2 research outputs found

    Comparación de las experiencias de castigo de los estudiantes universitarios con las de la madre o el padre

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    En esta investigación realizamos la comparación de las experiencias de castigo de los estudiantes universitarios con los de la madre o el padre, contamos con la participación de 9 parejas, cada una conformada por un estudiante universitario quien se encontraba entre los 20 a 25 años y alguno de sus progenitores. La metodología utilizada fue un estudio de caso, la cual, mediante una guía/taller denominada Conversemos sobre el castigo físico y humillante y grabaciones, se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas, las cuales, permitieron que los participantes narraran sus experiencias, para posteriormente analizarlas. Con esta investigación se concluyó que el castigo aún sigue presente en ambas generaciones, pero ha cambiado en relación al tipo de castigo utilizado, y la reflexión en torno al ello, ya que, mientras los estudiantes lo perciben como algo negativo, algunos padres lo caracterizan como parte de la crianza. Adicionalmente, encontramos similitudes como el lugar en el que se presentan los eventos de castigo, los principales actores, y las causas que llevan a que un niño o niña sea castigado. Por último, la mayoría de los participantes de la investigación refirieron que existen mejores herramientas para generar disciplina en los niños, en las cuales no se recurra al castigo físico y humillante, sino por el contrario se recurra a prácticas como el diálogo y la escucha. Sin embargo, aún continúan presentándose personas que consideran el uso del castigo como una práctica adecuada para corregir ciertas conductas en la infancia.In this investigation we did the comparison of the experiences of punishment of the university students with ones of the mother or the father, we have the participation of 9 couples and each one conformed by one university student who was between 20 to 25 years and some of his parents. The methodology used was a case study, which, through a guide called Talk about the physical and humiliating punishment and recordings, interviews semi-structured were performed which allowed participants to narrate their experiences, to analyze them. With this investigation we concluded that the punishment is still present in both generations, but has changed in relation to the type of punishment used, and the reflection around it, meanwhile the students perceive it as something negative, some parents characterize it as part of their breeding. Additionally, we found similarities as the place in which are presented the punishment events, the main actors, and the causes that lead a child to be punished. Finally, most of participants of the investigation referred that exist better tools to generate discipline in the kids, in which not resort to physical and humiliating punishment, and instead resort to practices as the dialogue and the listening. However, there are people who still considering the punishment use as a right practice to fix certain behaviors in the childhood.Enfermero (a)Pregrad

    Multimodal Foundation Models for Zero-shot Animal Species Recognition in Camera Trap Images

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    Due to deteriorating environmental conditions and increasing human activity, conservation efforts directed towards wildlife is crucial. Motion-activated camera traps constitute an efficient tool for tracking and monitoring wildlife populations across the globe. Supervised learning techniques have been successfully deployed to analyze such imagery, however training such techniques requires annotations from experts. Reducing the reliance on costly labelled data therefore has immense potential in developing large-scale wildlife tracking solutions with markedly less human labor. In this work we propose WildMatch, a novel zero-shot species classification framework that leverages multimodal foundation models. In particular, we instruction tune vision-language models to generate detailed visual descriptions of camera trap images using similar terminology to experts. Then, we match the generated caption to an external knowledge base of descriptions in order to determine the species in a zero-shot manner. We investigate techniques to build instruction tuning datasets for detailed animal description generation and propose a novel knowledge augmentation technique to enhance caption quality. We demonstrate the performance of WildMatch on a new camera trap dataset collected in the Magdalena Medio region of Colombia.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure