302 research outputs found

    Phytotoxicity of herbicides on Cynodon dactylon

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    Field experiment was conducted to manage the sedge and broad leaf weeds in lawn during November to December 2013 to February to March 2014. Experimental plot was red sandy loam soil with pH 6.50.The experimental plot consisted of bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon which was established through turfing. The experimental plot was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) having 17 treatments with three replications. Herbicide treatments include 2, 4-D sodium salt 80 WP at (2, 3 and 4g/lit of water), 2, 4-D dimethyl amine salt 58% EC at (5, 7.5 and 10 ml/lit of water), carfentrozone ethyl 40 DF at (0.25, 0.5 and 1 g/lit of water), fluroxypyr meptyl 48% EC at (1.5, 3 and 6 ml/lit of water) and chlorimuron methyl + metasulfuron methyl at (0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 g/lit of water). Hand weeding was done at every 20 days interval at 20 days after application of herbicides and also maintained one unweeded control in during November to December and February to March. The phytotoxic symptoms were observed only fluroxypyr meptyl 48% EC applied at 6 ml/lit of water at 3, 7, 10, 15 and 25 days after application of herbicides (DAAH) but it recovered at later stages. However, the other herbicides did not cause any phytotoxic effect on C. dactylon

    Novel framework using dynamic passphrase towards secure and energy-efficient communication in MANET

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    At Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) has been long-researched topic in adhoc network owing to the associated advantages in its cost-effective application as well as consistent loophopes owing to its inherent charecteristics. This manuscript draws a relationship between the energy factor and security factor which has not been emphasized in any existing studies much. Review of existing security approaches shows that they are highly attack specific, uses complex encryption, and overlooks the involvement of energy factor in it. Therefore, the proposed system introduces a novel mechanism where security tokens and passphrases are utilized in order to offer better security. The proposed system also introduces the usage of an agent node which communications with mobile nodes using group-based communication system thereby ensuring reduced computational effort of mobile nodes towards establishing secured communication. The outcome shows proposed system offers better outcome in contrast to existing system

    Trust correlation of mobile agent nodes with a regular node in a Adhoc network using decision-making strategy

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    A mobile agent offers discrete advantage both in facilitating better transmission as well as controlling the traffic load in Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET). Hence, such forms of network offers maximized dependencies on mobile agents in terms of its trust worthiness. At present, there are various work being carried out towards resisting security breach in MANET; however approaches using mobile agent based mechanism is few to found. Therefore, the proposed system introduces a novel mathematical model where an extensive decision making system has been constructed for identifying the malicious intention of mobile agents in case they go rogues. By adopting multi-tier communication policy and fairness concept, the proposed system offers the capability to resist any form of malicious activity of mobile agent without even presence of any apriori information of adversary. The outcome shows proposed system outshines existing security scheme in MANET

    Optical diagnosis of cervical cancer by fluorescence spectroscopy technique

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    In the present work, we examine normal and malignant stage IIIB cervical tissue by laser induced fluorescence, with 2 different objectives. (i) Development of the fluorescence spectroscopy technique as a standard optical method for discrimination of normal and malignant tissue samples and, (ii) Optimization of the technique by the method of matching of a sample spectrum with calibration sets of spectra of pathologically certified samples. Laser-induced fluorescence spectra were measured using samples from 62 subjects at different excitation wavelengths. Principal component analysis (PCA) of spectra and intensity ratios of curve-resolved fluorescence peaks were tested for discrimination. It was found that PCA of total fluorescence at 325 nm excitation gives specificity and sensitivity over 95%. Use of calibration sets of spectra of histo-pathologically certified samples combined with PCA for matching and pass/fail classification of test samples is shown to have high sensitivity/specificity for routine diagnostic purposes as well as for possible staging of the disease. Further, the multi-component origin of the fluorescence spectra is illustrated by curve resolution and fluorescence spectra of separated proteins of tissue homogenates

    Spectral Characterization and 3D Molecular Modeling Studies of Metal Complexes Involving the O, N-Donor Environment of Quinazoline-4(3H)-one Schiff Base and Their Biological Studies

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    A simple condensation of 3-amino-2-methylquinazoline-4-one with 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde produced new tridentate ONO donor Schiff base ligand with efficient yield. The structural characterization of ligand and its Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Mn(II), Zn(II), and Cd(II) complexes were achieved by the aid of elemental analysis, spectral characterization such as (UV-visible, IR, NMR, mass, and ESR), and magnetic data. The analytical and spectroscopic studies suggest the octahedral geometries of Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Mn(II) complexes and tetrahedral geometry of Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes with the tridentate ONO Schiff base ligand. Furthermore, the conclusions drawn from these studies afford further support to the mode of bonding discussed on the basis of their 3D molecular modeling studies by considering different bond lengths, bond angles, and bond distance. The ligand and its metal complexes evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC number 7443), Bacillus subtilis (MTCC number 9878), Escherichia coli (MTCC number 1698), Aspergillus niger (MTCC number 281), and Aspergillus flavus (MTCC number 277). The MIC of these compounds was found to be most active at 10 μg/mL concentration in inhibiting the growth of the tested organisms. The DNA cleavage activity of all the complexes was studied by gel electrophoresis method

    Preliminary Studies on Immune Response and Viral Pathogenesis of Zika Virus in Rhesus Macaques

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    Zika Virus (ZIKV) is primarily transmitted through mosquito bites. It can also be transmitted during sexual intercourse and in utero from mother to fetus. To gain preliminary insight into ZIKV pathology and immune responses on route of transmission, rhesus macaques (RMs) were inoculated with ZIKV (PRVABC59) via intravaginal (IVAG) (n = 3) or subcutaneous (sub Q) (n = 2) routes. Systemic ZIKV infection was observed in all RMs, regardless of the route of inoculation. After 9 days postinfection (dpi), ZIKV was not detected in the plasma of IVAG- and sub-Q-inoculated RMs. Importantly, RMs harbored ZIKV up to 60 dpi in various anatomical locations. Of note, ZIKV was also present in several regions of the brain, including the caudate nucleus, parietal lobe, cortex, and amygdala. These observations appear to indicate that ZIKV infection may be systemic and persistent regardless of route of inoculation. In addition, we observed changes in key immune cell populations in response to ZIKV infection. Importantly, IVAG ZIKV infection of RMs is associated with increased depletion of CD11C hi myeloid cells, reduced PD-1 expression in NK cells, and elevated frequencies of Ki67⁺ CD8⁺ central memory cells as compared to sub Q ZIKV-infected RMs. These results need to interpreted with caution due to the small number of animals utilized in this study. Future studies involving large groups of animals that have been inoculated through both routes of transmission are needed to confirm our findings

    Exceptional molecular and coreceptor-requirement properties of molecular clones isolated from an Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 subtype C infection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pathogenic significance of coreceptor switch in the viral infection of HIV-1 is not completely understood. This situation is more complex in subtype C infection where coreceptor switch is either absent or extremely rare. To gain insights into the mechanisms that underlie coreceptor requirement of subtype C, we screened several primary viral isolates and identified a clinical sample that demonstrated a potential to grow on standard T-cell lines with no detectable CCR5 expression. The subject was diagnosed with HIV-1 associated dementia in the absence of opportunistic infections of the brain. To isolate molecular clones from this virus, we devised a novel strategy based on anchor primers that target a sequence in the reverse transcriptase, highly conserved among diverse subtypes of HIV-1.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using this strategy, we isolated 8 full-length molecular clones from the donor. Two of the eight molecular clones, 03In94_D17 and 03In94_D24, (D17 and D24) generated replication-competent viruses. Phylogenetic analysis of the full-length viral sequences revealed that both clones were non-recombinant subtype C viruses. They contain intact open reading frames in all the viral proteins. Both the viral clones are endowed with several unique molecular and biological properties. The viral promoter of the clones is characterized by the presence of four NF-kB binding elements, a feature rarely seen in the subtype C HIV-1 LTR. Interestingly, we identified the coexistence of two different forms of Rev, a truncated form common to subtype C and a full-length form less common for this subtype, in both proviral and plasma virus compartments. An exceptional property of the viruses, atypical of subtype C, is their ability to use a wide range of coreceptors including CCR5, CXCR4, and several others tested. Sequence analysis of Env of D17 and D24 clones identified differences within the variable loops providing important clues for the expanded coreceptor use. The V1, V2 and V4 loops in both of the molecular clones are longer due to the insertion of several amino acid residues that generated potential N-linked glycosylation sites.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The exceptional biological and molecular properties of these clones make them invaluable tools to understand the unique pathogenic characteristics of subtype C.</p

    SHIV-1157i and passaged progeny viruses encoding R5 HIV-1 clade C env cause AIDS in rhesus monkeys

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    Background: Infection of nonhuman primates with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) or chimeric simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) strains is widely used to study lentiviral pathogenesis, antiviral immunity and the efficacy of AIDS vaccine candidates. SHIV challenges allow assessment of anti-HIV-1 envelope responses in primates. As such, SHIVs should mimic natural HIV-1 infection in humans and, to address the pandemic, encode HIV-1 Env components representing major viral subtypes worldwide. Results: We have developed a panel of clade C R5-tropic SHIVs based upon env of a Zambian pediatric isolate of HIV-1 clade C, the world's most prevalent HIV-1 subtype. The parental infectious proviral clone, SHIV-1157i, was rapidly passaged through five rhesus monkeys. After AIDS developed in the first animal at week 123 post-inoculation, infected blood was infused into a sixth monkey. Virus reisolated at this late stage was still exclusively R5 tropic and mucosally transmissible. Here we describe the long-term follow-up of this initial cohort of six monkeys. Two have remained non-progressors, whereas the other four gradually progressed to AIDS within 123–270 weeks post-exposure. Two progressors succumbed to opportunistic infections, including a case of SV40 encephalitis. Conclusion: These data document the disease progression induced by the first mucosally transmissible, pathogenic R5 non-clade B SHIV and suggest that SHIV-1157i-derived viruses, including the late-stage, highly replication-competent SHIV-1157ipd3N4 previously described (Song et al., 2006), display biological characteristics that mirror those of HIV-1 clade C and support their expanded use for AIDS vaccine studies in nonhuman primates

    Novi pristup spektrofotometrijskom određivanju metronidazola i tinidazola koristeći p-dimetilaminobenzaldehid

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    A new approach to the spectrophotometric determination of metronidazole (MZ) and tinidazole (TZ) has been developed. The procedure involves coupling of diazotized nitroimidazoles with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (DMAB) to form a greenish-yellow solution. Optimal temperature and time for diazotization were 0 oC (iced) and 3 minutes and 30 oC and 2 minutes for coupling was, respectively, for both MZ and TZ. Coloured adducts of MZ and TZ showed peaks at 406 nm and 404 nm, respectively, which were selected as analytical wavelengths. The reaction with p-DMAB occurred in a 1:1 mole ratio. Beer’s law was obeyed within the 4.8–76.8 µg mL1 concentration range with low limits of detection. The azo adducts were stable for over a week. Molar absorptivities were 1.10 x 103 (MZ) and 1.30 x 103 L mol1 cm1 (TZ). Overall recoveries of MZ and TZ from quality control samples were 103.2 ± 1.3 and 101.9 ± 1.3 % over three days. There was no interference from commonly utilized tablet excipients. No significant difference was obtained between the results of the new method and the BP titrimetric procedures. The azo approach using the p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde procedure described in this paper is simple, fast, accurate and precise. It is the first application of DMAB as a coupling component in the diazo coupling reaction.U radu je opisan novi način spektrofotometrijskog određivanja metronidazola (MZ) i tinidazola (TZ). Postupak uključuje reakciju diazotiranog nitroimidazola s p-dimetilaminobenzaldehidom (DMAB), pri čemu nastaje zelenkasto-žuta otopina. Optimalna temperatura i vrijeme za diazotaciju su 0 oC (ledena kupelj) i 3 minute, a za reakciju kondenzacije 30 oC i 2 minute. Obojeni adukti imaju maksimum apsorpcije pri 406, odnosno 404 nm pa su te valne duljine izabrane za analitički postupak. Reakcija s p-DMAB zbiva se u množinskom omjeru 1:1. Reakcija slijedi Beerov zakon u koncentracijskom rasponu 4,8–76,8 µg mL1 s niskim granicama detekcije. Azo adukti su stabilni preko tjedan dana. Molarna apsorptivnost bila je 1,10 × 103 (MZ), odnosno 1,30 × 103 L mol1 cm1 (TZ). Ukupni povrat MZ i TZ iz kontrolnih uzoraka bio je 103,2 ± 1,3, odnosno 101,9 ± 1,3 % tijekom tri dana. Nije zamijećena nikakva interferencija uobičajenih pomoćnih tvari koje se koriste za tabletiranje. Ne postoji značajna razlika između rezultata dobivenih novom metodom i rezultata dobivenih BP titrimetrijskim postupkom. Metoda određivanja opisana u ovom radu je jednostavna, brza, pogodna, točna i precizna i po prvi puta uključuje DMAB u reakciji diazo kopulacije