2,958 research outputs found

    Aeroacoustic and aerodynamic performances of an aerofoil subjected to sinusoidal leading edges

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    This paper presents the preliminary results on the aeroacoustic and aerodynamic performances of a NACA65-(12)10 aerofoil subjected to 12 sinusoidal leading edges. The serration patterns of these leading edges are formed by cutting into the main body of the aerofoil, instead of extending the leading edges. Any of the leading edges, when attached to the main body of the aerofoil, will always result in the same overall chord length. The experiment was mainly performed in an aeroacoustic wind tunnel facility, although a separate aerodynamic type wind tunnel was also used for the force measurements. These sinusoidal leading edges were investigated for their effectiveness in suppressing the laminar instability tonal noise (trailing edge self-noise) and turbulence–leading edge interaction noise. The largest reduction in aerofoil noise tends to associate with the sinusoidal leading edge of the largest amplitude, and smallest wavelength. However, noticeable noise increase at high frequency is also observed for this combination of serration. In terms of the aerodynamic performance, increasing the serration wavelength tends to improve the stall angles, but the lift coefficient at the pre-stall regime is generally lower than that produced by the baseline leading edge. For a sinusoidal leading edge with large serration amplitude, the effect of the reduction in “lift-generating” surface is manifested in the significant reduction of the lift coefficients and lift curve slope. The sinusoidal leading edge that produces the best performance in the post-stall regime belongs to the largest wavelength and smallest amplitude, where the lift coefficients are shown to be better than the baseline leading edge. In conclusion, large amplitude and small wavelength is beneficial for noise reduction, whilst to maintain the aerodynamic lift a small amplitude and large wavelength is preferred

    Cavity-assisted quantum bath engineering

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    We demonstrate quantum bath engineering for a superconducting artificial atom coupled to a microwave cavity. By tailoring the spectrum of microwave photon shot noise in the cavity, we create a dissipative environment that autonomously relaxes the atom to an arbitrarily specified coherent superposition of the ground and excited states. In the presence of background thermal excitations, this mechanism increases the state purity and effectively cools the dressed atom state to a low temperature

    Quantum State Sensitivity of an Autoresonant Superconducting Circuit

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    When a frequency chirped excitation is applied to a classical high-Q nonlinear oscillator, its motion becomes dynamically synchronized to the drive and large oscillation amplitude is observed, provided the drive strength exceeds the critical threshold for autoresonance. We demonstrate that when such an oscillator is strongly coupled to a quantized superconducting qubit, both the effective nonlinearity and the threshold become a non-trivial function of the qubit-oscillator detuning. Moreover, the autoresonant threshold is sensitive to the quantum state of the qubit and may be used to realize a high fidelity, latching readout whose speed is not limited by the oscillator Q.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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