĂ© 222 dossiers. Le ratio de mortalitĂ© maternelle intra-hospitaliĂšre Ă©tait de 1173 dĂ©cĂšs pour 100 000 naissances. L’ñge moyen des femmes dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©es Ă©tait de 25,4 ans. Les femmes dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©es Ă©taient des mĂ©nagĂšres dans 72,1%. Plus de la moitiĂ© des femmes dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©es (55,9%) n’avaient bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’aucune consultation prĂ©natale. La rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă©tait le principal mode d’entrĂ©e Ă  l’hĂŽpital (64%). Les causes obstĂ©tricales directes des dĂ©cĂšs Ă©taient dominĂ©es par les hĂ©morragies (25,8%), les troubles hypertensifs (22,8%) et les infections puerpĂ©rales (21,2%). Les facteurs associĂ©s aux dĂ©cĂšs maternels Ă©taient : le milieu de rĂ©sidence (p = 0,004), le dĂ©lai (de 5jours et plus) entre l’apparition des symptĂŽmes et l’admission Ă  l’hĂŽpital (p = 0,019), le transport non mĂ©dicalisĂ© (p=0,013) et le troisiĂšme retard (p < 0,001). Conclusion: Le ratio de mortalitĂ© maternelle Ă©tait Ă©levĂ© Ă  l’hĂŽpital de zone Saint Jean de Dieu de Tanguieta. Il importe que des actions soient menĂ©es en agissant sur les diffĂ©rents facteurs en vue de rĂ©duire la mortalitĂ© maternelle dans cet hĂŽpital. Introduction: Maternal mortality is a public health problem in Benin, it is estimated at 397 per 100,000 Live Births (LB) in 2017. In low-income countries the maternal mortality ratio is 239 per 100,000 Live Births (LB). Objectives: Identify the factors associated with maternal deaths at the Saint Jean de Dieu Zone Hospital in TanguiĂ©ta from 2015 to 2019. Study Method: This was a retrospective study with a descriptive and analytical aim. Women's records were searched to collect information on study variables. Result: During the study period, we identified 222 cases. The intrahospital maternal mortality ratio was 1,173 deaths per 100,000 births. The average age of the deceased women was 25.4 years. 72.1% of the deceased women were housewives. More than half of the women who died (55.9%) had not received any prenatal consultation. Referral was the main mode of entry to hospital (64%). The direct obstetric causes of death were dominated by haemorrhages (25.8%), hypertensive disorders (22.8%) and puerperal infections (21.2%). Factors associated with maternal deaths were: place of residence (p = 0.004), the time (5 days or more) between the onset of symptoms and admission to hospital (p = 0.019), unsafe transportation (p = 0.013) and The third delay (p <0.001). Conclusion: The maternal mortality ratio was high at the Saint Jean de Dieu hospital in Tanguieta. It is important that actions be taken by acting on the various factors in order to reduce maternal mortality in this hospital