7 research outputs found

    Multidecadal Basal Melt Rates and Structure of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Using Airborne Ice Penetrating Radar

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    Basal melting of ice shelves is a major source of mass loss from the Antarctic Ice Sheet. In situ measurements of ice shelf basal melt rates are sparse, while the more extensive estimates from satellite altimetry require precise information about firn density and characteristics of near‐surface layers. We describe a novel method for estimating multidecadal basal melt rates using airborne ice penetrating radar data acquired during a 3‐year survey of the Ross Ice Shelf. These data revealed an ice column with distinct upper and lower units whose thicknesses change as ice flows from the grounding line toward the ice front. We interpret the lower unit as continental meteoric ice that has flowed across the grounding line and the upper unit as ice formed from snowfall onto the relatively flat ice shelf. We used the ice thickness difference and strain‐induced thickness change of the lower unit between the survey lines, combined with ice velocities, to derive basal melt rates averaged over one to six decades. Our results are similar to satellite laser altimetry estimates for the period 2003–2009, suggesting that the Ross Ice Shelf melt rates have been fairly stable for several decades. We identify five sites of elevated basal melt rates, in the range 0.5–2 m a⁻Âč, near the ice shelf front. These hot spots indicate pathways into the sub‐ice‐shelf ocean cavity for warm seawater, likely a combination of summer‐warmed Antarctic Surface Water and modified Circumpolar Deep Water, and are potential areas of ice shelf weakening if the ocean warms

    From Source to Sink: Petrogenesis of Cretaceous Anatectic Granites from the Fosdick Migmatite-Granite Complex, West Antarctica

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Petrology following peer review. The version of record Brown, C. R., Yakymchuk, C., Brown, M., Fanning, C. M., Korhonen, F. J., Piccoli, P. M., & Siddoway, C. S. (2016). From Source to Sink: Petrogenesis of Cretaceous Anatectic Granites from the Fosdick Migmatite–Granite Complex, West Antarctica. Journal of Petrology, 57(7), 1241–1278 is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/petrology/egw039Anatectic granites from the Fosdick migmatite-granite complex yield U-Pb zircon crystallization ages that range from 115 to 100Ma, with a dominant grouping at 107-100 Ma, which corresponds to the timing of dome formation during the regional oblique extension that facilitated exhumation of the complex. The occurrence of leucosome-bearing normal-sense shear zones inmigmatitic gneisses indicates that suprasolidus conditions in the crust continued into the early stages of doming and exhumation of the complex. The structure allows access to variably oriented granites in networks of dykes at deeper structural levels and subhorizontal sheeted granites at shallower structural levels within the complex. This feature allows an evaluation of the mechanisms that modify the composition of granite melts in their source and of granite magmas during their ascent and emplacement using whole-rock major, trace element and Sr and Nd isotope compositions, zircon Hf and O isotope compositions, and phase equilibria modelling of potential source rocks. Geochemical variability within the granites is attributed to source heterogeneity and blending of melts, which themselves are consistent with derivation from regional metasedimentary and metaplutonic source materials. The granites typically contain coarse blocky K-feldspar and/or plagioclase grains within interstitial quartz, and have low Rb/Sr ratios and large positive Eu anomalies. These features are inconsistent with the composition of primary crustal melts derived from metasedimentary and metaplutonic source materials, but consistent with early fractional crystallization of feldspar and subsequent drainage of the fractionated melt. Processes such as peritectic mineral entrainment and accessory mineral dissolution, entrainment and crystallization did not have any significant influence on the major and trace element composition of the granites. The granites in the networks of dykes are interpreted to represent choking of magma transport channels through the middle crust as the rate of magma flow declined during doming and exhumation, whereas the sheeted granites record collapse of subhorizontal, partially crystallized layers of magma by filter pressing and melt exfiltration during vertical shortening associated with doming and exhumation. These processes separated feldspar-rich residues from evolved melt. Based on the results of this study, caution is urged in estimating melt proportion from the volume of granite retained in migmatitic gneiss domes, as the granites may not represent liquid compositions.US National Science Foundation [ANT0944615, OPP-0338279, OPP-0944600, EAR1032156]NISPLab at the University of MarylandGeological Society of AmericaNational Science and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Basement topography and sediment thickness beneath Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf imaged with airborne magnetic data

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    Depth to the magnetic basement beneath Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf was determined from Werner deconvolution of ROSETTA-Ice airborne magnetic data. This process was constrained by offshore seismic data which was tied to the Ross Ice Shelf with Operation Ice Bridge IceBridge airborne magnetic data. Using a sub-ice shelf bathymetry model, we calculated the thickness of non-magnetic cover sediments above the basement. This dataset contains NetCDF grids, for both Ross Ice Shelf and Ross Embayment extents, of basement elevations and sediment thicknesses, as well as their accompanied upper and lower uncertainties. Also included are profiles of all ROSETTA-Ice flight lines, showing Werner deconvolution solutions and the resulting magnetic basement. Basement solutions before gridding are available in a text file. Code for the creation and processing of all the data here is available at Github, through the following link: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6499863