2,248 research outputs found

    Improving wafer-scale Josephson junction resistance variation in superconducting quantum coherent circuits

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    Quantum bits, or qubits, are an example of coherent circuits envisioned for next-generation computers and detectors. A robust superconducting qubit with a coherent lifetime of OO(100 μ\mus) is the transmon: a Josephson junction functioning as a non-linear inductor shunted with a capacitor to form an anharmonic oscillator. In a complex device with many such transmons, precise control over each qubit frequency is often required, and thus variations of the junction area and tunnel barrier thickness must be sufficiently minimized to achieve optimal performance while avoiding spectral overlap between neighboring circuits. Simply transplanting our recipe optimized for single, stand-alone devices to wafer-scale (producing 64, 1x1 cm dies from a 150 mm wafer) initially resulted in global drifts in room-temperature tunneling resistance of ±\pm 30%. Inferring a critical current IcI_{\rm c} variation from this resistance distribution, we present an optimized process developed from a systematic 38 wafer study that results in << 3.5% relative standard deviation (RSD) in critical current (σIc/Ic\equiv \sigma_{I_{\rm c}}/\left\langle I_{\rm c} \right\rangle) for 3000 Josephson junctions (both single-junctions and asymmetric SQUIDs) across an area of 49 cm2^2. Looking within a 1x1 cm moving window across the substrate gives an estimate of the variation characteristic of a given qubit chip. Our best process, utilizing ultrasonically assisted development, uniform ashing, and dynamic oxidation has shown σIc/Ic\sigma_{I_{\rm c}}/\left\langle I_{\rm c} \right\rangle = 1.8% within 1x1 cm, on average, with a few 1x1 cm areas having σIc/Ic\sigma_{I_{\rm c}}/\left\langle I_{\rm c} \right\rangle << 1.0% (equivalent to σf/f\sigma_{f}/\left\langle f \right\rangle << 0.5%). Such stability would drastically improve the yield of multi-junction chips with strict critical current requirements.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Revision includes supplementary materia

    Flux maximizing geometric flows

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    1/f noise of Josephson-junction-embedded microwave resonators at single photon energies and millikelvin temperatures

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    We present measurements of 1/f frequency noise in both linear and Josephson-junction-embedded superconducting aluminum resonators in the low power, low temperature regime - typical operating conditions for superconducting qubits. The addition of the Josephson junction does not result in additional frequency noise, thereby placing an upper limit for fractional critical current fluctuations of 10810^{-8} (Hz1/2^{-1/2}) at 1 Hz for sub-micron, shadow evaporated junctions. These values imply a minimum dephasing time for a superconducting qubit due to critical current noise of 40 -- 1400 μ\mus depending on qubit architecture. Occasionally, at temperatures above 50 mK, we observe the activation of individual fluctuators which increase the level of noise significantly and exhibit Lorentzian spectra

    Quantum State Sensitivity of an Autoresonant Superconducting Circuit

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    When a frequency chirped excitation is applied to a classical high-Q nonlinear oscillator, its motion becomes dynamically synchronized to the drive and large oscillation amplitude is observed, provided the drive strength exceeds the critical threshold for autoresonance. We demonstrate that when such an oscillator is strongly coupled to a quantized superconducting qubit, both the effective nonlinearity and the threshold become a non-trivial function of the qubit-oscillator detuning. Moreover, the autoresonant threshold is sensitive to the quantum state of the qubit and may be used to realize a high fidelity, latching readout whose speed is not limited by the oscillator Q.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Cavity-assisted quantum bath engineering

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    We demonstrate quantum bath engineering for a superconducting artificial atom coupled to a microwave cavity. By tailoring the spectrum of microwave photon shot noise in the cavity, we create a dissipative environment that autonomously relaxes the atom to an arbitrarily specified coherent superposition of the ground and excited states. In the presence of background thermal excitations, this mechanism increases the state purity and effectively cools the dressed atom state to a low temperature

    Transition Metal Complexes of a-Naphthylamine Dithiocarbamate

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    a-Naphthylamine dithiocarbamate and its complexes with Co(II), Ni(U), Cu(II), Ru(III) , Rh(III), Pd(II), Pt(IV), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) have been prepared and characterized by chemical analysis, IR - and reflectance spectral studies and magnetic susceptibili ty measurements. In all these complexes the dithiocarbamato moiety acts as a chelate. The Ni(II), Cu(II) and Pd(Il) complexes have been found to be square planar while those of Ru(III), Rh(III) and Pt(IV) were proposed to be octahedral in nature. The Co(II) ion seems to have a tetrahedral geometry, unlike the other known square planar dithiocarbamato complexes of Co(II). No definite structure, however, could be proposed for Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) on the basis of limited studies