57 research outputs found

    Perioperative Glycemic Management

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    Proposals and Goals: 1. We propose creating a standard easy to use and safe protocol for glycemic management for same day/elective surgical patients. 2. Following implementation in same day and elective surgical procedures, we propose expanding the protocol to be effective in urgent and emergent inpatient surgical procedures.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1068/thumbnail.jp

    Tracking and Improving Bedside Procedures Through Standardized Documentation

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    Proposal and Goals: We propose to create a standardized electronic procedure note that will replace all documentation for bedside procedures without sedation. ◦Makes notes legible and easily identified ◦Allows uniform tracking of metrics necessary to identify outcomes from a procedure (blood loss, specimens, post-procedure studies, complications) 2.The procedure note will be created in such a way as to allow specialized procedures to be added over time with minor customization to improve physician/nursing work flows and increase efficiency ◦Allows procedures to be sorted and tracked by type ◦Will be constructed to allow attaching CPT codes to patient charts via documentation 3. We propose using this procedure note to create a running database of all bedside procedures ◦Can be utilized by existing software (Qlik) to query all procedure notes to create large anonymized patient listshttps://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1071/thumbnail.jp

    Standardized Consent Forms for Surgical Procedures: An Intervention to Improve the Resident-led Informed Consent Process

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    Objectives and Goals: To provide high quality, consistent consent forms for common surgical procedures and improve resident workflow by creating and implementing standardized printed consents for common surgical procedures. These consents will be used by residents consenting patients in the ED or inpatient setting. Consents shall include standardized procedure descriptions, risks and benefits of the procedure, and alternative treatment option descriptions, risks and benefitshttps://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1057/thumbnail.jp

    Filling the Void: A Low Cost, High-Yield Method to Addressing Incidental Findings in Trauma Patients

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    In this study we: Report the incidence of incidental findings in a suburban trauma center treating primarily blunt and elderly trauma Propose simple solutions to increase the rate of disclosure to patientshttps://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1070/thumbnail.jp

    Logic Gates with Bright Dissipative Polariton Solitons in Bragg-Cavity Systems

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    Optical solitons are an ideal platform for the implementation of communication lines, since they can be packed extremely close one to another without risking partial loss of the encoded information due to their interaction. On the other hand, soliton-soliton interactions are needed to implement computations and achieve all-optical information processing. Here we study how bright dissipative polariton solitons interact and exploit their interaction to implement AND and OR gates with state of the art technology. Moreover, we show that soliton-soliton interaction can be used to determine the sign of {\alpha}2, the parameter describing the interaction between polaritons with opposite spin

    Spatiotemporal continuum generation in polariton waveguides.

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    We demonstrate the generation of a spatiotemporal optical continuum in a highly nonlinear exciton-polariton waveguide using extremely low excitation powers (2-ps, 100-W peak power pulses) and a submillimeter device suitable for integrated optics applications. We observe contributions from several mechanisms over a range of powers and demonstrate that the strong light-matter coupling significantly modifies the physics involved in all of them. The experimental data are well understood in combination with theoretical modeling. The results are applicable to a wide range of systems with linear coupling between nonlinear oscillators and particularly to emerging polariton devices that incorporate materials, such as gallium nitride and transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers that exhibit large light-matter coupling at room temperature. These open the door to low-power experimental studies of spatiotemporal nonlinear optics in submillimeter waveguide devices

    К вопросу о классификации TI-RADS и стратификации признаков рака щитовидной железы по данным ультразвукового исследования

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    Objective: a comparative “blind” assessment of the thyroid nodules identified by ultrasound, according to the TI-RADS scale in various modifications.Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of 149 echograms  of thyroid nodules by three independent experts was performed (the  experience of ultrasound of thyroid ultrasound for more than 7 years).Results. In solid nodules, high-specific large (more than 94%) and  small (more than 90%) ultrasound signs of thyroid cancer have been identified. The nodes are stratified according to the TI-RADS system: 1 – in the modification J.Y. Kwak et al. (2011), 2 – according to the  proposed system, taking into account small ultrasound signs of  thyroid cancer. High reproducibility of both systems are obtained. In the first system 13.7% of cancer nodes fell into the category of TI- RADS 3 (benign formations), in the second system only 5% of  cancers fell into the category of TI-RADS 3, which is important for  biopsy selection. The sensitivity of the first system was TI-RADS  82.05%, of the second system – 94.87%.Conclusions. Classification of TI-RADS can be used to interpret the  ultrasound results of thyroid nodules, taking into account both the  main large and small ultrasound signs of cancer. For its validation in  our country, it is necessary to further broad discussion of the proposed TI-RADS system.В мировых медицинских сообществах идет активное обсуждение системы TI-RADS –  унифицированной оценки узловых образований щитовидной железы (ЩЖ). Предложены  различные модификации системы, в том числе и национальные (французская, корейская, американская, британская и др.). Общим для всех вариантов TI-RADS являются  попытка объективизации оценки узловых образований ЩЖ для выявления рака ЩЖ и  определение более точных показаний к проведению пункционной биопсии.Цель исследования: сравнительная “слепая” оценка узловых образований ЩЖ,  выявленных при УЗИ, по шкале TI-RADS в различных модификациях.Материал и методы. Проведен “слепой” ретроспективный анализ 149 эхограмм  образований ЩЖ тремя независимыми экспертами (стаж выполнения УЗИ ЩЖ более 7 лет).Результаты. В солидных узлах определены высокоспецифичные большие (более 94%) и  малые (более 90%) УЗ-признаки рака ЩЖ. Узлы стратифицированы по системе TI-RADS: 1 –  в модификации J.Y. Kwak и соавт. (2011), 2 – по предложенной нами системе с учетом  малых УЗ-признаков рака ЩЖ. Получены высокие показатели воспроизводимости обеих  систем. В первой системе 13,7% раковых узлов попали в категорию TI-RADS 3  (доброкачественные образования), во второй системе только 5% раков попали в категорию TI-RADS 3, что важно для отбора на биопсию. Чувствительность первой системы TI-RADS  составила 82,05, второй системы – 94,87%.Выводы. Классификация TI-RADS может быть использована для интерпретации результатов УЗИ выявленных узловых образований ЩЖ с учетом как основных больших, так и малых УЗ-признаков рака. Для ее валидации в нашей стране необходимо провести дальнейшее  широкое обсуждение предложенной системы TI-RADS

    Observation of bright polariton solitons in a semiconductor microcavity

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    Microcavity polaritons are composite half-light half-matter quasi-particles, which have recently been demonstrated to exhibit rich physical properties, such as non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation, parametric scattering and superfluidity. At the same time, polaritons have some important advantages over photons for information processing applications, since their excitonic component leads to weaker diffraction and stronger inter-particle interactions, implying, respectively, tighter localization and lower powers for nonlinear functionality. Here we present the first experimental observations of bright polariton solitons in a strongly coupled semiconductor microcavity. The polariton solitons are shown to be non-diffracting high density wavepackets, that are strongly localised in real space with a corresponding broad spectrum in momentum space. Unlike solitons known in other matter-wave systems such as Bose condensed ultracold atomic gases, they are non-equilibrium and rely on a balance between losses and external pumping. Microcavity polariton solitons are excited on picosecond timescales, and thus have significant benefits for ultrafast switching and transfer of information over their light only counterparts, semiconductor cavity lasers (VCSELs), which have only nanosecond response time