115 research outputs found

    Using Practical Supergain for Passive Imaging with Noise

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    Recent work has shown that endfire beamforming of ocean noise can be used to produce images of the seabed layering [Siderius et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 1315–1323 (2006)]. This initial noise imaging technique used conventional beamforming and was later extended to adaptive beamforming that is theoretically optimal. However, there can be problems with adaptive methods, which include extreme sensitivity to random errors, the required averaging time, and computational complexity. Here, the concept of supergain is used to show that delay and sum beamforming can produce nearly the same results as the optimal adaptive methods without the drawbacks

    Modeling Broadband Ocean Acoustic Transmissions with Time-Varying Sea Surfaces

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    Solutions to ocean acoustic scattering problems are often formulated in the frequency domain, which implies that the surface is frozen in time. This may be reasonable for short duration signals but breaks down if the surface changes appreciably over the transmission time. Frequency domain solutions are also impractical for source-receiver ranges and frequency bands typical for applications such as acoustic communications (e.g. hundreds to thousands of meters, 1-50 kHz band). In addition, a driving factor in the performance of certain acoustic systems is the Doppler spread, which is often introduced from sea-surface movement. The time-varying nature of the sea surface adds complexity and often leads to a statistical description for the variations in received signals. A purely statistical description likely limits the insight that modeling generally provides. In this paper, time-domain modeling approaches to the sea-surface scattering problem are described. As a benchmark for comparison, the Helmholtz integral equation is used for solutions to static, time-harmonic rough surface problems. The integral equation approach is not practical for time-evolving rough surfaces and two alternatives are formulated. The first approach is relatively simple using ray theory. This is followed with a ray-based formulation of the Helmholtz integral equation with a time-domain Kirchhoff approximation

    Source localization in a time-varying ocean waveguide

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    One of the most stringent impairments in matched-field processing is the impact of missing or erroneous environmental information on the final source location estimate. This problem is known in the literature as model mismatch and is strongly frequency dependent. Another unavoidable factor that contributes to model mismatch is the natural time and spatial variability of the ocean waveguide. As a consequence, most of the experimental results obtained to date focus on short source-receiver ranges (usually <5 km), stationary sources, reduced time windows and frequencies generally below 600 Hz. This paper shows that MFP source localization can be made robust to time–space environmental mismatch if the parameters responsible for the mismatch are clearly identified, properly modeled and (time-)adaptively estimated by a focalization procedure prior to MFP source localization. The data acquired during the ADVENT’99 sea trial at 2, 5, and 10 km source-receiver ranges and in two frequency bands, below and above 600 Hz, provided an excellent opportunity to test the proposed techniques. The results indicate that an adequate parametrization of the waveguide is effective up to 10 km range in both frequency bands achieving a precise localization during the whole recording of the 5 km track, and most of the 10 km track. It is shown that the increasing MFP dependence on erroneous environmental information in the higher frequency and at longer ranges can only be accounted for by including a time dependent modeling of the water column sound speed profile.SACLANTCEN; PRAXIS XXI, FCT

    Source Level of Wind-generated Ambient sound in the oceana

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    Inference of source levels for ambient ocean sound from local wind at the sea surface requires an assumption about the nature of the sound source. Depending upon the assumptions made about the nature of the sound source, whether monopole or dipole distributions, the estimated source levels from different research groups are different by several decibels over the frequency band 10–350 Hz. This paper revisits the research issues of source level of local wind-generated sound and shows that the differences in estimated source levels can be understood through a simple analysis of the source assumptions

    Coherence Extrapolation for Underwater Ambient Noise

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    This paper considers extrapolation of the vertical coherence of surface-generated oceanic ambient noise to simulate measurements made on a longer sensor array. The extrapolation method consists of projecting the noise coherence measured with a limited aperture array into the domain spanned by prolate spheroidal wave functions, which are an orthogonal basis defined by array parameters and the noise frequency. Using simulated data corresponding to selected multi-layered seabeds as ground truth, the performance of the extrapolation method is explored. Application of the technique is also demonstrated on experimental data

    Optimally Distributed Receiver Placements Versus an Environmentally Aware Source: New England Shelf Break Acoustics Signals and Noise Experiment

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    This article describes the results of the Spring of 2021 New England Shelf Break Acoustics (NESBA) Signals and Noise experiment as they pertain to the optimization of a field of passive receivers versus an environmentally aware source with end-state goals. A discrete optimization has been designed and used to demonstrate providing an acoustic system operator with actionable guidance relating to optimally distributed receiver locations and depths and likely mean source detection times and associated uncertainties as a function of source and receiver levels of environmental awareness. The uncertainties considered here are those due to the imperfect spatial and temporal sensing of the water column, ambient noise (AN), and the seabed, and the impact this has on ocean forecasting and acoustic performance prediction accuracy. As a part of the NESBA experiment, high-resolution (1 km spatial) regional Navy Coastal Ocean Model ensemble forecasts were generated to capture oceanographic variability and uncertainty. Passive AN-based seabed measurements were conducted to estimate seabed properties including variability and uncertainty. Extensive AN and conductivity, temperature, and depth measurements were also conducted. In this article, operationally relevant metrics are employed to estimate the potential value-added of optimal receiver location and depth placements as a function of source end-state goals and assumed level of environmental awareness. A concept for generating stochastic acoustic prediction metrics and associated optimally distributed receiver locations and depths in an operational environment is proposed

    Geoacoustic Inversion of Ship Radiated Noise in Shallow Water Using Data From a Single Hydrophone

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    The Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation conducted a geoacoustic inverse experiment in the Mediterranean Sea in the summer of 2012. Among the objectives was to employ an autono- mous underwater vehicle to collect acoustic data to invert for properties of the seafloor. Inversion results for the compression wave speed in the bottom and the source spectrum of the R/V Alliance during a close approach to the bottom moored vehicle are presented. The estimated wave speed was 1529 m/s (r ¼ 10). The source spectrum of the Alliance was estimated across more than six octaves of frequency

    Selected Topics of the Past Thirty Years in Ocean Acoustics

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    This paper reviews some of the highlights of selected topics in ocean acoustics during the thirty years that have passed since the founding of the Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics. Advances in computational methods and computers helped to make computational ocean acoustics a vibrant area of research during that period. The parabolic equation method provides an unrivaled combination of accuracy and efficiency for propagation problems in which the bathymetry, sound speed, and other environmental parameters vary in the horizontal directions. The extension of this approach to cases involving layers that support shear waves has been an active area of research throughout the thirty year period. Interest in basin-scale and global-scale propagation was stimulated by the Heard Island Feasibility Test for monitoring climate change in terms of changes in travel time that occur as the temperature of the ocean rises. Diminishing ice cover in the Arctic, which is one of the consequences of climate change, has stimulated renewed interest in Arctic acoustics during the past decade. Reverberation is a challenging problem that was the topic of a major research program during the beginning of the thirty year period. An innovative approach for making it feasible to solve such problems was applied to data for reverberation from the seafloor and from schools of fish, and some of the findings were featured in Science and Nature. Source localization is one of the core problems in ocean acoustics. When applied on a 2-D array of receivers, an approach based on the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix is capable of separating the signals from different sources from each other, determining when this partitioning step is successful, and tracking sources that cross each other in bearing; one of the advantages of this approach is that it does not require environmental information or solutions of the wave equation. Geoacoustic inversion for estimating the layer structure, wave speeds, density, and other parameters of ocean bottoms has also been a topic of interest throughout the thirty year period

    Head Wave Correlations in Ambient Noise

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    Ambient ocean noise is processed with a vertical line array to reveal coherent time-separated arrivals suggesting the presence of head wave multipath propagation. Head waves, which are critically propagating water waves created by seabed waves traveling parallel to the water-sediment interface, can propagate faster than water-only waves. Such eigenrays are much weaker than water-only eigenrays, and are often completely overshadowed by them. Surface-generated noise is different whereby it amplifies the coherence between head waves and critically propagating water-only waves, which is measured by cross-correlating critically steered beams. This phenomenon is demonstrated both experimentally and with a full wave simulation

    Trans-Dimensional Geoacoustic Inversion of Wind-Driven Ambient Noise

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    This letter applies trans-dimensional Bayesian geoacoustic inversion to quantify the uncertainty due to model selection when inverting bottom-loss data derived from wind-driven ambient-noise measurements. A partition model is used to represent the seabed, in which the number of layers, their thicknesses, and acoustic parameters are unknowns to be determined from the data. Exploration of the parameter space is implemented using the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm with parallel tempering, whereas jumps between parameterizations are controlled by a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Sediment uncertainty profiles from inversion of simulated and experimental data are presented
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