893 research outputs found

    Semantic Query Optimisation with Ontology Simulation

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    Semantic Web is, without a doubt, gaining momentum in both industry and academia. The word "Semantic" refers to "meaning" - a semantic web is a web of meaning. In this fast changing and result oriented practical world, gone are the days where an individual had to struggle for finding information on the Internet where knowledge management was the major issue. The semantic web has a vision of linking, integrating and analysing data from various data sources and forming a new information stream, hence a web of databases connected with each other and machines interacting with other machines to yield results which are user oriented and accurate. With the emergence of Semantic Web framework the na\"ive approach of searching information on the syntactic web is clich\'e. This paper proposes an optimised semantic searching of keywords exemplified by simulation an ontology of Indian universities with a proposed algorithm which ramifies the effective semantic retrieval of information which is easy to access and time saving

    Sea of Poppies: A Socio Cultural Evolution of Indian Diaspora: A Saga of Struggle

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    Amitav Ghosh is one of the leading writes of Indian English literature. His novel Sea of Poppies was shortlisted for Man Booker Prize in 2008. The novel is based on historical setting of colonial rule in India and to fulfil its need of supply of opium to china. The novel is a commentary on socio cultural evolution of Indian Diaspora, a saga of struggle by the destitute and wretches of colonial India and the dispassionate account of the India peasantry forced into opium cultivation. It is a novel in relation to disporic sensibility and reconstruction of identity. The majority of the characters of novel show an extra-ordinary ability of coping with situation and the new place. The characters make effort for identity reconstruction or transformation to suit with the new place

    Growing Fast without Colliding: Polylogarithmic Time Step Construction of Geometric Shapes

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    Building on two recent models of [Almalki and Michail, 2022] and [Gupta et al., 2023], we explore the constructive power of a set of geometric growth processes. The studied processes, by applying a sequence of centralized, parallel, and linear-strength growth operations, can construct shapes from smaller shapes or from a singleton exponentially fast. A technical challenge in growing shapes that fast is the need to avoid collisions caused, for example, when the shape breaks, stretches, or self-intersects. We distinguish two types of growth operations -- one that avoids collisions by preserving cycles and one that achieves the same by breaking them -- and two types of graph models. We study the following types of shape reachability questions in these models. Given a class of initial shapes I\mathcal{I} and a class of final shapes F\mathcal{F}, our objective is to determine whether any (some) shape S∈FS \in \mathcal{F} can be reached from any shape S0∈IS_0 \in \mathcal{I} in a number of time steps which is (poly)logarithmic in the size of SS. For the reachable classes, we additionally present the respective growth processes. In cycle-preserving growth, we study these problems in basic classes of shapes such as paths, spirals, and trees and reveal the importance of the number of turning points as a parameter. We give both positive and negative results. For cycle-breaking growth, we obtain a strong positive result -- a general growth process that can grow any connected shape from a singleton fast.Comment: 21 pages with 7 figure

    Exploiting Hopsets: Improved Distance Oracles for Graphs of Constant Highway Dimension and Beyond

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    For fixed h >= 2, we consider the task of adding to a graph G a set of weighted shortcut edges on the same vertex set, such that the length of a shortest h-hop path between any pair of vertices in the augmented graph is exactly the same as the original distance between these vertices in G. A set of shortcut edges with this property is called an exact h-hopset and may be applied in processing distance queries on graph G. In particular, a 2-hopset directly corresponds to a distributed distance oracle known as a hub labeling. In this work, we explore centralized distance oracles based on 3-hopsets and display their advantages in several practical scenarios. In particular, for graphs of constant highway dimension, and more generally for graphs of constant skeleton dimension, we show that 3-hopsets require exponentially fewer shortcuts per node than any previously described distance oracle, and also offer a speedup in query time when compared to simple oracles based on a direct application of 2-hopsets. Finally, we consider the problem of computing minimum-size h-hopset (for any h >= 2) for a given graph G, showing a polylogarithmic-factor approximation for the case of unique shortest path graphs. When h=3, for a given bound on the space used by the distance oracle, we provide a construction of hopset achieving polylog approximation both for space and query time compared to the optimal 3-hopset oracle given the space bound

    WARPnet: A platform for clean-slate deployed wireless networks

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    There has been a recent paradigm shift within the wireless communications academic community towards implementation-based algorithm validation. In the past, this task was left to industrial affiliates but in order to close the theory to implementation loop faster research groups are actively developing proof-of-concept demonstrations of their theoretical protocols. In this work we present the Wireless Open-Access Research Platform for Networks (WARPnet) that provides all the computational power and data resources needed to prototype novel physical and MAC layers for emerging technologies. The platform is built to be deployed enabling large-scale network-wide experiments. Scheduling experiments and gathering data can be accomplished with a central server connected to the nodes. We characterize the dedicated control channel built for remote control and statistics aggregation, present frameworks for data transfer and implement example applications that show the methodology for benchmarking distributed wireless experiments
