7 research outputs found

    Morphological characterization, phytochemical profile, and cytotoxic and insecticidal activities of diverse parts of Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.)

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    Purpose: To standardize Zakham-e-Hayat (Bryophyllum pinnatum Lam.) as well as determine its cytotoxic and insecticidal activity. Methods: Different parts of the plant (flowers, young leaves, old leaves and stem) and different solvents, viz, methanol, ethyl acetate and n-hexane were used for the extraction. Morphological characterization (macroscopic and microscopic), phytochemical screening for primary and secondary metabolites, and thin layer chromatography (TLC) using various solvent systems, namely, methanol/chloroform (MeOH/CHCl3), n-hexane/methanol/chloroform (n-hexane/MeOH/CHCl3), methanol/chloroform/water (MeOH/CHCl3/H2O), n-hexane/chloroform (n-hexane/CHCl3), n-hexane/ethyl acetate (n-hexane/EtOAc) were carried out. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was also performed. In addition, the extracts were evaluated for their cytotoxic and insecticidal activities. Results: The methanol fraction of the young leaves had 50% lethal dose (LD50) of 28.46 µg/mL while the ethyl acetate fraction of young and old leaves showed significant cytotoxicity at LD50 of 0.13 µg/mL and 142.68 µg/mL respectively. On the other hand, n-hexane fraction was inactive. The methanol fraction of the flower revealed the presence of carbohydrates, the ethyl acetate fraction showed the presence of carbohydrates and amino acids, while the n-hexane fraction showed the presence of carbohydrates as primary metabolites. Furthermore, alkaloids, flavonoid, saponins and resins were present in the methanol fraction, flavonoid and alkaloids in the ethyl acetate fraction, and alkaloids and resins in the n-hexane fraction as secondary metabolites. Conclusion: Methanol and n-hexane fractions of Bryophyllum pinnatum have some safe bioactive compounds which may exhibit potential health benefits

    Pharmacognostic, phytochemical, biological and spectroscopic analyses of Capparis decidua (Forsk.) Edgew root and stem bark

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    Purpose: To investigate the pharmacognostic, phytochemical, biological and spectroscopic analyses of Capparis decidua (Forsk.) Edgew root and stem bark.Methods: Plant material (root and stem bark) was collected, authenticated, shade-dried and extracted by maceration using methanol as a solvent separately. Powder microscopy was performed using a binocular microscope. Fluorescence, physico-chemical analysis and phytochemical screening for the presence of secondary metabolites were performed using standard methods. Brine shrimp lethalitybioassay was carried out using Artemia salina bioassay, while enzymatic modulatory study was performed by α-amylase inhibition assay. Microscopic analysis was carried out with scanning electron microscopy. Spectroscopic analysis was performed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).Results: Powder microscopy showed the presence of different cellular structures. Various colors were observed under ultraviolet (UV) and ordinary light when treated with different reagents. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, saponins and flavonoids but phenol and cardiac glycosides were absent from both extracts. The root bark of the plant showed significant brine shrimp lethality activity.Conclusion: Capparis decidua (Forsk.) Edgew root and stem bark contain a variety of bioactive compounds that have medicinal and therapeutic potentials. Therefore, further investigations are required to elucidate their pharmacological properties. Keywords: Capparis decidua (Forsk.) Edgew, Phytochemical, Spectroscopy, α-Amylas

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    What Business Researchers are Producing during Covid-19 A bibliometric approach

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    The way COVID-19 impacted every aspect of human life around the world, is now considered more disastrous than the World War II. Both the policy and academic researchers have been contributing to assess its severity and impact on businesses and economies while examining the foci of business researchers in this era of contagion. In this assessment, we have applied the approaches of bibliometric and content analysis on 403 qualified studies, drawn from the Scopus database. The period of data ranges from 2003 to June 2020. We identified 11 different research streams including tourism, supply chain besides economic and finance-related research. We highlighted the sub-streams and main concerns raised in the published literature. The findings of this research indicate that COVID will force the policy makers to come up with strategy and changes in various business fields. The implications of the study may be important for business managers to chalk out a proactive approach for business handling during and post-COVID eras.&nbsp;</p

    What Business Researchers are Producing during Covid-19 A bibliometric approach

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    The way COVID-19 impacted every aspect of human life around the world, is now considered more disastrous than the World War II. Both the policy and academic researchers have been contributing to assess its severity and impact on businesses and economies while examining the foci of business researchers in this era of contagion. In this assessment, we have applied the approaches of bibliometric and content analysis on 403 qualified studies, drawn from the Scopus database. The period of data ranges from 2003 to June 2020. We identified 11 different research streams including tourism, supply chain besides economic and finance-related research. We highlighted the sub-streams and main concerns raised in the published literature. The findings of this research indicate that COVID will force the policy makers to come up with strategy and changes in various business fields. The implications of the study may be important for business managers to chalk out a proactive approach for business handling during and post-COVID eras.&nbsp

    Modelling of Land Use/Cover and LST Variations by Using GIS and Remote Sensing: A Case Study of the Northern Pakhtunkhwa Mountainous Region, Pakistan

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    Alteration in Land Use/Cover (LULC) considered a major challenge over the recent decades, as it plays an important role in diminishing biodiversity, altering the macro and microclimate. Therefore, the current study was designed to examine the past 30 years (1987&ndash;2017) changes in LULC and Land Surface Temperature (LST) and also simulated for next 30 years (2047). The LULC maps were developed based on maximum probability classification while the LST was retrieved from Landsat thermal bands and Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) method for the respective years. Different approaches were used, such as Weighted Evidence (WE), Cellular Automata (CA) and regression prediction model for the year 2047. Resultantly, the LULC classification showed increasing trend in built-up and bare soil classes (13 km2 and 89 km2), and the decreasing trend in vegetation class (&minus;144 km2) in the study area. In the next 30 years, the built-up and bare soil classes would further rise with same speed (25 km2 and 36.53 km2), and the vegetation class would further decline (&minus;147 km2) until 2047. Similarly for LST, the temperature range for higher classes (27 -&lt; 30 &deg;C) increased by about 140 km2 during 1987&ndash;2017, which would further enlarge (409 km2) until 2047. The lower LST range (15 &deg;C to &lt;21 &deg;C) showed a decreasing trend (&minus;54.94 km2) and would further decline to (&minus;20 km2) until 2047 if it remained at the same speed. Prospective findings will be helpful for land use planners, climatologists and other scientists in reducing the increasing LST associated with LULC changes