66 research outputs found

    Maintaining Skeletal Health During the Mission to Mars

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    Understanding how the effects of long-duration spaceflight (~6-months) might increase fracture risk in the younger-aged, physically-fit astronaut is challenging. Most of our skeletal data have been acquired from long-duration astronauts, crewmembers who typically serve on 120-180 day missions aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Astronaut biomedical data are predominantly 2-d measurements from DXA scans because this is a required clinical test at Johnson Space Center. Data from these clinical tests, and some data from research studies, are what NASA evaluates to define a risk for fracture in astronauts, both during a mission and long-term health. To date, the agency considers the risk for fracture during spaceflight to be of high (severe) consequence but of low probability (<0.1%) while the risk for fracture in during long-term health to be of medium consequence (interventions available) and medium probability (<1%). These risks are considered acceptable. Notably, there are minimal data to suggest that postflight fractures in long-duration astronauts are directly due to spaceflight exposure. Analyses by NASA epidemiologists and by biomedical engineers suggest that postflight fracture incidence in astronauts is consistent with a physically-active terrestrial population with no exposure to spaceflight. The epidemiological data to-date may be considered insufficient (low # and younger-aged subjects, limited follow-up time) to assess a fracture risk with reliability. In the absence of fracture evidence to substantiate a risk, it may be more useful to maintain astronauts at baseline (preflight) level of skeletal health during a mission. This lecture will present data from astronauts that affirms that 1) the maintenance of skeletal health during the future 3-year Mars mission will require an anti-resorptive therapy and 2) the risk for fracture during long-term health cannot be defined by the DXA clinical test alone

    BMD T-Score Values Expeditions 1-23 (n=30)

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    This chart shows the T-Values for the Bone Mass Density (BMD) of three areas of the body (i.e., lumbar spine, femoral neck and trochanter) for both pre-spaceflight and post-spaceflight for 30 subjects

    Managing the Risk for Early Onset Osteoporosis in Long-Duration Astronauts Due to Spaceflight

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    Early Onset Osteoporosis is probably the most recognized but poorly understood long-term health risk due to spaceflight. Osteoporosis management is primarily prophylactic and clinical interventions rely upon the ability to predict fractures which is currently determined by surrogate measures of bone strength. The RMAT for Early Onset Osteoporosis identified some open issues related to the fact that long-duration astronauts compose a unique group of subjects for which clinical approaches for osteoporosis management do not apply. Long-duration astronauts are healthy, young (25 to 55 years of age), predominantly male, and physical fit relative to the typical osteoporosis patient. Moreover, during prolonged space missions (typically 6-month missions) the skeleton not only adapts to weightlessness, but is influenced by numerous risk factors induced by operational constraints, e.g., inability to maintain preflight weight-bearing and aerobic activities, sub-optimal dietary intake (e.g., high sodium content for food stability, lack of fresh fruit and vegetables), suppression of vitamin D metabolism by uv shielding, and remote medicine care. Moreover, adaptation results in novel changes to astronauts bones that cannot be detected by current medically-useful measures. Consequently, a panel of clinicians (recognized leaders and policy-makers in osteoporosis) was convened to review the dataset of bone measures and bone loss risk factors in long-duration astronauts. Driven by the queries in the RMAT, the panel was charged to determine 1) if an intervention is required to prevent this risk, 2) what type and at what time would intervention be optimal, 3) what is the clinical trigger that would require a medical response from flight surgeons and 4) how should research data be used in the clinical care of astronauts. Hence, the RMAT determined that a bone health policy need to be formulated specific for this unique cohort subjected to a novel skeletal conditio

    Evidence Report: Risk of Renal Stone Formation

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    The formation of renal stones poses an in-flight health risk of high severity, not only because of the impact of renal colic on human performance but also because of complications that could potentially lead to crew evacuation, such as hematuria, infection, hydronephrosis, and sepsis. Evidence for risk factors comes from urine analyses of crewmembers, documenting changes to the urinary environment that are conducive to increased saturation of stone-forming salts, which are the driving force for nucleation and growth of a stone nidus. Further, renal stones have been documented in astronauts after return to Earth and in one cosmonaut during flight. Biochemical analysis of urine specimens has provided indication of hypercalciuria and hyperuricemia, reduced urine volumes, and increased urine saturation of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. A major contributor to the risk for renal stone formation is bone atrophy with increased turnover of the bone minerals. Dietary and fluid intakes also play major roles in the risk because of the influence on urine pH (more acidic) and on volume (decreased). Historically, specific assessments on urine samples from some Skylab crewmembers indicated that calcium excretion increased early in flight, notable by day 10 of flight, and almost exceeded the upper threshold for normal excretion (300mg/day in males). Other crewmember data documented reduced intake of fluid and reduced intake of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and citrate (an inhibitor of calcium stone formation) in the diet. Hence, data from both short-duration and long-duration missions indicate that space travel induces risk factors for renal stone formation that continue to persist after flight; this risk has been documented by reported kidney stones in crewmembers

    Physiological Effect of Space on Bone Health

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    What makes Bone complicated? What makes space effects so unique? What steps are recommended to manage fracture risk in astronauts given NASA constraints

    Bone Research at NASA: Career Pathway to the Space Program

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    This viewgraph document is comprised of two presentations about Bone Research at NASA. The first document has slides that show the percent of bone loss from specific bones as demonstrated from research of the Mir cosmonauts, and the required preflight and postflight BMD measurements for long duration flights. The second presentation entitled "Recovery of Spaceflight-induced Bone Loss: Bone Mineral Density after Long-duration Missions as Fitted with an Exponential Function" reviews the recovery of Bone Mineral Density (BMD) after long duration missions. Between 1990 and 2004, 56 missions were flown with 45 crewmembers for an average of 181 days +/- 47 days. For each of these flights the change in BMD was calculated after the flight. The BMD changes were plotted against the number of days for bone recovery after the landing. The plots for the bones that were measured are shown

    To Mars and Beyond

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