895 research outputs found

    Management of the orbital angular momentum of vortex beams in a quadratic nonlinear interaction

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    Light intensity control of the orbital angular momentum of the fundamental beam in a quadratic nonlinear process is theoretically and numerically presented. In particular we analyzed a seeded second harmonic generation process in presence of orbital angular momentum of the interacting beams due both to on axis and off axis optical vortices. Examples are proposed and discussed

    Coherence effects in propagation through photonic crystals

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    We have analytically studied how a partially coherent quasi plane wave is affected by a photonic crystal structure including a grating. The analysis is presented for spatial and temporal cases showing the possibility to determine the coherence characteristics of the pulse.

    Photoacoustic detection of circular dichroism in a square array of nano-helices

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    A novel nano-structured material has been assembled by means of a focused ion beam technique. This artificial material is composed of a square array of nano-helices built upon a multilayered substrate. Optical measurements of circular dichroism of a sample are confirmed by photo-acoustic investigations, which allow to directly study the helix-field interaction apart from the dielectric substrate. The study is consistent with 3D numerical simulations, and demonstrates to be an efficient tool of investigation for the entire class of these novel structured materials

    Self-Phase-Matched Second-Harmonic and White-Light Generation in a Biaxial Zinc Tungstate Single Crystal

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    Second-order nonlinear optical materials are used to generate new frequencies by exploiting second-harmonic generation (SHG), a phenomenon where a nonlinear material generates light at double the optical frequency of the input beam. Maximum SHG is achieved when the pump and the generated waves are in phase, for example through birefringence in uniaxial crystals. However, applying these materials usually requires a complicated cutting procedure to yield a crystal with a particular orientation. Here we demonstrate the first example of phase matching under the normal incidence of SHG in a biaxial monoclinic single crystal of zinc tungstate. The crystal was grown by the micro-pulling-down method with the (102) plane perpendicular to the growth direction. Additionally, at the same time white light was generated as a result of stimulated Raman scattering and multiphoton luminescence induced by higher-order effects such as three-photon luminescence enhanced by cascaded third-harmonic generation. The annealed crystal offers SHG intensities approximately four times larger than the as grown one; optimized growth and annealing conditions may lead to much higher SHG intensities

    The Effect of Coherence in the Propagation through Periodic Structures

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    Second harmonic generation on self-assembled GaAs/Au nanowires with thickness gradient

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    Here we investigated the SH generation at the wavelength of 400 nm (pump laser at 800 nm, 120 fs pulses) of a "metasurface" composed by an alternation of GaAs nano-grooves and Au nanowires capping portions of flat GaAs. The nano-grooves depth and the Au nanowires thickness gradually vary across the sample. The samples are obtained by ion bombardment at glancing angle on a 150 nm Au mask evaporated on a GaAs plane wafer. The irradiation process erodes anisotropically the surface, creating Au nanowires and, at high ion dose, grooves in the underlying GaAs substrate (pattern transfer). The SHG measurements are performed for different pump linear polarization angle at different positions on the "metasurface" in order to explore the regions with optimal conditions for SHG efficiency. The pump polarization angle is scanned by rotating a half-wave retarder plate. While the output SH signal in reflection is analyzed by setting the polarizer in s or p configuration in front of the detector. The best polarization condition for SHG is obtained in the configuration where the pump and second harmonic fields are both p polarized, and the experiments show a SH polarization dependence of the same symmetry of bulk GaAs. Thus, the presence of gold contributes only as field localization effect, but do not contributes directly as SH generator

    Resonant Absorption in GaAs-Based Nanowires by Means of Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy

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    Semiconductor nanowires made of high refractive index materials can couple the incoming light to specific waveguide modes that offer resonant absorption enhancement under the bandgap wavelength, essential for light harvesting, lasing and detection applications. Moreover, the non-trivial ellipticity of such modes can offer near field interactions with chiral molecules, governed by near chiral field. These modes are therefore very important to detect. Here, we present the photo-acoustic spectroscopy as a low-cost, reliable, sensitive and scattering-free tool to measure the spectral position and absorption efficiency of these modes. The investigated samples are hexagonal nanowires with GaAs core; the fabrication by means of lithography-free molecular beam epitaxy provides controllable and uniform dimensions that allow for the excitation of the fundamental resonant mode around 800 nm. We show that the modulation frequency increase leads to the discrimination of the resonant mode absorption from the overall absorption of the substrate. As the experimental data are in great agreement with numerical simulations, the design can be optimized and followed by photo-acoustic characterization for a specific application

    The Effect of Coherence in the Propagation through Periodic Structures

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