147 research outputs found

    Is the Public Aware of Water Quality Monitoring and Safety Notifications on Beaches?

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    Recreational water-related activities have important public health benefits, however, pollution at beaches may have serious health risks. Although there is a substantial amount of research and policies in place at federal and state levels, oftentimes these efforts may not be well translated to the public. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of routine water quality monitoring and warning systems in Georgia, USA. A survey was conducted among 238 beachgoers in Georgia, asking about awareness of water quality monitoring and warning signs for beach advisories. Surveys were collected directly at beaches as well as through an online questionnaire. Results show that more than a third of the respondents (36.1%) are unaware that Georgia beaches are monitored for water quality and public health with nearly two-thirds (64.7%) feeling current signage is inadequate. Most (89.9%) want signs to report the sources of pollution. Residents (compared to visitors), older, White, wealthier, and college-educated respondents are more likely to be aware of water monitoring. In terms of having ever read a water quality advisory, residents and older respondents are more likely to have read a warning. While most respondents have read such warning signs, a large percentage, 41.2%, have never read any beach advisory. Public health and environmental agencies must improve communications about polluted waters to the public using symbols and campaigns with a special emphasis on visitors and younger beachgoers

    Is the Public Aware of Water Quality Monitoring and Safety Notifications on Beaches?

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    Recreational water-related activities have important public health benefits, however, pollution at beaches may have serious health risks. Although there is a substantial amount of research and policies in place at federal and state levels, oftentimes these efforts may not be well translated to the public. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of routine water quality monitoring and warning systems in Georgia, USA. A survey was conducted among 238 beachgoers in Georgia, asking about awareness of water quality monitoring and warning signs for beach advisories. Surveys were collected directly at beaches as well as through an online questionnaire. Results show that more than a third of the respondents (36.1%) are unaware that Georgia beaches are monitored for water quality and public health with nearly two-thirds (64.7%) feeling current signage is inadequate. Most (89.9%) want signs to report the sources of pollution. Residents (compared to visitors), older, White, wealthier, and college-educated respondents are more likely to be aware of water monitoring. In terms of having ever read a water quality advisory, residents and older respondents are more likely to have read a warning. While most respondents have read such warning signs, a large percentage, 41.2%, have never read any beach advisory. Public health and environmental agencies must improve communications about polluted waters to the public using symbols and campaigns with a special emphasis on visitors and younger beachgoers

    Diagnostic Value of the Mean Platelet Volume in the Prediction of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Acute Bronchiolitis

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    Aim:Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a viral pathogen that causes lower respiratory system infections in childhood. The purpose of this study was to examine whether mean platelet volume (MPV) changes are significant in the prediction of RSV bronchiolitis.Materials and Methods:One hundred and eighty-four infants who were diagnosed with acute bronchiolitis were divided into groups based on being RSV positive and other respiratory viruses positive. Using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC), diagnostic accuracy was evaluated according to the areas under the curves (AUC) for the diagnosis of bronchiolitis. A p value of 0.05) and other viruses. ROC curve analysis indicates that the MPV level cut-off point for making the diagnosis of single RSV bronchiolitis was 6.63 fL with a sensitivity and specificity of 55% and 63% respectively. The median AUC was 0.384 for the MPV (95% CI 0.270-0.499, p=0.04).Conclusion:Volume of MP may be a useful marker to provide a prediction on single RSV bronchiolitis. However, the measurement of MPV might not be correct and sufficient to provide a prediction on the types of respiratory viruses in bronchiolitis

    Expression of soluble active fluorescently tagged hephaestin in COS and CHO cell lines

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    Hephaestin (Hp) is a trans-membrane protein, which plays a critical role in intestinal iron absorption. Hp was originally identified as the gene responsible for the phenotype of sex-linked anaemia in the sla mouse. The mutation in the sla protein causes accumulation of dietary iron in duodenal cells, causing severe microcytic hypochromic anaemia. Although mucosal uptake of dietary iron is normal, export from the duodenum is inhibited. Hp is homologous to ceruloplasmin (Cp), a member of the family of multi copper ferroxidases (MCFs) and possesses ferroxidase activity that facilitates iron release from the duodenum and load onto the serum iron transport protein transferrin. In the present study, attempts were made to produce biologically active recombinant mouse hephaestin as a secretory form tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP), Hpsec-GFP. Plasmid expressing Hpsec-GFP was constructed and transfected into COS and CHO cells. The GFP aided the monitoring expression in real time to select the best conditions to maximise expression and provided a tag for purifying and analysing Hpsec-GFP. The protein had detectable oxidase activity as shown by in-gel and solution-based assays. The methods described here can provide the basis for further work to probe the interaction of hephaestin with other proteins using complementary fluorescent tags on target proteins that would facilitate the fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements, for example with transferrin or colocalisation studies, and help to discover more about hephaestin works at the molecular level

    Bıologıcal resıstance of acetylated spruce partıcleboards agaınst to brown rot fungı (coniophora puteana)

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    Çürütücü mantarlara karşı oduna oldukça iyi koruma ve biyolojik dayanım sağlayan asetillendirme teknolojisinin etkinliğini yongalevhada gözlemleyebilmek amacıyla yürütülen çalışmada, yaklaşık %15 ve %20 ağırlık kazanç değerleri verecek şekilde 1 ve 3 saat boyunca asetillendirilen ladin yongalevhaları EN 113 standardına uygun olarak esmer çürüklük mantarının saldırısına (Coniophora puteana) maruz bırakılmıştır. Çalışmada, asetillendirilmiş levhalar ile asetillendirilmemiş kontrol levhalarının biyolojik dayanım performansları karşılaştırılmıştır. Asetillendirme işleminin yongalevhaları esmer çürüklük mantarlarına karşı büyük ölçüde koruduğu gözlenmiştir. Özellikle 3 saat uygulanan asetillendirme işlemi yoğun mantar tahribatına karşı oldukça düşük ağırlık kaybı değerleri vererek iyi bir performans sergilemiştir.In this study, it was aimed to see the superior properties of acetylation technology which protects the wood against to wood destroying organisms perfectly, on particleboards. Therefore, particleboards made from 1 and 3 hour acetylated particles and gave approximately 15% and 20% weight percent gain, exposed to brown rot fungi Coniophora puteana according to procedures defined in EN 113 standard. Biological resistance of acetylated and untreated (control) boards were compared. The acetylated boards demonstrated increased durability against brown rot fungi. Especially 3 hour acetic anhydride treatment reduced the weight losses more significantly than others and showed greater biological resistance

    Space technology capacity building in support of SDG 2030 through CubeSat SharjahSat-l

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    The SHARJAH-SAT-1 would be the first CubeSat mission to be developed by the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST)students and researchers, with the aim of not only designing, fabricating, testing & launching the CubeSat itself, but also building the capacities and expertise for future SAASST CubeSat missions as well. For the project, SAASST is working in close collaboration with an experienced international partner, the Istanbul Technical University, Space Systems Design and Test Laboratory which has already developed and launched 5 CubeSats into low earth orbit. Overall, the project, puts the human capacity development in its center, in support of UN SDG 2030 for an equal world

    İncisional endometrioma mimicking a malignant mass: report of two cases

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    Endometriozis dogurganlık çagındaki kadınlarda sık görülen klinik bir problemdir. Insizyon yerlesimli endometriomaya ise nadir rastlanır. Hastalarda genellikle sezaryen veya histerektomi gibi ameliyat öyküsü vardır. Endometriomayı olusturan dokudan malignite gelisebildigi bildirilmistir. Jinekolojik bir patoloji olmasına ragmen insizyonel herni ya da karın duvarı tümörleri gibi bulgu verebilmekte ve bu nedenle hastalar genellikle genel cerrahi polikliniklerine basvurmaktadırlar. Biz bu çalısmada dogurganlık çagında olan ve daha önce sezaryen ameliyatı öyküsü bulunan, klinik ve laboratuar olarak malignite süphesi tasıyan iki olguyu sunduk. Tedavide sezaryen skarındaki kitlelere genis eksizyon yapıldı ve olusan fasya defekti primer onarıldı. Patolojik inceleme sonucu kitlelerin endometrium dokusuna sahip endometrioma oldugu saptandı.Endometriosis is a common clinical problem of the child-bearing women. Incisional endometrioma is very rare. Patients frequently presented with a history of previous gynecological surgery such as cesarean section or hysterectomy. Although being a gynecological disorder, it may seem like an incisional hernia or abdominal wall tumor. Therefore, it is frequently referred to general surgery outpatient clinics. Here, we report two cases with previous histories of cesarean sections and questinable clinical and laboratory findings of malignancy. The masses located on the previous incision scars were excised widely, and pathological examination of surgical specimens revealed the diagnosis of endometrioma in both cases