364 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis for the pure Neumann control problem using the gradient discretisation method

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    The article discusses the gradient discretisation method (GDM) for distributed optimal control problems governed by diffusion equation with pure Neumann boundary condition. Using the GDM framework enables to develop an analysis that directly applies to a wide range of numerical schemes, from conforming and non-conforming finite elements, to mixed finite elements, to finite volumes and mimetic finite differences methods. Optimal order error estimates for state, adjoint and control variables for low order schemes are derived under standard regularity assumptions. A novel projection relation between the optimal control and the adjoint variable allows the proof of a super-convergence result for post-processed control. Numerical experiments performed using a modified active set strategy algorithm for conforming, nonconforming and mimetic finite difference methods confirm the theoretical rates of convergence

    Engineering aspects to be taken care in cage culture of seabass (Cage designs and materials, Mooring materials, Net load calculations etc.)

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    Aquaculture systems are very diverse in their design and function. The three most basic categories of culture systems are: i) Open systems, ii) Semi closed and iii) Closed systems. Modern cage culture began in 1950’s with the advent of synthetic materials for cage construction. The major advantage of cage culture is use of existing water bodies, technical simplicity, simplified harvest and low capital cost compared with land based farm. But it has got certain disadvantages like feed must be nutritionally balanced, pollution, out break of disease, vandalism etc

    A Study on Social Competence of Secondary School Students Residing in Juvenile Homes

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    The present study examines the social competence of secondary school students residing in Juvenile homes. Studies report that the residents of Juvenile homes are deficient in social adaptation skills. This could be due to lack of resources and support. Schools within Juvenile homes could provide resources to develop social competence skills beneficial for their personal and social development. The study used surveys to measure the level of social competence of the secondary school students residing in the Juvenile homes of Kerala with the sub-samples based on gender, locality, and type of institution. The study reports significant differences in social competence between boys and girls, urban and rural population, and government, aided, and private residents of Juvenile homes

    Building Bridges, Changing Lives: Eco-Justice and Teacher Education

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    Eco-justice pedagogy is an approach that addresses the necessity of sensitizing the students about the nature of the cultural and ecological changes occurring now on a worldwide scale. It includes a critical inquiry that helps students recognize and participate in the non-commodified aspects of community life. This paper emphasizes upon giving special attention to what teachers need to understand about how the language of the curriculum is based on root metaphors that organize thinking in ways that ignore environmental racism and the marginalization of different cultural approaches to community, not oriented toward dependency upon modern technology and consumerism

    Teaching Evolution: Blog as a Liminal Space

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    A threshold concept is a challenging concept that acts as a doorway leading to deeper understanding and a dramatic shift in perception. A learner that is in- volved in grasping a threshold concept is said to be undergoing a threshold expe- rience within a liminal space or learning environment. We used the blog as a lim- inal space for our students to engage with the theory of evolution, which is a threshold concept. In order to teach evolution effectively it is necessary to address both understanding and acceptance of evolutionary theory. To explore the latter in an introductory biology course, we used a series of reflection assignments, sub- mitted by students using a blog format, designed to inform, engage, and probe students’ views on evolution without dismissing their prior beliefs. Using the blog feature on our learning management system (LMS), students were asked to feel free to express their views on the nature of science (NOS), evidence for evolution and natural selection, and the application of the concept of non-overlapping mag- isteria (NOMA) to the evolution-versus-creationism debate without fear of being graded poorly for a wrong response. Grades were based solely on the level of en- gagement expressed via thoughtful responses to the specific prompts within each reflection assignment. A student reflection rubric was used to grade and assess student performance and allowed us to examine how students integrated evolution into their prior knowledge. We found the blog to be a highly effective online tool to closely analyze students’ written reflections on a topic that can be both intellec- tually and emotionally challenging

    Morley Type Virtual Element Method for Von K\'{a}rm\'{a}n Equations

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    This paper analyses the nonconforming Morley type virtual element method to approximate a regular solution to the von K\'{a}rm\'{a}n equations that describes bending of very thin elastic plates. Local existence and uniqueness of a discrete solution to the non-linear problem is discussed. A priori error estimate in the energy norm is established under minimal regularity assumptions on the exact solution. Error estimates in piecewise H1H^1 and L2L^2 norm are also derived. A working procedure to find an approximation for the discrete solution using Newtons method is discussed. Numerical results that justify theoretical estimates are presented.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables Submitted to a journa

    Machine Learning Approach for Smile Detection in Real Time Images

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    Recognizing facial expressions of human beings by a computer is an interesting and challenging problem. A system that performs the operation of face detection and facial feature extraction accurately and in real time would form a big step in achieving a humanlike interaction between man and machine. In this paper, we propose a method for detecting Smile in real time Images by machine learning approach. Machine learning method involves training a classifier and using it in real time images to determine smile. Our implemented approach has been tested on several Images from different databases and the achieved results were found to be very satisfactory

    Randomised trial of mefenamic acid versus tranexamic acid in management of menorrhagia

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    Background: The objective of the study was to compare the efficacy of mefenamic acid, a non-inflammatory drug with tranexamic acid, an antifibrinolytic drug in management of menorrhaghia.Methods: Randomised trial of women attending outpatient department of St. Philomena’s hospital, Bangalore with complaints of menorrhagia. Fifty four patients with complaints of menorrhagia were randomly assigned to receive either mefenamic acid 500 mg tid (group A- 24 patients) or tranexamic acid 1 gm TID (group B- 26 patients) from day one to day five for three consecutive menstrual cycles.Results: Reduction in menstrual blood loss as assessed by pictoral blood loss assessment chart was more in group B (50%) than in Group A (30%) (ANOVA, covariates with F=59.647, p0.05).Conclusions: Both mefenamic acid and tranexamic acid were effective in management of menorrhagia. Tranexamic acid was significantly superior to mefenamic acid in terms of reduction in menstrual blood loss