266 research outputs found
Abstract: This paper departs from the different concepts between grants and inheritance. A grant is a form of transfer of property from a person (grantor) to another person (grantee) which is carried out while the grantor is still alive with the maximum amount of 1/3 of the inheritance. The grantee may come not only from the grantor’s heir, but also from other party, whether a person or a legal person. While inheritance is the transfer of property from a deceased person to their heir with the provisions that have been stated in the Qur'an and hadith, and other applicable legislation. The descriptive method with normative judicial approach was applied to describe how grants might become one of resolutions for inheritance-related conflict. The research found that some part of community distributes inheritance while the testator is still alive in order to avoid dispute between heirs. This practice is based on custom or simply due to lack of knowledge on Islamic inheritance provision. It can be concluded that the inheritance may be distributed while the testator is still alive through the concept of grant, as long as there is an agreement between the heirs. Whenever a dispute occurs after the grantor deceased, the distributed assets can be withdrawn and taken into account as inheritance.Abstrak: Tulisan ini berangkat dari konsep yang berbeda antara hibah dengan waris. Hibah merupakan bentuk perpindahan harta dari seseorang (pemberi hibah) kepada orang lain (penerima hibah) ketika pemberi hibah masih hidup dengan batasan yang disepakati maksimal sampai 1/3 dari harta peninggalan. Penerima hibah tersebut tidak hanya ahli waris tetapi bisa orang lain baik secara perorangan maupun lembaga atau organisasi yang dilaksanakan. Sementara waris merupakan perpindahan harta dari orang yang sudah meninggal dunia kepada ahli waris dengan ketentuan yng sudah tercantum dalam al-Qur’an maupun hadist atau dalam ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Metode ynag digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode deskriftif dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan hibah sebagai penyelesaian waris. Ditemukan dalam masyarakat bagaimana pembagian warisan dilakukan ketika si pewaris masih hidup. Adapun alasannya antara lain agar tidak terjadi sengketa diantara ahli waris, karena faktor pemahaman keagamaan masyarakat yang masih kurang terhadap kewarisan Islam, atau karena kebiasaan yang terjadi dimasyarakat. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyelesaian waris bisa dilakukan dengan cara membaginya ketika pewaris masih hidup melalui konsep hibah, selama adanya kesepakatan diantara ahli waris. Jika terjadi sengketa setelah meninggalnya pemberi hibah, maka harta hibah yang diberikan ketika hidup dan dinilai sebagai warisan dapat ditarik kembali dan diperhitungkan sebagai warisan
Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage explains that marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy family (household) based on the divinity of the Almighty. However, it was found several decisions of the Garut Religious Court which showed the age of marriage which lasted a short period of time. This study aims to determine the factors causing divorce at the age of 3 years of marriage from a young couple in the Garut Religious Court, to find out the legal reasons for judges for divorce at the age of 3 years of marriage from a young couple in the Religious Court of Garut and the judge's view of the granting of a 3 year marriage divorce decision. from a young couple in the Garut Religious Court. The results showed that the factors causing divorce at the age of 3 years of marriage can be classified into 3 main causes, namely: disputes and quarrels, lack of responsibility from the spouse and interference from outside parties. The legal reasons for judges who are sufficient to meet the reasons for divorce based on the law of several examples of decisions include: based on the information submitted before the trial the judge found the fact that between couples often quarrels and disputes occur and are not responsible for obligations in fulfilling the needs of living , as well as the parties split up residence.Undang-undang Nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan menjelaskan bahwa perkawinan ialah ikatan lahir bathin antara seorang pria dan seorang wanita sebagai suami istri dengan tujuan membentuk keluarga (rumah tangga) yang bahagia kekal berdasakan ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. Namun ditemukan beberapa putusan Pengadilan Agama Garut yang menunjukan adanya usia perkawinan yang berlangsung dalam kurun waktu yang singkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab perceraian usia 3 tahun perkawinan dari pasangan muda di Pengadilan Agama Garut, untuk mengetahui alasan hukum hakim atas perkara perceraian usia 3 tahun perkawinan dari pasangan muda di Pengadilan Agama Garut dan pandangan hakim terhadap dikabulkannya putusan perceraian usia 3 tahun perkawinan dari pasangan muda di Pengadilan Agama Garut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor penyebab terjadinya perceraian usia 3 tahun perkawinan dapat digolongkan menjadi 3 penyebab utama, yaitu: perselisihan dan pertengkaran, tidak adanya tanggung jawab dari pasangan dan gangguan dari pihak luar. Adapun alasan hukum hakim yang cukup memenuhi alasan perceraian berdasarkan undang-undang dari beberapa contoh putusan antara lain: berdasarkan keterangan yang diajukan di depan muka persidangan hakim menemukan fakta bahwa diantara para pasangan sering terjadi pertengkaran dan perselisihan dan tidak bertanggung jawab dalam kewajiban dalam memenuhi kebutuhan nafkah, serta para pihak berpisah tempat tinggal
The Effects of Salt Stress on Certain Physiological Parameters in Summer Savory (Satureja hortensis L.) Plants
Savory plants were treated with different concentrations of NaCl. Plants were grown under controlled environment and harvested after 42 days for measurements of biochemical and physiological parameters. The essential oil of dryed aerial parts of treated plants were isolated and analyzed with GC/MS. The main essential oil compounds were determined as carvacrol (55.37%) and g-terpinene (32.92%) in control plants. In NaCl treated plants, with increasing NaCl, carvacrol content increased and g-terpinene decreased. In all the plants treated with NaCl, growth parameters, pigments contents and photosynthetic rate were decreased, while, proline and soluble sugars contents increased.Our results indicated that with increasing salinity, carvacrol amount increased which can be considered for medical usages
Incomplete quantum state estimation: a comprehensive study
We present a detailed account of quantum state estimation by joint
maximization of the likelihood and the entropy. After establishing the
algorithms for both perfect and imperfect measurements, we apply the procedure
to data from simulated and actual experiments. We demonstrate that the
realistic situation of incomplete data from imperfect measurements can be
handled successfully.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure
Silver Spot Plating Technique.
Electroplating play an important roles in semiconductor manufacturing industries. A layer of silver or gold was selectively plated on the surface of lead frame by using
electroplating technology. The purpose of depositing a layer of gold or silver on the surface of lead frame is to improve the bondability during die attach and wire bonding process
Asymmetric spin-wave dispersion due to Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in an ultrathin Pt/CoFeB film
Employing Brillouin spectroscopy, strong interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya
interactions have been observed in an ultrathin Pt/CoFeB film. Our
micromagnetic simulations show that spin-wave nonreciprocity due to asymmetric
surface pinning is insignificant for the 0.8nmthick CoFeB film studied. The
observed high asymmetry of the monotonic spin wave dispersion relation is thus
ascribed to strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions present at the Pt/CoFeB
interface. Our findings should further enhance the significance of CoFeB as an
important material for magnonic, spintronic and skyrmionic applications.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
Fundamentals Studies Of Electro-Silver Plating Process.
The growth of electronic industry as a whole, and the demand to support the expansion of its underlying infrastructure will continue to drive the improvements in electroplating
process. In order to improve existing electroplating process, the study of fundamentals aspects for electroplating process has become important
Mort subite chez le sujet jeune : à propos de deux de cas.
Bien que la mort subite du sujet jeune sans antécédente soit un évènement rare, sa survenue est toujours dramatique. Ce type de mort a un impact socioculturel major. A travers deux cas cliniques et une revue de la littérature, les auteurs discutent les données épidémiologiques, étiologiques, les facteurs de risque ainsi que les moyens de dépistage et de prévention
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