93 research outputs found

    Drug repurposing of Daclatasvir and Famciclovir as antivirals against dengue virus infection by in silico and in vitro techniques

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    Drug repurposing is a technique for reusing an existing drug to treat another ailment. It is common knowledge that nearly all medicines used in human therapy have more than one target impact in addition to their primary action. The present work is aimed to repurpose existing antiviral drugs for dengue disease. A molecular docking study is performed with the DENVE protein for the identification of the suitable drug candidate which acts in the fusion process. For all repurposed drugs at the active site of DENVE, molecular docking experiments were performed using CLC Drug Discovery Workbench Software (PDB ID: 1OKE). The relative binding modes and the affinities of all the selected drugs were predicted and compared with the co-crystallized n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (βOG). The Daclatasvir (Score-53.52) makes hydrogen bonds with ALA50 and THY48. According to the docking score evaluation, the entire drug candidates had docking result ranging from −32.15 to −53.52. Among the drugs tested the two drugs namely Daclatasvir and Famciclovir have been identified as HITS for combating DENVE protein

    Heavy Meson Production in Proton-Nucleus Reactions with Empirical Spectral Functions

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    We study the production of K+,ρ,ωK^+, \rho, \omega and ϕ\phi mesons in p+12Cp + ^{12}C reactions on the basis of empirical spectral functions. The high momentum, high removal energy part of the spectral function is found to be negligible in all cases close to the absolute threshold. Furthermore, the two-step process (pNπNN;πNN+K+,ρ,ω,ϕpN \rightarrow \pi N N; \pi N \rightarrow N + K^+, \rho, \omega, \phi) dominates the cross section at threshold energies in line with earlier calculations based on the folding model.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, plus 14 postscript figures, submitted to Z. Phys.

    Structure Based Design and Synthesis of Peptide Inhibitor of Human LOX-12: In Vitro and In Vivo Analysis of a Novel Therapeutic Agent for Breast Cancer

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    Human breast cancer cell proliferation involves a complex interaction between growth factors, steroid hormones and peptide hormones. The interaction of growth factors, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), with their receptors on breast cancer cells can lead to the hydrolysis of phospholipids and release of fatty acid such as arachidonic acid, which can be further metabolized by cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) pathways to produce prostaglandins. The high concentration of prostaglandins has been associated with chronic inflammatory diseases and several types of human cancers. This is due to the over expression COX, LOX and other inflammatory enzymes. Ten peptides were designed and synthesized by solid phase peptide synthesis and analyzed in vitro for enzyme inhibition. Out of these peptides, YWCS had shown significant inhibitory effects. The dissociation constant (KD) was determined by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis and was found to be 3.39×10−8 M and 8.6×10−8 M for YWCS and baicalein (positive control), respectively. The kinetic constant Ki was 72.45×10−7 M as determined by kinetic assay. The peptide significantly reduced the cell viability of estrogen positive MCF-7 and estrogen negative MDA-MB-231 cell line with the half maximal concentration (IC50) of 75 µM and 400 µM, respectively. The peptide also induced 49.8% and 20.8% apoptosis in breast cancer cells MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231, respectively. The YWCS was also found to be least hemolytic at a concentration of 358 µM. In vivo studies had shown that the peptide significantly inhibits tumor growth in mice (p<0.017). This peptide can be used as a lead compound and complement for ongoing efforts to develop differentiation therapies for breast cancer

    Glycosylation of Erythrocyte Spectrin and Its Modification in Visceral Leishmaniasis

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    Using a lectin, Achatinin-H, having preferential specificity for glycoproteins with terminal 9-O-acetyl sialic acid derivatives linked in α2-6 linkages to subterminal N-acetylgalactosamine, eight distinct disease-associated 9-O-acetylated sialoglycoproteins was purified from erythrocytes of visceral leishmaniaisis (VL) patients (RBCVL). Analyses of tryptic fragments by mass spectrometry led to the identification of two high-molecular weight 9-O-acetylated sialoglycoproteins as human erythrocytic α- and β-spectrin. Total spectrin purified from erythrocytes of VL patients (spectrinVL) was reactive with Achatinin-H. Interestingly, along with two high molecular weight bands corresponding to α- and β-spectrin another low molecular weight 60 kDa band was observed. Total spectrin was also purified from normal human erythrocytes (spectrinN) and insignificant binding with Achatinin-H was demonstrated. Additionally, this 60 kDa fragment was totally absent in spectrinN. Although the presence of both N- and O-glycosylations was found both in spectrinN and spectrinVL, enhanced sialylation was predominantly induced in spectrinVL. Sialic acids accounted for approximately 1.25 kDa mass of the 60 kDa polypeptide. The demonstration of a few identified sialylated tryptic fragments of α- and β-spectrinVL confirmed the presence of terminal sialic acids. Molecular modelling studies of spectrin suggest that a sugar moiety can fit into the potential glycosylation sites. Interestingly, highly sialylated spectrinVL showed decreased binding with spectrin-depleted inside-out membrane vesicles of normal erythrocytes compared to spectrinN suggesting functional abnormality. Taken together this is the first report of glycosylated eythrocytic spectrin in normal erythrocytes and its enhanced sialylation in RBCVL. The enhanced sialylation of this cytoskeleton protein is possibly related to the fragmentation of spectrinVL as evidenced by the presence of an additional 60 kDa fragment, absent in spectrinN which possibly affects the biology of RBCVL linked to both severe distortion of erythrocyte development and impairment of erythrocyte membrane integrity and may provide an explanation for their sensitivity to hemolysis and anemia in VL patients

    Network Inference Algorithms Elucidate Nrf2 Regulation of Mouse Lung Oxidative Stress

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    A variety of cardiovascular, neurological, and neoplastic conditions have been associated with oxidative stress, i.e., conditions under which levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are elevated over significant periods. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) regulates the transcription of several gene products involved in the protective response to oxidative stress. The transcriptional regulatory and signaling relationships linking gene products involved in the response to oxidative stress are, currently, only partially resolved. Microarray data constitute RNA abundance measures representing gene expression patterns. In some cases, these patterns can identify the molecular interactions of gene products. They can be, in effect, proxies for protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions. Traditional techniques used for clustering coregulated genes on high-throughput gene arrays are rarely capable of distinguishing between direct transcriptional regulatory interactions and indirect ones. In this study, newly developed information-theoretic algorithms that employ the concept of mutual information were used: the Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Accurate Cellular Networks (ARACNE), and Context Likelihood of Relatedness (CLR). These algorithms captured dependencies in the gene expression profiles of the mouse lung, allowing the regulatory effect of Nrf2 in response to oxidative stress to be determined more precisely. In addition, a characterization of promoter sequences of Nrf2 regulatory targets was conducted using a Support Vector Machine classification algorithm to corroborate ARACNE and CLR predictions. Inferred networks were analyzed, compared, and integrated using the Collective Analysis of Biological Interaction Networks (CABIN) plug-in of Cytoscape. Using the two network inference algorithms and one machine learning algorithm, a number of both previously known and novel targets of Nrf2 transcriptional activation were identified. Genes predicted as novel Nrf2 targets include Atf1, Srxn1, Prnp, Sod2, Als2, Nfkbib, and Ppp1r15b. Furthermore, microarray and quantitative RT-PCR experiments following cigarette-smoke-induced oxidative stress in Nrf2+/+ and Nrf2−/− mouse lung affirmed many of the predictions made. Several new potential feed-forward regulatory loops involving Nrf2, Nqo1, Srxn1, Prdx1, Als2, Atf1, Sod1, and Park7 were predicted. This work shows the promise of network inference algorithms operating on high-throughput gene expression data in identifying transcriptional regulatory and other signaling relationships implicated in mammalian disease

    Effect of Village-wide Use of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets on Visceral Leishmaniasis Vectors in India and Nepal: A Cluster Randomized Trial

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a vector-borne disease causing at least 60,000 deaths each year amongst an estimated half million cases, and until recently there have been no significant initiatives to reduce this burden. However, in 2005, the governments of India, Bangladesh and Nepal signed a memorandum of understanding at the World Health Assembly in Geneva for the elimination of the disease by 2015. In the absence of an effective vaccine, the program will rely on the active detection and prompt treatment of cases throughout the endemic region, combined with a recurrent indoor residual spraying (IRS) of all villages at risk. Vector control programs based on IRS are notorious for failing to maintain comprehensive spray coverage over time owing to logistical problems and lack of compliance by householders. Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LNs) have been postulated as an alternative or complement to IRS. Here we describe how comprehensive coverage of LN in trial communities reduced the indoor density of sand flies by 25% compared to communities without LNs. This provides an indication that LNs could be usefully deployed as a component of the VL control program in the Indian subcontinent